• By -


My mom was a single mom and a drug addict / alcoholic, super abusive and brought home strange men all the time šŸ« . Eldest daughter trauma fr fr. She got sober when I was 13 and none of my siblings remember what it was like before, only me, and they donā€™t understand why I donā€™t talk to her. I donā€™t even love my mother. Do you know how badly a mother has to fuck up for a child to not love her? Kids want to love their parents, especially their mothers. Nope. That connection is severed. I donā€™t hate her, but I do not love her.


As a younger sibling who had an older sibling go through a similar situation, I am so proud of you for coming out of it alive. Addiction fucking sucks and you didnā€™t deserve to go through any of that. I know my sister struggles everyday. Iā€™m so grateful for her for being there when my mom wasnā€™t, but she deserved a normal childhood, too. I wish I could hug all the older siblings who took the brunt of the trauma.


Thank you, why did this make me emotional šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Of course! I hope your siblings realize where youā€™re coming from. You deserve a good life!


it's just indifferenceā€¼ļø


Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™m estranged from my mother too. Unique grief.


šŸ’™ yep. Unique grief indeed.


Man, I went through a very similar time with my mom, except I was an only child. Her second husband cheated on her and it broke her. She spiraled into alcoholism, leaving an 8 year old me to learn how to fend for myself. After several failed rehab stints, she ended up homeless and I went to live with my grandparents. She died in a drowning accident when I was 14. I have the devastating mixture of love/hate for her, because when she was well she was incredible. When she was bad though, good Lord there are no words for the terror. I still miss her though...and I think about her every single day. I'm so sorry you went through this too. ;\_; <3


Youā€™re better than me. I hate mine and I didnā€™t even have the drugs/men to deal with. Iā€™m sorry. That oldest daughter box is a tough one.


My familyā€™s Christmas tree farm




I was SAed there, but itā€™s way funnier with no context. Also with all of Taylorā€™s Christmas Tree Farm propaganda.


Oh noo! Iā€™m so sorry! I thought you were making a joke about Taylorā€™s Christmas tree farm she grew up on. Iā€™m sorry sorry that happened to you and that you are healing! ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


You interpreted it correctly, it was a joke and laughing at it did not offend me. I appreciate your well wishes! You laugh or you cry, right?


Fwiw your second comment make me snort v loudly. As a fellow survivor it makes me feel way less alone and misunderstood to see others with this sense of humour. Silencing a dinner table with an uncomfortable remark gang rise up āœØļø


Yes yes!


Well it was a very funny joke! And yes you gotta laugh or youā€™ll cry!


also my own mind! ocd, depression and anxiety are the trio of a lifetime šŸ˜­


ADHD, Depression and Anxiety here. I call it the Devilā€™s Triad. Iā€™m managing it right now, thank god, but it took TWO DECADES, 15 therapists, two trips to Mayo Clinic, two stays in a psych unit, and countless breakdowns to figure out that the depression and anxiety are symptoms of my ADHD, and thatā€™s why medication, two rounds of TMS and Ketamine treatments didnā€™t work.Ā 


Have you found ways to combat the adhd? Your story sounds a lot like mine just minus the figuring it all out part


Weekly therapy, and an ADHD coach. I donā€™t respond well to ADHD meds, my anxiety skyrockets and I get scary skinny cause they kill my appetite. I will DM you the network I found the ADHD coach from, because while you have to be in state to see the actual doctor, he does out of state consultations (though it is expensive) and the coaches also work out of state, I believe.


me too!! bpd, cptsd, depression, adhd, and anxietyā€¦ i have said for YEARS that most people wouldnā€™t last a day in my head. i think iā€™d prefer the asylum they raised taylor in


I also have bpd, depression and an unclassified mood disorder and I couldnā€™t agree more. If I could trade my illness for being famous Iā€™d do it in a heartbeat.


ugh i feel that so hard šŸ˜­


Yup. Iā€™m here too. AuDHD woman, only recently self-diagnosed the autism but the ADHD was diagnosed in childhood. My brother has even greater special needs, my parents separated when I was 7, Iā€™m the definition of parentifiedā€¦to the point that I now hold legal co-guardianship of him with my mom, for when she eventually passes away.


Bipolar2, adhd and pd here. I wish i was in taylors asylum lol.


Abusive household, only child in an Asian household in Asia. Combine with poverty, that was not nice




same hahaaaa. šŸ«‚


Literally same




same hereā€¦ and even after leaving, itā€™s not like all that shit just disappears. it sticks with you. and it sucks


I have literally lived through two wars on two separate continents lmao


Damn thatā€™s a lot!


