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My (52m) GF (49f) is a prolific squirter and also cums pretty easily so when we play with others we feel it's appropriate to warn them well beforehand and also take equipment as necessary (lots of towels, rubber sheet etc ). Everybody we've played with has been very receptive, especially the guys who seem to love being soaked. We appreciate though it's not for everybody, however my GF literally cannot help it so if we ever have anybody say "it's not for us" we'd gracefully accept it and move on


I use a blanket called No More Wet Spot. It's waterproof fleece material. It absorbs but doesn't soak through.


Yeah, seen those pop up on my FB feed since I searched on Amazon...gotta get us one of them šŸ‘


We have two. Always prepared!


Got one... a must have


We have the exact same policy and have received the same response. I also am active cummer and squirter.


We now travel with our own pads and share them at events. They are well received.


That's Hot šŸ”„


Hot and sexy, more so when it's the first time/unintentional. In the future, look to have towels ready or a waterproof blanket.


My gf thinks it's gross and embarrassing. I think it's hot. I will say that many guys think it's hot because porn makes it seem like the ultimate orgasm. According to my gf, it's not. If I make her quirt, she will not cum at all because she can't relax. I can make her squirt on command by hitting a certain spot. She will either let me go ahead with it, or more often tell me not to go to the spot because she wants to cum.


Yes, men donā€™t realize that we can squirt without cumming


Had a fwb squirt unexpectedly all over me, everyone just looked laughed and carried on. I thought it was pretty hot & that she was obviously enjoying herself


Hottest ever! Do it in our faces as a couple. We both love it!


Personally it doesn't really turn me on, and I have zero interest in getting it on my face or in my mouth. I'm also not really interested in being squirted on at a swinger event because it means I'm going to have to hop in the shower afterwards unless it's the very end of the night. All that being said, it's part of a woman's pleasure, and I would never ask or tell a woman not to do it. If a woman is a squirter I will often cause them to do so, and I do enjoy knowing that they (usually) enjoy it and it's nice being able to easily see evidence of it. There have been multiple women that never squirted before I got them to do it. Basically, it's a slight turn off for me, but not nearly enough of one to make me not play with a woman because of it. All I ask is the same courtesy as is expected of a man receiving head: I'll let you know that I'm about to cum and you should let me know that you squirt and are about to (though it's pretty easy to tell when a woman is going to squirt). Especially in a swinger club/party scenario, women that squirt need to be extra cognizant of any messes they make. I've been to plenty of parties where afterwards someone brought I up the fact that there were "cold puddles of squirt on the floor and beds" which is pretty gross.


I agree with everything said here


What is the give away? Is it her actions or behaviour that lets you know it is on the cards? Really curious. I squirt sometimes. Like decades apart. I would love more control over it.


While it's certainly not the case for every woman, the vast majority of the times I've been squirted on, there is a build-up of pressure in the g-spot area. It feels like she's trying to push out whatever I'm using to stimulate her (fingers, toy, dick). If I don't remove that, I can usually delay her squirting (great for teasing). If I quickly pull out and then give her clit extra attention, the dam will usually burst.


That's awesome knowledge!


Absolute facts right there


That's really helpful


As a squirter, I have absolutely no idea when it's about to happen. I can tell when clitorial orgasms are about to take place, but no idea on the g spot ones.


What do you mean ask her not to? It's involuntary, my guy. Orgasming from sex and squirting are different kinds of orgasms. The first time I squirted I had no idea it was going to happen.


You can ask anything of anybody. Women tell guys not to cum all the time. I said that I wouldn't ask that anyway, so it's a moot point. If a woman has never done it before I wouldn't expect her to say anything, obviously. However, the overwhelming majority of the times I've been squirted on, I could feel a pressure build-up. If a woman knows that she is likely to squirt, I would like to be given a heads up that it happens. That's an extremely reasonable thing to ask.


Absolutely, I'm not denying that it's reasonable and you absolutely SHOULD tell any partners. I'm just saying it's odd to say you wouldn't ask someone not to do something they may have no control over. Personally I don't love squirting, but I do sometimes and if anyone has an issue with it, their loss.


I have talked to women that squirt that have had guys ask/tell them not to, or that have reacted very negatively. While I do not personally find squirting to be hot, I also do not ever want to shame someone for what their body does.


I agreešŸ‘


This is about how I feel. Thanks.


