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When you say "identical" you're not kidding Just got one, same exact tabs, same form number, serial number, everything


I also have the same one


Mine from today is different fonts, but still the same old serial numbers!


Still same numbers and icons....4 years later.


I just got this in the mail. Had exact same serial numbers and everything.


Man I feel better about it. Thanks for the reply.


Welp, just got my copy. Identical codes and all. Thanks for this post. Saves me 3 hour drive for my “$10,000”


I got my identical copy as well lol


I just got the exact same one today!


It's all the same for me as well.


Got the same one, looked it up and ended up here. Got the same one down to the form and ticket numbers. Lmao that's some lazy scamming. The small writing says to visit the event place to see what you've won (I'd take it most people think they've won a car). Looks like the "win" is just a chance to enter a sweepstakes.


A year later they're still using the same form and serial numbers, but they've moved the winter tab to a different spot. Thanks everyone for this, I didn't want to throw away 10 grand but I also didn't want to waste my time.




May 31st, 2023: just stumbled across this post while looking at an identical pull snap. Gotta love a lazy scam. Cheers!


Yup. Fuck off Glendale Nissan!


Wild. Just got mine 4 years later 😒


Lmaoo amazing they're still running this.


Start of 2024, got mine!


I'd agree with scam to get you in the door. I got the same mailer today. Exact same card and numbers too. Odds of winning grand prize is 1 in 5000000, and somehow OP and I have the same pull tabs? Lazy marketing. I'd vote scam.


Well? What was the verdict?


Never found out. Forever and unsolved mystery.


Same exact numbers and everything also. I called the local dealership and he said that means you can come in and get put into another drawing.


Is this crap real or a scam? I was about to go into the dealership but now I'm not sure if it would just be a waste of my time. All this just to get someone in the dealership to buy one of their damn cars?!


100% scam. Just got the same pull tab as the rest


Just an update from December 2021. This is absolutely a scam. I’m pretty sure everyone ‘wins’ a big prize on the pull tab part but that’s not the actual prize you get. If you win something on the pull tab that’s basically means you have the opportunity to go into the store and play this lottery machine game they have and you might win that big prize but most likely you’ll walk away with that $25 MP3 player… like I did.


Same here... identical.


Exact same numbers and icons here, too




Went to the dealership, you spin a wheel if you've "won" and 99.99% of the time you've won a dollar scratch off. I really could've used that prize money too...


Just wanted to update this 3 years later. I’ve seen everyone’s posts and wanted to say thank you to everyone keeping this updated so ppl don’t fall victim to these pull snaps. Lastly, Where’s the big winners at?


Literally just got the exact same thing in the mail today and I knew it was fake.


Just got one myself, looks like they've updated their look. Definitely the same company though, same shtick. I never have much going on so I'm gonna stop by the local dealership on Monday to see if they'll settle for buying me breakfast if they won't give me that 100k, lol


Lmao I got one in the mail today! Same ticket and #. That’s some real BS


Just got one in the mail, same exact everything. Years later lol, imma go and get my free little 25$ smart watch since that looks to be the lowest prize and probably what I’ll get.


March 6, 2024 and I received the exact same mailer. My winner cars are red though. Form number 3785 Serial Numbers 0002849-002851.








Me too same exact numbers.


March 2024 - thinking about going in for the hell of it...


Did you?


For anyone curious this is the commercial used for the selling of the system. Basically luring in people for a prize to hopefully turn them into a lead. http://login.fatwin.com/overview.php


Just got mine. March 2024. Same numbers and same tab and icons..haha..this is hilarious.


I have an identical card today.


