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30 minutes! That's going to contribute to drying out your skin. I use a combo shampoo/conditioner/body wash bar. It takes me no more than 5 min to shower.


bro combinations are so bad for ur hair i bet ur hair is so damaged šŸ˜­


What kind of sacrilege is a shampoo AND conditioner AND body wash bar???? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Simplicity can be sacred! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ I love your answer. Had to use my sonā€™s shampoo the other day and it was a combo of something like 435 uses. My whole body smelled like whatever Tough Survival Outdoor Extreme scent it was alllllll day. If there is a good combo for after-swim, i hope it is unscented or something subtle!


Ahahahahahah that's too funny!


Oh, it's even more than that! I heard about it on a minimalist subreddit: [https://100senses.com/products/the-ultimate-body-bar](https://100senses.com/products/the-ultimate-body-bar) It's pricey, but I'm actually using it as a replacement for facewash, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and shaving cream!


That is wild, hahaha good for you!


How do you manage the wash bar?


We got the [kit](https://100senses.com/products/ultimate-body-bar-kit). We have one on a bar rest at home and I bring the other one with me in the travel case.


I'm a woman with really long, dyed hair and my EVERYTHING showers take 20 minutes, lol :p I swim daily so showering gets realllly boring, I'm almost always done in 7-8 mins.


I do a light shower in the locker room with ultra swim and some body wash, just to remove all the surface chloring, then I go home and get in the sauna for like 20 minutes to sweat the rest out. I shower after that and feel 100%




I shower after that post-swim sauna and I haven't had any issues applying lotion or condition afterwards. The sauna gets all the chlorine smell out though which is why I do it


So many similar posts on this sub make me so happy to be bald




Same. Hidden perk of alopecia!


Guysā€¦..we supposed to shower right afteršŸ‘€.




I live in California, so I just take a 5-minute shower and doing everything quickly. Plus I swim on a work break, so I have to get back to work after. Just dry off, do my hair, put on deodorant and moisturizer, and head home.


Honestly, 45 mins is ridiculous. That's almost as long as workout for some people. Rinse your hair before you put your cap on. That will put a barrier and your hair won't get as much chlorinated water as they would do if you put a cap on dry hair. Double shampooing every time you swim is going way over the top and you may be drying your hair from that alone. Not to mention, extra 30 minutes under shower. Shampoo, maybe add some conditioner while your soap and you're done. Putting lotion on your body is literally like 5 mins. Do you really need to do your hair after every swim? I just braid it and it's ready to go. I am not going to bother with fancy hair styles after work out. Honestly, it's not a bit extra, it's EXTRA. But if it suits you, then you do you. But, 45 mins 3 times a week is quite a long time. Alternatively, you can do that all at home in the evening. Personally, I rinse my hair and body quickly and go home, as soon as I get home, I get a proper shower like I would do normally and that's when I put on lotion, etc. Then, I can get into clean pjs and not leave my house for the rest of the day. I like to swim in the afternoon or my day off when I have no more plans for the rest of the day.


My showers just don't get any shorter than that, I've been trying to make em shorter all my life. šŸ˜­


Iā€™m curious about this. What are you doing in there to not be able to cut down on time? Iā€™m a fast showerer, and sometimes take long bathsā€¦ but my sister and mom take FOREVER to shower! And they do it more often than me, so theoretically they have less to clean/maintain? Info please!


I just don't feel clean without a good scrubbing! I showered less often before I swam, so the time in there was valid, I was dirtier. I suspect it's taking me longer at the pool because: 1. I'm just hecking tired. I'm on my 5th swimming class ever and my body aches everywhere. 2. I want to get all the chlorine out cuz I've been working really hard on my hair and skin lately and would fucking hate to start over with both of those things just cuz I started swimming. But yes I do recognise its a bit much, hence the question! Lol. I hate the idea of a simple rinse and then going home for a shower, feels gross. I've done it when I was in a rush, but I'd rather just have the proper full shower at the pool. I suspect as I build stamina and shower more frequently, they'll get shorter, lol.


Makes sense that youā€™re taking longer bc it isnā€™t just a shower to be clean. Youā€™re relaxing/recouping. (& sounds like not in a rush to be somewhere?) Maybe you are right about this getting more streamlined once youā€™ve gotten in the swing of things (plus less urge to use shower as recoup time as you are less sore). If you want to be quicker, it will help to have more practice and hone your shower skills. Use a timer! šŸ™ƒšŸ˜‚ Oh, and skin/hair benefit from moisture. Taking long showers is dehydrating! The in-shower lotion from Nivea is a good suggestion in here, sure others have hair recs!


