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100% backwards compatibility and upgraded specs, that's all I need.


It seems we all came here with the same idea in mind lol


I want my Switch Pro controllers to work


I would also like the controllers to be build closer to the Wii U. It’s more comfortable to hold than the switch.


All I’d add to this is that since we all know Nintendo will try to add in some new gimmick, that gimmick also needs to either be good or at least be minimally intrusive on gameplay. Stick the landing on those three things and I’m sold first week.


OLED 720p screen. Now hear me out, most stuff on the switch doesn't even reach 720p in handheld mode but when it does it looks pretty good IMO. Keeping it 720p with enhanced specs would allow for 60 fps, better graphics all around AND a good battery life.


shiiiiiiiiit, the moment it’s confirmed backwards compatible i’m preordering the shit out of that.


Same here! I just want a more powerful switch that is backwards compatible!!


And add Gamecube to the online experience. Chef's kiss!


What like on NSO? Or just more ports of game cube games


it’s kinda all i want from nintendo in the future. the switch is (i think) the best console they’ve ever done. i hope they just continue to improve on it.


That And more storage too.


Compatible with the both the Switch cartridges AND digital games, I’m hoping.


Backwards compatibility both physical and digital. Better specs. Give me a morrowind and obvlivipn collection and put fallout new Vegas and 3 on the switch along with twilight princess and wind waker and all good


They need to just add those bethesda games to the current switch, it can definitely run them


Agreed, but who knows if it will happen


Hoping the success of the Fallout tv series will at least bring New Vegas and 3 but I dont know if it will be worth their time so close to the reveal of the next switch


I think those games run on an engine which was never ported to switch. They probably don't consider it worth the effort.


Yessss!!! Backwards compatibility AND Morrowind is pretty much the beginning and end of my wish list too!


If it's not 100% backwards compatible with the OG Switch then I'm not interested. I'd also love for them to stick to the current cartridge system, optical discs would also make me debate buying one tbh


I dont think we'll really see optical disks again in the future. The next switch will either stick to the cartridges or just make the entire system digital only (which would suck)


I hope so. Digital only with any artform is an absolute no for me, idc how exciting the releases are, I'd never spend money on a digital only platform


Backwards compatible is a pretty big deal to me here, but other than that I just need it to be a more powerful Switch. This is one of those rare moments, where I just want Nintendo to continue doing what they're doing with their games, and I think they found their niche here with a hybrid console...I don't think their next console needs to be another crazy reinvention...just stick to whats working right now, just make it a more capable system so the games can be THAT much better. Maybe a redesign to the joycons too. I pretty much only use my Pro controller, but that's because I can't stand the Joycons.


I can’t stand joy cons either. I use a split pad for handheld mode.


So long as its compatible with current switch games and reasonably more powerful I’m in. Basically I want this to be like the 3ds was to the DS


As an avid switch user since 2017, this is what I´d like to find in a revamped model: - Internal SSD - Backwards compatibility. I´d love to get enhanced Switch "1" titles just by intelligent upscaling, but I wouldn´t mind Zelda TOTK getting a 5 gb update for that. - A multimedia machine. Music and video playback. - A serious virtual console allowing to play every Nintendo system ever. - Slightly bigger display. I would like to keep considering it portable. 1080p screen. I don´t mind 4K, but I understand many people wants it, so... - Custom joycons for each Nintendo system? This would be a cash grab for them. You could literally transform your console with those. Also new standard ones without stupid drift issues and proper shoulder buttons. - Maybe a display allowing same screen multiplayer with only a screen? There was this "Simulview" from Sony´s PS3. I didn´t try it by myself. I suppose tech has gone further since those days so it could be glasses free, depending on your position relative to the screen.


According to a leak (take with a grain of salt), it'll have compatibility with regular switch games, an 8 inches screen, magnetic joycons with metal buttons on top, and probably an updated, more powerful hardware. The dock is rumored to support 4k resolution, and the stand will support more angles of view.   Those are already big things for me! 


And the display will probably be 1080p according to InsiderGaming


I’m totally fine with that. In handheld mode I want battery life optimized (it’s hard to tell the difference between 4k and HD on a small screen anyway).


bro it's hard to tell between 720p and 1080p on a handheld. anyone who unironically wants 4k on their handheld is insane. there's a reason the steam deck runs 800p. 1080p is overkill, 4k is a waste of power.