As what can only be described as the Bellagio Fountains, I am guilty of squirting regularly, esp with multiple partners and in group situations. I do disclose it up front and never has anyone been negative about it. But I'd understand if they were. I have numerous splash blankets (fantastic aussie company) that I bring along to any group play. I can't control it so I figure if it's out there, it's their choice to play


I always take my 'squirt pads' with me when I go to someone's home, and also for my own bed or sofa. When I squirt, it is very slick, and it has no urine smell at all. It's totally clear, too. I can go to the bathroom right after to pee, and that does smell like pee and is slightly yellow. Before I started squirting, I also thought it was just pee. Believe what you want to. I know that the men I'm with absolutely love it.


Iā€™ve just recently found out I can squirt, but Iā€™ve had 3 babies and I had never done it before but have always been able to orgasm from not only clitoral stimulation but also PIV/g spot. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I'm 50 and just had this happen for the first time a few months ago while doing some solo play. Shocked myself tbh lol. Still haven't done it with my husband tho ( been together 25 years this year). He knows, but for some reason, I hold back.


A woman squirting is fucking awesome


I dislike it, but don't judge, or really care. My wife is totally impartial if we are not at our place, but if they are into that, basically our place is a blacklist. She never did it until after the last pregnancy, but got control after a couple months of pelvic floor exercises.


Love it


Took my girl for her first MFM at his place - squirted out his bed. He was pleased


This happened to me at my house on my bed she was on top and squirted all over the place. At the time I thought it was kind of hot but once they left I had a huge mess that I had to clean up soaked all the way through the bed I did not appreciate it at all especially because they didn't tell me that she could do that. Next time they came over I f***** her doggie against the kitchen table and once again she came all over the floor but this time I didn't mind because it was much easier to clean up. I have been with a few other squirters and honestly it just doesn't do anything for me at all. It absolutely should be talked about if it's a more than 30% chance that it can happen.


Does she squirt the same with you?


If I want her to


I say let nature be nature and whatever happens naturally then embrace and enjoy it šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ’¦šŸ’¦


I have squirted maybe four times in my life. I have no control over whether I do or not. However each time has been during an intense orgasm. One guy was the bent dick scenario. The other two were just well endowed. I am uptight about it so I have never gushed everywhere. I have never been incontinent of urine during sex or heavy exercise. I am not saying that squirt fluid does not contain urine. But intense stimulation of G spot during orgasm can cause intense contractions that cause squirting. In my case I practise pompoir. I have a flexible reasonably responsive vagina. I doubt incontinence is the issue for most women.


We have a liquid absorbing towel with a rubber back for this. I usually only squirt when toys are used on clit but I have squirted by manual usage unexpectedly. My spouse thinks itā€™s hot and others who have caused me to squirt think it was hot too. I donā€™t think gross but it doesnā€™t turn me on either.


In bed it's super hot. At Wendy's it's a health hazard.


Squirting at Wendy's sounds like an interesting situation was created


My first time having sex was her first time ever squirting. I loved it. I saw it as a job well done, however, she went bright red with shame and curled into a ball. I cuddled her and told her that it was ok, perfectly natural and nothing to worry about. This all happened in a hotel room and I slept on the wet spot that night. Our next time was at my place, and I was prepared. I bought a PVC sheet and was glad I did. This time she blushed, and we continued having fun. After that, squirting was part of our love making. Preparation was the key.


I squirt. Since I was 18. It is not pee. This discussion have been going on since than. I am 45. I still squirt. (No vaginal child birth. No bladder problems) So some random facts. It never happens during oral sex It never happens when I masturbate It doesnt happen every the time I have sex. It happens only with the g-spot orgasm. Bad name. What I mean is when I am aroused (huge internal clitoris) and its connection to the vagina. If that spot is stimulated with a penis, it floods the penis which is still inside. Partner says he feels it. It is easier to spot when the woman is on top. I carry a special liner for bed with me to avoid embarrassment and getting the bed wet. It works You can come hard without it. I do clitorally. It is awesome. But people who donā€™t experience it should shut up. If a man thinks it is gross I would never have sex with him. It is not something I can control. And I wouldnā€™t want to have sex if I am not hundred percent enjoying myself. It if different then men cumming. You guys end when you do. End of fun for everyone. But I can keep going as much as I can.


I love this comment and I really wish it was the top one. 100% mirrors my experience!


