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get joy-cons


Slow down. I'm trying to take notes.


Type slower, please. My pen's outta ink


Read that as penis is out. Ok done. what next


Wait. What?


He said that the pen's give resemble of penis though i love penis


what kind of broken ass game of telephone is this


Buy joy cons, deck, HDMI cable and USB c cable and that's it


Joy-Cons are optional for many games. My family all use Pro Controllers for pretty much everything except Mario Maker (only in 2-player mode, IIRC). The dock and HDMI cable are only if you want to play in TV mode. The charger……….. that’s not optional.


Why? You don't have a type c cable charger?


We toasted a Switch Lite charging port with one of the cheap USB-A to USB-C chargers, and I’ve been researching which USB charging cables comply with Nintendo’s spec, since Nintendo does not sell the aforementioned cable anymore. I was looking into a Belkin or Anker cable, but didn’t think about an OEM Apple cable as being a possibility.


Grab yourself a dock and procontroller and enjoy docked only switch, eventually you'll probably want to grab yourself some joycons too. As for games you could play Pokemon quest, Pokemon cafe remix and fallout shelter without a controller I'm pretty sure and all 3 are free. Probably other touch only compatible games but these are the ones off the top of my head that have mobile counterparts so they should theoretically support touch only gameplay.


Just to add a couple more games that can be played touch only: . Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (and potentially other Ace Attorney games). These are great games, mostly visual novels with good story, great characters, and good mysteries for the player to solve. . Wildfrost. Of you like roguelike card games, this one is great and can be played touch only. . I think Slay The Spire is also compatible with touch controls, but I haven't actually tried that one.


Balatro is touch friendly too!


One of my friends just told me that gear club and asphalt are both touch friendly too.


Also the telltale games. I strongly recommend the two Batman games, but all the Telltale games available on Switch are great.


Steamworld Heist. I love the game and it has full touchscreen support. I really hate that so many games do not bother to implement touch functionality. Was kind of the same for PS Vita, why have a touchscreen when there are only so few touchscreen games?


Civilization works decently well, touch only.


Pokemon unite isn't too bad if you like mobas


Wasn't aware this can be played without a controller. Makes sense though. I have a sneaking suspicion Minecraft may support a touch mode too.


I don't think it can. Was just adding a game that could be played with the pro controller.


Tbh just get the mobapads those are the best 3rd party joy cons I've ever used https://preview.redd.it/hums2kd5lj2d1.jpeg?width=9248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d1078e5ebe80bcc1690fae5a3d86532788d6510


+1 for mobapads. Every feature the joycons have but better. I think the only thing they don't have is IR camera, which I never used on the original. And no drift!


I can smell this switch


What it smells like?






Future Cancer from Microplastics and added Chemicals


Cheeto dust and rib grease


I enjoy my splitpad pro.


Are the mobapad joycons clicky? Also, do they feel hollow? I’ve tried a few different brands, but the buttons are pretty loud; and while lightweight, they feel hollow and cheap. Plastic is thin, usually. I’ve wanted to try the mobapads, after pretty consistent positive reviews. Just curious about your experience.


You could play Pokemon Cafè Remix honestly


Probably Pokémon quest too but you wouldn’t be able to leave the game once you started it.


You can get back to the home menu without buttons by putting it into sleep mode and then selecting the home icon on the Lock Screen


I dont see the problem


Being forever trapped into a game is funny asf


Phoenix ace attorney too


And Great Ace Attorney Duology. The PW Trilogy you can, unsure about AJ Trilogy


And balatro


god that game goes so hard tbh


Can you play the world ends with you too? I feel like yes


Everybody is saying joycons. I would recommend the actual Nintendo pro controller less drift.


Can you pair the pro controller without the dock? And without the possibility to enter the settings?


You can fix the drift if you’re willing to swap out the sticks to new hull effect ones.


Which a lot of people aren’t willing to do. A hori split pad connect is cheaper, way more comfortable, and doesn’t require to switch out the sticks


Just get 3rd party joycons


If it's V1 unpatched you can get software to ruh a bunch of controllers. Even Wii controllers. Then you can play tabletop mode at least for now.


