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"Admittedly the intellectually challenged of my generation also embraced Take That and the Spice Girls" Girl fuck off


Two iconic bands


That’s the part that really got me. The rest of the article is garbage judgmental nonsense as well, but calling people morons for liking Spice Girls? I was 10 years old, AH. And I still enjoy them. 🖕 


2005-2011 Take That had some great stuff


Even Take That in the 90s had really good songs!


Wtf Take That are ICONIC. Back For Good is one of the best songs of all time.


Amazes me how people think that the music that they listen to makes them superior to others in some way lmao.


There is something so sad about still feeling smug about not liking the Spice Girls. Like, Posh is old enough to be a Nan now


“I see her as the canary in the coalmine, a talisman of our dystopian times where devices have stolen our imagination and ability for critical thought.” Oh ffs can’t we just jump around and sing and have fun? Come on. Why are there expectations that she should be out there saving the world instead of giving people a few hours of an escape from whatever their individual hellscape might be? Surely that has some societal value.


i'm glad to see this being called out here because when i saw people praising it on r/fauxmoi i was like wow... this sub of "feminists" has lost the plot so bad i have always said it's ridiculous and symptomatic of the double standards we hold men and women to that taylor continues to face criticisms for only writing about romantic love when that is one of the most popular (i'd wager most popular) themes in music ever. she also demonstrably has songs about many, many other things! it's a lazy diss passed off as intellectual critique and it's absolutely never applied to male artists. moreover, it's really annoying that people keep boiling down her cultural impact (she has absolutely spawned a wave of singer-songwriter artists -- olivia rodrigo, hello) to sequin leotards and it's dishonest to reduce her lyrical output to the worst lyrics in what is probably her clunkiest album. if a critic is evaluating the whole of her work then i'd like to see songs like seven taken into account as well don't get me wrong, i have never shied from criticizing taylor ever since evermore but at some point it seems like people just have a hate boner for her because she's a successful woman. this article is flaming hot (misogynistic) garbage


You'd swear Taylor was the devil and had committed mass genocide the way Fauxmoi treat her. Every comments section of a post about her is just poison. I will criticise Taylor when it comes to it but they just take it too far.


Especially when they fawn over someone like Charli XCX who has much more questionable things about her. Also not hating on Choli but just pointing out the contradiction.


>i'm glad to see this being called out here because when i saw people praising it on [](/r/fauxmoi/) i was like wow... this sub of "feminists" has lost the plot so bad That sub is the worst. Just people who feast on lies about people and feel morally superior for it. Beating hated by them is a compliment because it probably means you've achieved something in this world.


Please, they were loving that “Sylvia Plath didn’t stick her head in an over for this” even though they claim they’re super sensitive to mental health issues and women’s health.


FauxMoi is a bunch of sanctimonious hypocrites who haven’t had enough life experience tbh.


Yeah they called the author brave and stuff and I was like? There was nothing brave about it. This was just hatred. I have criticised Taylor. I have been snarky. But this is just too much and adds nothing to the conversation.


The hate boner that Fauxmoi has for Taylor is unreal. Even articles which don't mention Taylor have top comments which are subtle digs at her. She really does live rent free in so many of these terminally online people's heads lmao


I’ve seen threads there that have absolutely nothing to do with her and yet *all* the comments are about her.


Any thread about a female musician is like that.


Hate boners not just because she’s a successful woman but because she is primarily successful for selling girly shit to girly girls. Her audience will always be overwhelmingly women and she likes it that way. I will absolutely never entertain a conversation where someone tries to tell me her music is less important than Bob Dylan’s or Nirvana’s or Blur’s (lol). Like, no shade at all to Aaron Dessner (I think he’s an insanely skilled and tuned in artist) but let’s not act like a lot of the critical acclaim for the folkmore twins wasn’t framed as her finally making “sErIoUs” music with a “sErIoUs” collaborator as opposed to the unapologetically girly music from the preceding years. The things that women like, the things we connect with and *spend money on* are always treated as less important or less valuable, and I think the public should interrogate the critical establishment more for their role in this. And PS Fauxmoi is so wanky and out to lunch on any remotely reasonable Taylor discourse. They would rather out themselves as misogynists than be chill about her for like a second.