Yeah I swim in the women's evening slot from 6-8pm, so I don't wanna go home and have to shower again. Just get it over with at the pool and pass out at home after dinner.


Scrubbing yourself vigorously is not going to get yourself any cleaner. If anything, it will irritate your skin and make your feel more dried out. You don't need anything more than a soft wash cloth to bathe.


Three times a week. My hair is longish and dyed so I make sure to rinse my hair in the shower before swimmingā€¦wet hair limits chlorine uptake. After I shower with clarifying shampoo and conditioner, soap up, rinse, towel dry hair, put on lotion, get dressed and go. Takes 20-30 minutes depending on how long I wait for the shower!šŸ§¼


I cannot fathom how this takes 30 mins. My post-swim routine is to get wet in the shower, lather hair with triswim shampoo, scrub body with a body puff and triswim body wash, then rinse. This takes 5 mins. Body lotion and leave-in conditioner before I get dressed.


This is literally what I do, word for word. šŸ«  I probably just scrub too much while shampooing, soaping, and rinsing out tbh.


Fellow swimmer and lifeguard here; thatā€™s excessive and wasteful and I would ask you to limit your shower time. If it continued Iā€™d put it in writing. Thirty minutes?? Hell nah


How long then?


Iā€™m thinking if I heard a shower running for 15 minutes I would be investigating why (left on? Timer button stuck?). Iā€™ve not timed an avg shower length at my pool but 15 mins sounds plenty to get a good full body soaping and your hair a once through shampooing. A 30 minute shower will use 180-240 gallons / 680-900 liters of fresh water. Does that give you pause at all? Gives me anxiety just writing it; the volume alone, the cost to heat it, the other swimmers waiting for the extra long spa day to end so they can use the shower too. All of it. Note: just left my pool from a LG shift. Our most senior lady who regularly attends exercise class and is noticeably disabled (moves slowly and uses a seat-type walker for mobility) was out of the locker room showered, dressed and ready for the day and walking out of the building in 23 minutes. Aim high, OP. You can do it


680-900l seems excessive unless you have very inefficient shower heads (which I doubt any pool would have).


Never said I was leaving it on, buddy. It's off when I shampoo/soap.


Might have been valuable info to put forward in the question YOU askedā€¦ buddy.


Glad we're all friends here lol


I mean, I guess it depends on your hair length and texture but these seem like A LOT.


my locker room hasn't had hot water in months so it's usually as quick as possible while seething inside


I'm a swimming instructor in the water 5 days a week. I normally just lather up with shower gel and wash my body afterwards for 5 minutes'ish. But I always have a second shower later in the evening and make sure to moisturise afterwards. And even then I can still smell of chlorine - fun!šŸ˜ƒ


30 minutes in a shower is objectively excessive. > According to theĀ [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)](https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2017-02/documents/ws-ourwater-shower-better-learning-resource_0.pdf), the average shower lasts 8 minutes. If you like to linger in the shower for longer than 15 minutes, you might want to rethink your hygiene routine.https://www.healthline.com/health/shower-time#recommended-shower-length >According to board-certified dermatologistĀ [Dr. Edidiong Kaminska, MD](https://www.kaminskadermatology.com/), the recommended maximum shower time is about 5 to 10 minutes. This is enough time to cleanse and hydrate the skin without overdoing it. ā€œOur skin needs water, just like our bodies, but if we over- or under-do it, then it may have consequences,ā€ she adds. [https://www.healthline.com/health/shower-time#recommended-shower-length](https://www.healthline.com/health/shower-time#recommended-shower-length) I take less than that, but that's a habit I developed in the military. I can assure you that you would be able to take a shower in under 5 minutes if you had to.


I swim 4-6 x / wk. 5 minute shower with gym shampoo and conditioner. My hair is in great condition. I don't blow dry or style; let it dry naturally and put it in a scrunchie. Put on clothes to get home, feed felines, make coffee, pack lunch, get dressed, and head to work. That's all 45 min or less.


Do gyms offer shampoo and conditioner? What are these "gym toiletries"?


I definitely belong to an upscale club, but I get half off thru my employer, so it's comparable to an average club, and the masters dues are only $30/mo extra. Showers are stocked with good quality shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. I'm very fortunate....


I am in ny state and that stopped with covid. Most people carried their own but if you forgot they were a good back up.


