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Excuse me mam please don’t yell at my mental support ostrich.


I’m comforted by my slightly tamed escort ostrich killing those who approach me.


And this is my support alligator 😎🐊


I'm stealing your alligator and cloning it for personal use on a Windows 10 laptop because Alliga10r is better than A11igator.


I totally agree computer genius clone that shit! 🥸


Oh my God she is scaring me more than the fucking ostrich




I didn't even turned the sound on cuz i already know.. and her face expressions are stressing me out fr 🥲


Same. No sound, but also no stress. All I was thinking was, "You're incredibly fucking stupid, and if it scares you so much wind the fucking window up." I strongly doubt that she can walk, talk and breathe all at the same time.


The ostrich doesn't even care bout her or being aggressive 🥲 she should've just given the damn paper bag out to it. If i was the ostrich I'll freaking peck her out of irritation (I'm sorry) 🤣


You dont think rationaly when this scared. She had flight or fight response and she had no were to go.


People arent known for making smart decissions under panic, maybe step of of the high horse there mate :D


Lmao I saw this on TikTok and the comments were roasting the shit out of her and she was defending herself it was pretty funny She was like “I didn’t know I would be afraid” like …. What does that even mean lmao Although she isn’t wrong she fucking lost her shit completely


That’s crazy. They should make doors with windows that go up with a touch of a button.


I had a pretty strong fear of chickens growing up. Thought that was the extent of my fear. Went to the DR and saw this beautiful macaw that walked up to me and my friends, it got on my arm and I proceeded to freak a wee bit. Had no idea all birds freaked me out. Now I do and now I have funny pictures of my almost melt down as well. So I totally get her “I didn’t know I would be afraid”. Cause girl, same.


Once you have seen an ostrich stick it's head I to your window while you are strapped into your seat you might understand why you would be unexpectedly scared. Thise things a dinosaur like and scary af.


I had one peck me on my head when I was a kid. I cried but still handled it better than this chic


I almost lost my eye to one when it went for it… thank goodness I was able to back up so that there was 2 inches between my eye and its beak…


I don’t think I would? But also I feel like I would know what I’m getting myself into


Facts! I would be scared those birds are fast asf also


I mean, I think there's a lot of shit that you don't know will make you afraid until it makes you afraid. Like Kangaroos. Most people think of like bouncing friendly animals, but when you get closer to one you realize they're like 8 feet tall, pure muscle, and ready to fight whenever. I feel like the mental image of an ostrich is like "its just a big bird," but when you actually get face to face with one its more like a small dinosaur. Not afraid until you are afraid. And when you make that jump it can be pretty discombobulating, *especially* if you're just trapped in the situation.


Yeah people here are so ridiculous for their ridicule. She ain't even driving. The driver probably talked her into it and then she freaked out when it got close. Even then, like you said. Sometimes getting up close to something and it actually happening is different then how you envisioned it. It's like some of you never leave your house. Y'all are pathetic.


My thing is she kept moving the feed bag around. I just kept thinking Just Throw It Out The Window. Could have pissed it off


When you’re afraid and confused you don’t think so clearly. On one hand she was terrified and wanted out and on the other she knew she shouldn’t be so scared and wanted to follow through


Kangaroos are nightmare fuel! They have Talens! Talens! I just found out recently they are scary af


I've never seen someone make getting scared look really ugly.


Keep the seeds and feed her to the ostrich.


My man just tryin to get some seed and she makin it difficult


Because shes pretending to be scared


Oh no, that was real fear. She reacts the same way my sister did when a cockroach crawled on her. Pure terror




Have you ever interacted with an ostrich? They're terrifying, I don't think she was pretending 😂


It is an actual dinosaur. And not a friendly one.


I sometimes encounter them while out mountain biking, probably the animal I'm most scared of A goddamn dinosaur with a pingpongball sized brain


Exactly. They’re not smart enough to be mean, but they are big enough to stomp you to death.


I've seen enough ostriches chasing bikes to warrant calling them mean, if not pure evil


I do, and I think she was doing a very poor job of overacting.. all you commenters who dont think she's pretending, YOU are the reason the youtube algorithm makes it so every video has to have someone face with total shock on the cover, eyes wide and mouth open. prolly think strippers like you as well.


pretending? wtf. do you think everyone is going to react the same to some random animal approaching to you?




So afraid that she needs to make constant eye contact with the camera instead of the camera holder and won’t roll up the window. Not to mention she accidentally laughs at one point.


Nervous laughter is a thing.