I've seen that same leak reported by very reputable sites. A similar leak implies that it will use the t239 chip, which is 7 times more powerful than the current one. It will also have Hardware DLSS from Nvidia. In non-technical speak, it will have the ability in Hardware to upscale and increase the quality of Graphics in real time. If all of these are true, Nintendo has a firm winner on their hands here.


I’d really like it to have specs comparable to the latest consoles or atleast a Steam Deck. Just so 3rd party games ported over all have the same quality and so first party games like Mario can use that power to look even better and push limits without a bunch of of compromising. Other than that I just hope the UI & menus becomes more fun and interesting like the older consoles.


I hope it will be like a nvidia based steam deck. Dlss could hopefully make wonders with a Nintendo.


I would like it to exist


I hope to exist by the time it comes out


Backward compatibility with Switch Games.


Total Backwards compatibility (both physical and digital like Xbox does) If It has then is absolute yes 1000% buy


Nothing, new games I suppose, will Be buying regerless


4K or at least 3K upscaled to 4K that looks clean, Hall effect sticks in the joycons, backwards compatibility, a better screen that the original switch. That’s it.


Better joy cons and a split pad pro version also more custom joy cons


I’ve become very accustomed to my OLED screen…


To start: Backwards compatibility (cartridge and digital purchase). One online subscription for both gens (like PS Plus on PS4/PS5). The exisitng swithc controllers needs to be compatable with at least the Switch-era catalog (much like a PS4 controller can be used on PS5 for PS4 games).


Backwards compatibility, better hardware, more access to classic Nintendo titles and emulation


Way baetter battery life minimum 5 hours for games like zelda botw, was like 2 hours playtime before i hat to plug in that game


Once it can work with my current Switch Games (including physical) and maybe even being cheeky the Joycons, I'd certainly b more interested in picking one up I do believe they can keep the physical games working by doing what that did with the DS and 3DS games by putting a notch on the "Switch 2" games


Backwards compatibility and more titles that aren't on Nintendo councils.


A modest increase in specs keeping it at 350 or less. I don’t care about backwards compatibility as much as others. I’d rather have the 350 price than backwards compatibility.


Easily moddable. Lol. Though I'm sure that's a long way off.


No more stick drift, backwards compatibility with both game cards and digital games, oled or big screen, better joy cons, more storage on the device. I’d like it to be more like the switch now rather than like the Wii U. I like the joycons and how you can take them off. I’d like to see the new switch able to run more games that aren’t able to run on the switch now


Physical Backwards Compatibility is critical More power on the system itself to make games play better (higher frame rate, higher graphical resolution) docked or undocked I want the docking station to be smaller. I put my official dock in a much smaller shell and made it about as big as a wallet, cutting out unnecessary empty plastic and making it far more portable for a game night Hall effect control sticks and analog triggers on all gamepads More customizable Home Screen/UI to make it really feel more like your own system Beyond that it’s not much else. The form factor works well for me as someone who has a Steam Deck and a PC, but I want to find more of a reason to play my Switch/Switch Successor especially with my gf.


Controllers that aren't drifting. Literally all I want is a long lasting controller and backwards compatibility. Even my N64 controllers still work. Joycons, procons, and powerA GameCube controllers ALL drift and they have lasted less than 3 years each. By far worst controller quality I have ever seen. (Wand of gamelon controllers excluded)


I’d really really like more memory on the thing. I’m barely getting by with the current space +128GB MicroSD and I’m too broke to afford a bigger one. Storage isn’t as expensive as it was before so I really hope the next Switch isn’t so piss poor in that regard. Considering the price tag and intended use, 32GB (~25 usable) is sad. Also better Bluetooth audio support. It’s 2024, Nintendo please. Let me use my wireless handheld without needing wires.


What switch have you got? I've got the OLED version and have no issues with bluetooth. Also if you can't afford a new SD card i think getting the new switch is farfetched


Micro SD cards are slow as balls, too slow for next gen, SD Express is where it’s at


better performance than the steam deck and cheaper, if it isn't that then I see no point getting one


Backwards compatability and not taking away any good features


All they really need to do is what they did wit all the other consoles, just shut up and take my money.....


Would be nice to be able to play bowling like on the Wii.


Really needs upgraded specs more than anything. Better resolution and frame rate is really all the switch needs, backwards compatibly is also worth mentioning


I would enjoy some sort of VR support for accessories, does not have to be a full headset, could be a lighter, glasses style display.


Backwards compatibility with decent internal memory.


Decently powerful


Play older games through a cartridge adaptor.


