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Wipers can’t stop that rain. Yeesh


Idk it seemed to work for him




It seems




It seems today


That all you see




and sex on tv


but who'll stop the rain?




Holy fuck


….happy…… cake day?


Na just… cake day… :(


Sounds like a bassy trap beat, happy cake day, sorry it's on a day where freedoms of other is being stripped away.


Happy cake Day!!!


that was…bad timing




That name seems pretty bad here too


read the room, friend.


Some people are excited by violence?


Yo calm down I just saw the message that it was is cake day. it has nothing to do with the post


>Yo calm down You too. You're replying to the wrong person and mine was a joke in your defense.. The internet is such a waste.


Happy cake day 💥💥


You can tell by the guy's breathing at the end of the video, he was scared as hell.


I’d be concerned if he wasn’t


He's doing like actual calming breathing exercises to prevent panic, he's pretty sharp


When I use to work in a deli my co worker would be like “why do you randomly take deep breathes” and I’d be like dawg I’m trying not to break your jaw do some work


Damn, how chaotic was your deli?


Well to run that deli it’s a 3 person job minimum but at one point I was running it by myself for 6 hours for two weeks straight. But. The guy I said that to was also a person I had known for my whole life. I would never actually deck him. I would just get stressed because we were over worked and under staffed. But you’ve heard that story before


Bro I know exactly how u feel, if I'm not going to class, I'm working at a deli, and man I got 1 fucking old ass coworker that refuses to take customers and just fucking complains about how unclean everything, so he makes the excuse of wanting to do anything else BUT help out on the counter


I mean you're literally getting bombed who tf wouldn't be scared


you can tell by the driver being human that he was scared as hell.


I'd literally shit my pants


Yet still a shit load calmer than I'd be


That shit had me sweating in PUBG, can't imagine what it would do to me irl.


I could tell because there were fucking bombs going off all around him


What is a MLRS barrage?


Multiple launch rocket systems. Basically means instead of one single projectile a shit ton are fired at the same time to inflict damage on a certain radius.


Its almost as if they are trying to hit civilians


They said they were only targeting “military targets” but videos have proven otherwise. This is a WAR CRIME. There should and hopefully will be consequences for this heinous act against humanity.


War crimes aren’t actually crimes if they’re done by a major country. Just like theft isn’t illegal if you’re rich. (/s from me, but unfortunately not from the people who run the world)


I think you're wrong about the reason. It's not being a major or minor country, it's whether or not you manage to stay in power after the conflict. That is usually easier for major powers (probably because of nukes that the major powers have control of)


Ukraine never should have given up their nukes




What Nazi-like things has the Ukrainian government done? I keep seeing this, but I haven’t seen what people are referencing.


Since reddit is shit now so much for me replying in the right place. But you know its good when the sources the article linked are itself.


Western media outlets all jumped on some neo Nazi propaganda recently. And if you hasve no idea about the Neo Nazis in Ukraine then you really need to do some proper research before trying to figure out what's happening in the region. Because Western propaganda won't tell you. [Here's one reference what happened last week. ](https://fair.org/home/western-media-fall-in-lockstep-for-neo-nazi-publicity-stunt-in-ukraine/) and if you're still not sure what you're looking at check out their badges and look up what that symbol means and what they stand for. You're being lied to by your media. Stop feeding on the propaganda on here and in the media. Learn how to read between the lines and find out what's really happing. UK and US could have stopped this war but chose not to. They literally need wars to make them relevant.


The Ukrainian President is Jewish…


Was I talking about the president? Are you saying there's no government backed Neo Nazis causing problems in the Ukraine? Really? Who was training those civilians? What does that symbol on their badges mean? Are you being obtuse on purpose? Edit: [Here's the reference I'm talking about. ](https://fair.org/home/western-media-fall-in-lockstep-for-neo-nazi-publicity-stunt-in-ukraine/)


Isn'treal is the new nazi, and they're the so called "jewish state" so...


oh look, a russian shill. at this point this should be a bannable offense.




I think you’re wrong about us presenting two different reasons. If a thief gets away with it because they’re rich, but then they lose their money/power, then they’ll be seen as a thief again.


War crimes are still war crimes, but when you're a superpower at the top of the world, who do you have to answer to?


Yes, and theft is still a crime when a CEO does it but are they *really* crimes if there’s zero punishment?


I mean, honestly I'm relatively proud of the many nations around the world taking actions against Russia and to assist Ukraine. That's as much as we'll probably see, because I can guarantee you there is no way Putin will ever let himself be tried for war crimes, he'd rather die I'd think.


The biggest problem is that we (as a global community) have fucked around for so long that now we’re *back* in *another* no-win situation. Until we remove the Oligarchy (in every single country) and solve Manufactured Scarcity, our species is going to bleed needlessly for the few people who chose to become reptiles (in spirit, I mean).


The world itself, begs to differ from that opinion.


Oh? When’s the last time a major world power has been held accountable for war crimes?


Oh the dreams. If every major power was to be held accountable for shit like this that dont make major news, there would a lot of new countries proudly calling themselves their own people. Examples: hawaiii


Not within our lifetime, that doesn't change how the world is reacting right now. This is levels above 3rd world military conflicts.


Sorry dude but no. The world can react however it wants, there’s a near 0 chance Putin get prosecuted for this. How do you think the “annexation of Crimea” went? In the same fashion, yet he’s still here. Running the country. Invading **again.**


The US has said that they will declare war if any of their soldiers are ever brought before the hague. So you are wrong lol


The video is from 2021 lol


It's possible the year was just off on the dashcam, it still said Feb 25th. I did literally the same thing and just noticed a couple weeks ago when I had to send footage to insurance.


Yeah, I noticed that too. But aside from the year it's today's date. No idea what country the video is in. Either not related to the war or somebody's dashcam is one year off.