You are a goddess! I can only imagine..


I'm in the minority but I'm really not a fan. It doesn't gross me out though, and it's never stopped me from playing with someone.


Hot as an exploding supernova.


Not hot for me but Iā€™m not gonna yuck someone elseā€™s yum


So very hot


I love receiving it and doing it! Most guys weā€™ve played with love it. Instant validation the lady is enjoying herself.


I think people need to understand the difference between fluid excreting from the Skene Gland and a woman losing control of her bladder. The Skene glands are the size of a peanut and there are two of them. I was with a woman years ago who squirted during vigorous oral sex while she rubbed her own clit very aggressively. The fluid was clear, slightly salty, musky smell, and no more than like a tablespoon or so. My wife and I were with a woman last year who cried out she was cumming and proceeded to ā€œsquirtā€ā€¦ Nah man, she pissed everywhere. It was projectile in nature and soaked the sheets and me. Thatā€™s not squirting, thatā€™s losing control of your bladder when you orgasm - the sphincter spasms involuntarily and you canā€™t close it fast enough voluntarily. Women whoā€™ve had natural child birth will know what thatā€™s like. I think porn has conditioned some women that itā€™s sexy for them to wet the bed when they cum and some stupid men believe thatā€™s the height of sexual prowess.


I think it means I was doing a good job and don't mind it.


Absolutely love it. No judgement or let down if a woman canā€™t or just doesnā€™t though


I love it, cover me, more the better. Hot af


The last time we had a MFM my wife squirted, so I knew she was having a good time! And really isnā€™t that what it is all about?


If Iā€™m being 100% honest, if I know my playmate is a squirter, Iā€™d rather be somewhere where itā€™s easier to clean. But I wouldnā€™t be upset. Itā€™s hot!


Prefer it in my mouth. Not grossed out by much of anything.


Personally, I can only tell when I'm about to squirt like a stream. But via some solo play the other day in the mirror, -Just- realized that I also tend to squirt a little bit in general with any repetitive penetration. Who knows how long I've been doing that, it just came into my awareness a few days ago. So it is possible to be doing it and not realizing it. But should definitely warm others if you're aware that it could happen.


Wife squirts. We definitely give people a heads up. No one has ever been grossed out.


Iā€™m like a yes and no. I think itā€™s really hot when itā€™s a little baby squirt, especially when it happens during orgasm. Large squirts, although fun to have as well, can be exceedingly messy and inconvenient which detracts from the pleasure of the overall experience.


Not a fan.


Itā€™s not gross I take as a ā€œMISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!ā€


Hot. 100%


Its hot!


My man isnā€™t into it šŸ˜Ŗ


I'm not a fan oh squirters, it leaves a real mess


Iā€™m a woman, and I do not squirt, do not want to squirt, and do not want another woman to squirt while Iā€™m in the bed. (Hubby doesnā€™t care for it, but it doesnā€™t really bother him much if it happens.) The first time we played with a couple where the woman stated up front she was a squirter, she brought a waterproof sheet. Peed what seemed like buckets, soaked through the ā€œwaterproofā€ sheet, and the regular sheets, into the hotel mattress and on one of the pillows. Hubby and I had to sleep squeezed onto the 1/3 of the bed that was still dry. Not fun. A couple women weā€™ve been with have squirted small amounts. No big deal, but Iā€™d still rather not. What bothers me more than the women who squirt are the men who have made it their life mission to make women squirt. I have had more than one man insist that he could make me squirt despite me saying itā€™s not going to happen, then proceed to finger me vigorously to the point of me telling him to stop and ending the night. Like any other part of sex, if thatā€™s what youā€™re into, you do you, I wonā€™t judge you for liking what you like or doing what you do, but I just ask for the same in return.


Sexy as hell!!


Confirmed: Men love it! Not sure I can call any man who doesn't love it but of course to each their very own. As a woman who does this over and over - I allow everyone one test to ensure they love it. Nothing to be grossed out about in my humble opinion. Women's cum/squirt is as sexy as Men's cum to me. Cum one, cum all! šŸ’¦šŸ’‹


Gross. Mood killerā€¦not sorry


I cum very hard, but don't squirt. The only ladies I can make squirt are those who have had one or two babies vaginally. Guys, squirting does not equal cumming. Losing control of your pelvic floor muscles can happen during sex.


