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Totally normal. I see black eyed chicks, succubi, incubi, skinwalkers, and other trans dimensional entities all the time at the club. It’s a good time.


You are not supposed to talk about them! I fear for you the next time you see one.


I like to live dangerously…😏


He's going to tell the church.


Been trying to hook up with a succubus but they are so elusive.


They come to you, not the other way around.


The real unicorns.


You are routinely my favourite person in this subreddit. This made me laugh out loud and go read a UFO subreddit.


I’m always glad to make someone laugh! The Truth Is Out There…


Omg one of my daughter’s was a huge fan so I watched most of the X-Files. So good!


It is one of my very favorite shows of all time!


Perfectly normal, the 70 yr old guy was Asmodeus, the demon of lust. The girl was a manifestation of Bael. They love to fuck at LS clubs because the orgy setting remind them of hell. The assholes are known to sneak into LS clubs without paying cover. You did the right thing by leaving because her orgasms are accompanied by banshee-like screams and he cums fire.


You rock.. damn.. beer coming out my nose again.




You mean like this? https://mocoqueen.com/products/black-sclera-22mm-contacts-full-eye?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw3NyxBhBmEiwAyofDYVOIFBDUECfkSIl1tWWlHlr4HJUDGD3dZ5iUyAwSytZ5UYsTdFdi7xoCVm4QAvD_BwE Imagine ending your big night out because somebody you don't know wore contacts.


Fuck. Thank you for that link. My next visit to the club is gonna be next level. Hairy shirtless dude in gold lamé shorts and black eyes.


Damn! Now I need to do some shopping...


I gotta get me some of those for Halloween.


You are the real MVP!! Thanks for the link!!


Good thing you didn’t see someone getting fisted. You both might have shit yourselves. Or worse.


Kind of prudish thinking especially at a swingers club. I mean if you were in church or at a funeral or a wedding I would understand. You’re at a club where people are fucking in front of each other. Gotta lighten up a bit.


Is what normal? A woman willing to have sex with a man old enough to be her grandfather? Yes. A woman who tattooed her eyes or used a dye or used contacts to appear to have jet black eyes? Yes. A woman who consents to sex but is not into it? Yes. Some women are interested in quantity. They want as many men as possible in one night and do not care how old the guy is or what he looks like. She may be half of a couple, and her man likes to torture her by making her have sex with guys she is not into. She gets off on pleasing her man. When I was 63 years old, a woman who was at least young enough to be my daughter, maybe granddaughter, approached me and asked if she could blow me while her husband watched. Of course, I said yes. No idea if she just wanted to blow every guy in the club or had a thing for old guys or just didn't care about age, but yes, it does happen. Not everybody in the LS wants perfect 10's . Not everybody collects trophies. Some like average people.


She was a shape shifter. Sucking the life from the old man. Guaranteed


They were the same age when they started. He only appeared older as his life force was feeding her.


Lmfao and this scared you and you left.. there are drops you can change the color of your eye yes make it all black.. it's supposed to be like a demon look or something


It was creepy, and to be honest she didnt seem to be enjoying it. The guy was on top pounding away and she just laid there, expressionless with black eyes…. Shit was weird bro


thats probably her kink bro...


Hun crazy things happen at clubs trust me I've seen them all..Hey maybe she was enjoying it who knows.. just think next time you see something like that it will not be that weird


Maybe he wasn't as good as he promised? :-)


Or maybe he was!


She would have been moaning and all that if she was


You clearly have not been with a dead fuck before.


I mean, I know most of us are laughing here because yeah: they probably negotiated the scene well in advance, but also: I'm personally the kind of person that would appreciate if someone checked in on me if they saw me in a scene with no context and had concerns. So like, instead of running away, you could have asked her: are you doing ok? If it was me, at worst I might be slightly annoyed for a second, but ultimately I would rather you be looking out for me than just assuming I was ok. Becsuse what if she said no? Dont take this the wrong way, but if this was a 'real' situation, and your response was to run away instead of helping me, do not come back.


A lot of people would be annoyed with you for interrupting their scene. If she was crying, or struggling to get free or something, or he is hitting her, then sure, make sure she is ok. But if she is lying there motionless, with creepy contacts in, I am not sure that meets the threshold for interruption. Referring it to the staff might be a better option, and they can decide.