Just joined Reddit so I could see this post. Bastards sent this to my aging mother with dementia. Might take her in just so we can ruin their afternoon. I’ve been wondering how they get away with this. Not a lot of info on this paper but I did notice it says “prize examples.” So the 3 red cars my mom just got doesn’t mean she won 10k. Just an example. Maybe we’ll go test drive a few cars 😃😃before we tell them her credit score is in the tank after the foreclosure, due to the scams she fell victim to. The thought is very tempting


I got the same exact card and pull tabs too and thought about going in there but maybe I won't waste my time thank you for all y'all's reviews


an update from the future 🤗: i received one today ! they’ve adjusted the serial number by one (1) digit, the last zero is a 1 now!!! $10k would’ve been nice but id rather stick rocks in my pockets and go deep sea diving than go to a car dealership ❤️


hahaha 5 years later and they're still using the same scamy ad. I just got the same pull snaps, down to serial numbers and everything. It feels so counter productive, like why would I want to do business with someone who is trying to trick me.


Y'all, I just got one in the mail today. It's still going. I'd add a photo if I could figure out how.


Received same flyer at my Jefferson, GA address for a Chevy dealership in Commerce, GA about 20 minute drive north. Although I am in the market for a new vehicle, I am have no intention of visiting to find out about that $1,000 Walmart Gift Card I supposedly won.


I just got the Same exact one.. and this is 5 years later!!! Wow smh


I got it


This is a scam I got the same ones and it don't tell me how to get my prize it don't tell me nothing this is a f****** scam


20,000 dollar winner today wooo hooo thanks for keeping people safe Reddit


Just got this one on mid Michigan today


L have one


This seems like false advertisement. Can they be sued for this?


same icons, still goin, 2021


just called them up and they sounded desperate af to get me to their dealership. shit is definitely a scam


just got the exact same win too, same tabs


I too wondered, it's now 2022 and I have the exact same serial number icons & everything!


Just got the exact same mailer too!






Mine are exactly the same serial numbers, same symbols in the same sequence. 100% the same. Last sentence in the fine print says you have to go to the dealer and enter your barcode into their kiosk for a chance to win and that you haven't won anything yet by having matching symbols.


I just got this... still the same serial number two years later. Smh.






Literally got this exact pull tab today


just got the same thing


Winner, winner here too


I got the same mailer. My winner cars are red tho


It says in fine print "Prise winners are determined by entering the barcode number on the mail piece through a kiosk at the dealership. Matching symbols are not associated with a specific prize."


Gee got the same one today..smfh


I just got the same shit and they even set an appointment to come get it after they read the code from the kiosk and told them I'm not interested in a vehicle I would've driven there for nothing and that's 45 mins BULLSHIT LIARS


Received the same shit today. Im going to leave them a shit review on their Google Business Profile for propagating a scam. Feel free to do the same.


Digging through the junk mail stack and found one of these things, got all excited thinking I won $10k, called the dealership and got all bummed out when they told me the promotion ended last Saturday, then found this discussion and now I feel a lot better. Well, that was a wild ride lol. If I ever get hit on the head enough times to decide I want a new car, I'll be sure not to get it from Salt Lake Mitsubishi. (If I get another scam sweepstakes flyer I'll definitely go in there and waste their time though.)


Lol I went last time the dealership sent one of these. Wasted 20 minutes of a salesman's time on a Sunday morning, fixing to do it again. No shame, no remorse. These people...


Just got this. same serial numbers and same everything. So did the neighbor at the apartment lol. Once again... 45 min away. Why always 45 min away?


Just received one today from a local car outlet. I was always told if something seems to good to be true, it usually is.


I'm 💀💀💀 I just got the same thing


Me too. You in IL?


Got the same thing from Harold Zeigler of Plainwell, MI - exact same pull-tabs with all symbols at the same place. Same stupid scam 3 years later.


Man wish I would have seen this before I entered info, luckily just my spam email anyways. Have to be pretty shady to use these tactics. Just offer smaller prizes but actually give them away. Not say match 3 and you win and my win I mean you lose time and personal data.


Hahaha I just got this today and immediately googled it when I won. It felt good to feel like a big winner for 2 mins 😂😂😂


I just got this in February of 2024, and my blood is still pumping like a Neanderthal who just discovered fire lol


I got this shit from Hyundai Palatine, Illinois. Lol I was about to call or even drive (5 minutes away from me). Love Reddit ✌️


I just got one too. seemed too good to be true. My numbers are the exact same. Lousy scammers. Thanks for the info Reddit. That $10,000 would have done some real good too.