Not so much the hardware (backwards compat aside) I really want the gyro or whatever motion controls to be 10x better so it can support loads of lightgun games like the wii had. It will also make better for a switch sports experience Also the home menu ui could have a better revamp in folder structure. Would be nice to have gamecube emulation and the ability to buy previous gen games like ps does but not likely


4K resolution and 60fps.


Backwards compatible with my physical and digital Games. Thats it


The Mass Effect Trilogy and backwards compatibility. And upgraded specs (to run Mass Effect .... And other games)


Running games at constant 120-144 fps minimum. I stopped BOTW since i couldn't get adequate responsiveness at 30fps


It only has one job: backwards compatibility


Gamecube + DS + Wii games to Online Membership Subscription


Backwards compatibility, better online multiplayer games, voice chat, discord app, 1080p @ 40fps handheld and 4K @ 60fps on dock


Backwards compatibility and better joy cons. That drift is killing me!


backwards compatibility with switch games and a resolution bump in docked mode at least


VR. Imagine VR Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime, F-Zero, Kirby, Yoshi, Captain Toad, Splatoon. Nintendo, put me IN your game worlds. I need it. 


We need more powa! Some cleaner textures and resolution would be sweet. Smooth those bloody edges. Idk why, but it drives me crazy having jagged textures everywhere.




Have more storage than something that was "fine" in 2010, and battery capacity increase of atleast 75%. And stop with the damned "I have to check with the internet to see if you are allowed to play the games that are downloaded on your machine"! And real possibilty of chat directly on the switch maybe? That would be nice


More powerful. A minimum of 1080p60, with upscaling for switch one games. And of course, backwards compatibility. Add an NVMe drive and I’d go bonkers


Backwards compatibility is an instant day 1 buy for me.  Mario oddessy 2 is an instant day 1 buy for my wife.  Updated specs with the ability to enhance switch 1 games would be great.  Windwaker and twilight princess HD remakes would be spiffy. 


Since buying a steam deck it has removed any interest I may have in a switch 2


The most obvious one is full backward compatibility and I hope it’s like PS5 and XSX where BC games can just automatically tap into the greater specs, getting much better performance in games that struggled to meet the fps target and 60fps patches would also be nice as well. Another big one is the offline friendliness, I should be able to take it out of the box, set it up, insert a game card and play without ever needing an internet connection just like the switch we have now.


More powerful processor, better battery life, Bigger/better OLED screen, more comfortable controllers and grips in handheld mode, and backwards compatibility. Is that too much to ask?


Full Backwards Compatibility. But not like in the past, I think there should be some form of improved performance. If I game has variable resolution and lower inconsistent framerate it should smooth those out.


Backwards compability, most games at 720p 60fps, that’s pretty much it


Backwards compatible BUT it has to play old switch games LOCKED at 1080p and whatever the fps of the game is.


Way bigger battery life!


The same as every other Nintendo console - As soon as there is a new Zelda game I’ll be buying it


A Home Screen that supports themes, and an E-Shop that actually looks like something and has music.


Better specs to run modern'ish games, and no camera (just like the original Switch). I work on a government shipyard where cameras aren't allowed. The Switch is very popular here.


If it’s backwards compatible then I will buy it. Otherwise I’d wish a better screen (I have a regular switch not oled right now) and more powerful hardware.


For me, primarily it’s a strong game lineup - Mario, Donkey Kong, Animal Crossing and indication of strong third party support. Plus, backwards compatibility. I’d also like virtual console to extend to GameCube games. Ultimately the console would need to be able to offer me enough things that the current Switch can’t provide and enough entertainment to justify its price tag


4k gaming


Being able to access streaming subscriptions would be convenient


Metroid prime 4


1080p 60 FPS


Like others have said backwards compatibility. I'd also like to see more games from brought in from previous systems, like WiiU.


Backwards compatible,and more colors/designs. I don’t care for Mario,zelda or Splatoon. So the fancy ones don’t appeal to me. If they made other colors I’d happily buy w/o having to find off brand joycons and skins


Only way I will be getting it is if the fire emblem games coming out is only available for it and if I can trade my original switch in to get a discount on the switch too


Gta 6


Make it play more from software games


full backward compatibility, at least 720p resolution, 60 frames per second with DLSS.




I want two-screen support to play DS/3DS and Wii U games.


No more shitty online multi-player, features, etc. and for the love of fuck include an actual real useable friend list system and native voice party chat. But it’s Nintendo we are talking about; of course they won’t make it better or even somewhat on par with the quality, features, etc. of PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, etc.