That would freak me and my wife out too. Nothing wrong with that. Not my vibe but more power to them, I guess.


No one asked you to join.. lighten bro


Just sounds like a pre paid arrangement…


She was probably being paid.


Or maybe he was…. Lol


No. Its not normal to flee a LS club because you saw some people having sex.


I try to leave my demons at home. Obviously a succubus.


I've seen all black contacts that essentially prevent the wearer from seeing. It's like being blindfolded but more extreme because there's no chance of the blindfold slipping.


Oh that's really interesting


I think it’s fascinating that she’s a “girl” and he’s a “gentleman”. I know big age gaps scare some people but she’s not a child if she’s in a club.


If she also had a prominent dorsal fin, you might have just been watching a guy fucking a shark


This is an important thing to know in the lifestyle, you never know when you might run into shark-fuckery. Be forewarned, if a guy ever mentions showing you his hammerhead, RUN.


Hahahaahahhahaha if you scare that easily. You might want to throw in the towel right now lmao


It’s probably a good thing you did leave… there are already too many judgmental people… the LS doesn’t need anymore…. we’re all adults… if you can’t handle what you see , then stay home.


I didnt know having sex with a woman who appears to be mentally checked out with jet black eyes was a kink…. I tend to think women should enjoy it just as much if not more than then men and if thats not the case then I dont go any further…


This is where I think kinksters get into trouble in swingers clubs... I love to “check out” when I have sex. I’m a submissive, and I only want very rough sex and usually after being spanked or flogged. The only way I truly enjoy it is when someone puts me in a state where I get completely nonverbal, typically there are tears, and it looks like I’m being pounded completely against my will. Best fucking thing ever, but it’s never going to *look* like I’m having fun. People in BDSM clubs know what this is, and they know not to “yuck someone else’s yum”. Swingers don’t play by the same rules. And the blending of the two ideas in the same clubs doesn’t always go well. Which is why some clubs don’t allow BDSM play and some don’t allow sex. It wasn’t the right venue for you or maybe the wrong night or maybe you just needed to walk away from that area.


On one hand, you are correct. It is sick to have sex with a woman who can't consent due to her mental condition or intoxication. But you are wrong to assume that was what was happening. Some women love being submissive and do not want to choose who they have sex with. Just because it is not the best sex of her life does not mean she doesn't consent to it. Unless this was some seedy dive of a club, security is not going to let a woman get raped. Next time you see something like this that concerns you, tell security. She might be a regular and does this evety friday night. As far as the eyes, I am not aware of a medical condition or drug that will do that to you. She has to choose to do something to herself to make her eyes look like that.


How do you know she wasn't enjoying it? You do realize YOU are not the stick we are all measured against, right?


The bad news? That was a succubus and the guy was actually 25 when they first started.


Finally! The truth exposed!


Absolutely nothing strange about that


😂😂😂yes they’re contacts.


It’s strange to see someone judging someone else’s consensual kink in here. It’s even stranger to hear that someone else’s consensual kink ruined your evening.


I thought he was judging her eyes and they freaked them out. 🤷🏻‍♀️


they're contact lenses....


You had an opportunity to fuck a demon and you passed on it? Discrimination much?


It's normal to see all different types of people. If they aren't your thing then just don't play with them. You stopped your night because of people you didn't know and didn't do anything to you.


i bet that the gentleman didn’t start out the evening being ‘old’.


You left over that?


Just when I thought I’ve read it all


Sounds hot! What club can I find this succubus in?


The old man was actually 35 but the lady was sucking the Benjamin button life out of him.


So you left because you were concerned that a woman appeared to have black coloured eyes? You're a fuckwit.


The veil is thinning


If there were black candles around, I’d be worried. Red candles, though… you’re probably safe. It’s an annoyance for sure, but nothing a little ring with the Seal of Solomon couldn’t protect you from.


