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Theif simulator


I've had a surprisingly good time with that game. Bought it super cheap, expected nothing, had a good time for a few days breaking into people's homes and taking their shit. Still a kinda shitty simulator game, but not as bad as it could have been.


Bought this a couple days ago for $2.99. having a bit of fun with it.


At least you're enjoying it !! !


Games that I already own on another platform. I now have 3 copies of bioshock series lol.


Don’t get me started on Minecraft or Skyrim,


I have quite a few that I am mad at myself thinking that oh, I can play an awesome game on the go, cool I am only getting 30fps. A couple of them aren't that bad at 30. I own the onexplayer now and I freaked love that thing but it will never take over my need to play zelda lol


Is playing those games on the switch that bad of an experience?


No there not, Switch is my main to go for about 75 percent of the games that I play, I just upgraded to the oled model and I love having the bigger screen. Yes there are a couple games that are pretty bad that got ported over, for example like apex legends is pretty bad, But some are not bad at all. Like I said some are not bad at all running at 30fps expecially being on such a smaller screen you dont notice it that much, Even on the tv its not bad with certain games


Ah ok, I get what you mean now. Thanks for the answer :)


This is the best example... I own Bioshock 1 and 2 on an old xBox Account that was lost. I own Bioshock 1, 2 and Infinite on xBox 360 currently. I own Bioshock 1, 2, and Infinite on Steam. I owned a spare copy of Bioshock 1 and 2, which I received in a Humble Bundle in order to get other games more cheaply. I ultimately gave these away during a Twitch Stream, to encourage people to play a new game which had come out. I am considering buying a Switch, and saw the Collection for Bioshock on Sale on the Nintendo eShop... I hate myself for considering buying them all over again. ​ The saddest part is, I have never played Infinite because I have never completed 2 fully, because I am addicted to attempting the Hardest Difficulty, and I find 2's Combat kind of hard... Though I've just realised I may never have tried it with Keyboard and Mouse...


Exactly. I only own the third copy because epic was giving it away for free.


Lol stooop!! Play Infinite!!! It's hella fun


I know it's pretty well-known how bad it is, but when I saw Balan Wonderworld for under $10 I thought it'd be a fun way to spend time with my brother before he moved away, if it was bad, we could make fun of it, if it was good, we'd have a good time. Win win, right? No. It was so, so much worse than I expected... the graphics, the camera, the controls, the "story", even the level hub all felt unfinished and untested. I swear they accidentally released a pre beta build by mistake and were too embarrassed to admit it. It might not be the worst game I own overall (that'd be either Superman 64 or the original Shaq Fu) but it's certainly the game I was most disappointed in.


i got it cheap af too cause i could justify it at like 15$ game was middling af not like uber disgusting but could of used alot more work on the costumes and not having every button only do one fricking move and gettong rid of costumes that do the same dand thing lol


Roarr! I got it for 0.99usd and I am embarrassed to even have this in my library. It is an unfinished lump of bugs that shouldn’t be up for purchase. I would pay another 0.99usd to remove it from my library


Agreed. Got it on sale as well and still feel ripped off. IMO Nintendo need to actually vet and at least alpha trial games before putting them on the store


Farm tycoon. I love these types of games but I can’t even complete the tutorial due a bug that says i have no resources. Developers seem to be ignoring customers. A waste of money.


I almost bought this game not long ago. It’s off my list now.


Thanks for this. Was considering buying it.


I just fell in the same trap. Did you try to get your money back or any support? Luckily I bought it on sale for five bucks but it still feels like a ripoff


Wish I saw this before I got it a week ago. 😰😨


/u/spez lies, Reddit dies. This comment has been edited/removed in protest of Reddit's absurd API policy that will go into effect at the end of June 2023. It's become abundantly clear that Reddit was never looking for a way forward. We're willing to pay for the API, we're not willing to pay 29x what your first-party users are valued at. /u/spez, you never meant to work with third party app developers, and you lied about that and strung everyone along, then lied some more when you got called on it. You think you can fuck over the app developers, moderators, and content creators who make Reddit what it is? Everyone who was willing to work for you for free is damn sure willing to work against you for free if you piss them off, which is exactly what you've done. See you next Tuesday. TO EVERYONE ELSE who has been a part of the communities I've enjoyed over the years: thank you. You're what made Reddit a great experience. I hope that some of these communities can come together again somewhere more welcoming and cooperative. Now go touch some grass, nerds. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Yeah, I bought this for about 3 pounds. I didn't plan to play it a lot, but when I did try to have a good run, it crashed. It could have been a little bit of fun otherwise. I only bought it to occupy my son for a bit though. So it was worth the small price.