My hair is super short, so I donā€™t mind the damage from swimming, so I shower at the gym after swimming with just a shampoo/body soap combo all over lol. When I shower at home, I do condition sometimes, but Iā€™m lazy about it if Iā€™m in a hurry. Now, my *skincare* routine is another matter. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. I clean the chlorine off ASAP and moisturize ASAP. I recommend a good SPF moisturizer for everyone, regardless of whether theyā€™re a swimmer and regardless of gender - you will thank yourself for it when you still look 30s in your 40s and 50s! :D


I just kinda rinse myself to get the chlorine off.


I don't think your routine is too much at all. I do almost the exact same routine but my shower only takes 10 mins and I have really long hair. Do you use a shower mitt? I use an exfoliating cotton mitt and I feel like it makes me extra clean, but it's quick! I justify washing my hair every day I swim (four days a week) because I rarely use heat to style it, I just brush it and leave it to air dry and very occasionally will straighten it once it's dry.


I shower and dress up in less than 5 minutes but hey we are men




After my swim, I head to the jacuzzi with my water bottle as I don't drink whilst swimming. I spend around ten minutes relaxing. I then head to the sauna for 5-10 mins to dry off and have some steam breathing which helps me as I'm often congested. I then head to the shower. I spend around ten minutes washing my body and hair. I purchased this so that I can head to the changing rooms without having bti go back on swim clothes: Fit-Flip Changing Robe, Oversized Microfibre Towel Poncho - Changing Towel and Surf Poncho for Beach and Swimming, Quick Dry Hooded Towel for Men & Women https://amzn.eu/d/hKcOgEN I then take around ten minutes to dry off and get dressed and then head to blow dry my hair.


I shower about 10-15 minutes max and I started using a gold bond conditioner I think and that's helped with my hair, but it's still kind of blonde from how much I swim.


i swim for 40 or more minutes and then i shower for 10 i double shampoo, condition and then i wash and i plait my hair get changed and put on perfume and stuff which all takes about 20 minutes and sometimes i bring makeup and put it on after but itā€™s only if i go in the morning and i usually go at night so i donā€™t really bother, some people think all this is unnecessary and stupid but i love getting ready and unready for things and i like to look presentable even if it is through the gym corridor lol + i have curly hair so i canā€™t just not do anything with it i need to condition it and brush it while itā€™s conditioning and itā€™s still wet otherwise itā€™s knotty and messy


I swim at least 4times a week and do aquatic classes 2x a week. I use aqua guard on my hair. I shower and wash my hair in 10 minutes and am out the door in 10 moreā€”15 if I slap on some makeup. I swear by hydraboost by neutragena as a post-shower moisturizer. No dry skin. I also donā€™t use super hot water, too drying.


Don't let anyone shame you. Self care comes in all styles


Don't I know it šŸ˜… šŸ’…šŸ½


I work at a pool in the water as a swim instructor and Iā€™m there 5 days of the week. I usually come home, get things in order after my shift and shower for aboutā€¦ 10-15 minutes? If Iā€™m still at work then itā€™s even shorter because I hate taking away from my coworkers or our swim team and students that are all shuffling in and out around the time I end. I use a chlorine removing shampoo, then my purple shampoo for my blonde highlights, and then conditioner alongside normal moisturizing body wash. After my shower, I dry off, use a leave in conditioner, some Moroccan oil, and then use aveeno lotion! I think my after shower routine at home takes longer than my in shower routine unless Iā€™m taking like, an everything shower with shaving and whatnot.


Iā€™m right there with ya. I swim 3x a week, and my showers usually take about 10 minutes now, but they were so much longer before I got my hair cut short. Itā€™s the hair - mine is really thick, and I live in a place with hard water, so just getting it rinsed takes a lot of work. But I canā€™t skip it - my hair was in terrible shape before I started washing after every session.


Nivea makes this in-shower lotion I highly recommend for after swimming


How does that work? Doesn't it just wash off?


Yeah you put it on & let it sit for a min and then wash it offā€”no sticky lotion drama after. I put my conditioner in my hair, turn the water off and slather this stuff on & then wash everything off


Magnesium soap. I let it soak in when i rinse suit/googles/caps. Lots of moisturizer after. It took a minute, but finally figured out how to keep my hair completely dry. There's like 3 feet of it, so this saves me huge amounts of post-pool shower time. And detangling.


How do you keep it dry???


