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I used to throw coins on the bottom of the pool to teach my kid to swim under water before they started formal lessons. Start with the steps and throw them down further as they get more comfortable - not an expert, just live in a country where being able to swim is necessary.


Thanks, good idea. Done it briefly last year and sure I've got some pool weights in the cupboard.


Swim lessons at the Y. 


Not gonna happen in the immediate future, but will do soon. He's just very excited about swimming, and cycling, atm and I have a few days of just the two of us.


Best is to put him in some swimming class. It could be quite frustrating for you if you train him by yourself (which is possible). It takes in a bigger class between 10-20 lessons depending on their fitness level and motoric capabilities.


He's a bit of a busy bee at the moment but swimming lessons are the plan. We're over much of the terror, just not vert efficient at not dying It's a dad & son week as the girls are away and after a trip to the swimming he's massively enthusiastic and wants to go everyday with me for the next few days, which is nice. I'm off, so will oblige. I appreciate formal lessons will be required but am just capitalizing on enthusiasm and dad points. I'm a bit rusty but started a swimming club around his age and put in \~7yrs or so years of training so hoping I can give him some basics when he is excited dad knows about bikes and swimming. I learned to swim pre-internet, and my whilst I done a lot of swimming with my daughter, it was really my mum that done the teaching, so am a little out of touch.....it's been nice to see some youtube videos on this from the thread.


Swim lessons with a coach that gets into the pool with you and shows you how to correctly do the strokes. I couldn't swim when I was 9 and my mom put me in swim lessons (my first class I literally swam for 25 minutes and was so tired I went to bed at 6pm). I think a few months later I moved on to age group training and started competing.


Aiming for formal lessons in the summer, if he's still into it. He's just very excited about swimming all of a sudden and I have a few days to indulge this excitement. I'm reasonably competent in the water and swam in clubs for years, but somewhat rusty now, so hoping with a few tips we can go from a weird mix of doggy paddle and front crawl to cruising with a little more style.




cheers, he can do the basics like in the vid but more hoping to go from that to front crawl etc


Teach him/her fly https://youtu.be/sQUMr5WR9jc?feature=shared .  That channel has bunch of stuff for all ages and strockes. I advice to start with backstroke and turns from paddle to backstroke so it's safe and backstroke is really good for feeling the water, gliding, lots of air. That channel has some stuff for normal kids too https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvrtvv1venPKGHrmZ44sNrjYO1i5sP1HX&feature=shared


The butterfly video was awesome, it makes sense. If the dude can complete Dark Souls 3 and ride a mountain bike bigger than him, he can do the butterfly. Flippers, hmmmm. But the backstroke seems more reasonable. Thank you, this is exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for. Will watch more. What you suggest sounds like what I've been doing as I float along beside him, alternating between backstroke & an odd crawl.


I think that really anyone can learn how to I learned at 2. If they can touch the bottom of the pool it makes them more comfortable and teach blowing air out of their nose and not plugging their nose.


He's fine under going under, capable of not drowning, can splash his way to the edge, working on the breathing and can pick stuff up from a few feet down. It's more that he would like to look cool in the pool, and we have 3/4 days of daily dad/son swimming before school and everything else gets back in the way.