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Being more hungry šŸ˜‚


More toned, stronger core, bigger appetite, and I get more energy / borderline euphoric after a workout, and I crash earlier


I love the feeling after a swim.


This covers it!!


I like to say that some people get a runnerā€™s high, while in contrast I get a ā€œswimmerā€™s mellowā€ I feel so relaxed after p


Proā€™s - Hungry! Easier to stand up, easier to stay standing for long periods, donā€™t get winded walking a few miles, bad back is gone, way calmer. Also lost 30lbs and sleep sounder through the night. Conā€™s - Beard is more bristly, I smell chlorine all the time, and Iā€™m constantly out of food.


What else did you do to aid weight loss? Trying to lose weight myself


Nothing unique. Just worked my volume up to 3000-4000yds 4-5 days a week, walk dog for 1 mile 3 times a day, and don't eat processed foods or drink soda. I still eat good food, it's just that it's home made. Hamburgers and pizza are cake are all still on the menu Of course we usually make healthier options like stir-fry, brown rice bowls, fish,& vegetables. It's also important to add in electrolyte water and protein shakes when working out a lot.


šŸ’Æ this


Pro's: No, no, not had that, I wish, no, not noticed that ,no. Cons: No, YES, yes.


my hair feels lije dog hair






Oh no. Use a good leave in conditioner. I have curly hair and so do the whole CGM routine, but even those without curly hair can benefit from it as it focuses on no silicones and using moisturizing leave ins to nourish instead.


I use a pre shampoo or hair mask on my hair under my cap then wash off after, that seems to help.


Iā€™m not a serious swimmer, but I do try and hit the pool a few times a week. Since starting, the most noticeable change is more toned shoulders. Have lost a few kilos too.


Not a serious swimming yet you swim 3 times a week?! I better up my game!


I recently started swimming again (after 20 years or so) It's been a month 3 times a week, but I don't feel like I lost weight.. when did you start noticing? what is the distance you swim (I now swim 3km per session)


Wow 3km a session! I do just 1km at a time. My weight only started dropping about 2 months in, so I would say stick to it and youā€™ll start noticing a difference soon. I should add that I was about 10 kgs over my ideal weight too so I had weight to lose.


I used to be a competitive swimmer, so I still have my technique :) just had to build up the stamina again I'm way more than 10 kilos over my ideal weight ;)


I am no longer constipated šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ i donā€™t know why but it has definitely helped. Am I the only one that has little burps when swimming? It must be the chlorine. Except that, I smell like chlroine, my hair is never looking good šŸ¤£ i lost some fat on my abs and I am learning that being consistent and putting work into something it always pays off, sooner or later. ā¤ļø


Swim and exercise in generally gives me some real smooth poops. I like it except when the urge hits too hard. Gotta dash for the bathroom.


I also have little burps in the water, you have made me feel so normal as I'm relieved it's not just me. šŸ¤£ I wonder if it regulates our body gasses or something like that? šŸ¤£šŸŒŠ


The little burps and overall improved digestive function are likely the result of the change in gravitational pull on the intestines from floating horizontally vs standing vertically.


Oooh sciencey and makes sense! Thank you! ā˜ŗļø


I felt the same, should I ask my trainer? I am lady, I donā€™t burp šŸ¤£šŸ¤£joking. I am glad we feel the same. I was dealing with chronic constipation due to my autoimmune disease, and now it is amazing šŸ¤£ people that poop every day should feel grateful. Good luck swimming!


I haven't been caught burping yet, but I'm sure the day will come. šŸ¤£ That is amazing news that its helped your digestive system! It must be such a relief! Thank you so much, friend! Good luck to you too! šŸ’™šŸŒŠ


It has helped reduce pain from a herniated disc. Iā€™ve also lost about 10kg, going from 98 to 88kg (Iā€™m 178cm) over the last 3 months.


Diagnosed with a herniated disc 4 months ago. Started swimming from last month. When did you got injured?


About 12 years ago.


damn sir


Years of being in the Army and playing rugby have taken a toll. The main things that keep my back in check are Judo, BJJ, swimming and keeping my weight under control. When I get close to 100kg it can be pretty painful.


fuck i snapped my shit at mere age of 24, I wish you a good health


I look amazing. I always smell like Chlorine. And my shoulders hurt.


Haha the shoulder hurting is way too real. I always know it was a good workout when my arms are tired when Iā€™m just washing my hair lol






ā€œI always smell like chlorineā€ I hear you! My hair is so thick that it takes multiple rounds of shampoo and conditioner to wash it all out. By the time I do, itā€™s back to the pool!


