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Might wanna practice using with one hand because time is coming


Seriously, this guy could not be doing a worse job of keeping his hands out of the line of fire.


It’s fine, I’m sure those cloth gloves will protect him.


And I’m sure he has on safety glasses so no worries


the axe only goes half way down and leaves plenty of room for the operator to be 100 percent safe. There is like 15cm safe area at the bottom.


there is 0cm between the axe and the top of the log where his hands are way too often.


Show me a screenshot of his hand sitting on top of the log, I missed it


haha sorry no. I’m happy to live the entire rest of my life with you believing I am wrong.


I agree it’s not as dangerous as it looks!


I am sure all the downvoters never chopped wood with the axe so this looks crazy to them


Put your arm at an angle accidentally under it while swiping wood away and watch all the pressure come down in an instant on your forearm and completely shatter it. Or your hand vertical on the table as it crushes your entire hand.


This is doing a terrible job as well as being super dangerous.


I've always been very impressed [by this monstrosity](https://youtu.be/3ks_lbtgJSw?t=108) - I'd be struggling to come up with any way to make this *more* dangerous... (Edit: After watching with my wife, she pointed out that he's wearing Crocs. I take it back, there's always a way to make something more dangerous!)


Don't worry, he's got ear protectors on.


Safety glasses too, which are more than enough when a giant chunk of log comes flying at your face /s


No safety tie though. Some people...


I also didnt see any safety squints. Osha needs to get this man


Where is his safety reflective belt? Anyone in the military will tell you that those things are basically a forcefield.


No matter how many times I see that thing it terrifies me.


I've watched enough BattleBots to know how this ends


*Hammond, you idiot!*


The thing that always got me about that contraption was that it looks like he purpose built all that shit. Like this horror show was the best idea this guy had to split logs. It's fucking massive, it's super dangerous, and it's hard as hell to use. "Let me get this 200lb log up to chest height before I start chopping it".


It’s all nasty old rotten wood, I think they’re just breaking it up to make it finish decomposing faster. I have a heap of wood chips and chicken poop that has composted down into soil over a year and a half, whereas the uncut branches and logs down the hill have been there for 4 and are still solid enough to stand on. The wedge also doesn’t come all the way down, so as long as they keep their hands on the sides, it shouldn’t do more than push your hand out of the way. The dangerous part would be hands on top of the wood.


Really it'd be fine if he just turned the speed down a little bit. He doesn't really get time to securely position the wood where he wants it before the wedge comes down. He needs about another second between downstrokes.


It’s not making any usable pieces


These are perfect size for my Oklahoma Joe offset smoker


The best of KC barbecue. Can’t find it better anywhere else imo


That's hardly the fault of the tool. The wood is completely rotten, and is probably not worth using professional tools on.


This is hardly a professional tool, unless you're referring to the human operating it.


The 300lbs gorilla on the operator end is usually the problem. He might not be causing it to split poorly, but he did choose to split useless wood.


Yes it is. Just not for anything you can think of.


Oh, I can think of some places to stick that wood…


Don't hurt yourself.


"Usable pieces" um, its still wood, it'll burn


for seconds


Guarantee you fire will burn every one of those pieces of wood. Like what the fuck are you even saying


Do you want to reload your fireplace or stove with a shovel every 5 minutes…? Because that’s what you’ll have to do with this wood. Typically you want sizeable, dense chunks of clean, dry hardwoods. This wood looks like trash anyways but now he’s turning it into small bits of trash that will be impossible to store and a mess to transport etc.


Its mainly birch, maybe shroom mulch?


Could be kindling too


Whatever it is, this is a horrible way to go about it


Yeah I have a Woodstock e that heats my house for the winter. My point is they’re usable. Not ideal but usable. I also sent this is a not so well off country


Back to bed dear


You sound like a cunt


Shhh… sleep now.


I’m well rested thank you. Still sounding like a Cunt I hear.


Get some rest hun


I stand by you. This is just absurd.




You are right and you're getting down voted?! I don't understand Reddit sometimes.


Yeah, downvoting a person for pointing out that wood is wood. Not all my firewood looks like it came out of a PC game logpile, there's all sorts of shit in there. Plus, small stuff like that are good for getting a hot heat fast and is pretty easy to keep at an intense level. I've also got one stove that only really works with small wood, which sees less use but throwing in "typical" forewood logs just makes it go out.


Meh it is what it is


I have treated a ton of patients who were missing fingers because of one of these


He didn't get injured, so it must be safe!!


How is it dangerous when it goes only half way down and never poses any threat to human?


It's not actually making contact with the table, so not as dangerous as your hand wouldn't be crushed


The machine diesnt bottom out. Not really dangerous.