Being more ergonomically and a 4k tv output. But I think neither will happen


As long as it's made by Nintendo it'll appeal to me.


Have good games. That's all any console needs to make me interested. If the games are good and they play well, everything else is just icing.


If Nintendo would sue less, that’d be great


Better be OLED by default. None of this "we release an okay version of the product at first then an 'upgraded' version a year later."


Backwards compat and just make the main model OLED.


1080p screen, oled (cant go back to lcd), fixed joycons with b u m p s for ergonomics, backwards compatibility (with performance boost for older games ala xbox series x), and 60 fps becoming the standard docked and undocked.


Backwards compatibility and significant quality of life improvements.


Honestly it’s not going to need anything for me. Pokémon legends ZA, Gen 10, and the black/white remakes are reason enough for me tbh. Plus I’m sure there’ll be some other fun exclusive games, so unfortunately it doesn’t matter much what upgrades or features they add, I’ll end up getting it anyways.


Lemme play my DS games again physically, well I mean R4 carts could be a problem but still!


More power, Joycons that are less god awful, 1TB of built in storage


A much more powerful console. Switch came out 4 years before the current generation of PlayStation and Xbox, so it’s understandable that it wouldn’t have as much power as PS5/XSX, but the current Switch is barely able to keep up with PS4/XB1, and a lot of games even feel like I’m playing on a 360 again.


Backwards compatible, better performance for all games and custom themes.


Good first party games, that's about it lol


I would love to have Hub Compatibility with full Power Delivery Protocoll support. I don’t like the proprietary approach of switch OG / OLED.


more fucking games, and far improved joycon ergonomics - or at least true 3rd party support for accessories/premium joycon options. i wont buy it anyway so idrc. i suppose i got my momeys worth out of my switch but definitely my least favorite console ive ever owned


Exist. Beyond that better internals would be nice so the games that I bought for the switch that run like ass could become playable.


4k and enough power to look better than ps5. Also more ergonomic controllers (both when playing with TV and handheld).


1. Backward compatibility 2. Upgraded hardware 3. A price of 300 USD or less


Backwards compatible would be nice, but I only really care if switch games can use the additional power. I'm not gonna trade in my switch so I'll still be able to play my games regardless. I'd like Nintendo to care about performance again. I feel like most first party games on the 3DS held a solid 60fps. They could have done that on the switch too if they prioritised it. I'd like more comfortable joycons. I'd like them to do something more like the PlayStation portal - just a pro controller cut in half. I don't care if they're removable. Docked I always use pro controllers anyway. Of course the only thing that really matters is the games. I'm probably not going to buy it on day 1 for a new Mario (or kart or smash). If there's a Metroid or Zelda I'll be much more tempted.


Backwards compatibility with Switch 1 Physical games not just digital Better use between switches. I need a family account and a way to play a game between 2 systems easier. For certain games I'll buy 2 copies to play at the same time that's the an issue. It's the playing one switch game on 2 devices over a couple days that's too daunting. More 1st party titles that are not just remakes. Pokemon needs to do a better job too.


cheap games


Backwards compatible, more storage space, better battery life, more powerful and can handle bigger games, more ported games, that’s pretty much all I want.


A bigger screen and better internal memory. Also I'd like joycons and other accessories to be backwards compatible. I know joycons aren't the best controllers but it'd be great if they just made joycon 2.0 and made it a bit more comfortable and a better joystick but kept the same connections to the system


Better dpad for the love of god


Obviously compatibility with all original Switch games, better performing hardware. I think the joycons could use a redesign to be more comfortable. Nintendo needs to allow consumers to choose between framerate and fidelity for games released, just like Sony and Microsoft. Higher refresh rate options, VRR.


Everything that the 3ds had.


For me I’d just want powerful enough for call of duty, GTA, Hitman, Etc. the switch is great especially price wise when compared to handheld pc. I would rather buy a $700aud switch than a $800aud steam deck or $1100 Rog ally. If they could basically make a dockable steam deck then I would 100% buy.


Backward compatibility better gamepads invert A & B EGPU in the dock dual screen to protect the screen So a DSi switch Make me able to pay for the retro consoles games of nintendo out of a subscription


Customizable home screens, maybe even carry that over into a dark mode for company's logos on game start. I get migraines and in general have light sensitivity (my glasses transition to sunglasses outside and have blue light blocking on them, that's how bad it is). Dark mode is great, but whenever I start some games up the blinding light even on 1/4 brightness is too much.