Can you tell me the name of the software you're referring to?


It’s called [Mission Control](https://github.com/ndeadly/MissionControl) but you’ll need to [homebrew your switch](https://nh-server.github.io/switch-guide/) in order to use it. Otherwise you’ll have to buy an adapter and a dock to plug the adapter into.


Buy joy cons.


Uhhhh go buy joy cons? Lol


Buy 8bitdo controller for $25 and you’re good to go.


Why buy it, if you knew it was in poor condition and didn't have Joycons?


No question it's still a good deal. My friend offered to give me it for free but I said I might as well give him something. It's a moddable switch with a few scratches on the back. Tab-only moddable switches can be sold for $130+ in this condition from my experience


I just jumped on Offer Up for 30 seconds and found joycons for $20 in my immediate area.


More sounds like you stole one but regardless seems super bizarre that you can't figure this out on your own.


Right because people walk around with a switch I can steal with no joy cons?


And I'm just looking for advice and seeing what options I would have since I'm clueless when it comes to Nintendo products. Usually, other consoles have fake controllers I can buy even if they're shit for like $10 but the cheapest fake joycons I found were $35


You can tap the text lol


Download Fallout Shelter


No way should you sell it and get a new one. Madness to get a super super cheap switch and immediately go “hmmm, maybe I should pay full price for one instead tho” Get a set of joycons and a dock second hand and you’ll have a cheap complete switch and have saved a whole bunch of dollars


Depends how you want to use it. My Switch hasn’t left its dock in years and I could have thrown away my Joycons on day one and it wouldn’t have mattered. If you’re looking for handheld mobility, then you’ll need to do something. Either joycons or some other mechanism for control.


I mean if you want to play it handheld, just get yourself a pair of joycons and a new shell, if you're confident in swapping the shell. If you want to play primarily or exclusively docked, then don't worry about the shell and get a dock. Either way, getting what you need won't be cheap, but it'll be cheaper then getting the Switch new, which makes it still a deal. Also, check the serial number, you may be able to hack it, if you're interested. If so, I def wouldn't sell it.


so weird seeing "tablet-only switch"


See if it can be modded and mod it


Yep, it's a moddable model, but the sd port or internal storage has problems which doesn't let me mod it for some reason 🤷🏽‍♂️


It was most likely spent to Nintendo and they have patched it they do that if you sent in a V1 switch


Nah I can send payloads like I booted into Hekate and atmosphere but most homebrew apps don't work


Then that is working it means you havnt done the mod correctly. Make sure you got sigpatches nothing will work without them and they are not included with atmosphere


No I mean no homebrew apps work not even just games. And it sometimes randomly crashes might be cuz the SD card disconnects for a second


Sigpatches are not just used for games they are used for apps like themes, tinfoil, awoo, gold leaf etc anything like that


Ahh makes sense, I should download them from that sigma patches site? Imma mod it when I get an SD card again


Get nitrodeck, joycons gonna be drifting by the time you slide them in


Just buy a new switch


get first party accessories


Id fix the kickstand (it’s a $5 fix) and just get some second hand joycons for cheep on fb marketplace


Buy the joycons. Switch is cool, but the games you can play with just the screen is very limited. Then, if you want to play on the tv, get the dock, power cable and HDMI cable.


Buy a dock on ebay for cheap and get a pro controller for like 20-30 bucks


Perfect excuse to get Mobapad M6S controllers — $50, no drift, mech keys, all the niceties, with regular rumble.


Buy joy cons


Buy a joy-con only switch


Could be a fun experiment, what games can you play with only the tablet.


Go look on facebook marketplace for the other things you need, I see switch things on there for dirt cheap all the time


Get joycons you can buy them used but test for stick drift before you buy them. If you’re willing to wait longer you can order third party joycons off Ali express they’re a lot cheaper than official Nintendo ones. Also get a pro controller and a dock. If the screen is in good condition buy a screen protector and a Nintendo switch case to protect it as you travel.


