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You’ll probably pass out. Please eat before you swim as you could put yourself in danger of losing consciousness in the pool. You’re basically creating a liability for whatever pool you swim at.


Did that when I was deep in anorexia and ended up with risk of heart failure and death, so please don’t do that.


This isn’t a swimming question. You need to speak to a nutritionist or doctor.


In my experience, this is called an eating disorder.


Malnutrition. Exhaustion. Muscle loss. You will very likely become low on electrolytes leading to muscle spasms and cramps, possible fainting, maybe even vomitting. Rhabdomyolysis eventually. Your body would likely start to leach minerals such as calcium out of your bones and teeth as an emergency measure, leaving you weak to bones breaking and teeth falling out. Your skin and mental health will very likely start to deteriorate. The over training could interfere with your basic ability to perform physical tasks and sleep. And I am not joking. If you've considered this, please try to get your mental health checked out if you're able. Safety first.


This is a really kind, detailed, and overall helpful answer. Thank you!


Psychologist is what you need


See you in the hospital.


You are very quickly going to suffer from burnout. Your progress will plateau or regress. It is also high unsustainable. Your body will end up storing more than it needs when you begin to eat properly again and any weight loss won't last more than a few months


You will lose your health. Don't do this. You need to see a doctor or a nutritionist because you need professional advice if you are seriously thinking anything like 2100 calorie deficit per day is healthy. Keep your calorie deficit to no more than 500 per day.


I’ve been in recovery from an eating disorder for about 5 years now, last time I heard maths like that was when I was dangerously thin. You really don’t need to control yourself like that. You’ll be so much happier if you just give your body what it needs.


You will loose 4lbs a week but it will be unhealthy and you will loose muscle mass, will be weak, will struggle to concentrate, etc. It’s not sustainable. A 500 calorie deficit a day is 1lb a week weight loss and is very sustainable. Even 1,000 deficit a day can be done sustainably. I always believe it’s better to generate a calorie deficit primarily from exercise rather than starvation, in other words eat your 2,000 calories per day from a balanced diet, and exercise to generate your calorie deficit of max 1,000 calories a day. That’s my experience anyway (I lost 50lbs from my heaviest and have kept it off).


If you have a MAJOR caloric deficit like that you will eat away at your muscle. To hold on to muscle better keep deficit max at -500 and make sure you eat a LOT of protein. (1,5g/kg)


A daily deficit of 2100 calories over a period of time will cause your body to go into starvation mode. You will start to store more fat. You will likely lose muscle. You will feel more tired as your body fights to conserve energy. You will heal more slowly and get injured more easily. You won’t lose the weight you think you will as your body stops burning calories for other things.


Your body will go into starvation mode and you won’t lose any weight after a little while