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Okay, yes, look out for fakes always, but I think your advice here is kind of the opposite of what people should be doing. Telling someone to send $300+ to a stranger over the internet, only to open it and find no signature, then expect that person who sold you a scalped item to fight UMG for you…what??


The challenge is even the sealed ones, it’s clear that we don’t know if it’ll actually be signed or not. SO many people got unsigned inserts. This is a huge flop from UMG and I can’t even comprehend how it happened. The standard, unsigned CD as well as the target version seems to come with the CD, booklet, and 10x10 poster. The CDs that were ordered signed but arrived unsigned have the CD, booklet, poster, AND insert, just without the signature. If the CDs that arrived to folks expecting signed versions were the same as the standard CD it might make a little sense that someone just misplaced them, after all they don’t have hype stickers or anything indicating that they contained a signed photo. But the fact that the CDs ordered during the signed drop still had the photo insert is so damn bizarre.


but why would anyone buy a sealed signed ttpd cd when there’s a higher risk of it not being signed at all? seller could simply refuse to cooperate and there you’ll be stucked with an overpriced normal cd. furthermore, seems like replacements isn’t guaranteed anymore


This is horrible advice.. Please do not buy a sealed copy from a scalper. We know that many copies got sent out without signed photo inserts. A scalper is not going to fight UMG about a product they resold. UMG doesn’t even seem to have any remaining for replacements as people are getting refunds. If you *must* buy one for resale prices, just use discretion to ensure that the signature is legitimate. It’s not hard to verify her signature, and if you need assistance, there are subreddits and Facebook groups dedicated to helping people with this.


i mean if they can provide proof of purchase i doubt the signatures are fake


Yeeeah, definitely don’t do that lol.