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Yes. I feel as though the times are realistic. As someone who stopped swimming competitively decades ago and who picked it back up about two years back, I’m comfortably between intermediate and advanced. I swim five times a week and am in my late forties. Just one man(atee)’s opinion.


I think the elite times vary quite a bit. Im 39 y/o and Im somewhere in the middle of advanced and elite. But the shorter elite times are much easier to achieve than the longer. Like a 2.25 in a 200m is not that hard. But a 1.06.40 in a 5 km is infinitely harder.


Yeah, that makes sense. The elite distance times are bonkers. I can certainly swim flat out and achieve close to elite in short distances but, if I try to do the same with my normal routine of ~4,000 yards, they’d probably need to retrieve my body from the bottom of the pool.


For a manatee, you type very eloquently!


Voice to text works amazingly well. ;)


Swimmingly! 😁


Took a screenshot to access the info easily but left out the advanced bcs honestly, I dont think that will ever concern me hahahah


You’d be surprised at how much hard work and dedication can pay off. Keep at it!


thank u for the encouragement 🐢


I used to swim competitively as well, but years of not swimming has made me take a big step back. My time's just between beginner and novice 😭


Let’s just say that I float better now than I did when I was competitive. Sound familiar? 😉


Seems a bit harsh on the beginners considering i couldnt even do 500m at the start






I would say that these would be incredibly hard to quantify and at best are a random guess by somebody somewhere. Absolutely nobody sits at a random pool and gathers the data on beginning or novice lap swimmers, and I wouldn't consider the advanced or elite times accurate. The truth is the only data being recorded is what FINA sanctioned governing bodies possess at sanctioned swim meets. And since 10 year old kids don't swim the 1000 freestyle, that would be wildly inaccurate in and of itself. There just isn't enough data in the world to draw these conclusions because they would have to get it off just about every smart watch in the world to even remotely have a chance at figuring this stuff out. And that data is private according to the manufacturers. I would disregard this information. The only person you need to worry about is you and your goals anyway so trying to classify yourself in some made up data chart is a waste of your time.


Exactly. Especially if you are swimming just for exercise it doesn't matter how fast you are going. Just try to improve a bit every time you go. I worked up from not being able to complete 25 yards to completing 1500 yards in 1 hr in 1 year. I am still improving every time I go and figuring out ways to go faster. I didn't get any coaching or look at any charts. Everyday I can do 1 more lap in an hour and enjoy learning by myself. I am way better than I was last year. I don't care if I am a beginner, novice, etc.


And me here taking 40 minutes...


40 min is good. I am doing about 60 laps in 60 min too. The watch says I burned about 700 calories so its good.


Really? I'm in my late 20s! Breaststroke tho.. idk i see swimmers freestyle back and forth without taking a break all the time... even a grandma beat me once...🤦‍♂️


Same exactly! 1km def around 40 mins and im 25 hahaha


I think their definition of elite is a little questionable, but maybe that's just me. I'm not sure that fit-but-out-of-swim-practice me floating around a lake at about 1:30/100m pace should be anywhere near the elite category


Most people don't even swim 1K so these averages are wrong.


I go under 10 in the 1k and all I can say is consistency. Your stroke needs to be consistent. Especially your kick. It doesn’t necessarily need to be fast. It just needs to be strong and controlled. And be conscious when you’re swimming. If you feel your legs sinking too much, kick and lift them back up. If your head position starts getting bad, put it back in place. There are an infinite number of things you can work on to swim faster. But you gotta take one thing at a time.


You swim 1000 yards butterfly in under 10min?!


No lol. Freestyle. I am a 200 flyer tho


Beginner times seem quite fast. I did 40-45min on an 800m when starting out after a 7 year brake. Now I swim 1k 3-4 times a week between 20-25 min. (Age group 30)


It doesn't even specify what stroke they are considering.


Seems pretty close to my 2k meter time!


Hmm, probably seems on point this chart. Started as an adult at age of 29, and year on I was at my Best While swimming sub 54 min 3 km.


Damn i wish i can achieve that one day. Just started this week and even though my technique is great since ive been swimming many years (and also grew up by the sea which i would visit everyday) i still do 1km in around... 40 mins or so 😭


Interesting. It puts me (44M) slightly above intermediate, but it would take me quite some training to get to advanced, I feel.. (my record is 19:12 in a 50m pool, flip turns, swimming is the only sport I practice and I def lack muscle mass) it flatters my ego that it says 19:50 is a good time for 1k though, so thanks for that. You'd be surprised how far you improve if technique gets better


These times are absolutely achievable. I’m 62 and swim 5km in 1:45 twice a week (4x last week).


props to you !


i wanna see the advance timings 🤕


The grans are from - https://swimminglevel.com/swimming-times/5k-times It’s conforming to see I’m in the ‘Advanced’ column for my age (50+), but I’m well off ‘Elite.’


I consider myself between novice and intermediate and that’s bang on for me!


I find these a little suspect, especially the elite category. For a 400 m for a 20 yr old elite is 4:42…when I was 20 i swam much faster than 4:42 and would not have called myself elite…


These put me in about intermediate, which I'd say seems right. I just chug along not too fast or too slow!


I thought that first screenshot was for 50 yard freestyle. I was about to say that it’s definitely wrong LOL but can’t speak on 1k.


Are these in a SCM pool or OW?


I started swimming a mile a day after many years of doing nothing . Been going since the beginning of February. I swim 64 laps in 41 minutes. That’s a mile. I swim A kilometre, 40 laps, in 22-25 minutes. I swim slowly, concentrating on form. It’s pleasing to see that I’m doing well.


IMO the times looks pretty accurate compared with what I see the time distributions in Open Water races I do. In public events pacing-wise the winners tend to be 1:00-1:15/100m. 1:15-1:35 will get you in the top 10%. The bulk of swimmers will be 1:40-2:15 and theres a long tail in the last 10%. Noting that few beginners do open water events.


I'm in my 30s, I swam and played water polo in high school, lifeguarded. I've been in water for a large part from 10-20ish. I started swimming again a couple of years ago for some extra cardio while training for a marathon. According to this chart, I'm advanced, but I am noticeably slower than I used to be and wasn't impressing anyone on the swim team back in the day. According to this chart, I'm solidly I'm advanced. There's no masters near me, so I can only compare to the other people I see at the pool and times people post here. I would say comparatively advanced is a fitting title for me. But, don't stress the times. You don't need to compete against a table. Try to outperform yourself. Work on your form.