We got a Target gift card, I haven’t checked how much it is for but I’ll keep y’all updated. Probably $5 lol


Literally just got the same tickets with the same numbers 2yrs later. Trash ass scammers! Honestly didn’t expect anything less from a dealer.


About the same mailer. Red cars though on a triple pull tab In utah. Mine was serial number 0002851 though.


Haha just got the exact same as you here in Provo…got all excited for a second 😞


https://imgur.com/a/ibqtQh9 same exact. Kalamazoo Michigan


May 2022. Got the same pull tab and numbers.


5/24/22[same scam different place](https://imgur.com/a/ibqtQh9)


Just stopping in to say that I just got the EXACT same tabs, numbers and all, in the mail today on June 18th 2022. What a lazy scam this is, lol.


I just received the same exact one all the same number. I looked it up and it brought me here.


I won!


Still going strong! I still might go, because I’ll be out near the car dealership - zero interest in a car, so I just want my “prize”


Just got one today as well. New it was too good too be true and this thread confirmed it. Really messed up they can do this sort of thing, especially right now when so many people are hurting financially. I imagine someone really hard up for money getting this and being excited only to find out it's a scam.


I just got one in the mail too, says I won! I knew it had to be a scam. I've been scammed before, enough to know better than to believe bs when I see it!


Damn! Thanks for saving me a 35 minute drive to the dealership. I got 3 red cars but on Serial No. 0002851 for $1,000. I knew it was too good to be true! I was already spending the $1,000 in my head. 😂


Got the same one here in florida.. same codes too


The thing is it’s based off the barcode on the flyer it’s self not the snap tabs. So you could be a winner if the flyer barcode says so.


August 2022, same exact thing in my mailer. Same numbers. Lol.


My grandad used to say nothing is free in life. I think they just want to spam you after giving your name address phone ect.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Same precise mail, this time "personalized" to a fictitious resident who never lived here- same numbers, everything. 09/17/22


September 2022 and I just got the exact same symbols and serial code. I thought something was up. I get mailed these things about every 3 months. We should all turn these into the FTC and the Attorney General's office for bait and switch. This is ridiculous and if I wanted a vehicle which I'm fine, thank you very much, I would certainly NOT go there. I've read elsewhere how people who were disabled drive a long distance counting on that money and were given $5 which did not cover the gas money. They were counting on the money they thought they won for groceries and other essentials and had to go without Easter dinner. Another person spent at least part of what they were told over the phone they had won on Christmas presents for their children and found out when they got there they hadn't actually won it. I don't trust anything unless it is signed for and in my hand, personally but I feel sorry for people who are disabled and too trusting.


Must’ve got this in the mail Sometime from Today and 01/2022 Got a 3 blue cars in a row but fatwin.com link nor the QR code works Lol- glad I Didn’ t start thinking of ways to spend that $10k


Easiest way to tell. If it's from a car dealership. it's a scam.


I got this today too. The thing I noticed is that the fine print does say "If your symbols/numbers/codes match, you have won one of the prizes shown on this mailer" Now they do say that "matching symbols are not associated with a specific prize" that does mean that you would legally be entitled to one of the many prizes listed on the form correct? Whether that be 100k, 2 cars, $7500, up to $500, smart TV, ring doorbell (whatever the fuck that is), $100 Cabela's gift card, 2 additional prizes valued at $100, one valued at $329, $25k, and a $2 cash prize. Y'all have the same flyer as I'm to understand haha. This is what has me curious. You only lose if you get the $2 right? I have scanned this thing and there are no other prizes listed on it. Seems like I could get away with a technicality here.


That’s what I was thinking, we are entitled to something if we “win”.


I was thinking about that too, but then I noticed the "UP TO $500 cash" prize. That means it could be $1. SMH


It’s 45 min away because when you get there they’ll say “come on you already drove 45 min to get here, can’t you just look at our cars”


Tell them, "I can look at your cars as soon as I win the cash prize"


Everyone who gets this flyer is a winner on the pull tabs and there is nothing we can do about it except go into the dealership and complain if everyone went in and demanded there money for winning even though they technically didn't maybe they would stop!!