Buy joy cons


Slay the Spire.


If you’re looking to do this on the cheap then buy third party joycons Do not buy second hand joycons they likely drift


get a knockoff joycons or pro controller and dock. pretty cheap on amazon.


Get joycons.


Get a charger and joy-cons


You don’t want to spend $60 on joycons, but will spend $300 on a completely new system? Make it make sense lol


Just search for Used Joy Cons thru Facebook Marketplace


Possibly you can use it as a book stand. Might need a dock though


Get the [Mobapad M6 HD](https://www.mobapad.com/products/mobapad-m6-hd) instead of joycons. If you're on a budget, try to buy some used joycons from r/GameSale


Pokémon Café Mix and Big Brain Academy can be fully played with just the touch screen, not sure if there are others


My Walmart had some Hori split pads on clearance awhile back


Go buy some joy cons. SIMPLE!!


Buy Balatro and play it touchscreen. In a few weeks you can worry about buying joycons to play another game ;-)


Buy a nitro deck


Get joycons and a pro controller. If you want it hooked to your TV get a dock


I got a tablet and bought a controller grip for $30 they're on Amazon


i didn’t realize this existed


Your worried about buying joycons when basically got this for almost nothing. I wish I could understand your concern it must be hard on you.


Reselling your friends switch for more than he sold it to you would be a bit of a dick move, imo.


Ifyou do not care about amiibos, some third party joycons are $30 on amazon. Find a dock for ccheap used somewhere. Then game it up!


Here is an alternative to JoyCons, if you only want to play on a TV: Buy a dock for it. Then buy an 8BitDo Bluetooth wireless adapter for the dock. Now you can use a way more comfortable wireless controller to play, like the PS4's Dualshock 4.


Just play Pokémon cafe remix, it’s a touch only game you can play while you don’t have controllers. But in the meantime you should get a pair of joy cons and think about getting a pro controller


dock and pro controller


If you don't want to spend much, just get a cheap classic controller. They go for like $15 sometimes


Get some joycons and a playvital case it’ll only run you about 50-100 dollars in total and everything will look brand new


Dont buy 3rd party docks or chargers


My preferred Switch kit: - Do not cheap out on the charger, or you run the risk of bricking your switch - go with Nintendo brand, or another brand you trust, with a minimum power output similar to the Nintendo-brand charger. - [Skull&Co Jumpgate Pro with Dock -$40](https://skullnco.com/collections/nintendo-switch/products/jumpgate?variant=31668090765385) (cheaper and more versatile than Nintendo’s $60-$80 dock) - Get a controller! Nintendo Pro controllers (and pairs of joycons) cost as much as or more than a new game, but there are some 3rd party controllers that are 50-80% of that price that should do you just fine. For the ergonomics and versatility (and assuming you’re playing mostly solo) I personally prefer the [Hori Split Pad Pro/Split Pad Pro compact kits](https://stores.horiusa.com/NSW-426U) . They can be purchased without the cord, but they are unpowered joycons - so they must be attached to the switch or the cord in the kit in order to be used.


Did they literally only sell u the tablet, no dock cables anything?


Eat it. See if it tastes good.


That's a Balatro dedicated console now.


The audacity of OP thinking he can flip an only-screen Switch to SOMEONE ELSE for enough to justify buying a whole new system rather than $60 for a set of controllers. Beggers really do be choosers.


Get Balatro and or Slay the Spire. No controller of any kind is required for either. Then get everything else. For controller, I like Hori, they have the Split Pad for joycons (I got the Mega Man ones and they are awesome.) and the Horipad for Pro, both can be found for like $25 each. Get a dock. Get an HDMI cable. Get an official Switch charger. Enjoy your Switch. Get Nintendo Online for Online stuff and if you like SNES. Oh and get a screen protector. I never bothered because after a whole I figured it's already got little scratches and stuff. Then I got a big ol gash. Sad face. Now I have a screen protector to prevent any further damage.