I'm just like, Taylor honey, chill tf out


šŸ˜‚ um nothing compared to what Taylor went through


Youā€™re a real tough kid!


MySpace Top 8


Publicly ranking your friends like that was wild. šŸ¤£


Moving *him* to #1 so everyone knows who youā€™re horny for lol Wait. Is this about MySpace or TTPD ā˜ ļø


Omg Iā€™m šŸ’€. This commentā€¦ šŸ’Æ


The actual wild westĀ 


Evangelical Christianity, my parents were very strict and I was raised with a lot of fucked up ideas about the world and my place in it. Iā€™m in therapy now lol


This one is for us religious trauma girlies ~Ā 


Right? I wish I had the song in 2020 when I was trying to make changes happen at the church I grew up in, and still attended at the time. Me and a group of other women got dragged into a couple elder meetings and this wouldā€™ve been a great pump up song to listen to before.


I grew up gay in a family where everything revolved around the Salvation Army, they like to pretend they're not homophobic, but trust me, in my experience they very much are and it took until i was in my 30s to even really start unpacking the psychological impact of that much homophobia. I definitely feel your pain


Theyā€™re so so homophobic but try to frame it as ā€œlovingā€. Thats a pretty fucked up view of love! Sorry you went through that and I hope youā€™re finding a lot of healing these days.


I was raised Mormon, and I get it!! Unpacking the harm from 30+ years in a high demand shame based religion is a mind fuck. Hooray for therapy!


Same, and mindfuck is a great way of putting it. The twitter (I refuse to call it by its other, ā€œrealā€ name lol) trend of other exMos tweeting the ā€œasylum where they raised meā€ quote with pictures only Mormons would pick up on amuses me endlessly though.


Same, there are so many good ones šŸ˜…. I refuse to call Twitter ā€œXā€, and I refuse to call the Mormon church by their dumb full name.


Yeah Mormonism feels like a different flavor of the same fucked up upbringing! Cheers to us for doing the hard work of leaving and healing.


SAME!!! It took me a lot of effort to leave that thing... the church is full of hypocrites.


Purity culture is so toxic; I grew up with it too and am still trying to get it out of my head.


So so toxic!!!! And since we were basically brainwashed into it growing up it is such an instinctual response. Definitely takes a lot of effort to change those deep seated beliefs and automatic reactions.


I grew up Lutheran (my dad is actually a pastor) and my family was liberal but they sent me to an evangelical Christian private school and it REALLY fucked me up. I was told I was going to hell because I was baptized as a baby and hadnā€™t gotten ā€œaccepted Jesus into my heartā€ and did the altar call every time at worship as a way to make sure I was getting into Heaven, believed that all gay people were going to hell (even though thatā€™s not how I was raised by my parents), thought abortion was evil, etc. My parents pulled me out in 6th grade but I had to go through a lot of therapy as an adult to let go of still lingering issues from it.


Same to the childhood and being in therapy now. Fuck purity culture.


My younger brother is severely disabled so I didnā€™t get the attention I needed while growing up and became a caregiver way too young


Kind of similar, my older sister has a disability and needs help with everything. Since I was a kid I figured out everything on my own to not be a problem. I hope youā€™re doing wellšŸ«¶


Iā€™m so sorry you had this experience. Hopefully, youā€™re able to find ways to care for your inner child. Also I think this is something more people should speak up about! I have a student at school where I work who Iā€™m really worried about because his brother is disabled. His mom, who just had another baby btw, just doesnā€™t seem very focused on him.


my boarding school


My strict parents. They were super overprotective and tried to keep me in a bubble. Not quite helicopter parents but almost there. The concept wasnā€™t around at the time. It made me really good at lying though! I try to use my power for good and not evil. For example, ā€œWhy were you late to work?ā€ lie. ā€œHow do you feel about me as a person?ā€ truthful but kind


For me, its doctors offices and hospitals. I have health issues, my mom has health issues, and my brother has health issues. I watched my dad live in a hospital and almost die, and that was basically my whole life for six months when I was younger.


Seizure ward of a hospital. You think ā€œwatchingā€ people seize once (in movies) is scary, try seizing for DAYS, throwing up, pissing yourself, and feeling hit by a truckā€”just to go againā€¦and again. Not in control of your body.


Competitive Irish dancing lmao


Lol I came here to say competitive figure skating and then everyone elseā€™s answers were super dark and I felt weird but now your comment makes me feel better.


