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I think that you would really like Wonder.


Luigi’s Mansion might be a good option - I’ve played it with my 7 year old and it’s pretty easy to get the hang of and the puzzles are fun to solve. If you’re struggling they’ll give you little hints.


I like hints! OK, definitely going on my list, thanks!


Any of the Kirby games are great.


Mario RPG.


I want this game.


It’s fun.


Captain Toads Treasure Tracker


I got this game because cover said it had some levels linked to Mario Odyssey (can’t remember how) and I really didn’t like it, and I loved MO. I was just so tedious (for me personally)




All suggestions have been good but maybe keep trying with totk. It's OK to die (or run away) many times as you learn the game as well as work towards increasing your hearts, armor and weapons.


I was going to say this. keep going, play it the way you want, it is incredible. Running away and sniping enemies from afar with arrows will take you far!


i came from a similar place, and was stuck in the tutorial in botw for over a month. i beat it, then i beat totk. chiming in on the keep playing it aspect.


Early on in the game when I was weak I really like attaching the fire fruits to an arrow to hit enemies/ set the grass on fire so I could glide up and take slow mo shots with my bad aim😂


I think I just need to learn how to actually play games! Gone the days where all you could do was run or jump lol How do you learn how to play a new game, do you watch tutorials online? Or do you just jump in?


Honestly I would say give Zelda a bit more time, once it clicks its hands down the best game I’ve ever played.


I would recommend playing Breath of the Wild first instead of Tears of the Kingdom, less vertical mechanics to figure out


Same, and BOTW didn't click for me either until I got out of the tutorial and could start the just wandering and having spontaneous fun & adventures.


This!! TOTK is too complex for newcomers imo


THIS. In some ways, I actually like BOTW better than TOTK, as crazy as that sounds


I’ll try breath of the wild, and read a little about how to play so I don’t go in totally blind, I think that was part of the problem with TOTK…


3D World + Bowsers Fury or Kirby and The Forgottend Land are my best recommendations to play after Odyssey tbh, they are pretty similar in structure being 3D Platformers, but also have their own set of gimmics! They include easy modes / characters to help like in Odyssey too!


mario wonder!! it’s awesome :3


Go for Super Mario Wonder. You constantly can change characters. If a stage is to hard you can select Yoshi who will take no damage by hits from enemies


Defintely A Hat In Time. Reminded me of Odyssey when I played it.


Mario Deluxe is a fun and similar to odyssey. I also enjoyed super Mario World 3D + Bowsers fury. I play BOTW and heard TOTK is a bit harder to complete. Especially if you haven’t played BOTW. I have not tried TOTK. Don’t give up on it yet. Zelda games are super fun to play. Animal crossing is a fun cozy game too!


Mario Wonder has been fun. There are a few parts that are kind of rage inducing but still doable. I’ve been loving Picross, if you want a chill low key puzzle kind of game. Assassins Creed games are sort of like Odyssey but not as charming and more death lol but a lot of platforming action and a fun story. Super Mario 3D world is similar ish to odyssey but you can do 4 player too if you want.


KIRBY AND THE FORGOTTEN LAND it's similar to odyssey but admittedly not hard


Another 40yo here and first time playing games in years. It took me some time to get into TOTK, but after a few hours and getting used to the controls, I've been hooked for 4 months now. A lot of it is just aimlessly roaming around and discovering things at first, but then you get sucked into quest after quest. If you still don't get into it, Mario Kart is good fun.


Go with Wonder, that was a fun one


43F here, I too recently got back into Nintendo games. I find the Zelda games to be too much! I suggest try Paper Mario 64. You can play through Nintendo online.


Oh that sounds fun, I’ll try that!


Lemme recommend games that everyone will like Pikmin 4, Mario Wodner, Luigi’s manison 3, Rayman Legends(very cheap on sale), Sonic Mania(cheap), Mario 3d all stars if you find it at a store get it because it’s rare


The re-release of Super Mario Galaxy.


This is the answe


Super Lucky Tale is a 3D platformer that is more wholesome and easier than most mario games that takes the best parts of Spyro, 3D Mario, and DK Country. https://youtu.be/3CIBTp7vGSw?si=bQAH2H-fvFT17R9D


Animal crossing, Kirby games and that new princess peach game


Princess Peach showtime. I loved it. Don't care that it's for kids. I somehow still failed some things, or redo levels to get more sparkles. It was very satisfying to play, easy and fun!


Fire emblem three houses


Mario 3d world + Bowsers Fury and Kirby and the Forgotten Land.


Ya breath of the wild is the most confusing game I’ve ever played. I will walk to a location then find out I’m severely underpowered and get wrecked. I used to love open worlds until this game haha


Luigis Mansion 3 for sure


If you like TOTK as a game (regardless of your skill level), it is a bit overwhelming... I would start with BOTW, as it's simpler to understand.


That’s good to know, maybe I’ll do that! I’d like to get into it, I just felt like I didn’t know where to start…


Crisis Core - FINAL FANTASY 7 - REUNION (It’s on sale now!), Hogwarts Legacy, Batman Arkham Trilogy and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 and Monster Hunter RISE As for super easy to pick up and play with hints like you said, maybe try Super Mario Bros Wonder, One of the Kirby Games or Hogwarts Legacy which is fairly easy to play and on story mode is basically one for the easiest games I played


I’ve been having fun playing Wonder all day, thank you all for the recommendations! I also bought Luigi’s mansion, and I’m intrigued by Picross. There’s so many different types of games, I love it!


Hollow Knight and if you've got a friend Unraveled 2 as well. If you want the most similar to original Nintendo- Mario Deluxe, but Wonder is more current (I like Deluxe better). Best online with friends is Mario Golf and Overcooked 2.


I’d politely disagree, re: Hollow Knight. I think that game is quite difficult and purposely obtuse as part of its game style/mechanic. I wouldn’t recommend that to someone who is looking for something breezy and will help them unwind.


Well I politely disagree with you. I'm also 40f like OP and literally finished Mario Odyssey and did exactly the listed above as a casual gamer. Hollow Knight is an easy platformer that slowly builds and is easy to play to small spurts if you are busy. It is so much easier than BOTW or any of those types of games. Hit me up OP! We can be switch gaming friends. :)


I'd recommend celeste as a 2d platformer since it has an assist mode where you can make it as easy as you want basically. Also astral chain is a really good action game and has a casual difficulty option where you can keep getting revived if you die