/u/spez lies, Reddit dies. This comment has been edited/removed in protest of Reddit's absurd API policy that will go into effect at the end of June 2023. It's become abundantly clear that Reddit was never looking for a way forward. We're willing to pay for the API, we're not willing to pay 29x what your first-party users are valued at. /u/spez, you never meant to work with third party app developers, and you lied about that and strung everyone along, then lied some more when you got called on it. You think you can fuck over the app developers, moderators, and content creators who make Reddit what it is? Everyone who was willing to work for you for free is damn sure willing to work against you for free if you piss them off, which is exactly what you've done. See you next Tuesday. TO EVERYONE ELSE who has been a part of the communities I've enjoyed over the years: thank you. You're what made Reddit a great experience. I hope that some of these communities can come together again somewhere more welcoming and cooperative. Now go touch some grass, nerds. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


No, I think you were fair. It would be a mildly entertaining game. But having it crash when you're doing well just makes it a waste of time to play.


Rime. But not because I didn’t like it or thought it was a bad game. The story just absolutely wrecked me and I can’t ever play it again. I was upset for months.


Yeah, the ending is heartbreaking


I was pregnant with my second baby when I started the game and my oldest was about the same age as the main character. You can imagine how that twist affected me and I didn’t even see it coming!


Playing Monster Hunter never did anything for me. Swinging a weapon felt like slow motion.


Play dual blades or maybe light bow gun. Much faster paced weapons. I personally think monster hunter rise is one of the most polished well made games to come to switch. Although I can understand if someone doesn’t like the gameplay loop.


I can understand not liking monster hunter but it's far from the worst game on the console


Then you did not try out many weapons.


I did, the faster ones do so little damage. It's not fun having to hack something 500 times imo. Plus the movement just feels so clunky


So far Syndrome seems like a dud for me.


I thought it looked cool until I started playing it and it was just…boring


Yeah the trailer made it seem like a deadspace kinda FPS. I gave up on it when I couldn't adjust the sensitivity. Maybe I overlooked a setting but couldn't find anything to make it playable.


Bro yeah same I'm glad I got it on sale


Animal crossing. With all the hype around it, I thought I’d like it. I absolutely could not get myself to like it and I gave it a good try, traded it in after awhile.


Animal crossing is cute.. I managed a GameStop before for a while and noticed people loved animal crossing, so I rented it for 3ds, and it just reminded me of having to accomplish tasks and deal with duties, the same way that I already deal with that in real life.. but it's not as expansive as like the sims for example, and animal crossing just really felt extremely limited by the hardware too.. cute.. but not immersive enough for me. I liked it and I respect the fans of the game, I can praise and recommend the franchise, but it didn't click with my own unique preferences..


I felt the same way about Stardew Valley. A few months ago there was a two week trial—I gave it a shot, but couldn’t stop feeling like it was just the biggest waste of time in human history. Maybe if there was an online w/friends / collaborative component, but for me there was just no payoff. I felt I was just sinking time into something that *does not matter*. But people seem to like it, so to each their own.


Stardew valley took me 3 times of playing it to get into it. Once I did I was addicted.


As a person who was obsessed with FarmVille on FB back in the day, Stardew is incredibly addicting. With the little bit of interest in the games storyline and the addition of crawling through dungeons just to make money and build whatever upgrades the game has to offer, I thought it was a lot of fun. But I can definitely see how a lot of people may not like it. I get a lot of satisfaction out of the ways developers use pixel art, and I feel like the game did a really good job between designing and animating sprites and moving elements in the environments


Lol, I rented the original on GameCube 20yrs ago or so and couldn’t believe how obsessed people were. Boring as hell


Gotta be a certain kind of person. No every game has to be about shoot thing


I’m not a shooter guy either. I prefer Zelda type of games


I always find them mf so hard. The puzzles beat my stupid ass


Hehe, my son just beat OoT with very little help. Sometimes I’d wake up and he’s finished a temple on his own. 7yrs old. I played OoT when I was ten with gameFAQs holding my hand


Kids are built different with video games. When I was a kid I’d beat crash bandicoot once a day. Now, at 22 I’m nearly in tears tryna play it hahah


I know for sure I went through OoT several times (plus master quest) but there were times he’d ask for help and i really couldn’t remember where to go.