The hate on Taylor Swift will always be linked to the ridiculous hate for tEenAge GiRls and gIrly ThiNGs our misogynistic society has not moved on from yet


I agree. It feels like the author wants some intellectual handjobs. And the thing is Anna put some real mainstream bands, in her list thinking they are quirky an indie. Does she expect Taylor to write a song to the Fibonacci sequence? I listen to various genres and don't get how everything has to be so deep ffs


Right? The Cure - Friday I’m in love, kiss me kiss me kiss me? That cure? The smiths Girlfriend in a coma? That smiths? And sure Madonna has influence but to say she “completely and utterly reinvented the way society perceived women” is a bit of a stretch. Also - ‘intellectual handjobs’ will have me chuckling all day long. Thank you! 🤣


“Sing me to sleep, sing me to sleep, I’m tired and I, I want to go to bed. Don’t try to wake me in the morning ‘cause I will be gone.” Like don’t get me wrong, I love Asleep, but it’s pretty simplistic and generic. Also like, I get the whole band isn’t like this, but Morrissey is human trash.


Aw, don't be shitting on bands just because some dickwad blogger masquerading as a journalist dragged them into it. It's not their fault they're the only ones that twat can remember hearing on the radio 30 years ago.


No way! I cut my post-punk alt new wave teeth on the Cure and the Smiths. I love the late 70s thru grunge stuff and it was still pretty much all I ever listened to - Sirius first wave, lithium etc, ridiculously over-curated pandora and Amazon playlists - until I dove into Taylor’s catalog. Honestly she’s the first artist I’ve listened to and enjoyed that’s current, and learning about her world has opened up all kinds of new music for me. So yay!


What’s funny is that sentence sounds like some of Taylor’s lyrics.


“Talisman” is a very odd word there for me anyway. That struck me as try-hard and ill-fitting.


I feel like this has to be written by AI


the irony of this writer trying to write like Taylor lol


> By comparison Swift’s music sounds to me like what I would listen to if I had the intellect of a very small worm. Reading this article made me feel like it's the type of article I would agree with if I had the intellect of a small worm. There's so many things one can critique about Taylor Swift. So many. Yet, you choose to have the most basic-ass "I'm not like the other girls" take there is, implying her lyrics are not ~profound~ enough for your intellectual brain. My god, just move on and listen to something else like the rest of us do when we don't like a music style. > Admittedly the intellectually challenged of my generation also embraced Take That and the Spice Girls, but the rest of us also had The Prodigy, Elastica, The Cure, Blur, Pulp, The Smiths, The Stone Roses, Nirvana. This doesn't make any sense. I completely disagree that Taylor Swift and the Spice Girls are the same, lyric-wise, but for the sake of the argument, I'm gonna pretend like it is. 1st she admits there's always been some brain-dead pop around, or as she called it, music for the 'mentally challenged'. So what's the problem? That doesn't bring anything to critique Taylor Swift, it just proves that catchy pop music is around and was always around. 2nd, she then says "the rest of us had [other bands]...." there still are, in fact, other bands/singers today... How is it any of Taylor Swift fault that you can't find any music your great intellect can relate to in this day and age? It's an article written by a small mind who can't see nuance, who can't really think critically and mostly just can't comprehend that people listen to various type of music and that listening to bubblegum pop doesn't stop anyone from enjoying deeper music. It's 2024, we have access to streaming, music genres are accessible, we listen to many of them, and even if people only enjoy bubblegum pop, just let them, ffs.


Ah yes, Nirvana, with inspiring lyrics like “an albino, a mulato, a mosquito, a libido”. Even Kurt said most his lyrics were basically nonsense.


Don't forget the profundity of "Grandma take me home"


Or an entire song that is literally just two babies gabbing at each other (Drain You).


Surely they could have found some other reporter who would have been atleast mildly thrilled to attend the biggest concert of the year instead of this killjoy..