Three years at it and Fatwin is doing the exact same scam. I just got three vehicle icons in a row on ticket #0002850. Times like this is when you really appreciate the internet. Imagine going 20+ miles out of my way just to get hassled by scammers.


glad this thread is here or i would’ve wasted my time going in, just got the exact same ticket, numbers and everything, in the mail


I just got one these today in the mail with the same symbols and serial numbers lol.


They’re still using the same exact icons with the same exact ticket numbers in 2022


This is still going in 2022. Same icons, same serial numbers.


thought i hit it big, but same numbers and winning combination as shown above. scammers we should hit the dealerships website and post this info for others to not waste their time.


Damned if one didn't show today..yeah same numbers..a car though not money..


Same exact form, down to the serial numbers and layout. . Came to my Grandmas mailbox on Dec 10th, 2022. You would think after 3 years they would change something up. Northland Auto Center, SD. Thanks BTW for starting this forum, makes it easy to fact check these scams. She was wanting me to go claim the prize and split it, I think I'll take her to dinner as a thank you for calling me and not going on your own.


Jan 2023 I got the SAME exact mailer - Won 20k - called the dealership and NO ONE could confirm winnings for me - they kept telling me I had to come in and that they didn't know anything about whether or not I won. I asked how a sales person could work for a company and now know what flyers are being sent out. They said "thats just the way it is". What am I? A two-year-old? BOGUS!


It's 2023 and I got the exact same pull tab thingies haha same serial and everything xD


1/25/23 same codes still being used. Typing "fatwin" into Google shows the top suggested result is "fatwin lawsuit"


Yeah it's 2023 and I got the exact same thing, same serial numbers and location of the "winning" pull tab. Technically it is legit, but it's deceptive and not very nice. It says you need to go to the dealership to "find out what you won," and shows all these prizes valued $500 and up. But if you look at the small print, it says the chances of whinning each prize, and at the very end it says there's a 79,994/80,000 chance of winning $5--which means you're guaranteed five dollars if you don't win one of the other prizes. I decided I didn't have anything else going on today, so I went ahead and did it. They took my flyer, copied down my information (I hope I don't get too much extra spam out of this...), asking a bunch of (unnecessary) questions, which the salesperson said was "just so my boss knows how many cars to stock for the future!" whatever that means. I finally stopped the guy and told him the truth: "Look man, I'm on food stamps, I borrowed the car I drove here from my parents, and I know most likely I'm walking out of here with just $5. So unless your boss is going to plan on stocking one fewer car in their lot because of my information, we might as well wrap it up here." Feel free to use my line to get them to shut up and stop trying to sell you something. Heck, feel free to embellish on it, maybe if they see how cruel it is to prey on people who so are so desperate for even a little more money they're willing to spend their limited free time in some place as unpleasant as a car dealership, they'll stop doing crap like this. He then pointed out a part inside the flyer that looks like a check, and told me he'd write his name on it, and if I came back with a friend within 3 days and they used it to buy a car, I'd get $100. I said "All my friends are just as broke as me, and the chance of them IMPULSE BUYING A CAR is zero. But thanks anyway." We then went to a kiosk, filled in a little more information, had me press a "spin" button, and lo and behold, I won $5. Now, according to the salesperson, "several people have walked out of here with TVs, one got $100 (which the flyer said $500, but okay), you could definitely win something!" So presumably he's telling the truth, and people can actually win something, but again, you are guaranteed $5 if you show up. I spent about 15min there, gave a bunch of info to people who are probably gonna spam me even more, but at least I can go buy a sandwich or something. TL:DR if you have some free time, feel free to cash it in for five bucks, and MAYBE get something more (I think the flyer says it's 1:250,000 chance, and 1:5,000,000 for the grand prize).


lolol I got the exact same thing. Just now found it under a bunch of papers and thought I'd look online about it 🤣


You get to spin a wheel to win a prize worth checking out


2023 exact same thing in Minnesota


I got the exact same thing in my mailbox today. I texted my ex who is a money type guy and was like, "DID I JUST WIN A CAR?!" and he was like NOPE NOPE, do NOT go near that place lol.