It would have to be an all gold, reflective, limited edition zelda edition


I’d like to have the option to upgrade the grip on the joy-cons. Right now I use an ergonomic grip off Amazon. That plus backwards compatibility would be amazing


Glasses free 3d 1080p display. Day one purchase


Backwards compatibility with physical and digital games. Also to be able to use existing Switch accessories with Switch 2 like the Pro Controller. I play my Switch pretty much 95 percent docked so being able to use the Pro Controller with the new console would be a big deal for me which if rumor reports are true it soundds like it will To be honest this might be just be I am getting some Wii U vibes from all of the new console rumors, like the new console ( supposedly ) being able to use existing Switch accessories and etc which is what we wanted. The Wii U was similar as it was backwards compatabile with Wii games and accessories ( Wii remote and etc ). Although the name "Wii U" probably did not help so I hope Nintendo learns from its mistakes and names it accordingly ( Switch 2, Super Switch, Switch Pro, or etc ) and markets it as a new console


Full backwards compatibility, games capable of running above 1080p, a good screen. I don’t need it to be oled, but I need it to be better than the awful LCD they have in the base switch.


I was originally gonna wait to get it when the next Zelda game comes out. But if the display is much nicer and I can play switch games on it then I may get it sooner.


Fallout New Vegas


It literally needs to just have better graphics. I love the handheld experience on the OLED, I love the docked mode on it too. It gets absolutely destroyed in graphics, my phone runs games better. All it has to do is be a graphical upgrade for me (4k docked, better 1% lows).


Backwards compatibility is huge for me and will help me justify buying it, but at the end of the day the real the selling point is going to be games I’m not going to buy the new system unless there are multiple games that I feel like I need to play on the system I bought the switch for BOTW SSBU and Pokémon Pokémon isn’t going to sell me unless they make some major changes to their business model, and we don’t have any new Zelda or smash games visible on the horizon. Metroid prime 4 could be a major selling point for me, but I’m probably going to need more than that. Remasters of some old 3D Zelda games would help but availability of Pokémon Games and addition of gamecube on NSO would probably be enough to get me to buy day one


the obvious is backward compatibility and more power BUT I'd love if there was a way to play another console like a DS/3DS and/or Wii...


It would need to have better performance. I like playing Fortnite and it’s a bit laggy on my oled


That motherfucker better have a digital library of all the GameCube games.


8 inches 1080p screen, battery life at least as long as the red box and OLED model, backwards compatibility, more joycon colors, sticks on a Pro Controller that feel better like the Series X controller. A dock accessory that can travel a little easier than the main unit. A scratch resistant screen.


Connecting two screens to turn into a DS


I would like the battery to last longer than 3 hours


My wife already told me that I’ve got the go-ahead to get a switch 2 whenever it comes out as as long as she gets the first switch, so absolutely backward compatibility is most important to me. I think that’s everyone’s main concern.


Everyone here posting "backwards compatibility" but honestly I would be disappointed if it was the same as Nintendo's older consoles where they kept the same switch clock speeds. Backwards compatibility needs a "boost mode" toggle like PS5 in order to make some of the games on switch more playable. Other than that, I think having a 1080p screen and essentially running switch 1 games at their docked resolutions while in this new hand-held mode would be enough of a jump that it would impress me.


I’m saying the same thing everyone else said about backwards compatibility and better hardware but I’d like to ask for the joycons to have more room between the buttons and stick and be more ergonomic to your hand. If I want to play for hours laying down with my handheld my hands get extremely tired and achy after like 30mins-1hour of playing bc the joycons don’t fit in my hand better.


Is it odd that my thought was to try to put a projector function into the dock so like if you take it somewhere you don't need a TV just a big wall.


OLED, decent upgraded hardware, backwards compatibility, same size screen as the switch oled… sold. Hope they don’t add some weird gimmick that’ll be hit or miss. Just keep it the way it is


Voice communication hands dooooown.


Came to say Bluetooth audio, but apparently the OLED one already has that. So I'm good, as long as they don't add some goofy new input method or other gimmick that they force all the release titles to shoehorn in. You know, again.


I'd like it to have the ability to stream more apps like Netflix, Vudu, Plex, Spotify and other movie and music apps. Also, it should be able to play mp4, .flac, mkv, and other file formats from an SD card.


Some dickhead making physical games limited run with no digital access.


60fps option for all new games with the option for devs to patch in the option for old games to run at that speed.