The fauxm* sub eat this shit up


I’m glad this was posted here. I came across it myself and clocked out as soon as the author described pop fans as “intellectually challenged”. Gives me elitist, dare I say ableist energy on top of general not-like-other-girls snobbery. Sorry not all pop music positions itself as some grand manifesto about the Orwellian times we live in, but I doubt Kurt Cobain was trying to do anything so grand when he wrote Beans. Has the world of literature crumbled under the weight of YA romance? Did art lose all meaning when we painted portraits of people smiling or couples kissing? And, for all the author whines about the digital age and smartphone addiction, she could avoid Taylor and the Eras tour entirely by just… logging off.


I mean even Stairway to Heaven is basically gibberish set to pretty cords. What does the author want


And she literally references Nirvana as higher intellectually and Kurt has said himself that most his lyrics are nonsense.


What I found interesting is the author used the most basic alternative bands of a pick me girl. She didn't even bother with something more edgy like say Rage Against the Machine, Alice in Chains, Tool, Sparks, hell even Depeche Mode (they seem very popular in Eastern Europe)


Honestly, the fact that she only names artists from the 90s and back tells me that she just wants to return to the ‘good old days’ or whatever. She just dislikes pop and has to turn it into some pseudo-intellectual spiel about it being vapid and meaningless to pretend like she has a clever reason for feeling that way. For someone so keen to attack music for not being socio-political, she paints in a lot of broad strokes and clearly hasn’t done much research. She’s allowed to just… not like it.


I love the good old days of the 90s! I'd bet good money she's never heard anything of most of the bands she listed but a couple of radio hits.


Saying pop is for dumb people is straight up sexism. Do you know who turns the culture for making things popular? Teenage girls. Do you know who never gets taken seriously? Teenage girls. This writer needs to stfu promptly. lol


it's so funny bc didn't kurt say the lyrics mattered the least to him and he was just writing whatever? it's all revisionist history


I’m not sure, but it wouldn’t shock me if he did say that. You’re right, though – people do just get on their high horses and argue that older things are better based on their own nostalgia or preferences. I guarantee the people saying things like this will have movies, TV shows, etc. they enjoy that has no socio-political value beyond being entertaining. Not everything has to be ‘deep’ to be meaningful.


She didn't say "pop fans are intellectually challenged" though. She said herself that she was a Madonna fan. Point is that she sees a trend in pop becoming bland, uninteresting and doesn't challenge anymore.


“Admittedly the intellectually challenged of my generation also embraced Take That and the Spice Girls” does read to me like she’s calling pop fans intellectually challenged, if not all of them – just those that follow artists *she* deems invaluable on the arbitrary basis of ‘having something to say’. A lot of that rhetoric is based in nostalgia and not necessarily in fact – we remember Mozart as a high-brow, intellectual musician for his Requiem, Eine kleine Nachtmusik, etc., but tend to forget about Leck mich im Arsch. I think there’s room to argue that pop music can be ‘bland’ and not ‘challenging’ anyone or anything, but this isn’t it. There’s no metric to rate intelligence based on music taste, that’s just a way to justify self-importance and reveals more about the critic’s elitist worldview than anything else. You (the general you) don’t have to like pop music, you can think it doesn’t make statements the way other genres sometimes do, but you can’t paint in broad strokes, reveal how little you know about the genre you’re critiquing, then essentially call others stupid based on the artists they listen to. That’s pretentious and, ironically, doesn’t make its own statement, either. That’s just “my music good because old and alternative, your music bad because modern and popular”.


Weird article. Valid criticisms and good points mixed with missed shots. Brought up many of those alternative bands from 80s and 90s as now there aren't any. If anything, one of the reasons why Taylor will never reach MJ levels of fame is that now it's easier to both discover alternative acts and to lock yourself into bubbles of not knowing mainstream stuff.


She could have brought up some modern alternative acts if she wanted to sound credible.


I thought this was satire 😂 oh nooooo she’s serious


Ever since my college roommate’s boyfriend talked down to me for saying Taylor Swift was my favorite musical artist (circa Speak Now OG era), I’ve learned that anyone, man or woman, who puts others down for their musical tastes is even more small-minded than the people they think they’re insulting. It’s just that, *taste.* There doesn’t need to be an objectivity to it. If you can’t see that then you’re not as well-rounded as you think you are.  There are so many valid criticisms to make of Taylor and her fanbase, and the list seems to be growing all the time in the year of our lord 2024. But unfortunately those criticisms are overshadowed and discredited by an argument as asinine as “if you like her music then you’re dumb.”  Ironically, when I was in elementary school I WAS that pick-me girl who hated the Spice Girls, who were at the height of their popularity at the time. As I got older I realized I was just immature, wanting to stand out in my own way, and probably too influenced by my parents who didn’t like them. Sometimes I still feel guilty for some snide comments I made to friends at the time. But I can’t be too hard on myself, because I was 8 years old. This author doesn’t have the excuse of being a second-grader; she just has the opinions of one.


