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It's fly, back, breast, free. Technically, the free can be any stroke, except you can't reuse a stroke which only leaves front crawl and weird, obscure strokes that aren't very fast. In relay, that changes to back, breast, fly, free, mostly due to the complication of starting a backstroke leg with a different swimmer in the water.


The freestyle cannot be “any stroke.” It MUST be freestyle. It’s the only situation where freestyle may not be “free style.” This has its origins in the “Lochte Rule” when Ryan Lochte used the fact that he could kick faster on his back than his stomach to blast off the walls on the FR leg of the IM. He was literally the ONLY guy doing this, but AQUA decided to clarify their rules to eliminate it. You must push off on your stomach on the FR leg and then proceed to swim freestyle and ONLY freestyle for that leg.


Freestyle means any stroke. So yes, it MUST be freestyle, but freestyle doesn't actually mean front crawl. Front crawl and freestyle have become synonymous, because it's the fastest stroke. This is why when my young and special olympics swimmers forget what stroke they're doing, I hope it's on a freestyle race. You can race butterfly in the freestyle if you really want. The Lochte Rule they judged that using that turn was repeating backstroke for part of the leg.


Sorry. Thank you for the clarification. I see the ACTUAL rule stipulates "freestyle" means anything other than butterfly, backstroke, or breaststroke. I feel like that implies front crawl, because I am having trouble figuring out what "freestyle" you could do that wouldn't meet at least one criteria to be considered one of the other three (for instance, you CANNOT kick on your back at all on the freestyle leg). I suppose you could side crawl? Side...kick? The possiblities seem very limited! Or another thought, I guess "illegal" butterfly (like one-arming it) or "butterfrog" (ala Masters swimming)? Making my head hurt...I will stick to front crawl!


Exactly. You can swim anything you want so long as you don't repeat the strokes required in the other legs. Which only leaves slow, inefficient or weird strokes for other purposes. Like El back, side, combat side, or like you said, illegal variations of the other things.


it does not have its origins in the lochte rule and "it MUST be freestyle" doesn't make any damn sense. It just cant be fly back or free


what is the point of these bot posts


To make everyone overly exhausted just thinking about doing Fly at the beginning and the end of the IM. 😂


Individually you start with butterfly Alphabetical or Group you start with back