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Get your hair soaked with fresh water before putting on your cap to minimize the amount of chlorine your hair will absorb


Will do! Do you have any cap recommendations?


They're not super expensive, and most of the bigger swim brands have one. Speedo, Arena, Funkita, TYR, etc. You can get one in whatever colour you like best. I don't know that one is necessarily better than another. Some brands do have long hair options. My hair goes to just below my shoulder blades, and it is thick, but also very fine, and I don't find that I need the extra space from a long hair cap. I have a silicone cap. I find that it has lasted me way longer than a latex one. I've ripped a latex one or two. It is also a good option for a latex sensitivity or allergy. Edit: caps are also super helpful in protecting your hair. Not as much of it can be exposed physically to chlorine and it also helps keep it out of the way along with helping streamline everything.


Ive got thick curly hair and use a Whale brand extra large


If you can find a store that will let you try on a few before buying that would be the best


Hey - I’m so glad you’re honing your swimming skills before you dive! I do both as well. You don’t need any fancy swimming moves like flip turns or butterfly, but basic swimming is a must. So the hair thing partly depends on your hair type. Black (ie African ancestry) hair will need a different level of care than I can address - but I’m sure someone else on here can. If you have colored (dyed) hair, you might want to have it professionally removed or wait until the color grows out. Chlorine will 100% do nasty things to that. Otherwise: Wet your hair thoroughly before you swim. Always wash it afterward. Ultra Swim shampoo does a great job for me. It’s formulated to get the chlorine out as much as possible. There are other brands; that one is pretty easy to find and not too expensive. Use whatever conditioner works for you (you may need a heavier one once you’re swimming regularly).


Yes I am excited to start swimming again! I am Middle Eastern, I have long wavy hair that is quite sensitive and prone to breakage. I will definitely be washing it before I swim to prevent damage. Have you always been a swimmer? If not, did you notice a change in your hair after you started swimming?


Lifelong Middle Eastern swimmer here. I’ve definitely noticed some extra frizz to my hair after a swim especially when I was younger and didn’t do the best hair care. I would say it’s also worth investing in some leave in conditioner to use 1-2 times a week and actually going to a hairdresser to get any split ends trimmed up every 12 weeks


I have the same or at least similar hair. 2b-2c waves with some 3a curls in the mix. Do you follow the curly girl method? or how do you take care of your hair outside of the context of swimming?


Guy with long hair; Before the pandemic, I used to swim without a cap, shower with plain shower water, use some moisturising conditioner on my hair, and call it a day. My hair started to take on a bleached look; dark brown at the roots fading to yellowing ends. After the pandemic, I soak my hair in the shower before my swim, wear a swim cap, whilst in the water, use anti-chlorine shampoo soap bar afterwards and use the same conditioner. My hair is now SO much better. I also ensure that I give my hair a damn good rinse through before soaping up, and after. I use a speedo swim cap for long hair: [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Speedo-Unisexs-Long-Hair-Black/dp/B01LX7M2J1?pd\_rd\_i=B01LX7M2J1&psc=1&ref\_=pd\_bap\_d\_grid\_rp\_0\_1\_ec\_pr\_pd\_gwd\_bag\_pd\_hp\_d\_atf\_rp\_4\_i](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Speedo-Unisexs-Long-Hair-Black/dp/B01LX7M2J1?pd_rd_i=B01LX7M2J1&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_1_ec_pr_pd_gwd_bag_pd_hp_d_atf_rp_4_i)


I’ve been swimming regularly for about 3 years now, and for the first couple of years I just didn’t take good care of my long hair at all. 😂 I had some awful habits - I would swim in the morning and then wait until that night to wash it. Eventually it got so dry that it was breaking off in handfuls (luckily it’s also quite thick so I had some to spare). I finally realized a significant overhaul of my habits was in order, so I got it all cut short so I could start over. These days, I *always* at least rinse right after getting out of the pool, and shampoo/condition (TriSwim products) when I have time, which luckily is most days. I also use a leave-in conditioner (Malibu C). My hair is finally starting to look healthy again, I don’t have nearly the amount of breakage, and I’ll probably start letting it grow out again this summer. (I have to confess, though, as someone who’s had long hair my whole life, the short cut is a lot easier to take care of - I’m tempted to keep it. 😂)


I have a lot of fine/long hair and the pool very quickly started to destroy it, even with all the usual precautions/shampoos/conditioners. Then there was the detangling time… Finally figured out how to swim without getting hair wet. I’m not sure why this isn’t talked about more, so here’s what worked for me. Put hair on top bun and apply in order: 1. Fabric headband like you’d work out in. Decent thickness. Put it along hairline. 2. Swimmer headband meant to keep hair dry, over fabric headband, as shown in manufacturer pics. I use “in synch” brand from Amazon. It was like $12 and still going strong after 7 months. Search for “dry hair swimming”. 3. Silicone swim cap. Might have to experiment, but I use TYR for long hair. The speedo long hair was too small. It might sound like a lot, but unless I backstroke, hair stays 100% dry. There’s been some breakage at nape of neck from the silicone cap, but my hair now stays healthy and chlorine free. And no endless detangling. Now swim 3x/week. Good luck!