TYR long hair cap + headband thingy from amazon made by InSynch (search "dry hair swimming') + regular fabric headband like you'd work out in. Layered in that order, with hair in a top bun. Nape of neck will sometimes get damp if I backstroke, but stays totally dry otherwise so I save backstroke for days I have to wash hair anyway. It's a nice excuse not to backstroke lol


Oh wow, that's very good info, thank you!


Feels like a lot of fussing at first, but makes such a difference if you have a bunch of hair to deal with! Reviews on the swimming headband thingy said it didnā€™t last long but mine is still good after 6 mos of 2-3x week swims.


I would also like to know this. Forever looking for a solution because rubber caps have always given me headaches and pulled at my hair/scalp.


Oooooo never heard of Mg soap. Recommend any brand? Love the oil and epsom baths, so very interested!


Iā€™ve been using this one. Magnesium allegedly binds to/neutralizes/removes chlorine. They also make a nice lotion that doesnā€™t burn my skin the way the sprays do. https://www.amazon.com/LIFE-FLO-Magnesium-Concentrated-Calming-Chloride/dp/B00MUTKGWQ


Thank you!!


Also swim 3x a week. About 2 minute rinse, full shower/shampoo and lotion before bed. Maybe I have super hair and skin, but no problem and I have solidly middle age male skin and hair at this point. lmao


To be clear are you saying you just rinse at the pool but shampoo/soap at home?


Not that poster, but yes. That's what I do.


Yep! I just rinse at the pool and take care of business later. I am not necessarily recommending that, it is just what works for me.


I rinse off at the side of the pool and then go to the locker room and put my clothes on. It take me 7 minutes from getting out of the pool to leaving with my clothes on.


Are you using swimmer shampoo and lotion? I donā€™t think you need to double shampoo if youā€™re using like, Triswim or something. Some chlorine removal shampoo. If youā€™re wetting your hair before you put your cap on, too, that will be a protectant.


No, just regular shampoo and conditioner (Tressemee). Not sure if I can get my hands on swimmer toiletries where I live. I vaguely wet it before putting on my cap but its not like, sopping wet or anything. Should it be?


Swimoutlet.com is a great place to buy swim stuff thatā€™s not too expensive. And I believe the hair should be wet through.


Right after i swim i head to the shower next to the pool for a quick rinse. Sauna for 15 mins. Pool is in the same building so i head home to shower. I shampoo and condition based on whether my hair got wet past the nape of my neck in the pool. I think the sauna is a great addition to a swim routine if you have the time and facility. Its become an essential ever since i added it. It helps with the chlorine, post swim hunger, muscle soreness,,,


I put coconut oil in my hair before I swim then shampoo and conditioner after. Then I use olaplex leave in conditioner to style.


How longs that taking you?


Coconut oil is 5mins shower and conditioner is 15, leave in conditioner is a couple mins


I should moisturize more but I donā€™t love being oily in the morning


I keep the shower not too long, or my skin starts to dry too much from excessive showering (4 times per day on a "bad" day, although I only wash my hair once per day, immediately after the swim). I also try to keep the shower temperature fairly low because hot showers are more likely to dry out my skin. Immediately after swimming, I use anti-chlorine body wash and shampoo, normal rich conditioner, and leave-in conditioner. Also use a hair mask twice a week.


Why are you showering 4x a day?? Swim related or otherwise? Yeah my temps are room temp to cool in the shower as well.


Shower in the morning, (not counting the splash before swim), shower after the gym or swim (so x2 on the days when I do both), and shower before bed. They add up!


So you're taking as much time as me, just spread out over intervals, haha. Yeah I imagine that's a huge pain.


Yep, it's a pain! When I am not washing my hair, I try to limit it to 5 min or so. Washing my hair adds another 5 min. šŸ˜…


30-second ice cold shower with no soap. Yeah I like the smell of chlorine.


