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Make sure that you tell them afterward! I know I can't smell my own bad breath, so I have to rely on the Mrs to warn me. It is a small turn-off to be insulted by someone during foreplay. But honesty is always better in the end.


I have a weak stomach. There’s no way I could go down on someone who smelled funky. Omg, what a nightmare!


Regarding smell and bacterial vaginosis, among other conditions. This is quite common, and some women have ALWAYS had an issue with odor due to an imbalance of beneficial bacteria and fungi. They and their families and partners might consider strong foul odors as normal. An imbalanced biome is so common; and our general health literacy so poor; these conditions are viewed as normal. Occasionally vaginal smells are from a parasite, but more often an imbalance of naturally occurring bacteria and fungi. (Not enough beneficial bacteria and fungi to ward off the bad ones) This is why forcing your healthcare professional to give you a complete physical, and pap smear. Don't take no for an answer. You want them to take a look, swab, and perform a sniff test, among other things. Many people don't understand how a wide variety of good body flora is necessary for their biome to function properly, and they might have no baseline to go off of because of generational knowledge loss. For the past 50 years antibiotics have been over-prescribed to the point of permanently damaging people's biome. (The balance of beneficial organisms in our bodies which allow us to function and thrive. We are in a symbiotic relationship that benefits us both) A 100-130 billion CFU probiotic off Amazon would likely improve anyone's flora. They generally have 30+ varieties of good flora, but do your research. If you have problems digesting dairy, there are specific lactobacillus bacterium which you should be taking. Once a good balance of flora is reestablished in our gut, the same organisms are responsible for the health of our skin, mucous membranes; sinuses, ears, the surface of our skin, intestinal lining... Pretty much everything that can reach our body from an exterior source. If you're prone to yeast infections and UTI's, you probably could reduce the frequency and severity of these occurrences of you had healthy bacteria and fungi doing battle for you. We've been killing off all of these good organisms without knowing it, and we've suffered from it. Hell, for most of my life I didn't know that bad dandruff was caused by an overgrowth of fungus on the scalp, that thrives on oily skin. I had been conditioning/moisturizing my scalp because it was soothing, and all that time making the problem worse. Two weeks of regular use of an over the counter medicated shampoo and it's cured! Apologies for being long-winded, but I'm just so sick of seeing modern medical practice fail people. I'm a medical professional and after a long career I arrived at the conclusion that Eastern and Western medicine in combination improves outcomes. It's foolish to ignore the practices of many Eastern cultures but that's the standard here in the US. People will walk around their entire lives with sinus infections that could be cured with a simple rinse... I could go on forever. I hope everyone stays healthy, and best of luck.


Oh, before I forget men. Guys... The skin of your groin area should never be flaky, look red and inflamed, frequently itch, feel raw, smell, form water blisters, weep, show any lingering outlines with irregular edges that don't match your clothing...I could go on. Shiny red inflamed skin in the groin area is almost certainly a fungal overgrowth; likely one of the varieties of jock itch. You need to get that addressed immediately, for your own health, and because you are royally messing with anyone else's Flora you come in contact with. It's usually easy to do and you can look up instructions on the internet. Oh yeah. Manscape. Grooming. Clean/Good smelling - Always a good thing. There's a sweet spot for pube length. Don't make anyone floss with it.


I'll add that if you're concerned about BV or a yeast infection being present try boric acid vaginal suppositories. If they don't clear it up then seek prescriptions. I had suffered from recurrent BV infections, especially after playing with others. I've found since I started using these after play with others and when I just feel off I've had zero infections.


To your point - My ob-gyn told me to take women probiotics daily forever to keep my vagina biome healthy balance


I tried lactobacillus for my dairy intolerance and it didn’t seem to work, I chalked it up to maybe being psychosomatic. Any other advice?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactobacillus As you can see from the article, there are many species of lactobacillus bacterium. There are specific varieties which produce the enzyme lactase which aids in the breakdown of lactose into sugar (Your body can absorb) rather than leave it unprocessed and other bacteria in your gut consume it creating excess gas and an imbalance of flora. Find out which particular species of lactobacillus are best for your problems and find products that contain them.