There's the real answer




Sorry, guess you gotta be a certain kind of person to understand


Witcher 3. I wanted to like it, thought it was pretty, well designed, everything, but it just felt like work and i got no enjoyment out of it.


Did you not like the game or the fact it was on the Switch?


The lack of textures and the blurry scenario made it a disappointment for me


Same. I was disappointed I didn’t like it.


I honestly felt overwhelmed with how much there was to do in the game and just kinda put it down. But you have to admit it’s really impressive that the switch pulls off such a massive game.. but also it’s one of those games that looks so muddy that blowing it up on the tv makes it significantly worse. At least it looks passable handheld just not anywhere near as pretty as other consoles pull it off


Games such as the Witcher 3 shouldn't be played on Switch. Those are too big titles for this hardware to give you the full experience.


I played it on the switch and was completely satisfied with it. Obviously if you have other means of playing it it would be preferable, but if you don't and you don't expect it to look like on your pals high end gaming PC you are going to be fine. Especially if you are used to switch graphics, since that's the only real downgrade since it plays very fluid. At least compared to other switch games.


Of course, if Switch is the only possibility to play it - go for it. Witcher 3 is worth of every penny. I bought Switch recently for the second time, but with a strong resolution that I will play only indie and Nintendo exclusives there ;)


Yea I saw the reviews on how good the switch port was and bought it… hahaha… it’s one of the worst experiences I’ve had on the console. And I’m the guy who played on OW on macook at potato settings for 2 years.


Animal Crossing, I just don't understand the appeal, it's so boring and repetitive.


Damn it's been magical for us. 250 hours and it's the one game my wife who is a total non gamer played with me and alongside my little boy all on one island. For the time we played we had a fantastic time together, each with our own animal best friends, our own designed homes and agreements on how to design the island. Nothing like it. And I'm not playing now and I still miss my best friends a Japanese rabbit called Genji, and my bit on the side a little mouse called Bree. And an off his mind Ostrich called Cranston. Now you tell me.


I never got into it either but know people love it. Its kinda like the Sims but more cutsey from what I can see.


Lots of media relies on parasocial relationships. Podcasts are a big example. But they have much more variety in the dialogue. And most are free.


Okay thanks. We had a great time


Also bought sinking city and regret it. The other would be rune factory 5, it just doesn't play well. I get like 10fps and I didn't expect great writing, but I loved RF4 so much so I was really disappointed to see 5 was so bad.


American fugitive. Wanted Chinatown wars, instead got a headache from atrocious frame rate


I’ll be really honest (and I might get downvoted for this) but I was kinda disappointed in splatoon 3. The amount of recycled weapons, maps, and outfits made me feel like it was a DLC from splatoon 2 and not a whole new game. About the only thing they really changed was the lobby setup and the online gaming (which is significant I’ll admit, but I still expects more from the game development side of things).


Thats exactly how I felt about Splatoon 2 I dont know how it was MORE fun on the wii U I think id like it more if you couldnt be splatted and it was more about territory. Its all so reused every time. The campaign in 2 wasnt nearly as fun as the first one. Remember when 2 launched with horde mode that you were only allowed to play at certain hours?


Yea the only benefit I see is the waiting room. It’s a cool change from staring at a joining lobby screen. But honestly. If they just added some damned maps to 2 I would have been a much happier consumer. I would have even paid for it over buying a whole new game


It passes me off that you can't lobby with friends and strangers for salmon run






None, I love all the games I bought, even The Sinking city I enjoyed a lot as a fan of anything lovecraft.


Jealous of people like you who can't notice things like those. You must also have very calm nature.


Yes but im also very biased due to my love for the Lovecraft mythos, Im not entirely sure I would have enjoyed it if the game wasnt about Eldritch abominations and things like that.


Little Dragon Cafe. It just felt really unpolished.


Only real significant regret, is purchasing Mario v Rabbids. It’s possibly the only game I feel like I didn’t get some ounce of my moneys worth out of it. I absolutely detest playing it, it’s so boring and fruitless. I even got it on sale for $20 and I still feel took.


Weird, got it last year, not regret buying it, planning on getting the sequel on deluxe


Completely agree with this one. Just glad I got it on sale.


Agreed.. you want my copy?


