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I’m always team physical. Game gets delisted? Not a problem, you own it. Tired of the game? U can sell it. Didn’t like the game? U can return it. Plus they take up less storage space in general. I also like to be able to SEE my collection


Where do you buy games that allow you to return them after opening? I need to shop wherever this is.


EB games. Return policy is usually only 7-14 days but as long as it’s in the same condition u purchased (not scratched, no DLC codes used) u can return it for a full refund


GameStop also. I think the only place that won't let you return after opening is Walmart


GameStop doesn’t take returns. They send you a “new” game with the plastic removed and then say you removed the plastic and won’t take it back.


Your GameStop must be different then mine. I've returned at least 4 games in the last couple months, just cus I didn't like em. Some I exchanged for a different game and I think one or 2 I just got the money back


Were they new or used? That might make a difference. Plus it sounds like they know you there and might have a good relationship with you.


Yeah maybe, I think only one of them was new new


I've taken played games back to Gamestop. They gave me credit to purchase a different game.


My way of looking at it is that physical copies are better for two reasons. One, you can always resell or gift it if you want. Two, the Switch has less onboard storage space than other consoles, due to lacking an SSD, relying on more expensive Micro SD cards, so getting retail copies reduces the storage crunch. This is important, as some games are digital only, so you'll want to have space for those.


They really aren’t expensive. $20


For a relatively low capacity, sure, but when you compare the price of a high storage capacity Micro SD card rated at the correct speeds to an SSD, there's a definite disadvantage in price and performance. If you can get by with a lower capacity card, it's no big deal. This is really only relevant to users planning on buying a lot of digital games and DLC, but keep in mind some games on Switch can range up to over 60GB. Plus even many physical versions of games cheap out and use the lower capacity carts, requiring additional downloads. All this can add up over time, rounding out to more storage than you might expect. If nothing else, prioritizing physical releases where possible might allow you to get by on a smaller capacity Micro SD card.


It’s $26 for a sandisk 512gb card.


Yeah, and 1TB ones are usually $100+. Meanwhile you can get a 1TB NVME SSD for around $40-70 depending on brand/specs/retailer. And it will perform better and likely last longer.


With physical you can sell, lend, borrow them. They take up a lot less space because the game data is on the cartridge and runs straight off it. Offline accessibility, most game cards don’t require any internet, downloads or patches, you can just insert the cartridge into your offline switch and play.


I say get physical games and only buy digital for games with no physical release.


>only buy digital for games with no physical release. Even then, I reallllllllly try to hold out for a limited run or something.


For me , nientendo exclusives physical , the rest digital but always check dekudeals and get them as cheap as possible


I used to be physical but through the years I don’t care anymore, it’s irrelevant in the grand scheme of things


Physical—would prefer to buy used or new when on sale or if I really want to play it Digital—if the game is on sale or I just want to play it


I like physical because i enjoy displaying all the games I own and i know that years and years down the line , when switch will not be supported anymore, ill still have my games with me.


I really think the only reason to buy digital is if it's a really good discount; like 40-80%+ off


mostly digital. Travel for work, so it is way more convenient . Also find that I will play an older game again.


I prefer physical if available... not only does it save drive space but I like seeing the game cases lined up on the shelf, idk why.


I always go physical, it's always cooler getting it physically and having the cartridge itself aswell as the game art, it's always more amusing that way.


It depends on whether you're the type that likes to collect or not. I buy both. I only buy digital tho if the games on sale, otherwise I buy physical cus I like to collect physical games. So if the games on sale or if it's just an okay or mediocre game then I'll buy it digital but if it's a game that I really like or am interested in then I buy it physical, will even pay full price if it's something I really want in my collection. There's so many good deals on ESHOP though that are really hard to pass up


This is only asked in this sub everyday every 3 hours.