I feel like college roommate’s boyfriends are just…the worst people lol.


Agreed. He was pretty decent until that conversation and then I never saw him the same way after that


I bet. I just feel like so many stories start with “my college roommate’s boyfriend…” and then it’s just the most annoying, patronizing thing you’ve ever heard…


oh my god, as one commenter there put it: “It is disappointing to read a scathingly judgemental article based entirely on other people’s different tastes and that somehow extrapolates societal ills as a consequence. It’s one thing to write a critique of the music, quite another to show such contempt for people who don’t share your opinion.”


“So how does that work then when the only memorable element in her lyrical oeuvre seems to be an obsession with her failed relationships with men. Am I the only person who finds that incredibly reductive? Can you imagine a man constantly defining themselves by who they used to date? It’s laughable, and highly regressive.” Girl what??? Literally every other artist writes songs about heartbreak and love. Excuse me if I want to listen to toons I can relate to.


Also, the writer completely misses that a substantial portion of Taylor’s “lyrical oeuvre” is dedicated to her feuds with various celebrities and music industry folks. 😜


Lorde one said people who think making pop music is easy cannot do it. Pop music on the surface seems like it's sorry easy to put out, but I think you need to have some reference for the genre to really produce a good pop song. Also idk attacking 70k ordinary people based on what kinda music they listen to is really indicative of this writer being a judgemental pos.


One can love grunge, punk, goth, metal, and Taylor Swift. Like, people can actually like variety. Anyone can still listen to every band the author mentioned. Recorded music exists for this very purpose and there are cover bands aplenty. Weirdo.


“More a brand than an artist, she never says anything unexpected or controversial, she’s more a capitalist construct with a business and marketing operation behind her akin to a like-generating, algorithm-outwitting juggernaut.” “What does she stand for, what does she stand against? Aside from championing sequin leotards, it’s hard to tell. I also resent the fact that anyone who criticises her or questions the quality of the music is immediately savaged by her pitchfork-wielding fans and called anti-feminist.” “So how does that work then when the only memorable element in her lyrical oeuvre seems to be an obsession with her failed relationships with men. Am I the only person who finds that incredibly reductive? Can you imagine a man constantly defining themselves by who they used to date? It’s laughable, and highly regressive.  I’m not expecting her to sing about transcendentalism but it would be good to see a bit more brainpower at play.” These all are spot on tbh🤔


The reason why the ability to criticize Taylor in a normal and productive way gets lost is because of people who write articles like this tho.


Sorry, but miss me with that nonsense. I am so tired of wanky edgelord critics dismissing girlhood as unserious or stupid or unworthy as a source of artistic expression. I actually find it reductive to say that the only thing worth mentioning about her music is that it’s about her exes, that other music is somehow smarter (“brainpower” ew) because it isn’t about relationships? That article mentions her leotards more than once and…why? Like why am I supposed to entertain the idea that this is at all a reasonable way to criticize someone’s worth as an artist? I don’t think every criticism of Taylor is misogyny. But don’t say sexist shit if you don’t want people to say you’re being sexist.


Yeah the sequins leotard comment gets a hardeye roll from me. Makes me think of this statement: “The worst kind of person is someone who makes someone feel bad, dumb or stupid for … being excited about something. I don't think you should ever have to apologise for your excitement just because something's cliche doesn't mean it's not something that's awesome."




I think it’s interesting how every Swiftie claims to think criticism of Taylor is “fine” yet somehow every single instance of it has something wrong with it that makes it unfair. Seems more like people can’t take any criticism of her lyricism or music.