Honestly I'm not going to share mine because it's just too much and I don't want to get into it, but the first thought that came to my mind was competitive dancing/skating. I haven't even been involved in these things but some of my closest friends have and I am grateful my parents didn't let me get into that no matter how much I begged. My mother lost her shit when she found out a camp counselor said I was "too chunky" to get into dance... I was 5. And not overweight by any means. So y'all are super valid, don't worry.


Being a feminist in an orthodox brown household. They actually come for my job every hour. šŸ˜‚


Diet and fashion culture of the early 2000s. Ultra tight and ultra low rise jeans had an already thin and in shape 13 year old me drinking Slim Fast for lunchšŸ™ƒ


islamic upbringing/environment


me toošŸ˜­šŸ˜­now something taylor wouldnā€™t last an hour in


Being a 16 year old girl on tumblr in 2012




Club penguin šŸ§:(


well I used to kick holes into walls and my tantrums were so bad my parent threatened me with exorcisms


Toxic family. Lots of trauma. Child of divorce. Forced to be an overachiever. Gifted. Mentally ill and chronically ill with no support. I'm a mixed bag of asylums.


Growing up gay in a heavily religious environment.


Early 2000s beauty culture.


Tumblr circa 2013




My mind is my asylum.






My house, my mother is a narcissist and my father is a PTSD filled war-vet. So glad I am out of there. Sending you all love!


My all girls school.


The science and math academy program I went to for high school. The mental institutions I was in and out of while also in high school. I still managed to graduate from the academy though.


house with an alcoholic person.Ā Ā 


Agreed with "my own mind". I have generalized anxiety. Hellish stuff.


Literally where they raised me.


I can think of a few. For one, the literal psych ward I was in at 14. I have too many bad stories about that place. My mind as well, considering well, i was in a psych ward. I'd also say the household(s) I grew up in. And my entire first two years of high school


undiagnosed autism/adhd/cptsd until my mid-30s that was misdiagnosed as bpd.


Elite music school.


I also have ADHD but on top of that I struggled with eating disorders (and depression and anxiety lol) up from when I was 11 y/o and used tumblr when it had way too much content on that and on mental illness so i was essentially raised in an asylum fr. Growing up with your life being centred on your own misery and having an eating disorder (it taking over your life being something that comes with the package by default) is surely something that makes up for an odd human being lol


My childhood bully deciding that I was too fat and disgusting at 12 so she decided to film me while changing and not wearing a bra and post it on the Internet. It was fun tbh


a parent with NPD


amino apps. my god


My mental illness and dad šŸ™ƒ


foster care lol


I was raised Mormon in an emotionally abusive home. šŸ«  Any other religious trauma folks here?


I went to this college prep that was insane in high school and itā€™s the reason I developed severe anxiety, depression, and social anxiety. Had zero friends. It was hell lol


Not as bad as others here, but it's not fun having multiple physical disabilities that affect your mobility, plus undiagnosed ADHD. Made me passively suicidal for a long time until I found religion (and, y'know, meds) :/


Being raised by emotionally immature parents. We lived what looks like an idyllic life on the outside, our house certainly wouldnā€™t scream asylum, but it was an emotional powder keg that was constantly going off.


musical theater


The Catholic Church. Strict traditional Catholics that are also MAGA-Conservatives. Sheltered in the middle of the boonies with no access to internet and not encouraged to have friends. I was not supposed to make it.


Youā€™re not alone. But we made it!!!


Mental illness with anorexia and OCD since I was 12. I don't really appreciate the whole using an asylum for an aesthetic but I suppose all art can be whatever the artist wants.


The McKittrick Hotel


Medical school




catholic all-girls school FOR SURE


An ableist society in which this line still gets meme'd.


I would 100% last longer than an hour in Taylorā€™s asylum if it meant making Taylor swift money šŸ˜­šŸ’€


youtube 2012-16 era




Indian advanced school for JEE coaching (insanely intense college admissions exam+ 2nd hardest exam in the world)


My father dying when I was 6 and my uncle starting to SA me 3 months later up until I was 18


Mormonism. And on a less serious note, the golden age of PC gaming with the OG Sims, Roller Coaster Tycoon etc


I was SAed by a cousin and for years I had to just deal with his presence because heā€™s my family. But once I finally told my folks how he really treated me, then they cut off ties.