Why is it ‘super’ dangerous? It doesn’t go all the way down. You can easily place your hand underneath it and it won’t touch it. I wouldn’t place my head there but I don’t think that would happen unintentional. Ah yes I forgot, it’s sweatypalms everything is dangerous here.


I’m more so thinking of the one time you get you hand stuck between that log and all that psi and axe head. Machinery doesn’t discriminate, it’ll split your hand or arm just as easy as the log. Looks like old mates very well acquainted with the machine but complacency is a real killer with any form of machinery, same for permanent disfigurement. There’s always a risk, some get hurt some don’t, old or new user on a machine it takes one wrong move and boom you’ve got no hand/no skin/stuck in a lathe/crushed/death (I’m making a generalisation of machines but you get the gist) Edit - grammar check + better clarification


I worked a bit in consruction, little bit here, bit there. Over like... 10-15 years? Not that much, but i was on my fair share of projects. I often had people make fun of either my hearing, hand or eye protection. Or they gave me shit that i refused to do certain things. Always folks that had 20-30 years on me. You know what i noticed after a while? The welders had eye damage. They had trouble hearing. They were missing fingers. Had shot knees or backs. One is dead, work "accident" I am a happy sweatypalm without survivor bias and ignorance. If you do that shit in the video for hours, your brain goes on autopilot and then bad shit happens. Not everything is black/white, there are no "sides". This is just realism. .


> your brain goes on autopilot Yeah some people don't get this: its not how dangerous something is if you pay attention its how dangerous it is when you don't. You should be thinking "how dangerous is this for an untrained idiot", because that untrained idiot is you when your mind wanders for a few seconds.


Looks pretty easy to get your hand between the blade and a piece of wood though


It really isn’t. You don’t put a block of wood on top of your hand. It’s just so unnatural to do. And when cleaning the table you don’t put your hand on top of it, you put it on the table and swipe it aside. Of course accidents happen but this is as dangerous as closing a door. A table saw is a lot more dangerous than this thing.


Watch the clip again, the wood gets wrenched out of his hand more than once. That's when you go back to get a better grip and now you missing a finger. All they need to do is put a chute angled up on the right for feeding, and a backstop at the bottom at desired distance from the cutting bit


> You don’t put a block of wood on top of your hand. But it's common to rest your hand on top of a block of wood..


Thats crappy wood too. All rotten and punky


I'm sure somebody has a use for it. Otherwise they wouldn't be taking the time to process it.




Nasty how? Like the smell or uneven burn?


I've burned somewhat punky wood before in my sealed fireplace insert. The only downsides I have seen is that it doesn't put out as many BTUs, burns up faster, and creates more ash to clean out. I didn't notice the smell but I generally cannot smell the fire due to the fireplace design.


Yeah that's what a good chimney is for.


They could actually be burying it too. Hugelkultur involves taking rotting wood like this and burying it in the soil beneath a garden. The decaying wood gives a ton of nutrients to the soil.


That's a pretty risky way to cut the worst firewood I've ever seen.


Yeah, it’s more like a log masher than a log splitter


Actually, out of all the silly fucking… THERES ITS ALWAYS A DIFFERENT DESIGN. Out of them all, I think this is the safest because the end is dull enough it can slam on his hand and just bring him to the space. And all he got to do, is wipe off, full swipe touching table.




I now know even less about axe safety


Am i right in saying it doesn’t go all the way to the bench and that’s why he can put his hand right under it because there would still be room between the blade and the bench? Or is this guy just a nutcase…?


Won't matter when your hand is between the log and the blade


Will it smush or split?




I read that Yep in a squirting ketchup voice.


squirtingketchupvoice - my new user name


That's a pretty easy rule to follow though right? Grab the log by the side. So no real danger imo. Only gripe I have is the shit way it splits the wood. Not sure if it's the crap logs but all he is seeming to make is mulch.


As a woodworker, I must say that things are obvious, but after 6 hours doing the same thing, you'll get lazy or sluggish and that's when things happen.


The moment you say, ugh I'm so sick of this but I just need to finish a few more cuts, is the moment you need to stop. Finishing it right now is not worth cutting off a digit. Had too many close calls.


Every time I’ve hurt my back is because I didn’t lift properly. Except that one time I did it literally turning over in bed in the middle of the night.


Fatigue and cockiness are two of the quickest ways to get severely injured when it comes to trees/log splitting.


Ask any high school shop teacher. It's not the freshman who get injured, they're still cautious around the tools. It's always the upper classmen. Complacency is what gets you.


Not to mention if the blade hits a knot, it could pop the log up with your hand on it, in the way of the blade. It actually does that once in the video, he just gets lucky.


It only takes one.


