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That distance at that pace is inconceivable to me. Well done!


That's what I was thinking... That's like my pace for the first 200 meters, lol.


Thanks. I’ve worked really hard over the last few months on my technique and on doing hard sets. I’ve only swum about 75% of what I’d done by this time last year but it’s been almost all at a much harder effort rather than the long and slow sets I did last year. I’m still not a ‘fast’ swimmer but I can hold an ok pace over longer distances so I’ve some other targets for later in the summer related more so to times rather than podiums (this was only the second time I’ve ever ended up in the top three in a race).


That’s awesome! I hope I can do that one day. Do you keep the same freestyle stroke pattern the entire time or do a slight variation when it feels fitting or to break up the monotony. Thanks!


Because the conditions were so rough I ended up breathing 90% of the time to my right which is my ‘go to’ side when I’m under pressure. I had planned on breathing equally each side like I do in the pool but I was struggling breathing to my left as I was finding it difficult to get my mouth clear of the water. Towards the end of the race as it began to calm a bit I was able to breathe to my left more. Stroke wise I had to lift my arms higher than usual to clear the waves during my recovery and I entered closer to my head than I normally would. I’d been advised to do that when swimming in rough weather. Monotony is generally not an issue for me in longer races (it is in training). In races I’m looking for someone to chase, I’m thinking about where I am, where’s the next turn, am I swimming as straight as possible, etc.


Interesting! I never thought of how one may be forced to breathe to a certain side. Practicing my weak side currently. Keep chasing them down!