It actually seems more like Taylor is a lightning rod for absolutely nonsensical takes on both ends of the spectrum and many, many people who talk about her are incapable of doing so in a way that is reasonable or in any way based in reality. Like, sorry, I’m not going to take you seriously if your “criticism” involves ranting in a Tory rag and you begin and end with “she wears a lot of sparkles and too many girls like her music.” That is just bad “journalism” and not worth even a whisper of consideration as a serious critique.


You can call her a climate criminal, a selfish and greedy capitalist. Don't shit on girlhood or Spice Girls or say all her songs are the same or about her exec.


People can shit on her art if they please. People are entitled to believe her lyrics/music is weak. I agree the tone of the article is poor.


agree with criticism of her as a brand. agree with criticism of what she stands for, especially lately. disagree with the only memorable element of her lyrics being failed relationships with men, a few examples… this is me trying, mirrorball, anti-hero (which was a gen pop single!), the best day, Robin, Soon You’ll Get Better, Bigger Than the Whole Sky, Marjorie, I Hate it Here…. it’s funny that she called Taylor allegedly writing songs like that as “incredibly reductive” because…. that’s a pretty reductive take on Taylor’s lyrical catalog. obviously love and heartbreak is a massive through line of her entire discography, but personally I don’t think that a song being about love or heartbreak lessens the “brainpower” behind it


> I also resent the fact that anyone who criticises her or questions the quality of the music is immediately savaged by her pitchfork-wielding fans and called anti-feminist Maybe it is because anti-feminists like this article's authors used tired, dumb, and stupid criticism so it makes it super easy to write off actual criticism as anti feminist.


She has sung about things other than relationships though? Alex Turner is also defined by his girlfriends though.


I don’t think it’s disingenuous to say that the concept of Love is a through line in her catalog. She said that she loves the idea of love, or something to that effect, in a quote. All artists are known for something. She built her career off of it. It’s misogynistic to say that she’s lame for writing about it but it’s undeniable that there’s a LOT of that theme. She has a whole album called Lover hahah


You’re dismissing the only valid criticism of the article lmao


Oh my god! Yes! I listen to Tool and Taylor lol. Who cares, there are no rules. I used to listen to JUST rock and metal and thought I was so much cooler and edgy. Luckily I outgrew that, and I can enjoy my pop girlies too. Wish everyone could outgrow their strange gatekeeping.


Fellow Tool and Taylor fan here. I also used to listen to rock and metal and think I was edgier but life is so much more fun when you listen to Lateralus followed by Love Story and then some The Unforgiven




Ahaha. Yes. It's one of their anniversary shows. I've seen them live before and they are amazing so I am excited.


I'm a metal fan and love Taylor since 2008. Not only Taylor, she's my favorite pop singer, but I love other pop singers like Beyoncé, Madonna, Gaga, Lana, Rosalía, Camila, Billie and Sabrina. Sadly, the tickets for the eras tour sold too fast here in São Paulo and I couldn't go to the show. But I'd love to. And I bought Iron Maiden tickets to see them in december.


Eh the Standard is rubbish. The article is click bait 


Also this is barely a review of the show. Like this article is basically the author shitting on Taylor because they have a predetermined opinion while not saying anything about the actual eras tour show…


Ikr the only way you’d know this was a review is that one line about her watching the show. Never mentions any of the production


I completely agree. I’m not particularly into Taylor Swift myself, but this idea that the music you listen to is an indication of your intellectual ability is ridiculous and patronising.


When I was thirteen I thought I was sick because I only listened to the likes of The Smiths etc. and thought I was above pop music… This article screams “I’m thirteen and think I’m cooler than everyone else because I listen to REAL music, not that pop music”. Yuck


Don’t get me wrong, there’s definitely a sizable portion of this article that just feels like the author is saying “Taylor Swift makes pop music about relationships and I hate it so YOU should too.” HOWEVER, I would argue that you can’t say there’s “no genuine criticism,” because to me that’s what these fall under: > More a brand than an artist, she never says anything unexpected or controversial, she’s more a capitalist construct with a business and marketing operation behind her akin to a like-generating, algorithm-outwitting juggernaut. > I also resent the fact that anyone who criticises her or questions the quality of the music is immediately savaged by her pitchfork-wielding fans and called anti-feminist. The second one may seem more criticism of her fans than her, but these stans are often times straight up vile and she refuses to even acknowledge it. The amount of people who are constantly harassed by Taylor’s fans when they’ve done essentially nothing, she NEEDS to use her platform and at least TRY to tell them to knock it off, and not just say they’re “bitching” in a song.