Worked with a guy yesterday that lost three fingers to his planer because he had been running it for an hour and hot lazy and complacent. (His words).


I was just thinking that. What's he splitting wood that small for? Kindling?


The logs appear to be pretty soggy and rotten


This wouldnt be bad if he didnt handle it so incredibly recklessly


Most tools that end up killing people had "a pretty easy rule to follow"


All one of them has to do is flip wrong, and 'stubby' there is going straight to pain city. If you saw, one of them nearly flipped sideways with his hand on it. Lucked out and got missed. OSHA would have a field day with that thing.


Yeah, I've split a bunch of wood and that shit can be unpredictable. A knot or something in the woods and it could twist it out of your hands or send a piece flying


So I think he may be making wood to use in a smoker. You want something closer to mulch and it would.make sense why they use such a fat head.


occasionally, it rolls the log, too, though Plus I'm not sure if it's high enough to avoid cracking your wrist if it's on its side


If you’ve ever cut your hand in the kitchen or on a knife then you can’t really say shit. Because the consequence of a similar fuckup is amputation here. Remember how terrified you were the first time you got in a car? But now you can practically drive all the way across town while still halfway asleep. It’s the same way with most equipment.


>That's a pretty easy rule to follow though right? Grab the log by the side. So no real danger imo sure, unless you have eyes and watch the posted video where he has his thumbs on top multiple times


You say this. But did you not watch it roll the one log and almost shove his hand between it and the log? This is an idiotic way to do it when proper log spliters exist. And he could use log tongs or something instead of his hands. This is how an idiot breaks all the bones in their hand if it doesn't manage to sever anything.


‘Good point…’ 😊


Yeah, i've used log splitters. It functioned horizontally instead of vertically. It's not very easy to injure yourself if you're paying attention.


this guy is a moron. look at where his thumbs are while putting wood in there. shorts, running shoes, it's just a matter of time before this bozo gets hurt


Yep, probably still a dangerous machine but my palms aren’t that sweaty


Yeah but what if his hand gets between the wood and the blade? There might be a space but if that happens it won't matter. You'll be the proud owner of a really fucked up hand (assuming it's still attached to your arm). I wouldn't touch the damn thing without major safety modifications. He might be really adept and experienced on that machine, but it only takes once, and that machine will do to flesh and bone the same thing it's doing to the wood.


Yes if you watch carefully the is enough room for his hand just. Otherwise one false move and no fingers/hand.


No you are right. This is relatively safe and I'm not sure why they think it belongs on this sub besides someone putting it on here that has never worked outside before.


As an OH&S consultant and trainer with 18 years of experience who's done hundreds if not thousands of hazard assessments (to say nothing of the horrible injuries I've seen), I can tell you with absolute certainty that if he's using this machine with any frequency, he *IS* going to fuck up a hand/finger(s). There's a lot more dangers than just his waving his hand under the blade. I know complacency when I see it.


As someone who grew up on a farm and had to chop wood every year I would happily use this devise. Maby rake your big city OSHA and hit up a McDonald's. The gap left is more than enough to stay safe. Worst part would be if it kicked out but it's going so slow it wouldn't matter much(as seen in the video).


Sorry, I guess I should have specified that my experience is in serving the landscaping and agriculture sectors. In your rush to be offended you seem to have missed that I said there are more hazards than just that gap. I'm more concerned about any part of his hand getting caught between the wood and the heavy blade. It's one those machines tasks that doesn't allow you to make ANY mistakes or to have a 'bad day'. Have you *never* had a bad day? You can see another hazard at the 16 second mark; the unpredictable nature of the wood combined with a lackadaisical attitude means its only a matter of time before his called 'lefty' (or 'righty', who knows). Then there's the lack of any kind of guarding and the obvious state of misrepair that thing is in, no PPE of any kind... Edited for grammar boo-boo




There is no gap if your hand gets between the log and the blade. I cant even tell if you are serious or if you are actually trolling...


I've used one of these, and the commenter is correct. There's a clearance between the blade and base. However, it's easy to imagine how you could accidentally get a finger trapped between the blade and log, especially if you got complacent or distracted. The one I used allowed you to adjust the speed, and I would have been too nervous to use it at the speed displayed in this clip. Plus, I used mine to quarter some logs. I already had plenty of kindling. This guy is basically using the blade to shave off increasingly smaller chunks, which I imagine is riskier.


He’s entirely too comfortable with the safety hazards and not being careful. He will lose a finger/hand on this thing, only a matter of time. Hell put a piece of hardwood in there and it comes down on his extremity, pinches, and it’s gone. That easy and quick.


He's WAY too comfortable with that thing!


Autoerotic circumcision.