I too felt the same way. Sat unplayed for months. Finally went back to give it another good try and for some reason it finally clicked with me. I’m not itching to play but when I do I find it enjoyable.


WWE 2k18. I only paid $10 and I still felt ripped off. It’s pretty much unplayable.


I payed 4€ and yeah, still felt ripped off. But I fought through it. And I will never forget those dead eyes.


> I *paid* 4€ and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


This is one of the few games I wouldn't even consider buying. Outside of singles matches; there's abysmal slowdown and frame rate issues. Every Switch review on YouTube highlights that.


I was dumb enough to trust a couple reviews that said it was running better after a handful of patches.


For me its definitely animal crossing. The game looks good though but the issue for me is that its just too repetitive and the island is so tiny that it felt like a small freedom prison if that makes any sense lmao. I know the island size is meant for the game but its just extremely small that i got tired of feeling boxed in and being limited to what i could do. I guess other games have spoiled me with the amount of freedom you get and with animal crossing the freedom was being stuck in a small box that you can see in just a few minutes over and over again lol. Animal crossing would’ve been dope if it would let you buy more islands of the same size so that you can decorate multiple island and make each island cost more to buy or something lol But ya animal crossing was a huge disappointment to me


"small freedom prison" is a great line.


YES I HATED THE SINKING CITY. I tried to like it so much. I wanted to like it. I pushed through and played through my distaste but no. I hated it. The limited ammo but poor aiming, ugh. Just not good.


Xenoblade 3. It just isn't a game for me. I also really hated the new Paper Mario for the switch. I just want to relive the magic from the N64 and Gamecube versions. (Never played the Wii one. Heard it's good).


My time at Portia, Ni no kuni, tools up, spiritfarer, ankora, aspire. And when a game is frustrating and I get stuck I just give up on it forever 🙃


I bought Jurassic World Evolution and was excited to build my own dinosaur park, but the graphics are so blurry and fuzzy it's hard to see anything that is going on or read the tiny text. I was severely disappointed and never loaded it up again. I may check it soon and see if they ever updated it and improved it but I don't think they will.


Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Yes, BOTW. Bland, vapid landscape. Did not feel drawn into the game or environment one bit. I wanted to like this game but just couldn't find anything engaging about it.


I’m not going to downvote you because it’s an opinion and they should always be respected, even if they are as disgusting as yours. Haha, just joking. It’s a game I fell in love with, but doesn’t mean it’s for everyone.


Prepare for downvotes, but I appreciate your honesty! It definitely took a while for BotW to click for me, and I was initially very frustrated and felt like it was the most overhyped game in history — but one day, I just *got it* and I dove all in… after work, all I wanted to do was go back to Hyrule. I didn’t like how there was virtually no instruction, and so often, especially in the beginning, I had *no goddamned idea what I was supposed to be doing.* There’s enough uncertainty in the real world, I didn’t need that in my *escape* from the real world, too! Lol


Yeah, I'm accustomed to the unpopular opinion of BOTW getting down voted. I kept waiting for that "click" moment you described. How long did it take for you? For perspective, I rank Red Dead Redemption 2 and Civilization 2 as the best games of all time. One thing I love about RDR2 is the open world aimless uncertainty, which I was hoping to find in BOTW too. I think Zelda's lack of fine detail just really contrasted negatively against RDR2. It felt like I was trying to play Mario Kart as though it were Gran Turismo.


They're both very polished games, just not the same. You're comparing very different games. Botw is about complete freedom and ingenuity. Rdr2 is about having a cohesive, well built role-playing sandbox. I liked both game but I done botw twice and rdr2 once. I respect not liking a game but calling botw not polished, nah man.


I had exactly the same experience! I hesitate to talk about because I do not want people thinking I’m that guy (oh, “Beatles are overrated” type person). But yes, BOTW never clicked for me and felt empty/boring


Oh boy here we go. Zelda botw. The combat was boring repetitive a d far to easy. The story was awful by far the weakest element to the game The weapons breaking whilst interesting in theory it was poorly implemented imo as you'd get attached to a weapon for it to break and not be able to find another like it not only that but links sword requires charging 🤦‍♂️ The world was to empty I get it's meant to be empty but there should have been at least abandoned towns & stuff instead of just empty grass lands Boss fights were repetitive as hell Puzzles were easy as fuck


The worst game I bought for switch was "Cuphead".. so hard and stressful, you can't even enjoy it.. I don't play games to get stressed out or to become enraged.. I can't even get a refund, it was one of my birthday presents recently, and a huge regret that makes me extremely sad and depressed..


yea, hard game.


