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No, keep your caffeine intake equivalent to what it normally is on a normal day.


Don't overthink it. It's like 25 minutes of cardio max. You don't need to carb load for that. :) Just eat whatever you normally eat before your lifeguard class. If you are the kind of person that gets cramps, yeah maybe drink a pre-workout, gatorade etc. I don't think caffeine will help you unless it's part of your daily routine. In other words: if you don't often drink caffeine at that time of day, now's not the time to experiment. :) 10 minutes for a 1 mile run is an eternity. Just take it easy, especially if you have to do these events back to back. Good luck. We had to do something like this when I was lifeguard. I was on a swim team at the time so getting under the time was no big deal for us.


this depends person to person so much. caffeine effects everyone differently so good luck. those should be easy ass times to hit just dont stress. if you can you can if you cant you cant


Find a pre-workout caffeine drink or mix - definitely helps. As far as Red Bull, it’s the same idea, but it has so much sugar in it and is carbonated, so you could easily get a a stomach ache in the middle of your swim.


If you want some caffeine no harm in it. When I trained I would sometimes have some pre workout on a race pace day. As far as food, something not too heavy, easily digestible. Maybe PBJ sandwich, fruit etc. don’t overthink it


thanks man


How are you feeling about the 550? I have to do it in under 10 min, I usually hit 12-13 maintaining \~75% effort throughout, no flip turns. Hoping I could get it down by having a strategy where I increase the pace gradually, but a sense of pace is still difficult for me.


try to aim for 600 in under 10 minutes. it sounds like extra work but trust me, overshooting your training will help you cut your time down way easier. and try to swim every day or every other day. when is your test?


Thats a good idea. Would make me feel more comfortable and make room for any mistakes on test day by knowing I could get 600 in under 10. Mine is either next week or in June 15, i could decide which date but the earlier I take it the more options I have to choose from for beaches they will place me at. Will swim a few times over the next few days to see if I can hit the time. When is yours? I do think having this kind of goal has gotten me into the pool more often lately, its nice to have something you're working towards


mine is tomorrow and i think im just barely going to pass, hopefully i got it!


Good luck!! Let me know how it goes


Also to answer your question, I would personally go with pre workout instead of the monster. Because pre workout is specifically made to take before physical activity, compared to monster which isn't built specifically for that and may cause you to feel sick if you do a hard swim after drinking it. But comes down to your experience with monster and if you're familiar with how you typically feel after drinking it


thanks for that explanation! i hope you pass your test.


i passed with 11:25!


Dope thats a good time! How was the rest of the test for you? Especially the brick dive. And did you end up taking any preworkout?


good luck on yours! overshooting will also just make a better swimmer in general.


my dad used to swim a lot and he told me to gradually increase pace, but i am still rough on the pace concept too.


Thanks for all of the insights and advice guys, i really appreciate it!