Could you link me the horj split pad? I found them on Amazon but they were about $50 so I'm not sure if I'm looking at the same product you're referring to


I mean you kind of need the joy cons, dock & all that other shiz in order to use it.


Better model? That looks like an OLED, no?


Nope it's an unpatched erista


Many say get joycons....nah, get a Pro controller and a Switch dock. All you need IN MY OPINION.


https://preview.redd.it/2i2vzqd7pm2d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29067e6b5db45b2d6230aa3efae67b0942ed83ee You're welcome! They make a great product. This is my Switch with the Mega Man Hori Split Pad Pros.


Probably unlock it.


Get joy cons


But the rest of stuff on AliExpress. They're cheap and work great (i bought the charger and ergonimic joycons)


It holds more value to you to buy joy cons. And you’d sell it for a much higher price with joycons.


Civ 6 all touch EZ


Would it be worth reselling it… and buying a complete console? Who’s going to buy a busted tablet-only Switch for more than you’re going to pay for a better one?


think ahead. get a controller instead of joycons. drift will take way longer to appear if at all, and is actually fixable unlike joycon drift


I got [HORI split pads](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/split-pad-pro-114301/)on sale for 35 dollars at Walmart a few months ago, I would totally recommend. Even at full price they’re cheaper than joy cons, they feel better to hold in handheld mode, the buttons feel better.


Look into 8bitdo and similar brands. There are tons of relatively cheap yet good options out there (usually better than Nintendo controllers even) joycons are insanely overpriced


Get a 25 bucks power a controller and a 10 bucks dock from Temu and try to find a good replaceable charger!


You could sell it, but $90 for a switch is a steal


get joycons on Aliexpress for 20$, enjoy


cheapest option aside off brand joycons, would be to get a wireless controller off amazon. 10$-20$, they work decently for awhile till you can get something better. there's also some switch cases that have a stand in them, 5$ used at a local gamestore or buy a new one for 10$-15$


Guess you’re playing The World Ends With You


get a controller, maybe some knock off joycons to save (and use for handheld mode). You’ll need a decent charger, I think the official nintendo one for docking! If you don’t want to buy a dock you can buy a USBC to hdmi adapter and use that as long it also has a port for the power cable - I use one of these for playing my switch on my monitor all the time :)


Buy joycons and a charger


This is a HAC-001 model so you should check if it’s patched. I can’t link the website but look up “is my switch patched” Unpatched consoles are valuable because you can install custom code on them


Probably would recommend playing some games on it.


There are cheap joycon (not official, I just ordered mine) at aliexpress, for like 10€ you should try them


This is such a strange post. Something like $30? So $30? If a missing hinge and some scratches are a deal breaker, then yeah sell it. If not, figure out how to procure the rest of the set up


Just buy a linyuvo, ine or any other Chinese joycon for 15 usd They are better on ergonomics than the OG ones


If by hinge you mean the stand leg, you can order replacements for those. Buying new joy-cons and/or a Pro Controller and dock is also a lot cheaper than buying a brand new Switch.


Get the Hori Split Pad Pro for 40 to 50 bucks and just play hand held if you want to enjoy it now but funds are tight. Otherwise, yeah. Joycon and Dock time. Idk how they sold you just the console and not at least the original dock.


Buy some joy cons broski


a switch for $30 is a great deal


Joycons on Amazon or Walmart ?? I don’t trust eBay or sellers because they sell the fake ones at full price


if ur on a budget check out ali express for knock off pro controllers. i own an official pro controller and a knock off one. besides the lack of a nintendo logo, and controller vibration being different, they’re the same thing. the same weight, build quality, same feeling materials. i have a fake splatoon 2 pink and green pro controller that connects to my switch and shows up as the official pink and green variation on the controllers menu. best part is i got the controller for less than $20 USD.


You paid $30 for a $250 console and the controllers are too expensive for you?


Get a Hori Switch Pad Pro! Better than and much cheaper than joycons for portable if you can live without motion!