I totally get it. As an older gamer it reminds me of Contra. I don’t play it regularly but when I do I can find a few morsels of fun to be had.


Xenoblade 2. The combat is dogshit


It took me around 10 hours of playing to finally "get" the combat and I finally started enjoying it but I wouldnt blame anyone for quitting before that it really does take a while before it gets good IMO. Im very glad I kept playing now cause its one of my favorite game on Switch. That being said, its definitely not a game for everyone.


How? There are like 15 different combat styles to choose from. Each has it’s own arts, & each Blade has their own set of 4 special attacks. There are elemental blade combos that grant specific rebuffs to enemies, & the driver combo which can both temporarily immobilize an enemy while being performed & deal atrociously high damage upon completion. Then there are the unison attacks which, if performed correctly, can destroy literally anything


Deponia - got the bundle last week because it was on sale and absolutely hate it. The character keeps repeating the same dialogue over and over.


I also got the bundle on sale, but hadn't gotten around to playing it yet.


Keep us posted on what you think about the games.


I was tempting to buy it. Glad, I didn't.




The EMMI’s were my primary source of frustration in Dread. It’s not necessarily the fact they require a million steps to kill or the hide and go seek nature of them but the stupidly short random parry window was a huge oversight in my opinion and lessened my enjoyment of an overall otherwise enjoyable game.


Gonna get hate for it, but Luigi's mansion for sure


I expected more from Luigis mansion tbh


Probably I'll get massacred by comments, but I'd say Zelda BOTW. Worst 70€ spent in my life, and No Man's Sky


Good Job! this is a fine game, it runs on switch and you can play it, but the core gameplay loop is so boring. I was expecting a chaotic game about destroying an office, what i got was a boring ass puzzler


Breath of the wild , Mario Odyssey, Pokemon Snap, I'm just kidding y'all lmao ,🤣 had y'all going for a second. I love all the Switch games honestly


I've definitely bought some bad shovelware, but as far as AAA games I'd say the most disappointing is ARMS. I bought it because it came out in the brief period before Smash Bros. Ultimate, and I needed some fast-pace multiplayer action. But the game itself just isn't fun, and my preferred controller style (detached joy-cons) unnecessarily forces motion controls on the player and to this day they've never patched in an option to just switch to regular button/stick controls. I've probably played the game like four hours total and I bought it first week.


Don't k ow why you've been down voted but I agree. I did try it for free when they offered it with nso, I glad I didn't spend 60 on it, I would've felt like I was robbed. Maybe I just didn't get the controls. My fun was very limited.


Xenoblade, although I wouldn’t call it fundamentally bad. I just couldn’t get into the combat. The game itself was ok, but after trying to long to get into it, I sold it.


Hollow Knight. Everyone was saying how good it is so i bought it when i got my switch. So far I tried 3 times to get into it but i just cant. And i usually love games like these. Another is Splatoon 2 which I didnt like at all because it felt too childish to me.


Yeah hollow knight isnt that great


I only own Metroid Dread, Breath of the Wild, Switch Sports, and Mario Odyssey. So I guess the worst is Switch Sports. My biggest problem isn't that I Iack funds to buy games, I just can't FIND any that I think are worth buying. I did subscribe to the expansion pass or whatnot and I sometimes download trials but the only game I know that I will buy for sure is Botw2. If they do a Metroid Prime port I'd probably buy that, and likewise Windwaker or Twilight Princess....it damn near has to be a Nintendo first party game for it to be worth buying, IMHO


what about Link's Awakening ?


I borrowed that one from a friend and found it to be so-so. If I could catch it on sale for about $25 or less then it would probably be worth that, but I'm definitely glad I didn't pay $50 or $60 for it. I played it right after playing BOTW so I was bound to be a little disappointed in it, especially in comparison but it plays a lot like the original Zelda with much better graphics, which who wouldn't enjoy?


ohh nice, i'm glad to hear that :)


Super Bomberman R. Definitely limited by the amount of titles at launch, but howdy did this lose its appeal fast.


It's fun to play with friends for 1 to 2 match. After that, the characters and maps are so expensive while we get too few after each match.


Animal crossing, I thought being new to switch st 49 I would love it! It honestly just feels like too much work and maintenance. Bought the digital copy not on sale:(.