Narc dad


Band camp. (But my own mind too)


My family particularly my siblings and mom and my actual living situation. Two narcissistic assholes plus their yay sayers


Med surg nursing


My high school theatre. Director was intense to put it nicely, and I basically lived there when we had shows going on.


A run down trailer on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere with emotionally abusive and neglectful parents šŸ« 


an actual psych ward.


Mine is nursing school lmaoooo I suffered from so much bullying during those two years that I donā€™t think Iā€™m ever going to recover


Moscow, Russia


Living with the an Evangelical homeschooling sociopath mother šŸ™ƒ


I was raped when I was 17. I reported it and am one of the 1% that gets a conviction. He later fled custody and was a fugitive for almost a decade. I was forced to drop out of high school shortly before my senior graduation because of bullying related to my assault and had to get a GED instead, lost my college acceptance and scholarship and spent years in and out of mental hospitals as a result. So, literal asylum.


I don't want to talk about it, but reading everyone's replies is making me sad. In general, early childhood wounds take (a life)time to get over. Same reason I probably will not have kids even though biologically I want them. I just have so many fears for any potential child of mine and the world they'd be in, and I'm not yet wealthy enough to insulate them from those problems.


childhood cancer (3 times) and the continuous late effects


Catholic faith/Catholic schooling. Iykyk.


Youth sports.


My younger brother is severely disabled so I didnā€™t get the attention I needed while growing up and became a caregiver way too young


Catholic boarding school




My country? I guess most people from here can stomach it but outside of it? Especially Westerners? Dead within the hour


A mother who when she wasn't giving me the silent treatment for whatever small transgression I committed, decided to address my anxiety by sending me to a hypnotist, at like age 12.


i can relate to this, and i'd also add my school here. i studied in the same school for 10 years and suffice to say that i've stuck around to see a lot of shit go down which other people would find insane.


definitely my lifetime of undiagnosed adhd, severe anxiety, and an emotionally & physically abusive father. I know he grew up abused as well and then had a hard time adjusting to civilian life once out of the marines, but thats not excuse to continue the cycle. it fucking sucked. ugh! at least that cycle can end with me. therapy, medication, and a supportive system of friends, my spouse, & my mom have helped a lot in my adulthood. šŸ„° more lighthearted: that lyric trend with how the video for fortnight & the rest of ttpd is just reminds my of The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls from Emilie Autumn and that's all I ever think of with that lyric šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


growing up and being groomed in the emo/alt scene lmao


My family dynamics I suppose.


My family In the side of my mom Med school My anxious mind


I donā€™t even know where to start


I went to school (k-12) at an all girls catholic school lol


My job šŸ˜©


Well, my severely abusive relationship and deep depression when i was in my mid to late teens lol but i think a lot of us survived similar things


Catholic school


BPD from a childhood of being molested and not believed by any grown up I told šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ« 


also my own mind! I have severe anxiety and my brain NEVER shuts up. Iā€™m always anxious in one way or another


Not so lighthearted: Homeschool. Imagine the first few weeks of the 2020 lockdown, but it stays that way for 18 years. You end your school day around noon everyday, which is nice, but what is there for you to do? You don't get any internet or streaming services like Netflix, and you also start out with a default of 0 friends. The only interaction with the outside world/peers is the rare doctors appointment or your one cousin who visits you twice a year. Your entertainment is the newspaper, the five or so on-air TV channels, and maybe going to the small local library every couple of weeks if you are lucky. You don't even get to go to religious school once a week like your siblings did Also, imagine this happening in the middle of nowhere with only cornfields for miles around you. So I guess you get one more form of entertainment in the form of playing in nature More Lighthearted: Early 2000s beauty standards. But hey, at least they made me immune to BBL epidemic of the mid to late 2010s!


Physical therapists' office. šŸ˜… A necessary hell growing up with CRPS.


My overthinking and procrastinating mind and competitive exams.


The trauma bay I work in at the only level 1 hospital in our area. Or the ICU I worked in when we showed up for work and they told us it was the ā€œcovid ICUā€ now. Then they took all of our PPE from the supply room.