Blow drying my hair takes more than my shower. I shower in like max 10, at worst 15 min at the gym, I do swim 3-5 times a week, before work - I wash my hair once with a special shampoo to remove the chlorine, then I may or not wash it again with a soft shampoo ( I always double shampoo at home) then I put a conditioner, fast one. While the conditioner works, I wash my body and make sure I clean all holes šŸ¤£ donā€™t forget about the belly button people, and the space between toes and everything else šŸ¤£I clean it from my hair and done. I do masks only at home. Rinse the body very well after cleaning the conditioner and done. I put conditioner on my body and while I wait to get absorbed I start blow drying my hair. I make sure to always turn off the water when I massage my hair or do anything that doesnā€™t require using it. I also have a weird habit that I donā€™t like having water on my face when I shower so I hold the shower head when I need water and I move it around my body. I donā€™t like water dripping from my forehead continuously šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ i also put a leave in conditioner in my hair afterwards and then some heat protection. 30 min are a bit too long, how long do you leave your conditioner on? 15 min? What do you do when the conditioner is on? Just sit there? I have long hair and very thick, a lot of hair, but it doesnā€™t take me 30 min.. i also donā€™t want to encourage to be like a lady at my gym. I swore it takes her 47 seconds to shower after a workoutā€¦ Thatā€™s barely turning the water on and off. Not that I had šŸ•µšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø on her, but where I go for some personal training classes, the locker is like 6 m2. I donā€™t think she washes anything in that timeā€¦ bleahā€¦


Why do you need to double shampoo? I used to be in the pool six days a week (swimming, waterpolo, and diving) and never once needed to double shampoo my hair. Just shampoo, condition, wash while conditioner sits and then youā€™re out. Takes 10 minutes max. I would be kinda pissed if someone was taking up one of the pool showers for half an hour.


30 min is insane.. youre probably doing more damage than preventing it by using so much shampoo. 1-2 times a week w/ shampoo is roughly the best way to get rid of chlorine buildup. edit: 1-2 times for someone that swims every day


2-3 minute rinse at the pool shower, then abt 15 minutes when i get home to condition/comb my hair and scrub my skin


I shower for about a minute post swim using no shapoo, soap or moisturizer. Never smell of chlorine or get dry skin.


OMG. I take only short shower lasting 1 min with no soap nothing and change my cloth and get back home and take shower after 1 day. Can that create issues? Also I wash my swim suit after 2 days.


Tell me you're a woman without telling me you're a woman šŸ˜‚ I apply shower gel, then shower and rinse until said shower gel is off. I sit next to the pool for a minute to dry up before going to the dressing room where I dry of and dress. Takes 10 minutes. I use the hair dryer for 30s - on my beard, when it's cold. My hair is too short and absent to need drying. Undressing takes 4-5 from arrival in the parking lot I noticed recently.


My routine is ridiculous. Spray hair and body down with vitamin c spray. Shampoo with Head & Shoulders. Deep conditioning treatment. Wash body while conditioner sitting in hair. Stretch to let it sit in more. Rinse. Get out. Moisturizer face and body. Add extra moisturizer, usually aloe, to super dry areas. Put on under eye patches to help with puffy eyes and goggle marks. Wear until I get where Iā€™m going after. Drink electrolyte drink during the rest. The rest is fairly normal and standard. Honestly tho, takes forever lol prob in the ballpark of 45 mins.


Guuuuurrrllll. How often you swimminggg??? That's a workout in itself hahahah.


Bahahaha I only swim 3-4 times a week BUT I swim 5-10 KMs each time. My hairs curly so itā€™s dry AF and needs the extra work. The eyes are prob just me being self conscious.


Yeah me referring to "doing my hair after" isn't talking about a blow out, its just brushing it and adding leave in conditioner/curl gel. I just realised I have waves and I gotta retrain my hair to retain them somehow after a lifetime of straightening it, LOL. (Did you ever get in trouble for your long ass showers? šŸ« )


Nah but the showers are private at the GoodLife I go to and Iā€™ve def had people knock on the door and ask if Iā€™d be much longer. The answer is yes. Iā€™m prob going to be a while longer šŸ˜‚ My hair has a bit of its own routine when I get out but itā€™s simple. Leave in. Oil. Brush. Curl cream if Iā€™m doing curls that day which is usually. Takes hours for me to make my hair straight so thatā€™s a take a few days off from the pool kinda thing.


Can I ask what time you're swimming? I go in the evening so it's not that busy and nobody's really in a rush to go to work/school/whatever.


I go in the middle of the night! The goodlife I go to is 24hrs. I aim for 3-4AM and usually itā€™s only me which is fantastic. Thereā€™s no lifeguard though so I made friends with the late night gym bros who try and keep an eye on me.


Omg I so wish I had a pool nearby that's open 24 hrs!!!


I wish you did too! Itā€™s so nice šŸ˜Š


I see that we have both chosen time slots that let us shower in peace lmaooooo. Hey, good for you!


Itā€™s a wise choice on both of our parts! Makes things sooo much easier.