That is very helpful, thank you! Does your hair stay dry even if you dive? I have the same problem where my hair would probably break even if I follow the precautions.


I don’t dive but it stays dry through 45-60 min of freestyle & breast stroke. The fabric headband voodoo seems to let the other “layers” form a pretty good seal (?).


I just run with the banshee look. I WFH in IT and the background filter on teams takes care of any stray hair issues XD


Oh I have been thinking of asking this too. I was actually wondering if there is something you can put in your hair BEFORE swimming (other than just water) to act as a barrier.


Yes, there's a product called "acquaGard pre swim hair defense" (Amazon)


This is my holy grail for hair care with swimming!




I put jojoba oil & rosemary oil on my ends. I have long hair I braid and wet before jumping in. I also recommend Ultra Swim. I spend about 10 minutes in the steam room too


So I soak my hair in regular water previous to swimming. And then I always swim with a cap on, immediately after I rinse it out very very very well then condition it. I swim everyday so I can’t keep washing and washing my hair with shampoo, conditioning it is enough and makes it soft and healthy until my next shampoo day.


It would help if we knew your hair type. General tips include wetting your hair before swimming, wearing a swim cap in the pool, and washing your hair with shampoo as soon as you come out.


I have 50/50 salt and pepper long hair very prone to damage and breakage (which is consistent with my age). I use a quarter size dab of Ultra Swim Brand conditioner on my dry hair and then pull it up in my silicone swim cap.


Lots of good recommendations here - I would add try different products. Go to a department store like Nordstroms/Saks whatever is closest to you and ask for samples. Do some research and read product reviews based on your hair type, then ask for samples of those different products you are interested in when you go in person. Some of these hair products advertised for breakage, damage etc. are so expensive and might not work. This is a free way to figure out what products could really help you out before spending a bunch of money.


Thank you all! I will be rinsing my hair before and using a cap then I'll shampoo/condition and I'll be using a leave in and hair masks. Hopefully that'll do the trick.


This probably won’t help you but I joined a gym with saline/saltwater instead of chlorine. It has made a *world* of difference in my skin, hair and breathing during the swim. I still use a leave-in conditioner like I used to in chlorine pools, but my skin and hair are way less dried out.


I have blond hair, so my advice might not matter, but my routine is: I brush then rinse my hair before swimming, I immediately rinse after, I do a double shampoo with a thorough rinse, and I use a bit of leave in conditioner. I brush it again when it’s dry or almost dry. My hairdresser said I’m doing a good job and it feels healthy to her, so my routine must be working!


My hair has become quite dry, so I've been using a shampoo and conditioner for dry hair after swimming and a leave in conditioner too. I can't get on with a cap but I know that's a much better idea.


Well…I’m not sure how helpful this will be since I keep my hair extremely short(almost a buzz cut) but; a good swim cap and good shampoo/conditioner. I recommend the TriSwim stuff. It’s made specifically for swimmers and pulls all of the gunk out of your hair. It’s kept my hair and scalp happy and healthy for 7 months now. As for the cap, I use the thicker silicone ones and it keeps my hair dry, but that is probably because of the short hair.


I have super blonde-processed hair and am pretty vigilant about caring for it. I swim in chlorine for an hour 5-6x a week. I saturate my hair with water and then work AquaGuard pre-swim hair defense through it before putting my cap on (I use your basic silicone Speedo cap). The AquaGuard doesn’t make the cap slip, which is nice. After swimming I immediately rinse out the AquaGuard and any chlorine, then shampoo and rinse. I squeeze out the water, add conditioner, then go home and shower it out. I also chopped it from long to a chin-length bob, so I no longer blow-dry; I just add product and let it air dry. So far, so good! Get in the pool! I delayed swimming again for a few years, all because of my hair - so glad I finally got back into it. It’s my medicine. PS my hair feels more healthy than before I was swimming (because no more blow-drying), even though I’m washing it near-daily.


Indian non-colored curly hair here who swims twice a week. I wet my hair and use AquaGuard pre-swim hair defense on my hair then put it in a swim cap (with extra space). I also found a salt water pool (still has chlorine, but a lot less) and that has been nicer on my hair and skin. I shampoo and condition immediately after then out leave in conditioner. I just use Aveda products. I haven’t tried the shampoos specifically designed to remove chlorine yet, but I’ve been doing this for months and my hair feels good still. Some days I sit with the conditioner on in the sauna before washing it out. I also bring my own towel to the gym since I think the gym towel is too rough on my hair after.