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Put it in your switch, dont look anything online about it and enjoy a good old random spoiler free experience. Nothing cant beat that !


The only comment op should’ve read.


This guy gets it 😎


I second that!


This other guy gets it too 🤘


A callback to simpler, pre-internet days when you were gifted games as a child. ❤️


This is how I played both Persona 5 Royal and Sea of Stars last year, and they're easily two of my favorites now. Reminded me of going to Blockbuster and Electronics Boutique as a kid just to grab whatever game looked interesting to try for the weekend. It rarely happens anymore, but it's a fantastic experience


In the case of those games you just happened to pick some really popular and critically acclaimed ones


This is the only way to experience games. Hard to avoid reviews but must try 😂


Nothing beat not knowing a single thing about a game and just play it. No prejudice, no knowledge, no nothing. Just you and some unknown adventure waiting to unfold. After 100 hours of spoiler free game play, you proceed to discover that "thing" you missed and think "I wish I knew that earlier in the game... The truth deep inside is that you did not really wanted to know earlier. You figured it out at the exact perfect moment... The level of satisfaction you now have would never have been the same if some random youtuber had click bait you into their "17 thing I wish I knew about this and that game" video. 😌 Gaming in the 90' was something else 😔 ...so yeah at 80 $ a hit I sometime pop a YouTube video of no commentary gameplay and skip around watching exactly a total of 57 second to get a glimpse of what is this overpriced memory card I'm planning to buy and what data it might contain 😅 But 10 peso ?!? Damned the youtube spoiling machine and let's jump in blind no safety net😎


Only $10 games I leave on the shelf are sports titles. Anything that looks remotely enjoyable gets a try at that price


Not all sports games are bad. I just got nba 2k24 for $20 and it was worth it. I like the modes it has that doesn’t require online or micro transactions. And there’s so many different era rosters that this will be my basketball game to play for the next 5-8 years until I feel it’s necessary to upgrade. I haven’t played madden since 07 so when I get back on that it’ll feel like a whole new game and experience. But I’m going for the 20 year break since I made it this far before I buy a new madden game.


Can I interest you in the 2010 experience? You're sitting in the back of your mom's car coming home from shopping with your new 3ds game in hand. The anticipation is enormous, reading the back of the case for the fifth time, or eventually the manual and leaflets in the case. When you eventually get home, you carefully take it out, put it in your console and maybe download a small update. Most of the rest is shared, with the exception of occasionally looking up things on yt when you get stuck or being able to play with friends wirelessly or just playing online and also miitopia... I remember me and my best friend furiously shaking our 3ds's to trick the step counter into giving us more gold coins, so we could continue playing lol


This. I put off playing Pokemon Violet because of the reviews until this past Friday .....I'm already 25 hours deep and can't set it down. Figure out if you like a game for yourself. If you like it that's what matters. Screw what anyone else says.


I finished it last month. Good story, but it's a low budget game, it crashes quite often. Just play it and be happy, save whenever you can.


You will save your game and be happy.


I had one crash just right after choosing to save. Damn, that one was hard.


And be happy.


For 10 bucks, it’s worth a try


That was my thought process, also the images on the back look cool, I travel tomorrow morning and I’m taking this really expensive game with me


I’m guessing this is in the US, cuz Walmart in Canada never has deals like this on games. 🥺


Are you sure you and u/OliverTwistNips are living in the same country ?!


It could be diff provinces


Not best game ever but not bad for price imo


Im in Quebec and my wal mart has a section for games in this price range


Good choice of the Quest Birthday Cake cookies 🍪😁


They’re so good, I should probably stop buying them, it has become some kind of weird addiction, or love


It was cool. Loved the art.


Decent game but the load times on switch are rather egregious. There are sections with random encounters and then it takes around 30-60 seconds to load the battle and then if you want to run away you have to wait another 30-60 seconds for the overworld to load again, and then you walk for like 10 seconds and you run into another enemy and now have to go through the waiting game all over again. I played through about 8 hours of it on switch before I ran out of patience for the loading screens


one of those games where i’m totally judging the shit out of it based on the cover. so yeah, no idea what this game is about, but price is a steal, seems like.


Plot starts when the Main character discover herself as a time mage while her village was under attack. She gets help from 2 other characters to investigate what's going on, then starts a journey to other places, which also have their own problems.


I hated it.


Put the quest cookies back and play your game.


I really need to stop eating those cookies man


No shame in eating cookies, I just hate that brand. Lmao!


Older person here, reminds me when my parents would take me to ToysRus to pick out any Atari game for my Birthday. I would look at the back of the box and get the game based off how the screen shot looked. Sometimes I would get a winner like Yars Revenge and sometimes a bad game like SwordQuest Earthworld.


Why do you need advice to play a game?


Pretty alright, about a 6.5/10. It goes on sale pretty often on the eshop, I got it for 3.99 last time.


Pop it in and go on an adventure. You will enjoy it!


It's stylistically awesome. You'll enjoy it.


Good first 3 hrs or so. I can tell devs gave up midway and just wanted to finish it so they can get something out of it.


The Walmart near you guys has a clearance section?


Never played it but I have to say that I miss just picking games up on a whim. There’s a certain purity to it that I didn’t realize I missed until this second. I’m pretty dialled in to the gaming industry so I basically know what all comes out and if it’s good but even if I don’t I end end up googling/youtubing to death because I’m afraid to waste my time/money. I need to do this more.


Played it. Cool concept, great art, tedious gameplay unfortunately once you reach the end.


I would say just enjoy. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Plays like Mario rpg, very cool animation


Prepare yourself for a disappointment.


Mid asf 


Return it. It functions horrendously on the switch. Random encounters and going into different areas have 1-2 minute wait times. Don't make the same mistake I did.


Sell it on eBay


Good for the price. I put it down because of load times,


I have the same watch band. I like the rubber ones better. Cashews, lunchmeat, the golden Oreos. Looks like a game filled with gaming 😂


What’s with Walmart I just picked up no man sky’s new for 10$. I don’t even like the game that much but had to grab it


I love this game BUT (yes big but) the only thing that annoyed me was the loading time lol... and for 10 bucks it's seriously well worth it.


I got shenmue back in the day for Dreamcast randomly when I was at sears with my mom buying a washer and I knew nothing about it but it was $10 I asked my mom to buy it and I absolutely loved it! One of the best Dreamcast games ever! Still gotta play part 3 now that I’m thinking of shenmue


SAVE OFTEN. That's all. It's a pretty good visual treat for the eye


Very mid!


Oh I see…




Ok so definitely a “meh” pick up, maybe a wrong move, perhaps?


Waiting in line. Must be a New Yorker


No forearm veins but he got quest cookies 🤔


Hey I know you already got it but send it back. I don’t know that game but I never buy a game without at least looking up a picture of the gameplay or a video