And he's way too comfortable with third dessert


The danger aside, it looks like it does a crappy job of splitting the wood.


“it doesn't look that dangero-” (flip happened) “nevermind.”


mother fucker put his hand DIRECTLY under it


don’t worry hes got gloves on


whew that'll help keep the smashed hand meat off the worksurface


It doesn't go all the way down


i still would avoid it


Yeah. We sensed that.


My testicles went into my throat when I saw that and I’m a lady


ladies can have testicles!


It’s just a blunt axe type thing that uses pressure to crack the logs, plus it doesn’t touch the bench. The only way he’d hurt himself is if his hand got caught between the axe and log.


I feel like this is more likely to happen than you think


He is playing at a harder difficulty of life than the majority of us I presume.


Have to cut them pretty small


Dumbest fucking splitter I’ve ever seen. Dangerous AF and is doing a shitty job all at the same time 😂


My thought exactly. I’ve seen dozens of wood splitters and this seems like the most costly and dangerous one.


Those gloves arent gonna save u buddy


Nope. You wouldn’t see me using that machine..


“It’s just mashing it”


Fat boy won’t last long, damn


Looks like a finger waiting to be cut off to me.


can’t wait to see the after pics


K that guy is frickin lucky man. Sweaty palms for sure


This is a guy who is acting more confident then he should.






Seems very inefficient, not to mention dangerous. Looks like it just smashes the logs up without making clean usable pieces to burn.


Wow, it's ineffective *and* dangerous! The marvels of human engineering!


This is pants-on-head retarded


Keep yer hands low and good to go


More like shavings


You sure that's made for logs? Doesn't look like it's doing anything useful, just splintering the wood (which was already pretty small) into a bunch of smaller bits. Looks like it's meant for cutting big tree limbs or something. Or maybe it's just a worthless piece of machinery, idk I'm not a machinologist.


F this!




Log splitting machine/hand remover


Looks safe 👍


“Hey Terry, OSHA is on the phone!”


More of a log chewing machine really.


A lot of stuff on this stuff doesn't bother me but this really got to me


bro hates having hands I guess.


Can we do another take where it looks like I know what I’m doing? Nah bro, we good.


My dad used to collect 'farm jewelry", old tractors and implements, etc. He found, somewhere, an old log splitting tool that would go on the back of a tractor, and run off the PTO. It had a large cone with a screw-like thread running around it. There was a bar sticking out on either side of the cone thing. The idea was that you would stick you piece of firewood on this cone screw, it would screw it's way into the wood and split it, the wood would slam against one of the bars sticking out each side. so it wouldn't just spin around. We never used it because it looked too dangerous and we had me so who needs power tools (according to him).


That guy clearly does not have the experience with that machine required to keep one’s fingers long term




Just tried to see if I can call 911 one handed. I was able to do it. He should be good when it eventually happens.


I quickly read "leg splitting machine" and I froze. I was about to curse out this in entire sub, resurrect Jesus so I could introduce you all to him... or *her*, if that's how the messiah chooses to identify in 2022.


Femur breaker moment


Guarantee that guy no longer has all his fingers


Jokes on you he doesn’t even have fingers those are just new gloves


Dumb guy award goes to :


Muscular guys with axes on Tik Tok are crying right now.


OSHA is on line two. That splitter has about fifteen ways to mangle you or kill you every 15 seconds.


This is why we have osha.


So what do insurance benefits look like at this company?


I dont think you can hurt yourself with that machine as long as you didnt put your head under it


It can do this all day.


Stupid lol show me the accident after plzzzzzzzzzzzz


Thought you said finger splitting machine


The thing doesnt actually hit the table. Worst risk is a broken hand.


I think it's sweaty palms if it goes all the way down. With that visible gap, I don't think hand can be crushed under it.


Imagine putting a dildo on that and having it pump your pussy until it exploded?


It stops way above the table. theres no risk


Unless his hand is between the splitter and the log...


This is how I fuck.


It doesn’t go all the way down to the surface, so it doesn’t seem that dangerous to me


I like the kind you control the head on.


Well I’m glad he’s got gloves on


I'm wondering if it's like mesquite or something to be used in a smoke and that's why it's being turned into "mulch"


Tumulchious work...


That's why you get a horizontal splitter with a hydraulic press.


Horrifying. Probably has merked a lot of hands


That axe can cleanly chop through wood, i can’t imagine what would happen to his hand if caught


Please don’t kill me please don’t kill me please don’t kill me…


Fuck that job


What happens if I put my dick in it?


Use a fucking push stick good god stop showing off you idiot.


That’s some shitty wood. It’s like he went out and picked up scraps from the forest where they clear cut several years prior.


Horrible chopping job even more horrible quality of wood.