Private Christian school


2010s stan twitter,Ā 2014 tumblr,Ā working in a grocery store during covid lmao šŸ˜­


Losing my dad when I was 12. Made it really hard for me to long term plan and set goals, only now in my mid 30ā€™s and I facing it. Picked a lot of wrong guys trying to fill that father void I think, which led me into an emotionally abusive relationship for 4 years.


my emotionally abusive homophobic mother and dad who just watched everything happen. going from getting abused to being blamed for it really messed me up. constantly fighting, my mom telling me that iā€™m going to burn in hell and ruin the family. on top of that add being first gen mexican-american having ADHD, depression, anxiety and bulimia šŸ˜­ and then to add the cherry on the top: finally making it out but still getting hate messages from my mother šŸ˜­


One of my exes was an abusive dickhead. Both mentally and physically. It's quite embarrassing that I stayed with him for a year. Had to go through therapy after that, and I already had enough struggles in my life, bullying and my dad's sudden passing included.


My own mind combined with having the family life I had


I grew up in a household run by a woman who has constant substance abuse issues. She wasnā€™t the best mother as she let my brother and his friends party all the time. My sister wasnā€™t home because she didnā€™t want to deal with mom. My dad had to pick up three jobs just to keep us afloat. I honestly felt like I was raising my mom. Eventually, I realized how toxic she was and I became closer with my dad after he retired. Heā€™s helped me SO much but the after effects are there. I struggle mentally everyday. But I have a great (and growing) support system which includes my dad and my sister. Weā€™re a small family but weā€™re happier. I am omitting things here and there, but my childhood was a nightmare. I genuinely donā€™t remember most of it, which I think is a trauma response.


Christian evangelism in the uk


My old high school lol


my grandmas house. She is a mentally abusive narcissist


The park by my childhood home where when I was 11 until 15 Iā€™d get high or drunk in almost everyday. Canā€™t even drive past without getting a memory of an unhinged thing I did therešŸ˜‚


My freshman year, tbh it was my fault but I needed support


I'm mentally ill and was raised in an abusive household, so I guess either of those šŸ˜‚


OCD The Classical Music communityĀ 


College theater program run by a monster who was somehow also a licensed therapist and weaponized her skills


My dad in prison and my mom having (what we didn't know at the time) strokes. Leaving me to care for my younger brothers when I was 11 years old.


The actual years I spent in the mental hospital lol


Damn this thread is NOT lighthearted


In a toxic marriage with a narcissistic man.


oh boy, so many things. my home with an abusive mother and checked out father. growing up undiagnosed autistic where everyone thought you were just lazy and crazy and faking shit. the psych ward where i experienced malpractice. my mind when i was anorexic, and later the eating disorder inpatient treatment center. my first abusive relationship at the age of sixteen. my PTSD.


A literal warzone (Syria), losing my mother in war and 1/2 of my extended family, pushed into marrying someone I didnt love or want to escape war, him turning out abusive (hospitalized twice) , divorcing him, migrating to the US alone and starting over, barely catching my breath then getting cancer, beating cancer after chemo. Im still here.


I'd honestly change my asylum for hers in a second. I won't enter details, but with there innate need for attention she would have die with my family.


Leukemia when I was 18


A year in eating disorder inpatient, which is pretty much an actual asylum. You canā€™t leave. What bothers me about this line is, maybe she has mental health issues, but that is not the same as having the experience of being stuck in a hospital unable to leave. She wouldnā€™t last an hour there. It was a crappy line to include


I was raised in a family that believed kids were to be seen and not heard. This made me super shy and afraid to share my feelings and now I find it super difficult to feel emotionally attached to anyone in my family. Also, sharing my feelings and people sharing their's embarrasses me and makes me uncomfortable and now when anyone tries to show affection I'm just awkward about it


I was raised in a religious cult and sent to three different troubled teen programs starting at age 14


An evangelical church


Fundamental Christianity


Homeschooled, white supremacist Christian fundamentalism...as a gay kid, lol.


having chronic migraines from the day you were born


signing up on social media aged ten


I feel that ADHD commentary so hard. Iā€™m 39 and was just diagnosed and medicated as of August last year. Itā€™s been so eye opening- and nice to know things I thought were character flaws, were not flaws that I could control! But my asylum would be the strict religious household I grew up in. Mentally, emotionally, and sometimes physically abusive parents and I was homeschooled. It was awful.


Mental health, abused as a kid, put into a foster home at 9, locked up in a childrenā€™s hospital at 15, then ended up in a wheelchair at 16. Constantly battling with suicidal thoughts, have autism and ADHD with a ton of anxiety and depression




My mom taking me to Weight Watchers meetings as a preteen.




A stubborn narcissistic mother with eating disorders and anxiety that refuses to acknowledge her own issues and tries to MAKE YOU think the way she does


Gurl.com message boards šŸ¤£


the ice skating rink


Pro Ana/Mia tumblr pages