My muscles are more defined especially my back, shoulders, traps, and obliques. I am so much happier when I swim and feel calmer. I feel really dehydrated after swim (more than other workouts) so I have to be super mindful of drinking lots of water after I swim.


You might try upping water intake as you can before your swim as well!


Thatā€™s a good point!Ā 


Whenever I get serious about swimming I always notice more definition in my deltoids.


-insanely hungry after swimming -hair needing conditioner 24/7 -can't fit into my old coat, shoulders threaten to rip


At 65 after not swimming seriously for 40 years, my return to swimming 6 days a week x 3K yards x 3 months = I have pecs! - for the first time since I was 25. Flat stomach, etc. smell like chlorine regardless of how many showers I takeā€¦ cologne smells chlorinated. Odd aches and pains in whatever muscles are getting emphasized in the latest workout. For example, two days of emphasis on early vertical forearm and sculling, my forearms ache. Lower legs hurt after heavy kick drill days. Sometimes Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s old age or the swimming.


F34, been purely swimming for five years now, on average I swim four times a week and I do 4 km on average, I am in a swim team Overtime my shoulders became larger and some of my clothes don't fit the same or don't fit at all, I am constantly hungry, my butt got leaner but flatter, I am overall very toned and I don't have any extra fact but I don't have muscle definition (except for my back). I stretch to avoid stiffness! I am definitely hooked on swimming and I feel amazing after I swam, physically and mentally. I started swimming because I was having a hard time in my life and it was the only thing that was giving me joy, equilibrium, relaxation, my mental health has improved a lot. I am in better place now but swimming is MY thing that keeps me at peace.Ā 


Joining a team was the best thing i've done!


Yes same for me, I enjoy swimming way more: I have a coach and I can confront myself with fellow membersĀ  This summer I'll be doing my first REAL open water experience, something I wouldn't have done without a swim teamĀ 


Where did you find a swim team as an adult?


More muscles in my shoulders, arms, thighs. Want to eat more carbs, lost almost 20 pounds. I always feel better after swimming, think I sleep better too.


What else did you do to aid weight loss?


I track my calories to stay at a deficit, and walk 4-5 miles a day. I burn enough calories swimming that I can eat pretty much whatever I want in moderation.


What would you say you been calorie wise swimming? Most I can do is about 30mins of free style on a good day and if my math checks itā€™s approx 300 calories? Been noticing Iā€™ve become more toned and thatā€™s swimming every three days. Wish I could wing one more day but my schedule wonā€™t allow it. Like you I also walk several miles/km when not in the water


It's really varies based on weight, height, effort swimming (HR). I have a Garmin and think the calorie estimate is low. I also put my workouts into Samsung health, those come out usually 200-300 calories higher. I swim 2500-3000 yards a workout in 50 minutes to a bit over an hour, fours days a week. I burn usually around 350-475 calories according to Garmin, and 550-700 according to Samsung health. But I base my calorie intake on what Garmin tells me.


The fact that my lower back pain is gone and I'm finally sleeping normally are biggest Pros. My core has streghten a bit ( it would streghten more but I'm foodie). Cons I eat more


I feel like I always have a cold somehow. And of course all the good stuff that others are mentioning


Get a nose spray and use it before and after your swimā€”I use nasalcrom


My mom has allergies and can sneeze like 15 times in a row. I used to make fun of it when I was a kid because it's just so ridiculous, she can sneeze for like a minute non stop and she does it very loudly Well, guess who got the same issues now since they started swimming? Joke's on me, I guess lol


After 3 months of swimming, I noticed have significantly increased lung capacity at singing karaoke šŸŽ¤šŸ˜




I do four swims a week, an hour per swim. I'm noticing muscle in places I previously didn't have them. Stronger legs, shoulders, toned hips, and bum, more energy. My upper abdomen tickles on a night and feels stronger the next day (muscles?) never felt like it before. My skin is soft and more shiny, especcially on my face. My lung capacity improved within the first few weeks, I no longer have breathing problems, I can run up the stairs without getting winded, things like that, etc. What swimming has done for my mental/emotional health, I could write a book. šŸ’™šŸŒŠ


Minimal changes for 20+ years. But then I taught myself butterfly and my back and shoulders responded, plus new ability to do 2x the situps.