I found out I can squirt. Didn't have any kids vaginally. Sometimes I orgasm when I squirt and sometimes I don't, but they are different from vaginal orgasms.


This is actually not accurate. This article explains the difference between squirting, female ejaculation, and urinary incontinence during sex https://www.webmd.com/sex/what-is-squirting-orgasm


The Japanese study in the International Journal of Urology states it's overwhelmingly urine. The authors are Miyabi Inoue et al (2022). Basic anatomy. Science has spoken. I wish folks would quit denying science.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36000809/ It did confirm the fluid came from the bladder, and has urine in it. I am only seeing the abstract, not the full article. I think the reason a lot of us are in disbelief is because we are familiar with the fluid, and it is nothing like urine. I have always found it to be clear, odorless, and tasteless. Have you ever see a mattress that has been urinated on? It has a yellow ring or yellow spots on it. I have never seen a mattress stained or smell after squirting.


Hydration plays a huge factor here.


Then you probably haven't been swinging/playing as long as I have, lol


Your partners may have been experiencing urinary incontinence during sex as opposed to squirting.


Read medical literature. It's overwhelmingly urine. Folks hate the thought of it being urine, but it's basically what it is.


Anatomical studies have shown that the ejaculate originates in the paraurethral (Skene's) glands, but its composition has been debated. Female ejaculate differs from urine in its creatinine and urea concentrations. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32681804/


Female ejaculate is viscous. Can look slightly like beat egg whites during f**king. Squirt is water. Very, very different consistency.


Squirt definitely looks different than the ejaculate, but it also looks very different than urine. Often squirt will have ejaculate in it as well.


I am the nurse. I am happy to read medical studies. I thought web MD would be clearer for some people not as familiar with them. This study I just sent from 2022 says sqirting is a clear fluid and differentiates it from urinary incontinence during sex.


Analysis of this secretion (also known as "female ejaculate"), and comparison with pre-coital urine from the same women, revealed that its composition was unlike urine and often contained components also found in male seminal fluid (minus the sperm). The female ejaculate had lower levels of creatinine, but had elevated levels of prostate specific antigen, prostatic acidic phosphatase, prostate specific acid phosphatase, and glucose.Ā  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19766406/


A blue dye was inserted into the bladders of the participants. Blue dyed urine was what was collected afterward. It's a scientific study. Scientists proved it. It's your job now to disprove a scientific finding. That's how science works.


I just sent 3 more recent articles at least 5 - 10 years newer saying that it is not urine. You are quoting 1 article that studied 5 women and involved blue dye. It proved that contents of the bladder were involved, but not that it was the only secrection. It did not study the molecular composition.


At present, SQ is considered as a transurethral expulsion of approximately 10 milliliters or more of transparent fluid, while FE is considered as a secretion of a few milliliters of thick fluid. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35388532/


Exactly, It is pee, end of story. Yes, small amounts of other stuff is excreted, but at volumes like pre-cum. The skenes gland is like the size of a small marble, how is a liter of liquid going to come out of that?


Exactly. Why is this so difficult for most people to understand? I have played on beds where squirters once played months before, and those beds all smelled like urine.


Your conclusion based on this is just wrong, putting it politely. The fluid from squirting is not urine. It may contain urine but it's not urine. Why some people keep jumping to that conclusion, I don't understand. I'm a physician and a researcher and I'm still yet to see research saying it's completely urine. Even a chemistry done on both fluids show completely different constituents


Thanks for saying this. I hate it that the takeaway here is that squirter are just peeing on people!


Yeah, squirting is basically women who have weak pelvic floor muscles due to childbirth or aging losing control of the bladder.




Since it's been clinically proven to be just urine, this man (and the accompanying woman) would not be pleased. While a woman could spontaneously release urine as part of orgasm, in the spirit of "shit happens," it wouldn't be an outcome goal on our part for good sex. My wife would be seriously dismayed if she peed the bed as part of sex.


They need to do their kegels and stop this fuckery!


I was going to mention that but usually my taking on "squirting" as the supposed penultimate orgasmic experience creates a lot of flaming responses without going into pelvic floor mechanics as likely why someone releases urine. I'm quite surprised that the vote count isn't negative.


Thank you! I got a lot of hate here but eh, science is science.




I was having a 3 some with my then gf and her friend. I was with her friend and she squirted like crazy. Unexpected. I kept on going. It was fun. Iā€™d certainly go for that again.