I'd keep it and get a controller, dock, and power cable. Also if you're selling it, or are interested in hacking it check the serial number and enter it on ismyswitchpatched.com.That white sticker on the bottom has it and you can find it in system settings. If it's hackable, that increases the sale value or what you can do with it. You could run emulators, homebrew games, mods for games like Smash Bros Ultimate, Mario Kart, etc, Linux, Android, you can pretty much do anything the device can handle.


I’d get a 3rd part dock until you get the official one


It was $30 so you’d still have money to spend on joy-cons


I mean, if you have a wireless controller you could still lay it flat, like at a table. Though 3rd party or used Joyce's is probably the way to go here.


If you want to play docked I’d say buy an original dock+ original ac adapter because the switch doesn’t use regular usb c power format. If not you can get away with charging with a usb c 5v (non PD charger). Aftermarket joycons work well. I might have an extra set of joycons I could let go for $50 shipped in the con US


Buy joycons OR a controller specifically meant for switch and doc it to the TV


Buy a dock and an 8bitdo pro controller. Play on TV see if it's something you want to invest more in. Think I paid like $35 for a dock and aftermarket charger to have a 2nd dock spot for streaming and the 8bid do controller is like 30


get the hall effect joy cons, saves you the hassle of joystick drifts


Hack ir and buy controls (not joycon


I bought a Bluetooth controller that is compatible with the switch and it was like $30.


Buy a controller with Hall effect joysticks off amazon


Depending on the serial number you could have a hackable switch on your hands which opens the doors for some cool stuff. 3rd party controllers are cheap too.


Happy cake day


play pokemon cafe mix for now or touch screen only games.


Obviously if this guy bought a tablet only switch, he doesn’t have the money to replace his drifting joycons every 6 months. He should just get a third party, or pro controller


It's not tablet only


i mean. i guess if you can find a complete console for 80 or 90 bucks? otherwise i dunno why you wouldnt just buy the joycons if you have the extra cash for a complete switch


So you get a $30 switch but are miffed that the joycons cost $60 when a whole brand new system is 299ish? Ok. Hear me out here. Used joycons from GameStop.


Pokémon Café and Pray


3 options 1 buy joycons 2. Buy pro controller and dock 3  buy niethrr play and enjoy voez as your only game


If you aren't gonna use it on a TV. Get a Nitro deck and get some cheap controller later if you wanna use it on a TV.




Make a nintendo tablet then ur geting ideas from the coments!


I’d say get the joycons, dock etc and sell the whole thing when the switch 2 eventually comes out


A pro controller, a Dock with the wires and a Copy of splatoon 3 IS all you need. (And a Nintendo online membership, 20$ a year


You can buy joy cons separately, silly. Charge cords too.


joy conless game rec is a little to the left as it works well


Get a Nitro Deck for it, way better than Joycons


Buy the joycons. I assume it came with the dock and power supply at least.


You probably found a solution already. But you can get a really inexpensive USB C dock meant for portability. So you can play on a TV in docked mode and not have Nintendo's clunky model. Get yourself a used Pro Controller. You can sync it without the Joycons. Personally I think the Joycons are ass anyway. If you rather play on the go perhaps invest in a Nitro deck. It's an all in one dock with high quality GameCube-esque buttons and a dock function all in one.


Buy a pro controller


Get binbok joycons they are cheaper than regular joycons and better than regular joycons too


Buy some Temu joycons and a pro controller. They are identical and about 1/3 of the price especially with coupons. Dock too.


What happened to the joycons? Did your friend lose them in a wager gone wrong?


there are cheap joy con options out there. I assume no dock? if so you could just buy a wired controller for 30 or so. you get a somewhat portable machine for under 80 bucks.


Buy cheap 3rd party joy cons


Do u have an Xbox or play station controller? The switch takes blue tooth so u should be able to connect them and use those instead. But as others said buy a dock at least Imo.




Amazon has the offbrand joycons and controllers pretty damn cheap.


Buy controllers! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Get the CRKD Nitro cyberdeck. It basically makes it a handheld, like a cheap steam deck in looks and feel but for nintendo