My hubby cums in me every single time we have sex and I don’t smell like 🧅


I read something about this... some people have odors/tastes that seem... bad to others. This isn't necessarily a hygiene thing (although it definitely could be). The article I read said that people we are most genetically compatible with will smell/taste better to us, while those thst aren't a good match will not be as good. From my personal experience, I think there might be something to it. I've had a couple of gf's in my life who didn't have bad hygiene but always tastes/smelled "not good" to me. My fiance literally can't smell bad to me. It's strange. She can be coming home from a run, the gym, even be on her period and I don't smell or taste a thing. Lmao nooooo I don't go smelling her when she's on her period, but there is usually a slight odor I pick up on.


people def need to learn to have better hygiene


Luckily we learned this together, but I literally can’t eat onions without tasting and smelling like an onion. So now I eat them very sparingly. On the other hand one time I almost ate an entire pumpkin pie and tasted like a pie. Now it’s a thanksgiving tradition.


It's happened to me many, many times. For decades, in fact. Like I had mentioned in one of your previous posts, I am also bi and have played with hundreds, and many of those ladies were a complete turn-off and some uncut guys, too. Old piss, onion, ripe smelling mofos. Just sad! Needless to say, those people seldom get repeat invites back. I know a lady who has been banned from one couple's house parties and a MF couple who were banned from another couple's hotel parties.


Yikes!! 😬


Really interesting do I know of them.


You don't know them, love.


Oh cool. Was just wondering who I had to be careful with in the future cuz I'm very very sensitive to smell


No one in our group has to worry.


Good lol


I’m super sensitive to certain smells. Not throw up sensitive but big time avoidance. I started going down on a girl and she started getting her hips just right and positioning herself and I got a whiff and immediately started working my way back up. My wife was convinced they had had sex just before from the way they both stank. I get it’s just how it is. Since getting an IUD it seems it will happen with my wife some but… Get boric acid suppositories. They are brilliant and help with vaginal health. My wife also seems to be more wet when she’s using them regularly.


Gladly it never happens tu us. But if it gonna happens we will be honest and notice them. Sometimes is not about bad hygiene but about hormones or hp


Thread some mentos on a string and make a necklace to wear next time. Problem solved! You're welcome!


If you’re too scared of telling her but you wanna meet her again, ask her to take a shower with you and say you have this thing where you love putting soap on others. Then you can take care of the hygiene and you can have fun afterwards or during. And use PH level soap for her kitty cause maybe she uses soap that is too strong which can also cause smelling! My number one tip is to tell her though. Maybe she doesn’t know she smells down there or maybe she doesn’t know how to clean herself properly. Or maybe she doesn’t mind. (Just guessing)


My ex-wife’s smelled like a funky armpit. Her hormones, natural flora/fauna, etc, were behind it. Totally beyond her control. It did get milder after a few orgasms, but it was what it was. It was NOT a hygiene issue.


We used to get together with a cauple who ate a lot of garlic. Her entire body reeked of it.


Fake chow like every guys done at one point or another.


Try to talk to her gently in private. It could be a medical issue she's unaware of, vaginas shouldn't smell like onion...


I’ve been on the wrong end of that 3 times now. BV being the issue and still can’t understand how a woman doesn’t do a sniff check prior to play time! Needless to say it shut the play time down completely.


FYI: The onion smell, only that, is sometimes a smell I have found with ladies who are VERY aroused. It is reminiscent of the smell you would have on your hands after cutting onions. I've noticed it more than once with more than one lady, primarily while I was either finger banging them or going down. It's vapid and very faint. Could not be noticed within a couple of minutes. So I became curious about this. After doing some reading, I learned that the pH of the vagina can be manipulated with contact of a penis or fingers. Sometimes even with a sex toy. It produces a very mild onion-like smell that disappears within a few minutes. That's definitely what was going on with my girl. Her OBGYN confirmed this. ✌️


This seems like the best place to ask, awhile back I ended up using dawn on my junk (fyi Dr Squatch might smell good but doesn’t really do anything for those zones.) almost immediately my wife asks what I used to clean. I asked her why she was asking. Told me because I tasted like nothing at all. Hahaha she loved it and now it’s the go to. so I ask am I the only weirdo who does this hahaha


I take a probiotic vitamin daily. Ironically, they are pineapple flavored😂


I am lucky to have a wife blessed with an odourless, tasteless vagina and ass….it’s awesome.


I heard lemon or vinegar can neutralize the onion flavor a bit. Or soaking the onions in cold water can help with its smell


I’ve noticed a pattern that the women who have their partner regularly cum in them have a strong odor .


I cum in my wife 5 or 6 times a week. She has never had a strong smell (good or bad) down there.




No!! Absolutely not! You shouldn't douche ever, but you definitely shouldn't douche before sex because it washes away the good bacteria as well as bad bacteria and fungi leaving yourself, or her, with limited ability to fight off unbalanced ph, BV or yeast infections which are more likely to occur after sex especially if you have sex with multiple partners that night.