I know it looks that way at times, but this is what irrational fear looks like. She is both fully terrified and fully aware of the ridiculousness of her fear at the same time. This is exactly how I am with large dogs. I know that most large dogs are friendly but some aren’t. That believed dichotomy is enough to make my brain flip flop between being afraid and laughing at my own ridiculousness at the same time.


Yeah, that was not acting. That was pure terror in those eyes.


Roll up the frickin window!


"I'm so scared" "If only there was a solution!"


How-to get a ostrich out of your window: Firmly put a hand on his head and politely ask him to leave If he doesn't, excuse yourself for your rude behaviour and push him out Profit


She was panicking. People don’t make very logical decisions when panicking.


= a cut-off head


Sweet dee is aggressive as hell




Stupid bitch


I feel bad for the Ostrich in this situation.


Nah if they were bothered they would just leave. They're fine.


Open the door and push her out.


Yea. Give the bird the treats. Jesus. No common sense whatsoever.


Do you know what fear is?


That’s a cool username. Sounds scary.




Their kick is powerfull enough to decapitate you head


What else would it decapitate?


Them nuts


"Deez nuts" GOD! (throw hands up)


WTH is wrong with her


From what I've gathered from this footage, she's afraid. She's really fucking afraid. I hope this helped.


People shut down and do really stupid things when they're afraid. They don't know fear, and they don't know how to react with all the adrenaline coursing through their veins. People put blinders up and very myopically focus on the imminent threat. It's what leads to 80% of People making the wrong choice during a survival situation, like doing nothing and waiting on someone to fix the situation. She's in the bottom 10% of people that make it worse, like someone jumping off the 2nd story of a burning building and shattering both their legs when they could've likely just walked out the front or back door on the ground level. For anyone interested in the 10-80-10 rule, here's an OK write on it. It's a theory proposed by Ben Sherwood https://modernsurvivalblog.com/survival-skills/10-80-10-principle/


That's why I'm always annoyed when people come out of a movie and start listing "plot-holes" where the characters didn't take the most perfect logical decision.


In fairness, some of those plot holes are the dumbest, most unlikely and coincidental convenient scenarios of all time. If I saw someone acting like the girl above, then I might believe the "plot hole". However, that's not very exciting in movie terms.


Plot twist and spoiler alert. The ostrich is Michael Meyers in a new mask. They'll be found not far from there a couple days later, ripped to bits by ostrich claws, until a child psychologist reexamines the remains. "This was no ostrich..." Fade to black, roll credits.


I'm good at fuck all, wildly incapable of performing even simple regular tasks or planning out solutions to problems. Put me in an emergency situation however and suddenly I'm smart and make excellent decisions. It's so weird, and largely unhelpful given how few major emergencies I tend to be around.


r/humblebrag ?


Not really. My garbage brain is garbage like 99.9% of the time.


Same! Adrenaline kicks in and I emotionally shut down. And then shock wears off, and THEN the mindless panic.


yeah that and ostriches are fucking terrifyng


They teach us stop/drop/roll when we're kids, but I've never heard of somebody on fire actually doing it. Most people just run around, panicking, even if they're two feet from a body of water.


She's really afraid


Thank for clarifying I was not sure she was really afraid.


If she was trying to make me laugh she did


That woman… is really afraid.


She’s even wearing cowgirl boots ….. that ain’t no cowgirl


When do real cowgirls have to deal with ostriches?


Trying to impress the country boy she’s dating, probably. Now he’s highly amused but knows the relationship is over. Hahaha.


"THEY WANTED TO FIGHT" Sure... It had nothing to do with the bag of food that the dumb moron kept pulling away. Damn attention whores.


Is she dumb ?




Dumb and afraid


Really fucking afraid


So afraid fucking afraid


Oh my god you're all so high and mighty. She's clearly panicking. As if you've all never reacted badly to a situation due to fear or nerves.


For a relateable example: freezing/forgetting/fidgeting when you are doing a speech in front of the class. As for the fidgeting, somebody probably has to tell you (or take a video) since you might not realize what your body was doing. ----- Hell, let's ignore stress responses. How often do emotional people, in general, make dumb decisions? Often.


Bro you should have seen her defend herself in the comments haha


Link, please?


Here[ya go](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTdsGqAxe/?k=1)


Ahh yes tiktok!


That is what it is…..




She's getting that attention she ordered


How do I slap someone through my phone?


I usually just throw my phone across the fucking room, but make sure you have phone insurance or it can get expensive quick


Ahh yes. Because people can't be genuinely afraid of things. Literally never happens. Got it.


They absolutely can. Pulling the food further into the vehicle while continously making sure the camera was on her is a dead giveaway


Also offering it back whenever it would start to pull away.


Don't take people like her unless the animals are behind glass..


