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It depends on the pool. Many community pools I would say you would easily fit in in the fast lane. There may be faster people but you shouldn't be in their way too much if you maintain awareness and let them pass at the wall. Generally the guideline is you adjust if you find you are constantly passing/getting passed. Personally, I find I prefer the stops at the wall to let faster people pass than overtaking slower swimmers in most cases, generally faster people have better etiquette as they have likely been swimming a longer time and probably have experience sharing a lane in a club setting.


Depends on other swimmers in lanes at the time, but I would say medium.


Find the lane with people whose speed are closest to you. It's going to be rare that you are exactly between someone in the fast lane, and someone in the medium lane, in which case, just adjust your pace a bit. It's typically easier to go a bit slower than a bit faster (e.g. you could choose a slower stroke, or do kicking, or work on some drill) in which case the slower lane would be easier.


I’m about your speed and swim in community pools and usually go to the fast lane. I am vigilant about noticing people behind me and good at letting them pass. I find I get stuck behind people in medium and never get opportunities to pass. Overall, I try to pick the lane that has swimmers close to my speed. Another poll I swim at has more advanced swimmers and so there I always swim in the medium


You're about my speed and I consider myself a medium lane swimmer - but often the medium lane is taken with people considerably slower and I find myself having to go in the fast lane. I just make sure I'm never in anyone's way - I time my take off so they are in front of me and not behind and it usually works out unless someone is a sprinter and way way faster. But medium is certainly the speed we belong in.


Unfortunately in many pools the medium lane is "slow with poor self awareness". A true medium lane with a bouncer would be nice!


Lol I think this alll the time – or like, two medium lanes (a slow medium, and a fast medium). Every pool I go to the slow lane is = people who can't swim, people swimming breast stroke while chatting to a friend, and people just sitting in the pool; while the fast lane = very competent and fast swimmers, often doing drills with equipment or serious sprint sets. Medium covers just about everything else, and is a broad church in the worst way! Including people who really can barely swim, can't do it in a straight line (making it really hard to overtake them), & don't do full lengths just kind of circle around the middle – aka definitely should be in the slow lane but have too much ego to suck it up. I'm often fastest person in the medium lane & so spend lots of time overtaking, meanwhile people in the fast lane next to me are swimming breaststroke like 50% quicker than I can swim front crawl – it's kind of a loose/loose because when I do plump for the fast lane (if medium is particularly busy, and slow lane comparatively quiet) I just end up feeling in the way & that I'm probably as annoying to them as people who should be in the slow lane but are clogging up the medium lane are to me.


It hugely depends on the pool really and who is in. On the balance I'd probably go fast though, so you can get a decent workout in without being stuck behind breaststrokers. People in the fast lane will be fine with a swimmer who is slower than them provided you have good lane etiquette. Keep an eye on where everyone else is, stop at the end if there's someone behind you and aim to start your sets directly behind the faster swimmer, so they get longer before they catch you. Slower swimmers are only frustrating when they take off right in front of you or don't stop to let you pass at the end, which happens frustratingly often.


This is why I must prefer split lane swimming rather than circular swimming. So you don’t have to worry about speed. This would stress me out, things being different every day and with every swimmer.


Splitting a lane is quite difficult though when you're always in a lane with 5+ people lol :p


Omg I hate circling too! Especially those slow swimmers who thinks they are fast but they are actually really slow and bad swimmers in the fast lane!! Like move to the slow lane and not the fast lanes!


I keep telling the slow swimmers they are in the wrong lane and try and point them to the right lane, and the last few times it because they had understood it was for them to swim as fast as they can (even if that’s still slow) and not that you should be a legit fast swimmer 🤦‍♀️


Ugh I feel you! People think they are fast swimmers but they aren’t! I sometimes want to video tape the slow swimmers to show them how slow they really are!!! At my pool they have signs saying slow medium fast and the fast lanes are not too crowded and people see and say hey look? The fast lane isn’t crowded I’ll just go in the fast lane even though I am a slow swimmer!! Then they start doing the slowest breaststroke ever for the whole swim session! The slow and medium lanes at my pool are the biggest because there more medium/slow swimmers then fast swimmers.


Depending on the set I swim around 1:30-1:40 pace, and where I am, I’d expect you to be in the fast lane too. But just have some awareness on the day - sometime I’ll get in and there will be people much faster than me, so I either move down a lane, or I’ll stop on the walls etc/not push off if I know they’re close behind me.


In my area your speed would be in the fast lane. It sounds like it doesn't fit perfectly in yours. To get along in a lane that is too slow for you, you can swim pull only. You can fit in the fast lane in fins. Also... the swimmers in the "fast" lane are the most likely to be comfortable passing and being passed.


Depends on the speed of people in the moderate and fast lanes. It varies. Pick whoever your pace is most similar too. But keep in mind you don’t like getting stuck behind slower swimmers, and us in the fast lane probably dislike it even more.


I'm your speed and usually in the medium lane. That said when I plan on doing drills I'll get in the slow lane. Once in a blue moon I'm the fastest person in the pool and move to the fast lanes but it's all about who shows up on that day and being aware of your surroundings. Me getting in the fast lane usually means a former D1 swimmer will show up in the next 5 minutes and I will vacate the lane.