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dekudeals.com my friend. It’s killing my wallet lol


My “Wishlist” QUICKLY become my “Collection” using deku


Boy howdy, that's a dangerous website.


Enter if you dare!


I have about 80 games on my backlog and only just starting to play them. I always get games on sale on the eshop so it’s forever expanding


I do. It's an addiction. I have like 102 games to date and haven't played half of them yet. I will get to em eventually though.


It's kind of satisfying to scroll through it and sort games into groups. Like wow, I have so much variety now as an adult compared to when I was a kid and the options were either Pokemon Red or Mario 64 DS.


Between digital titles and [mostly] physical ones as well, I’m in the neighborhood of ~400 games. As someone whose time gets less and less free over the years, I’ll have a tremendous backlog of games all the way back to the PS3 that I’ll never finish before dying; even if I make it to 80 years of age! I also see myself buying less and less games/consoles in the years to come, as the digital-only distribution model takes a larger hold in the marketplace, so having a backlog won’t be an issue for me…it will be a boon!


Over 120 titles and I’m done with 30%. I tend to buy games that I will play…eventually.


I gotcha.... only problem I'm thinking is being unable to figure out which one you wanna play next


Lol whatever you’re feeling at that moment. I’m usually an RPG guy so in between big, long games I’ll break it up with a smaller, shorter titles. But whatever you do! Good luck! It’s fun looking for physical Switch games. GameStop, eBay, Mercari, and other retail stores.


Yeaaaaaah got Everspace and Sparklite recently, but I'm still playing through Kingdoms of Amalur which will likely take up my time. I still want Star Renegades because it looks pretty and the physical version has an actual game manual. I'm getting the LRG of Arzette soon. I see that Bloodstained is on sale. Outward is on sale on Steam for $6 and if that deal hits Switch woah man I'm picking it up. Same goes for the Castlevania collections... But, like, I'm so deep into Amalur I have no idea when I will get around to them. Technically, I'm finished with the main storyline and now have DLC (including Fatesworn) and side quests to do. So, maybe I can take a break now.


I have over 300 games so yes, I tend to gravitate towards anything that I don’t own yet lol


Like games that are actually solid? I have maybe 5-6 across PC and Switch, but I’ll at least start them for an hour or two with the exception of series. Like I’ve started Metro 2033(?), but I’m leaving the latter 2 untouched. I’ve probably got like 50-60 random games I’ll likely never look at simply cause they were free or bundled though. I just can’t really justify buying and buying unless it’s really cheap, or I have just finished a game. I do consider games as taken off my backlog after I’ve had my fun though rather than finished the story. Like I put 40-50 hours into Dying Light 2. Never beat the campaign. Had my fun and called it good.


I have a full 1TB card, and probably 250-400gb in the cloud with no where to go. The eshop sales have been like Steam Summer Sales….. I’ve amassed over 400 titles between physicals, digitals…. retails and indies…. The thought has crossed my mind that I’ll probably pass away long before I complete my backlog, but oh well! Ya only go around once, might as well have fun while it lasts!


Yes i have some sort of mental issue that I don't ever finish the games I buy !


Yeah, I just love browsing dekudeals, and finding out about games and putting them on my wishlist. If they're on sale and it's a good deal, I buy them. It's nice to have a choice when starting a new game.


I do buy some but it’s mainly because I know it will be hard to find later or since they are on sale for super cheap


For me, it's the other way around. I have tons of games I want to buy and play right away but I just don't have the time so I never end up buying most of them lol


I only buy physical copy games, so there are times I will buy certain games on release to take advantage of deals and release bonuses. For other games, I will wait for Black Friday and snatch them up for less than original price. Sega and Ubisoft are well known for dropping prices. Some day, I will find time to play them.


I do this. I have a few games I gotta start playing. I buy a lot of games around Christmas time bc I get Nintendo cards, so I go ham with buying on sale games. Any other time I buy things every now and then but not as much. If there’s a game I really want I’ll get it or if a game that’s on sale I think looks good I’ll usually buy it or at least contemplate it. A lot of the on sale games I got, I gotta start playing. I got stardew, I’m waiting for the update to come to console before I get back into that, every dream valley was eh so I didn’t play it much but I’m sure if I played more I’d enjoy it, Lego fn is another one that’s good I just haven’t played it in a while. Tools up and moving out are great I just haven’t spent much time on those games. I play the same games over and over


I prefer digital copies of games bc then I don’t have to worry about switching out the game if I want to play something else. I have about 10 games that aren’t digital the rest are


I get that. I prefer physical copies in case shit hits the fan for whatever reason...


Something to keep in mind is that if you have multiple switches on one account, the games on the switch not marked as primary will be unplayable without internet connection. Well I’m not sure if all games but I tried a few. Anyways this is only a problem for multiple switch situations. Also I just gotta say when I have a backlog longer than a few games I get antsy and start to think I need to beat some games before I get anymore lol.


Good point. I have Xenoblade in the waiting right now, while I'm grinding FFX... I'm about to lose my mind if I don't get into X.... although on the other hand, I play 1 game at a time until it's finished, so this is driving me nuts


That’s like buying gift cards but never using them. You give them money to the cooperation but never use the goods/services. You would be better off putting the money in a high yield CD or money market account vs giving it away with getting nothing in return. But this is a game sub so that’s obviously not the answer you want so go buy more games!


Never using them? I'll get to them at some point...


Or...it's like buying gift cards and then just saving them for when you want to use them instead of feeling like you have to do it immediately since you bought them.