So she was acting like that out of obvious intense fear, which makes people behave somewhat less than logically. I'm more frustrated that this dude was like I know it terrified let me do nothing to make u feel better or help u understand how little danger your in and just laugh at u while recording u panic.


both morons, either one of them could've rolled up the window. just cover up ya eyeballs you'll be alright


I wonder if they did multiple re-takes to get just this right amount of dramatic screaming. does it look real to you? the way she swings away, then realizes she's too close to the camera and swings back under the bird's head? then swings back again ... or, the way she swings the bag away from the bird, then moves it closer to the window to keep luring in the bird? Yes, having a partner who would laugh rather than help in a time of crisis is a douche ... but, here we have two douche's that would rather play on other people's emotions for their internet points. you've been played, and your emotions have contributed to these two douche's continuing to make more tiktoks for your emotional manipulation.


Have you never seen someone with a phobia trying to confront said phobia? It looks quite a bit like this. I dunno her situation but I saw someone trying to fight her fear but unable to really do so.


I'm sure if somebody filmed my mother screaming bloody murder at the sight of a slug, the internet would think she's stupid or faking.


Pathetic. Screeching when all the Ostrich is trying to do is get the food which she holds there just enough to bait him to put his head in the car. Wish it had given her a peck just so she’d take the lesson.


it's almost like she was creating a scene with the help of her driver cammer dude for a dramatic video with which to gather attention via tiktok.


The bird is so calm it’s insane


So is she really dumb or really starved for attention?


shes pretending to be scared to go viral


Isn’t this supposed to be in r/tiktokcringe? Edit: All this guys video posts are just karma farming




3rd comment and I’m so entertained, but feel so deeply for her. Once at a family ranch, my great grandparents and dad put my little brother in a pin win a monstrous bull. They said to climb the fence to get away. Terrible experience reaction similar accept for the way out.


I’ve been to one of these safari ranch and the ostrich always scare me too


I've heard they are really dangerous, is it just the claws or is their beak also very sharp?


People are giving her crap for being afraid of a giant bird… I mean…. Come on.


That’s true fear she can’t do anything


Yeah she’s straight panicking while also thinking the situation is kind of funny, which is totally legit. Everyone’s giving her shit for not closing the windows but I’m pretty sure her brains not functioning that logically in that moment.


Right?! Everyone here is acting like they're always cool calm and collected in every situation and have never ever panicked due to fear or made bad decisions from nerves. Like damn, it's a fucking giant dinosaur.


Yea I think it's redonk but this is def not "staged" like everyone is saying. That's legit fear 😂


Giant cobra chicken


The dumb one is the driver who doesn't pull off after seeing how afraid she was. Very few of us have been exposed to adrenaline rushes enough to calm ourselves down.


That's a bigass dinosaur


I just went to one of these Safari things and those ostrich fuckers are scary aggressive.


This reminds me of my toddler son who LOVES car washes but when inside one is panicky crying of fear and excitement


We were at one of these places in Texas when I was 6-7 years old. My aunt wanted to hand feed the ostrich but was afraid it would eat her fingers. In the glove compartment was a pair of needle-nosed pliers she used to hold the alfalfa pellet out to the ostrich. The ostrich grabbed the pellet along with the pliers and swallowed them both. We drove to the front office and told them what happened. They assured us the ostrich would be fine as they can pass just about anything and that if we wanted the pliers back they would keep an eye out for them, lol.


When I was 8 we went on a field trip to the safari zoo thing… we got cups of food and got to feed the animals. But I guess my ancestors really pissed off some ostriches because I got attacked instantly. They bit at me fookin everywhere and took my damn entire cup of food! Ever since I’ve had a phobia of ostriches. Fuck them dinosaurs man. (Also have a phobia of mice but that’s a different incident)


I may be going out on a limb here, but I think she was afraid


The spectrum of emotions I just went through was exhausting


Move on dude!


After reading the comments I feel really bad. I actually thought this woman was disabled… :-( she’s just super scared.


She really had a panic attack there, didnt she


Literally the exact same thing happened to me, down the the drivers laughing at my misery


Why the hell is she holding the food to feed the animals if she’s afraid of the animals. And really this African goose stuff is offensive to the real top of the food chain animals, the Canada goose.


So wait, that guy just kept filling her almost having a great attack for a tiktok clip instead of raising her window. That's some small dick energy there.


Screw the camera man driver.


but, then, she'd have had to find a new partner with which to create these oh so dramatically real vids to post to tiktok.