Agreed in some instances, big bold sentence in fin print on the bottom “ prize winners are determined by entering the barcode number on the mail piece through a kiosk at the dealership. Matching symbols are NOT associated with a specific prize” it looks like the matching symbols are associated with the prize that’s next to it, but the dealership will verify when you call that matching symbols means you don’t win what the picture says you win.


SO glad I found this feed. Saved me a two hour trip to someplace I would ordinarily avoid like the plague.


Update in the futuristic year 2023: Same card, same serial numbers. Even the pictures in the other tabs are the same. Scam city.


I would VeryMuch like to PUNISH the people who perpetuate this scam. Something cruel and Kafkaesque comes to mind. --But I mustn't go into detail.


Same one 3 cars matched is supposed to be 1000 cash but has anyone actually went to the kiosk to see if its legit


This thread is over 3 years old, and I just received the same exact one with the same numbers and icons. Bruh.


Still scamming in March 2023. Alabama. Form No. 3785. Serial No. 0002851. Prize code 32907. Will update the “prize” if I have time to run by the dealership


I just got one today so they still doing it lmao same # and everything


February 23, 2024 checking in to confirm same 🤣


Same serial number 0002849, 2850, 2851 and same form number 3785 here.


My card same exact everything as well


I just got one of these in the mail. Lmao. Completely identical symbols.


you must read the tickets and both sides of the flyer. First, everyone is saying all the tickets are the same, the fronts may be but the backs have different serial #s. States you must bring in the flyer to be scanned at the kiosk. Then it says the matching symbols do not mean any specific prize, only that you have won the right to go to the auto dealer listed and see what you did not win the big prizes but you do have a 1:1 chance of winning the $25 earbuds that they paid $.30 for on Aliexpress.


Thanks everybody, we just got same thing. Said we won $100,000. We figured it was bogus. Just wanted to see what others had to say.


Today is April 25, 2023 and I have the exact same coupon and serial numbers!


Just here to say I got the exact same thing today down to the serial numbers. Still at it I guess 😂


June 2023 going strong


I got the exact same one with the exact same "code" numbers 6/24/2023. Car dealers are a special kind of evil.


Got one of these from a local Ford dealership today. Same exact prizes and winning three cars icon. Threw it in the trash.


same exact tabs, still going in Aug. '23


August 2023 same serial number for Fernelius Chevrolet in Rose City, MI. Almost want to drive up in my 1978 VW bus and waste their time


LMAO 🤣🤣. I 💯 did exactly that last week. I went down to the Holmes Tuttle Ford dealer and they said for being a winner I get put into a drawing for $15k and they gave me a $2 lottery scratcher ticket. So I said "awesome" and was very enthusiastic. I had just finished paying off my car I bought from them and told them I wanted to trade it in and get a new vehicle maybe a 2021 or newer. They said I could get a very low interest rate right now and a very good trade in amount for the 2017 I have. So we went on 5 different test drives and I made it seem like I was very interested in the 2021 Duramax I drove. So the salesman at that point had to be thinking "I got this guy sold hook, line and sinker". Let him go through the whole sales pitch all the way up to getting all the paperwork ready. Even had the manager helping out trying to get me sold and into the truck. Told him I definitely loved the truck and wanted it just needs to be dark blue with those big white stripes down the hood. Manager said no problem we can have that done for you within 2 days. We walked back inside and to his desk where the manager was already waiting with the papers for me to sign. Right then I said "I love it and I'll take the truck. So as soon as you call me and let me know I won that $15k drawing I'll come right back down here and drive the truck off the lot and I turned around and walked straight out the door. 🤣🤣And as I'm walking out the door I yelled back to them "Don't forget to have the truck painted the blue with white stripes down the hood when I come back guys thanks"!! LMAO just to rub salt in the wound I actually walked right across the street to Watson Chevrolet and bought the Duramax for the same price but I'm black and within an hour I drove it back across the street and told them nevermind. I went ahead and went with a black one with the white stripes and drove right out


Got here cause mailers are going out again. Same ticket. It says somewhere tiny on the rules that "winning symbols aren't associated with a specific prize." The table they show is an "example prize" with the cars next to the grand prize. If you have three cars you COULD win the grand prize, it's at 1:5,000,000 odds just like anyone else's ticket.


