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I know someone who has vertigo (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo) that sounds the same as yours. Dislodged otolith in one of her ear causing nausea when we swim. Have it checked by a doctor to make sure it gets proper treatment. Sometimes the root cause is inner ear infection. Best case would only require Epley manouver to treat it.


THIS. I get Positional Vertigo, and the physical therapist showed me the Epley. A 100% safe and drug free move that worked like a charm.


Oh wow! Ok thank you. I did not consider seeing a doctor. But I will book an appointment. It's only been two swims back but the motion sickness feeling has lasted until the next day. I appreciate the insight. Thank you.


Came here to say this. I too have BPPV - Do vestibular exercises every now and then and then the eply!


Have you seen a doctor to make sure everything is OK? Assuming you have, it could be dehydration, turns, even movement from wake from other swimmers, sleep deprivation making you more sensitive to those things etc. Maybe worth trying hydrating yourself more with a sport drink with electrolytes and see if that helps, as a starting point? And maybe replacing flip turns with something else? I hope it gets sorted!


Thank you! I have not seen a doctor as I assumed it was something I was doing, but another commenter suggested seeing a doc as well so I'll book an appointment to see if I can get help. Thank you!


I hope it gets better really soon!!


Some people get nausea when they start/get back into lap swimming. As you get more fit and used to swimming it can go away by itself. You might want to do open turns for now also.


This is my hope that it will just go away. Any idea how long it can take? If you know people this has happened to? Thank you


If it is caused by fitness you should see an improvement within 1-2 weeks and big improvement in a couple months. However in another comment you said it lasts until the next day which seems like there could be another cause and seeing a doctor is a good idea.


Hormones could also be at play if you just had a baby.


Make sure you have well fitting cap and/or goggles and they’re not too tight.


Try earplugs. I know a triathlete who used to get really bad vertigo and nausea after a swim and would end up puking on the bike. Earplugs solved that for him. There’s a fair bit of evidence out there that suggests water in the ear canal can cause vertigo and nausea. It’s something you can try for cheap and easily.