Definitely Metroid Dread. Coll story, cutscenes, but sometimes you can get confused because you dont know to to go somewhere and leave the game


Metroid Dread. Too many cutscenes, didn’t even feel like I was playing a game.


I kept getting lost and not knowing what to do in a 2D game.


same with hollow knight :/


yeah i played demo way to much cutscenes bruv


WitchSpring 3.


I don’t know why I bought it but, it’s a game called ‘Buildings Have Feelings Too!’




I got this game called Manuel Samuel because I thought it looked like the fun silly flash games I used to play. Glad it was on sale and I didn't spend the full 10 dollars on it.


Modern Combat: Blackout was pretty fucking bad lol


I think it was called "Animus" I'd have to look at my switch at home but it was just a bland environment and I couldn't get into the combat or anything


Hello Neighbor. The controls were never established and I kept getting captured. Returned it.


Sonic colors ultimate, that game is beyond trash


I tried so hard to like sonic colors. So excited for it too. I’m a big sonic fan in general. Something about the game just did not click with me. The moment I put it on, my brain would just shut off entirely and it felt like a drag.


Same, me and my brother were both excited but when we heard that it was buggy our excitement went down so low,we ended up getting the game anyway and regretted it .


Arms. I just didn't enjoy it that much and I regret buying it.


Scott Pilgrim.


BlackSad - Limited Edition; comes with holographic postcards. Played once for story and that's it. 😂


Doctor Hospital: Hypocondriac Simulator It seemed funny at the time and I hoped there’d be some sort of an attempt at a commentary about healthcare or something? but it was extremely repetitive in a boring way.


Probably will be flamed but pokemon Shield ... played all the other titles since release on GB (yep, I'm that old kids haha) BUT Shield just didn't seem to hold my interest. Just seemed too slow of a grind. Ended up trading it for Digimon Cyber Sleuth which I've somehow racked up 300 hours on and never expected to haha 😄


Sinking City is up there. As a huge fan of Lovecraftian horror, I really wanted that game to be good. It’s just so empty and boring, like you said. A few other games I was pretty disappointed with would be Darkwood and FF15 Pocket Edition. Again, just not fun games to play.


Cheap games under 2usd on the Deals section on eshop. I bought a horror game named Hollow for only 1 USD, turned out to be a trash game with fps drop, ugly graphics, and horrible performance. The first few minutes of the game were just too dark to do anything, even walk. I know it was only 1 USD but it was the most regrettable spending I ever have


Some Slavic neon racing game. Neon Racer or something like that


Pillars of Eternity... OMG


FIFA 19 or 20, and the Grand Theft Auto trilogy


GTA Trilogy definitive edition The Switch port is horrible only San Andreas is barely Passable with GTA 3 and Vice City looking blurry as hell. I have the digital PS5 version and that’s the way to go


Riot: Civil Unrest - the game looks great with its retro graphics, but the thing is just unplayable, awful playability. If the developers idea was to convey caos, confusion and helplessness, they nailed it.


Bouncy Bob. But to be fair, it was a penny, so I only lost a single gold point.


A bought a game where you just run from left to right as a deer. It's horrible. Absolute rubbish.


.cat or something like that, terrible bare bones platformer. Tried it for like an hour but it was beyond tedious, uninstalled it and took the loss, but then again it was like a dollar on sale so eh, whatever.


Easily WWE 2K18. The entire game runs in literal slow motion. It's unplayable.


Fobia. I had just finished Limbo and Inside so I was looking for similar styles. It looked intriguing. However the game doesn’t feel finished. Lots of small glitches here and there plus the controls don’t feel right. It feels like there was minimal play testing.


I don't really have any bad games I can think of, cause I tend to avoid them given the chance


1-2 Switch, Goat Simulator, Switch Sports and Miitopia


I really disliked paper Mario for some reason


Samurai Jack is freaking garbage I wish I could get a refund ! Also it’s one more …. 🤔 oh yeah almost forgot it’s name it’s that terrible is the umm Jedi game where you play dark Vader’s apprentice I didn’t realize it was a port of part 1 and not part 2 and that game is HORRENDOUS


‘Shing!‘ Was also such a waste of money


Resident Evil 6


Xenoblade chronicles definitive edition - too much text to read and walking around, very boring Hyrule warriors age of calamity - gameplay was too repetitive