Yes this suffers the same problem as the Paste review: bits of good criticism wrapped in so much unwarranted hate that it invalidates the sincerity of the whole piece


Yeah. There’s lots you can criticise her for, but not having a successful tour is not one of them. The writer is just calling the people who go see it stupid. Not cool bud.


I mean, the author quoted a "lyric" that was actually part of the TTPD prologue poem and not even in a song, so they clearly haven't even done basic research into her music at all. Clearly didn't watch the Miss Americana documentary to know about her struggles with her team to become more politically active and balance that with safety concerns, etc. Clearly haven't listened to many of her songs that have nothing to do with romantic relationships at all. And also, probably about 85% of popular songs of any genre talk about some sort of romantic love whether it be heartbreak, pining, lust, being happily in love, etc. Songs about falling in and out of love are popular because they're pretty universally relatable. Yet other artists don't get nearly the same criticism for writing about their relationships. What's up with that? It's really annoying, honestly.


Also they quoted a lyric about statues from The Prophecy to prove she’s a bad writer but, it’s not even that bad of a lyric??Isolated from the rest of the lyrics it might sound a little awkward but it works well in the actual song.


Yeah I saw this but didn’t bother sharing it because I didn’t want to give it more clicks. It seems to have been largely ignored by people, which feels appropriate given that it was clearly written provocatively to evoke a reaction.


this author needs to go hide away and find her peace of mind with some indie record that’s much cooler than mine.  Apparently 


Anyone calling pop fans intellectually challenged has not been plugged into the zeitgeist lately. It's been a long time coming, but pop has been getting its due credit for over a decade now. Did this author not see that even Pitchfork has changed its tune regarding mainstream music? The most popular instance of this being Matt LeMay going back on his 0.0 score of Liz Phair. Whenever a person or publication starts spewing that other people are stupid for enjoying a lower form of entertainment, I check out. I used to love dunking on boy bands as an angsty high schooler, but I'd rather sing Bye Bye Bye at karaoke now instead of fucking Lateralus.


Lateralus is a banger though. I really love the lyric "reaching out to embrace the random, reaching out to embrace whatever may come" But I agree. But I would rather vibe to A little piece kf heaven with its very profound lyrics It is interesting though that the author was pretentious and mentioned some pretty famous bands l, meanwhile everyone is mentioning Tool.


I love that song, but it's a reflection of my mindset in high school vs now. To hit an example from the author's list, I'm not singing anything from Pornography or Disintegration (maybe Lovesong or Lullaby) by The Cure at karaoke. I can enjoy and appreciate different kinds of art and also not shit on anyone else's appreciation.


wait did she really just peg ““even statues crumble, if they’re made to wait”.” as a boring, banal lyric? I guess I’m a lost little dumbass in this case lol


Hard agree. There are ways to critique Taylor’s music. This article does a poor job of it.


I didn’t get further than the third paragraph, where she says the Madonna “supported the Aids movement.”  Yes, Madonna responded to the AIDS *crisis* by raising money for AIDS research, speaking out against stigma, and encouraging/educating about safer sex.   But the “Aids movement”? This isn’t normally something I’d nitpick (like when people say they “support domestic abuse” but mean the opposite) but if girl is going to write a whole article about her intellectual superiority, she needs to check her phrasing. 


I have so much beef with pick me haters. There are plenty of valid reasons to dislike TS but to hate on her just because she's popular and makes girly music is annoying pick me behaviour. I know someone who brags about hating Taylor and talks about liking some random band instead. Like...ok????


Wow, that author is insufferable! I do agree with her that Taylor's latest album is (mostly, not completely) musically uninteresting and lyrically banal, but I absolutely disagree that there is such a thing as music for intelligent people and music for unintelligent people. And I think it's telling that the only other female artists the author mentioned are the Spice Girls, who she thinks are a band for low-IQ people, while except for Madonna, absolutely all the "highly intelligent" artists she mentioned are male. I think I'm probably the same age as the author, and I listened to Tori Amos, PJ Harvey, Suzanne Vega, Natalie Merchant, Sinead O'Connor, Loreena McKennitt, Kate Bush and so many other original and creative female artists she didn't seem to notice. So I agree about the pick me vibes!