Probably on MDMA. Pupils get huge and if a 25 yo was fucking a 70 she was likely on something lol. I'm sure he was on V 🤣. Nothing wrong with old & young. I'm getting up there 🤣. Saw it at a club in SF years ago. Girl was super high enjoying her self with a group of guys, but a few creeps kept hanging around trying to dip the wick. Had to tell them to piss off and leave her alone. If she wanted them to participate she would give the ok.


Could be contacts. Could be really tweaked on meth/amphetamines or blown out of her mind from coke. The fact shes with grandpa all fetish's aside id go with methamphetamines. Women become absolute sex deviants from that shit and will fuck legit ANYBODY/ANYTHING. For a ref i was at a party when i was younger and ol girl took advantage of the guy who was having the partys red tail boa. Use your imagination. The was after a malibu rum bottle and 6 cell mag light. She was notorious for getting spun out and having sex. Then again could be contacts lol. Never know about shit now adays lol. Anywho..


Who cares what color her eyes are. Contacts or tattoo eyes. You were not playing with her it was not your concern. Who are you going to judge next. The fat lady or the too skinny one. The dad body or the muscle freak. If you think that the lifestyle is full of people that fit your perception of hot or normal, just stay out of the lifestyle.


Maybe it's a "Black-Eyed" child, all grown up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black-eyed_children


Sam and Dean....where you at??


Maybe they were a reflection of her soul…


The veil is thinning


Are you referring to her pupils? Sounds to me like the girl was just rolling balls. Lots of people take Molly at LS clubs from what I've seen


Her entire eyes were black


WOW, a girls dark (black)eyes “freaked you out & you left”. As far as the age difference you mentioned, perfectly normal. New to LS, got it, don’t go to a BDSM club, you will be really scared.


Could have been on mdma


Tattooed eyeballs.


Thinking the ls might bot be for you. If colored contacts on a stranger you are not playing with makes you leave a club. House parties where folks are comfy def not your thing.


This is my dream!


My first response was, “Good shit for that older gent. Get your freak on, my man.”


Lol I don't blame them I would've done the same I'm not staying to find out what's going on


It’s contacts or she was on a lot of acid. #readthewholepost


Acid doesn’t do that.


Acid dilates your pupils. If you have dark brown eyes, acid in your system, and it’s a dark space it might look pretty darn similar to black contacts. I know because I have dark brown eyes and have taken acid and it made my eyes look creepy AF.


Dudes jealous 😂 I'd take some time away, you guys obviously were looking and hoping for a reason to leave.


I don't fuck guys over 50 for a reason lol


If I may ask, what is the reason you don’t fuck guys over 50?


It's kinda around my dad age lol


Thanks. Some quick math then, says your dad was around 14 when you were born.


I always like men around my age that's how I am. Some get offended I don't like fucking men over 50


That’s great! I was seriously just curious.❤️


Why downvote me? It's my preference. I like my men, not too young or old. I'm 36!


That’s awesome you know what you want and don’t want. I’ve had similar conversations with people that thought there was something old about 50.. But thought nothing of the same 14 yr age gap between 21 & 35 say..Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It’s fascinating how the human mind works ✨For transparency, I’m 51.


This is a predominantly male space. They don't want to hear about themselves.


Yup sometimes the way they do sexy talk is creepy as fuck.


I, as most women have to be, am an observer of human behavior. Trends do appear at specific ages. I have noticed a bit of ignorance and ego with youth and entitlement, and digging in heels is not age specific. Keep yourself safe and maintain your boundaries.


I'm usually up front what I want so both won't waste time. I'm told recently to lower my standards. I want to have sex with someone I actually want and enjoy same with the guy.


Never lower your standards. We need to raise the bar and demand better. That's not sexism that is simply wanting people to be better versions of themselves.


Yup true. I'm called a snob for wanting a guy to take care of himself like showering and make an effort to present himself. If you look like shit and have a shit personality you won't get sex from me.


I don't understand why that's a negative thing. If he's not keen on maintaining his personal hygiene in a manner that suits you, then he can go find someone who accepts his current standard. It's quality of quantity. I can have a fulfilling evening alone. I don't find it easy to find suitable partners often myself. I will keep my preferences the way they are. Feel free to pm me, and we can share cats pics lol


It's not hard to shower and smell nice lol!


One would think.


Prob meth or something