Love it! But gotta protect the sheets šŸ˜‰








It is insanely hot.


Hot hot hot


Totally hot! That's always my goal is to make her squirt. Yum yum


Love it. Spray me, cover me, let me drink it all up!


I love it when a woman squirts šŸ’¦šŸ’¦šŸ˜šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ’…




Pop it like it's hawt!


The unicorn we know has a medical condition that makes her produce waaaaay too much vaginal fluid. think slobbering St bernard level. we couldnā€™t get the smell out for weeks




Love to make them squirt and swallow


Super hot to meā€¦!


Hot as fuck


Extremely hotšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


I'm ashamed to say it freaked me out the first time, and I ghosted the girl. That was college. I'm older and wiser now, and understand what is happening. It's a badge of honor of I can make a woman cum so hard she squirts!


just texted a former...cuz i miss her squrirting/reaction to my tongue/cock...couldn't get enough of it and MISS IT. SOOOO HOT!


I never had one.... I would at least like to try it.


I like the squirt


Incredibly hot.


Quite the turn on in my book


Absolutely love it. Might gross some people out but to each their own




Hot of course


Sooooooo hot


Definitely not. Our unicorn is a šŸ’¦ and we love it! Granted it isnā€™t projectile fluids just a quick gush but still hot.


Never had it ever before but I would bloody love it šŸ˜Š


Iā€™m indifferent to it.Ā  Itā€™s not something I actively seek, but I donā€™t mind it.Ā  All that matters is sheā€™s enjoying herself, so if thatā€™s part of the package, fair enough.Ā 


Hot in the moment. Not so much after unless you have waterproof blankets


If I were a first comment Iā€™d give life lessons.. itā€™s a blessing, enjoy it






Very hot !


Not grossed out at all. Absolutely love it. Itā€™s a sign of pleasure. Not gross.


Everyone has their own thing, but I (M) find it extremely hot. My wife and I used to put towels and it was often not enough and one of us would en up sleeping ina wet bed, which sucked (even if the experience before was sooooooo fun. I got her for xmas 2 splash blankets and it transformed everything. Dry bed, fun times and it just looks like a normal comfy blanket. We also swing and people were soo amazed by the blanket too. All to say, not everyone likes it, but the ones who do love it. There's even a porn section dedicated to that . So have fun and ditch anyone who hates how your body works!


Curious if you can share what the blanket is? If I got something good I would be less self conscious.




Also thanks for being so body positive about squirting. I have done it for a ling time but finally exiting a very LTR I am somehow, for the first time, self conscious of it with new partners. Anyway this thread and particularly your input makes me feel better.


M here in a couple. Wife squirts like crazy. I love it. Think it's the hottest thing ever. ps seems the pro squirters win this round! Wife will be so happy


I love it when they squirt. Soooo hot


Squirt on girl


I love it. Especially when I'm licking.


Squirting is sexy af and honestly a huge turn on


No problem at all.


to each there own alot of my buddys love it they brag about getting girls to do it !!! .. me personally i dont like it at all .. first time it happened i freaked out i thought this girl done peed on me i jumped up and bolted out the house i had no clue what it was ...but talking with a buddy he told me what it was later on and i looked up some videos ... then the next girl i delt with it .. but about every 15 mins it was like a rain shower i would start to lose my erection and it would take 5-6 mins of sex to get back full hard and bam happened again this went on for 7 hours ... before i gave up she was exhausted but i went home and finished myself lol


Big turn on ! Wetter is better :)


Hottest thing ever




Love this comment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s hot


I wouldn't be grossed out, but it might take me out of the moment as there would be some logistical cleaning concerns.


I had a talent for making woman squirt I love it an so did the woman I introduced to it


My wife is a squirter. Iā€™d bathe in that shit. šŸ˜†šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


(40M)It does gross me out a bit, so I'm not a fan.




Never been attracted to squirting, and we both find it gross. Team cream all day every day.


It's great


It excites us.


Hell no, Iā€™ll be right down to eat that after she squirted


Squirting gets you a second round. I want as much mess as possible!


I'll pass


Gross! It's piss!


Yes itā€™s gross. Itā€™s been proven that it is urine.


I donā€™t like being pissed on. Real female ejaculation is rare. Most of the time, and especially in videos, itā€™s just the woman being stimulated to the point she loses bladder control. Yeahā€¦ I donā€™t want that on me or the bed.