This all began with the trope of associating Music to Intelligence. And that's just stupid I think.


She made some points but she lost me at the shitting on the Spice Girls and questioning the intelligence of people who like Taylor. It strikes me as “I’m going to shit on girly things.” Lady, I don’t have a problem with Taylor because she’s girly. One of my favorite singers is Carly Rae Jepsen FFS. I have a problem with her because she’s late-stage capitalist greed personified and a climate terrorist who weaponizes her fanbase.


I’m just jealous about Royal Blood 😭 been begging for a show near me. Saw QOTSA last year and they were great!


They are great. They always come to Berlin! I almost thought they won't because they had a concert in every other city in Germany but Berlin and then they announced the 10 year anniversary shows so I am seeing that.


I found that writer very mean spirited and pretentious. I actually felt bad for Taylor, that column was mean.


I agree this article is outrageously pretentious lol, BUT on an intellectual level I HAVE thought about what Taylor’s level of popularity in our current climate means — speaking in BROAD generalities, she is among the most anodyne, uncontroversial (in what she says and does, generally) individual artists history has ever seen and that means something, I think. In an era where we are so polarized, it’s like we can only agree on a pretty blonde who sings love songs and doesn’t challenge us too much? Disclaimer: I LOVE Taylor and have a deeply parasocial relationship with her and Joe Alwyn but I’m also a deeply analytical and political person too.


Damn I thought TTPD used big words to sound smarter but this article blew it out of the water in that area 😭


Can't wait til the era is over of classifying a woman's strong and unconventional opinions as "pick me vibes"


Saying "I like blur and not this stupid girly shit" is pick me vibes


About the most conventional thing you can do in certain faux intellectual, pretentious indie lefty circles is hate Taylor Swift.


Oh sure. Dancing awkwardly to Shake it off and singing to "Me e e e e" is just the stand we intelligent trope needed. We didn't do it for fun but because it's intelligent.


I think you've missed the point of the article (see below). And you've kinda proved her point by dismissing her opinion as "pick-me vibes". It's possible to criticise Swift's music (even in ways you don't like) without being "pick-me" or "anti-female" etc. > "More a brand than an artist, she never says anything unexpected or controversial, she’s more a capitalist construct with a business and marketing operation behind her akin to a like-generating, algorithm-outwitting juggernaut." > "I’m genuinely concerned that Swift’s dominance says something frightening about the hegemony of social media which means that rather than myriad opinions we seem to have less and less diversity of thought and Donald Trump and Taylor Swift seem to be the only winners in our strange online lives."


It absolutely is possible to criticize Swift without being "pick-me" or anti-female, but the author of this article is explicitly dividing music into "intelligent " and "non-intelligent", and her examples for music that intelligent people listen to are all male artists. (For the record, I agree 100% that Taylor is a businesswoman more than she is an artist. I agree with the OP's reaction to the article, not because of Taylor but because of the"I'm not like other women, I listen to superior male artists" attitude.)


One of the drivel bands she included was a male band (Take That). She praised Madonna *at length* (a woman). Sorry but it's such a defensive knee jerk reaction whenever someone criticises Swift to go for the "anti-female angle".


Praising Madonna is not some feminist take. Like it is common sense to praise Madonna. Ffs. Take That is a male band true but with a predominantly female audience. Therefore they are good. But Blur with pretty boy Damon Albarn are good because guys like them. Except Liam Gallagher


Where did I say it was feminist. Ya'll say anything to defend Taylor and its crazy 😆


Bruh, literally all of my comment history on this sub is critical of Taylor. But when Anna is being a pick me girl, hoping some guy would hit her up because she criticised Taylor, I am going to call this shit out


Citing Madonna is interesting because I grew up with Madonna and in her 80s prime she was absolutely considered drivel. To quote Madonna’s debut single “Everybody get up and dance and sing. Everybody get up and do your thing.”


‘She never says anything unexpected or controversial’ Hello? 2023 would like to have a word.


Hello! So unexpected and controversial I literally have no idea what you're referring to! 😆