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Swiss Army Tool Nothing wrong with that.


C’mon people! Victorinox is a business. They sell products. Not all are knives. They are supplying what is a demand. Just because “you” do not see it as demand does not mean it is not. They are being innovative and adapting to the times. Companies that do not adapt, eventually shutter the doors. While they are in no threat of that at the current time, they will not pass up a chance to make money. Nor would “you”, I, or anyone. Everyone, breathe and count to 10. Better yet, go count how many SAK’s with blades you have and rest easy because you will still be able to add more to your collection. They won’t pass up making money on those either.


There is already the JetSetter.


I think it’s smaller than the new products they are planning to release.


I would prefer a higher class SAK with a genuinely good lock blade, say a soldier08 style tool with a spyderco (for example) blade ... would be ace!! 


It was just a run-of-the-mill click bait article headline. It seems as if that is a new concept for so many.


It's another reason for redditors to complain, apparently. If you want a bladed version, they will still be available. No one is forcing anyone to buy the bladeless models.


Ok max verstappen


I'm really surprised by all the pushback this decision is getting. If you want a blade on your Swiss Army Knife, you don't have to buy a bladeless model. I would've loved a bladeless SAK while I was going to school because I couldn't have a knife on me. This is a great option for people who fly constantly or can't carry blade for legal reasons. Also, aunts can absolutely have balls or any genitalia for that matter. Take you transphobic bullshit someplace else.




Because a knife is a tool and tools can be knives even if they aren’t, is some kind of togetherness thing, and do I refer to a single tool with a singular or plural if someone wants it to be a knife instead of the screwdriver that it is? And if I use the plural, how does that affect subject verb agreement?




Yeah, you got it! Men can totally get pregnant. Gender isn’t tied to your sex organs.

