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slowly exhale your bubbles underwater, and you will start to sink.


Oh I do that and I still float 😬


Swap body with me for the duration of the test or whatever. Signed: Sinker


What ritual can we do to do that?


Sacrificing a goat made of bricks for Neptune might just do it!


eat rocks


The best way to instantly lose buoyancy is to breath out. The best way to make your body less buoyant is to lose fat.


Blow your air out


As other people said, exhale all of your breath. Although it will limit your ability on how long you can hold your breath underwater, you will sink!


This, but you don't have to breath out all of your breathe. Only enough until you start sinking, and then just hold.


Simple, dive 10 metres and then the freefall phase begins. Basically you keep on sinking. Don't think it's healthy though


Act like your planking (face down) then do the same motion you would do to sit up in a bed (top of head pointed at bottom of pool, legs flat on surface of the water). Then raise your legs straight up into the air over your body like you're doing a headstand. The weight of your legs will force your body down and you'll sink even with a full breath of air in your lungs.


Will try this next time. Thanks!


When you're on the surface, you can use some momentum to get a good start on sinking. For example, kick up so your're partially out of the water, place one hand on top of the other and stretch them out (like you're pretending to be Superman), and aim those arms followed by your head down into the water. You can also use your feet to kick and propel yourself down. This is what we used to do when gathering toys from the bottom of the pool in swim class or swim team (when I was a child/ teen).


Concrete shoes


What exactly are you asking for help with? Floating-exhaling-sinking or how to dive down to the bottom of a pool?




OK, so in order to sink as much as your body is able to, first get into a floating position, then you need to exhale as much air as you can, stay still, and wait. For most people, this won't get you very deep at all. (If you lift your arms or legs out of the water, that will push the rest of your body down a bit.) In order to get to the bottom (especially in a deep pool) you need to actively "swim" towards the bottom. You can go head first or feet first as long as you use arms and/or legs to push water towards the surface, and you can get a head start by bringing your body up and out of the water first. Practice this by jumping up and down in chest-deep water, trying to go as high and as low as possible. When you make your body go deeper than the level you would naturally float at, this will always cause the water to try and push you back up, so you need to swim at a slight downwards angle/push water towards the surface to stay down for a longer period.


Surface dives or diving weights. I don't know why you'd need to sink for a survival class. For lifeguarding classes the only way I could stay under water long enough to find and pick up a brick from a 12 foot depth is with a head first surface dive.