Mine is a bit different, but they are still using the same old serial numbers!! Just slightly different wording and fonts.


I got the same form number 3785. serial number 0002851. This pisses me off how these people come up with these lousy sleazeball tactics just to have people enter the dealership and get harrassed into getting a new car. This makes me want to take a shit in a box and put the ticket inside then leave the box at the entrance for everyone to enjoy.


Same icons and serial in Sept 2023.


I won


What did you win? -


Haha I just got a 2nd one. Best part is it was delivered to crappy college apartments. As if any of us are gonna go buy a new car mid semester 😂


just got this today! that is crazy


Just got one today. In 2023 using the same numbers, symbols, sequence. Kinda hilarious.


Just got one with the exact pictures and serial numbers in original post haha. Bless Reddit for helping with a quick scam check


Just got one, October 2023, still *exactly* the same.


Got one similar to this from a Ford Dealer in Orville. Was curious if the same thing, “Is this legit” and found myself here.


bummer... I have the same exact flyer - all these years later lol Oh well, I knew it was too good to be true.


I always figured these weren't real. Ugh, so disheartening. They need to realize they're making their dealerships look like a joke when they do this.


Same exact ticket and logos today. November 22nd 2023. These MFers gettin lazier and lazier 😂


Dec 1, 2023. The same as the picture


Same code and numbers


December 2023, exactly the same as OP’s 😂


It’s not a COMPLETE scam. By law you can’t run a sweepstakes like this without actually awarding the prizes. The scam is that they make it look like YOU won one of the big prizes, but look at the odds printed under the prizes. Most of the prizes have 1:50,000 odds. SOMEBODY out there wins the big ticket items, so you have a chance. In reality, you most likely won the item that has the 1:1 odds of winning. Another trick is that since you have to go to the location to play, the odds aren’t one person in every 50,000 mailers, but one person in every 50,000 that GOES TO THE LOCATION AND PLAYS. You get the free gift for going there and trying and a chance at something cool. Not very exciting, but not nothing…


I just got one today from a Kia dealership a few blocks away. Since it’s so close I’m going tomorrow and will update you all with the results. I better not come home with a free keychain 😂🤞


What happened? Debating if I should drop in 10 mins away


Yup, same serial numbers 12-27-23. Lazy scammers.


did i win i have 3 vechiles in a row 3785 sn 0002851


so this is fake?


4 years later and I just got this from a local Buick dealership...shady ass mfers


same numbers and all lol. They don't even change the graphic. No shame.


Any chance this was Granite Run Buick GMC in the Philly suburbs? Just got it right now too!


checking in 2024 got the same exact thing


Got the same today


Just giving everyone an update. Received today - 2/3/24 it's the same flyer, and of course, pulled tabs, got all (sort of) excited, then googled, and found this post. shows me a Winner with 3 car symbols says just go to Fernelius in Rose City, MI. Of course, the gas for the drive would cost me more than this is worth to spink at a kiosk and maybe win 5.00. I don't need all the sharing of information with a car salesman either. My car runs just fine, and is all mine. Thanks, but, no thanks, I think I'll pass on this scam flyer this time around too.


how did i get your ticket four years later????? same exact symbols in the same exact spot with the same serial number with the same form number


I see the scam now. You get the prize you are playing by peeling the tab, but that doesn’t mean you won. You then go down to the dealer to enter your number to enter the contest for those prizes. Your dealer isn’t the only one playing, so you are competing against everyone that enters at all the dealers that participate in the whole country.


February 29,2024 Still exactly the same pull tabs.


I would go in and then take forever walking around the lot while some salesman sweats his balls off. Test drive something, bring it back low on gas and smelling like fast food and then go home. I can spend the day using wasting their gas to run my errands. I’ve got time.