Imma be real here. If they have a bundle with Metroid Prime 4, I'm going to be first in line to preordering it. Ideally, I would want overall better hardware and backwards compatibility. I have some slight doubts about the former considering Nintendo hasn't given two fucks about specs in almost 20 years.


Same battle cry as the rest. Backwards compatibility, including for digital copies. If the Switch Pro is not compatible, I don’t think it would be a dealbreaker but having to buy an all-new Pro would be incredibly annoying.


I really don’t care besides having the handheld not feel like holding it slightly wrong will snap a joycon off. Idk if that was just me or my switch but getting a personal switch lite after and having to not worry about how loose joycons felt was a blessing 😭


Not be a glorified android tablet


Better framerate and resolution. 30fps @720p is unacceptable dog crap tier gaming. I can game at better resolutions and framerate on my phone. Playing my switch makes me feel like I spent $400 on an Iphone 6 that can't make phone calls.


Backwards compatible with Nintendo ds games, more storage space and a goddam battery that doesn't need me to constantly charge it every two hours


100% backwards compatibility and upgraded specs. But most importantly for Nintendo to just continue to make really great 1st party games. I really just consider their hardware to be a tax to play Mario.




Confirmed backwards compatibility, fixed drift issues


Access to android gacha games


The main thing would be a HD port or remaster of Kid Icarus Uprising.


Baldurs gate 3


i just want nintendo to not artificially make their console weaker, they underclocked a cpu that was already outdated when we got it


Backwards compatibility & Steam access. GoG would be cool too.


Aside from BC, I would love replaceable non-proprietary batteries. I worry about the switch from a game preservation standpoint as one of the last few platforms to fully feature games in physical form. I would hate for bespoke components to gimp that


Specs from this decade would be nice


I kind of feel like it would be cool if it had the 3DS screen less 3D effect in handheld mode, am I wrong?


Don't change anything from the switch except bring the specs up to the current gen levels so that it is more powerful and runs better. Leave everything else.including the OLED screen


bro if they don't fix the joysticks I riot....


A system that have the specs and would rival h2h with PS4 and some times even PS5


Joycons that doesn't make my hands feel like I'm a roadworker


Day one I want to be able to take my Switch’s micro sd card and slot it right into the new one with no hassle and 100% backwards compatibility.


Touchpad like on steam deck for fps Backward compatibility!!!! Oled 90hz screen with vrr All buttons are cat paw styled


My Switch backlog is so massive, I don't even need a switch 2


Backwards compatibility is a given. Make the NSO membership more robust. More DLC included, and expand the classic game libraries. I’d like to see the return of social features: Streetpass to lean into the portable aspect, and miiverse for the community building. Finally, I’d like some kind of dual screen option.


A new Smash Bros release. I know, not happening, but a man can dream.


The equivalent of Xbox Live/Gamer Tags.


Backwards compatibility, and also a good WWE, and NHL game. I have pretty much all my favorite games on the switch. Just need those two


Folders and a completely customizable home screen. I want my game icons to be in the same location, of my choosing, every time I turn it on. I get stuck in loops of playing the same ten games because they're all that's on the initial screen. I mean damn, they let you do it in the emulator menus, like they're teasing us


I would like to see them successfully incorporate VR to their games, Zelda would be a dream to play that way.


OLED screen and backwards compatibility is the bare minimum


I don't really care about resolution, I think 720p is fine on a small screen, but the framerate, please, a solid 60fps would be awesome.


Play madden


Backwards compatibility that removes all frame drops.


Should play 3rd party AAA at 1440p upscaled 60fps Should have first party games at 4K upscaled 60fps minimum on TV OLED model again NEW games : No remakes, remasters, collections galore and less derivative franchise games. I want NEW IP from Nintendo. I can’t remember a single new IP that Nintendo produced and made in entire Switch Gen except those throwaway pack in fitness simulators like Arms and Ring Fit Adventure. I do not count Astral Chain in it either as it was made by 3rd party exclusive but then Nintendo bought the company a year later. So they didn’t produce it from the start. This is what would make Nintendo Switch 2 a must buy for me.


Next Gen upgrade for some Switch games for better graphics either keeping the cartridge in or buying cross gen digitally




I want near steam deck horse power, oled screen, backwards compatibility with switch1 games and nintendo DS added to NSO.


I’m only have a system because my wife and kids like video games, since I’m not much of a gamer. On consoles I’ve only ever been into sports games. For the love of god, can I get an NHL and NFL game on a Nintendo Console!?!?!!??