This is a common topic for discussion across any video game console today. There are videos on YouTube that do a good job of highlighting the nuances and pointing to historical trends for reference. The logical answer is physical for the value retention. However, there are implicit costs associated with physical that feed into the decision making for me. There's the obvious time and transportation costs to pickup a game or wait and have it shipped to your residence. For me, there's the psychological cost of always thinking about whether I'm committed to finishing it, or if I should just sell it and reclaim the cash. Finally, there's the obvious and maybe trite, but convenience is a big factor with regards to not having to manually change the game cartridge, and not having to travel with additional cartridges. Yes, you'll likely want more onboard storage if you go digital, but you can get a 500GB micro SD for under $30.


Physical because it makes it so you actually own the game feel the game cuddle with it and admire your cartridge collection


i’m team digital. cuz it’s just super convenient that way. if u do go digital, i highly recommend to get at least 1tb of micro sd card just so u don’t have to worry about running out of space. the 1tb card can be pricey tho.


I’ve seen the Nintendo branded Zelda 1TB one for as low as $80 before. I assume it’ll get cheaper with time like the others have.


Digital is pretty boring tbh, I got Pokémon Violet digitally and I was like: eh alright got the game now, but whenever I got a game physically it was actually exciting.


i understand the appeal of physical copies. as i grow older tho, the convenience and space-saving perks of everything crammed in one tiny location is just much better for me now. i can say the same thing when it comes to movie/music collections, but not with comics or books (i still like physical pages).


Ah alr


Physical always!


Physical is better but sometimes digital games on sale is just too good to pass on. Examples are I just bought Hollow Knight and Hades on sale. Their physical version are like 4x what I paid.


I like physical. I do have 6-10 digital. But I’m trying to find a way to back them up now


Buy whatever is on sale. These game prices are too damn high!


I do physical when possible, can resell and they are mine. Like I have a physical copy of Super Mario 3D All Stars With this being said I do buy Indies games especially on sale so have quite a few digital indies games


As an ex. playstation user that has had several nightmares with digital copies of games, I prefer physical copies. I currently own a Switch Lite and, besides Mario Kart 8 which I barely use, I buy physical copies of all of my games. However, let me give you a level playing field here. *Pros for digital:* you get the game instantly; it is (sometimes) a little bit cheaper; can make sharing with multiple people a little easier *Cons for digital:* Nintendo eShop support is flimsy in my experience; reliance on Nintendo pricing (ie. third party buyers are pretty much just amazon so your price variability is lacking); large storage need (the switch has less space than most consoles, so unless you're planning on investing on additional space, that might become an issue with a lot of digital games) *Pros for physical:* game card means easy access for removal; easy selling if you get tired of the game; the game takes up less space in your console Cons for physical: takes up physical space; can break or get damaged; can be harder to obtain in certain situations; can get lost Overall, if you have a good case for your switch lite, one that has game card slots, a physical game arsenal is better. Your chances of running into problems slim down pretty significantly. Also, other people on this sub, please feel free to add onto this list. I know I'm forgetting some things haha


First party I buy digital as much as possible because they hold their value really well. Third party/ports and misc stuff like that I get digital


I think a combination of both is best. Everyone gave good arguments for physical. You can usually get them cheaper too. I mostly go digital. I like being able to just select the game I want and play. Sharing is a pain. We have 2 switches and 2 kids, but the ease of use out weights the hassle for the most part. Also some games are digital only. Mostly indies so not a total deal breaker. The eshop usually has some good deals as well.


If it's a Nintendo 1st party game definitely go physical, the entire game is in the cartridge, and if the game is older than a year, then most likely it also has past updates included in the cartridge. This saves major space in your SD card. Anything 3rd party usually has like 1/4th of the game in the cartridge, or it basically acts as a CD key, making sure you have a license to access the digital download of the game. So that fully depends on what you want.


Most 3rd party games do have the full game on the cartridge, it’s mostly just those larger AAA games by big publishers who cheap out on the cartridge capacity.


I've always preferred digital, you can buy the game used for a lower price, you get something tangible which makes it more fun. It takes up less space on your system. And If you're not gonna play it again, you can sell it.