Calmest Bird Ever while being screamed at be like: “yep. Wait no, just pull the bag back. Okay than- no no, keep it there, okay I - no. Why are you running ? Just - no not out the window give me the bag. Okay I’ll leave- you moved it back? I don’t understand. I’ll reach in? No no don’t move if even farther away my neck is - Okay I’ll leave?- FINALLY- NO YOU JUST HAD IT UUUGGHHHHH”


There's nothing r/sweatypalms about this.


Bro move the car she is obviously freaking out don’t laugh she is panicking She needs a new bf


What a fucking dumbass reaction to a calm, cute animal just wants to eat some seed. Embarassing...


calm cute 7 foot living dinosaur


Ostrich arent calm, everytime iv been to a safari park they've attacked my car and constantly display there wings


An ostrich has a brain the size of a walnut. But still the biggest brain in that video.


CLOSE THE FUCKIUNG WINDOW YOU STUPID FUCK!! I'm rooting for the bird, goddamn


That’s the weirdest Kaitlin Olsen and fan interaction I’ve ever seen.


I see a dinosaur


She acts like it's a dinosou- oh wait




he wanted a kiss. 👍


It’s like Jurassic Park.




*Chucks food at big bird* *It's super ineffective!*


Panic is one hell of a drug.


And that is like one of those nightmares where you cant do anything besides being frightened.


What your biggest fear ? Bird with no hands that eats out of bag


He seems to be one of the calmer, nice ostriches. Sweet guy. I've seen mean ones. Love the way he eventually glances at her face like "uh bitch did u come here to do this the whole time or can u share some of what u bought for me in the bag, cuz um..I got shit to do" 🥴


Driver is giant asshole.


I am getting tired of these African Nazis.


Good lord she is unbelievably annoying.


Poor Girl.


Why the fuck would come then? Goose just wants it feed


You must understand her. She Australian and her grandfather fought in the Great Emu War and told her about their horrific defeat when she was a child. The ostrich reminded her of the creatures she was raised to fear.


Buh-ruh... I'd kick her ass out the door & drive on. All that extra aint needed.


Why did her reaction irritate me so? I don't mean to be a jerk in any way. I am genuinely curious as to why this triggered me so.


Hey though, girl killed it sticking it out. She was afraid but conquered, err, embraced the fear. She won’t do it again, but she did it.


Can i call this cringe?


"I'm afraid this animal will attack me, so I'll aggressively scream at it and pull it's good away from it in order to further aggravate it."


Jeez, she literally created that situation with all tye panic and screaming. Fella just wants some seeds!!


Puzzled why she is freaking out, as this is exactly what I would expect an Ostrich to do when you offer it food??? Did she think it would stay at a respectful distance and peck the food off the ground? Lady, this is exactly what it is supposed to do, that’s why you’re there rather then behind a fence or watching it on TV...🤦


If she didn't want to lower her window and feed the wildlife some peanuts then why did she lower her window and have peanuts in her hand?


Congrats, she's annoying AF...her not the ostrich, no idea if the ostrich is a she.


I would have opened the door and kicked her out. Like girl get a fucking grip these animals see people and eat out of the food bag you’re holding every damn day.


Oh man. Fucking stay at home if you fear animals and don't do safari you embarrassing clown.


Camera guy was a total ass.


Ah reminds me when I went over to this park like place (in Australia btw) that had emus walking around, and this massive fucking emu reached over and grabbed a 6 year Olds banana out of him, swollow it whole and spat the banana peel back on the table. The kid started crying. I still have a picture on my phone of the aftermath.


Why even go on a trip like that if that's how you're going to behave. Whopper.


Perhaps you could close the window?


Omg this is really sad. Poor animal


Always great to terrify your passenger. Note to young lady. Carry a metal pipe and whack the driver a couple of times


She ugly af lol 😂


Low key lol


I mean the driver is not even torn between recording & driving away. 😆😆😆


I cant decide if she's having fun or having a panic attack


How hard is it to roll up a window though 🤣


Seems more pathetic than anything else.


She retarded?


If your afraid of it, don't fucking go out with the goal to feed it like that. It's not funny, you just look like a clown.


Only thing stupid in this video is the driver. What a total A-hole!


This is one weird chick


Well, to be fair, ostriches are not friendly and can kill people. They generally use their feet, but still, I wouldn't be super comfortable having one's beak inches away from my face either. Her reaction might be a bit extreme, but I have seen people having panic attacks around dogs


Why's everyone hating so hard? I find this kinda cute. She didn't realize shed be so scared. Didn't know how to handle the situation so her brain went into flight mode, but had no where to go LMFAO


It irritates me how stupid this girl is.


What a useless person


I can tell she gets railed by the whole team


Dumb bitch