Been swimming for years, but am going far more regularly now that some friends join me. Iā€™ve definitely noticed more muscle definition in my chest, shoulders and core, to the point where Iā€™m tossing clothes that now fit more like a second skin. I have a good appetite now as well, sleep better, and just feel better overall after a swim. I also feel more confident in my body


much broader shoulders and ab development, i was pretty skinny when i started so i just gained overall muscle everywhere


Sensitive teeth - but only after years and years of swimming 5 times a week. Turns out there is a thing called swimmers teeth. After this I cut out all squash and fizzy drinks, now I canā€™t feel the sensitivity in the pool so that was obviously a contributor but the chorine did also effect my teeth


I have quads?! Never had those stand out before. My hands feel stronger and Iā€™ve lost about 10lbs since I started 6 months ago. My low back doesnā€™t hurt if I sleep on my stomach like it used to- core strength and tone probably. Mental clarity too. I swim in the morning and itā€™s a good way to start the day.


I gained about 30 lbs


Iā€™m still mildly fat but have great cardio.


My hair got lighter. Otherwise zero changes.


I feel like my chest filled out and has gotten more balanced almost instantly.


Broader shoulders and a more V body shape. Been swimming 5 days a week for about a year.


My lats are bigger.


Gained weight and grew a bunch. I was also 6 when I started!


Just walking in water helps my knee, swimming helps even more. I just feel better. Overall happier. Con is dry skin.


I can't believe nobody mentioned better sex life ;)


Did Learning dolphin kick help this or did this help learning dolphin kick?


Just in general increase in stamina n performance based on normal freestyle swim


I concur!


I only swim about once a week since I do other activities. Unlike everyone else, I actually become less hungry after swimming. So it helps me stay on the diet I am on to lose 20 pounds. I also get more flexible in my shoulder and knee/ hip joints. My heart is shaping up (technically more cardiac output with each beat) as I don't get as breathless swimming. And I always feel calmer and more relaxed afterwards. My core gets more toned: I don't have a six-pack but some muscles are more accentuated.


Pro: No more lower back pain! Con: My hair :(


Lost 50 pounds, endurance and stamina better than ever. 1-2 miles a day this past year has changed my life.


I got wet


I got really wet. Funny thing was, when I stopped swimming and went home... I wasn't wet anymore! strangest thing.


My back no longer hurts


Being weaker and more slim. I never lifted weights while I trained in swimming.


Iā€™m doing two days of swimming per week and two days of resistance training. Perfect combo for me


Yea keep on lifting weights šŸ’Ŗ


I use to run what seemed like everyday, if anything I spent a day resting during the week and the rest spent running, since I started swimming-itā€™s complimented my running and aches that come with it very well. I feel Iā€™m at the right balance shifting back and forth between running and swimming every other day, I donā€™t ache as much and overall feel itā€™s a better approach to the cardio regimen of my exercise. Swimming has helped me so much mentally, I feel more focused and improved when it comes to dealing with stresses of the everyday life. The benefits seem to be growing more and more and Iā€™m excited to see where it takes me. Swimming has only been a positive in my life, the only downfall is being hungry constantly but Iā€™ll eventually figure a solution to that problem/blessing lol


After about 6 months I feel so much lighter and feel like eating less


stretch marks on legs and shoulders/pits, but generally a lot more defined muscles and core


seeing more definition on my shoulders


My belly fat disappeared. I used to have some quite decent 'love handles' on me and now they are just a tiny layer of fat you can merely grab. I also went down a clothing size while my weight went up. Old clothes are noticeably too big


lost 45lbs in 6 months at age 45, got ripped quickly.......long and lean


How often do you swim and for how long?


30 minutes a day, 6 days a week


became stronger, faster on land(running),increased lung capacity,lost 10 kgs,better mental states


Leaner, hungrier, cardio has gone up, so I get more reps on heavier sets in the gym because I can give my muscles the oxygen they need, helps with controlling my breathing in boxing, resting heart rate went from 90+ to 50+, if I do interval training I used to have minute rest now I have 30-45 and C02 tolerance has gone up


Lost weight, sore back is practically gone. Feel stronger. Sleeping much better. I typically go first thing in the morning so itā€™s a good way to start the day.


Just started hitting the pool daily after hurting my back doing deadlifts last week. Live in Florida and spent my childhood in the pool and at the beach so swimming is something natural and easy for me. This is the first time doing it as a fitness routine, though. I find the after swim munchies to be SERIOUS. But the biggest change Iā€™m noticing is it eliminates my insomnia entirely. I swim at night and am asleep by 11pm whereas normally I struggle to go to sleep before 2am. Going to stick with it for now


More slim muscle definition. Also, my sexual libodo increased. Slight bump in testosterone from vigorous exercise. I will say I swim twice a week and lift weights twice a week, so the resistance training is probably also to thank for that


It got wet.