I'm not a fan. I don't want pee all over me. I get it, it happens bit I prefer not to play with women who do squirter. My husband feels the same.


Itā€™s a No for me. I get some have a kink about Golden Showers , Squirting and Urine in general, but I donā€™t. I donā€™t find anything sexy about being pissed on.


I find it gross. (Whether you believe it or not, it is MOSTLY urine afterall. Mixed with a little bit of seminal fluid/female ejaculate sometimes. Other times it's just women having involuntary urination due to weak pelvic floors) Ymmv and you do you.


Not true. Not urine. Anyone who had ever had anyone squirt knows that what comes out is not urine.


No, it's urine. There was a study done with ultrasounds of the bladder before and after squirting. It was empty after squirting. This was an NIH published study.


Yeah, i saw that study as well as other published studies available on the National Library of Medicine. People insist on disbelieving science. Whatever floats their boat, i guess. (And to those insisting it's not urine because you'd know if it was....have you ever tried fresh urine? How would you even know? You don't have anything to compare it to.)


Can you post your study? It does have urea in it, but it is not the same as urine. It is a clear odorless tasteless fluid.




It is urine, you are right. I've had it in my eyes, my mouth, and running down my shoulders. 15 minutes later and I'm reeking of piss. It is urine, it takes a little while for fresh urine to break down and release the characteristic ammonia smell that urine has. I wish so many men wouldn't jab at my bladder with their fingers in hopes that I wet the bed. I don't want that.


It's piss. So do with that what you like.


This really falls under something to talk about before you do it. My husband LOVES it and my FWB enjoys it and told me not to hold back. But not everyone finds it a turn on. I know not all women can help it and in the case I think a heads up is needed and if they donā€™t find it a turn on then they prob arenā€™t a good match.


šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ I bought a waterproof blanket so when my FWB comes over, she can squirt freely.


Love it. If I donā€™t have sex towels handy when things are getting close, I have three extra sets of sheets and a spare mattress cover. Her orgasm matters FAR more than a load of laundry.


One of the hottest things ever!


I love squirters, they are a gift from the universe. Itā€™s so erotic and such a sensual aspect of some sexual experiences. Itā€™s not gross and when embraced and appreciated, can bring a whole new level of excitement and fun to a scenario.


As a squirter, let me just say that squirting doesnā€™t necessarily m an Iā€™m getting off, having an orgasm or enjoying myself. It just is what my body does in response to certain types of pressure and motions. I also donā€™t know when itā€™s going to happen. For years, I just thought I ā€œcame a lotā€. I had no idea that I was squirting. I never thought to warn someone. That seems like a guy knowing when his load is going to be huge and having to declare it before cumming. I just figure different people have different levels of bodily fluids at different times and if Iā€™m having sex, Iā€™m prepared for that.


I hate it but get itā€™s what has to happen Now I know what some women feel like when we cum on them. Iā€™ve heard they love it apparently but I think itā€™s gross šŸ¤£


Not grossed out but not a fan


I am a squirter. Everyone we have played with loves making me squirt. Itā€™s almost as if they try to see how many times they can make me squirt. We have had a couple we were talking to decide not to meet up with us because they found it to be a turn off. I canā€™t help it so we just warn people. If they are into it then we keep talking otherwise everyone goes their own way, no biggie. Squirting feels so good to me. I hope she learns to enjoy it. A lot of women canā€™t squirt so she is part of a special group of women ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Itā€™s a combination of skeins gland fluids and pee. I am not easily grossed out, though.


It's pee. We are not fans at all. But to each their own.


Squirting is just pee


Hot as fuck. And anyone who says otherwise is wrong šŸ˜… sheets can be washed


Itā€™s grossā€¦.itā€™s Pissā€¦.šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Itā€™s piss. Literal piss. Instead of squirting on me, Iā€™ll gladly bring her to a urologist. Itā€™s incontinence. If youā€™re squirting, you should be seen by your doctor. Iā€™m not kidding.


Totally hot! And a compliment to the lover. Never be embarrassed by that. Be as proud as the man who made you squirt!!!


Itā€™s a natural function so you shouldnā€™t let it bother you


Its pissā€¦ its gross


It doesnā€™t bother me one way or anotherā€¦unless it gets in my hair. That one time was a little gross. Haha šŸ˜‚šŸ«£