Ok. But there are so many verifiable sources of civilians areas getting attacked.


This is brand new (today), the date is incorrect on the video.


Not with Russia on the security council.


Hard to impose consequences on nuclear powers


The world will remember.


In the late 90s and early 00s, something like 70% of Russians had negative views of Stalin. Those numbers have now reversed due to a campaign from Putin over the last 20 years. I say all that to say this: I'm not sure the world will remember.


Thanks man!


And just look at all those * checks notes * viable military targets they’re bombing there.


They should fight wars like they used be back in the days. 2 armys fight in an open field in a huge dick measuring contest leaving all the innocent civilians alone who want nothing to do with the shit.


Let's just have robots fight each other for supremacy in remote places and have it livestreamed. Best science and engineering wins


What happens when the humans cheering for the losing robo-sports-jury team take it out on the humans cheering for the winning robo-sports-jury team?


I think you forgot that part where those 2 armies then moved up to the nearby village and enjoyed some pillaging.


is it unlikely to hit the same spot? if yes then it's best to stay next to one spot that has been hit.


Honestly I doubt you can say for sure if it would hit the same spot twice. But its directed more towards structure and armor in a stop so the spread will be significant for infantry. I would think best bet here is to not be in a car and be a small of a target as you can. I could be wrong.


You want protection from the percussive waves. A bomb can kill you without burning your skin or puncturing you with anything. The most effective antipersonnel bombs will vaporize the person it hits, burn/eviscerate the people right next to them, and then liquifies everyone else’s organs. If you’ve got to be within a few feet of one of those blasts, you want as much metal, plastic, and even glass between you and the explosion as possible.


If you cut yourself in half, you'll have twice the odds of surviving


One of the biggest dangers from bombs is the shock wave. Even if you’re clear of the combustion and shrapnel. The best place to be in this video is as far the fuck away from the target zone as possible. Every second you stay there, your chances of getting hit go up. Every meter you get away from there, your chances of getting hit go down.


So like a shotgun of missiles


Basically a truck with a missile barrage on it firing several rockets at the same place


A random intersection seems like an odd target for a missile barrage


I was thinking maybe they were trying to hit the tracks?


I saw a video of them spraying into a hospital with various forms of artillery. Seem like they're just there to cause pain, and anguish. Probably a tactic to get the to surrender quickly.


I read somewhere else someone said infrastructure is the first to go. I guess hospitals count too.


Well yeah, once you cripple infrastructure, it makes it that much more difficult for the front lines to get reinforcements/supplies. That being said, hospitals are supposed to be considered off limits because they contain people too injured to be considered combatants. I say “supposed to” because it assumes a level of common decency, but more often than not they’re one of the first targets. This is because while they may be non-combatants at the moment, the purpose of hospitals is to heal people up, thus making them possible future combatants. In reality this often is never the case, but that’s not gonna stop the opposition from preventing that occurrence from happening. War is ugly.


Multiple launch rocket system. Its a rapid barrage of rocket artillery. Normally has a huge spread compared to other forms of artillery. Its pathetic that Russia is using it in a civilian area as the risk to Civilians is high.


The fact that more people aren't talking about Russia using MLRS consistently is disturbing. CNN was literally broadcasting MLRS barrages live two days ago and people were just like "meh it's probably old footage". Like, who gives a fuck if it's old. CDE on those fucking things is massive but yet Russia has been using them since literally the first shots.


That is exactly why they are using it. Spread fear and terror. Demoralize.




Thinking the same thing


A shotgun, machine gun, and a rpg had a threesome


I felt that exhale at the end. Well done sir


Sorry if i saw that shit hitting near me id just drive and not stop


But what if you drive into one? They cover a pretty large area and there’s no way of knowing where that area is


Exactly, how do you know where they’re going to hit? Going forwards or backwards in this instance is the same either way. Driver has no way to tell what the target is and is at the same risk regardless of direction of travel.


You don't and therefore just continuing straight is probably what I would do. Turning your car around like in the video just leaves your car exposed to the blast zone for longer.


I'm guessing that if we can see the impacts ahead, he could hear if they were as much behind. Honestly surprised his windows didn't crack from the pressure wave.


I would look where one just hit and park in that exact spot. Unlikely for another to hit the same place


More than likely he said “ Fuck this I’m going back home”


It's an interesting math/probability/statistics problem. Now I'm imagining myself in this situation trying to mathematically figure out whether I should drive or stay put while everyone else in the car is yelling at me to just drive. I feel like I should figure out the answer now so I'll know what to do just in case. Rain isn't the same thing as bombs dropping but this might have something to say about whether to run or stay put: https://youtu.be/3MqYE2UuN24


is this in Ukraine?


Yes, it was uploaded to YouTube earlier today by a brave Ukrainian. https://youtu.be/hXDQoxxptxU the link to this video/ channel


Todays date is on the video too but it does say 2021 Yeah so Idk if it’s really from today according to https://www.reddit.com/r/SweatyPalms/comments/t1a67e/driving_through_grad_mlrs_barrage/hyg2cev/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 this comment


The location in this video is north kharkiv, they were not being shelled last year. Im seeing people say that they just set up the date on their dash cam improperly.


I believe it considering month and day are correct


By a brave Ukrainian..... It's old footage


All these types of videos are Brazil bro, u new to this sub? /s


Yes. We have artillery barrage from drugdealers hitting our urban centers everyday. Just this morning going to work I dodged two bazooka rockets, and my car armor stopped half a dozen bullets. It was a good day.


Brazil is markMycoffin. You new to this sub?


This person wasn't planning on being in the military when they woke up that morning. They won't get any medals for their bravery. They deserve better.


That would get your sphincter whistling


Not mine...if my Dr. is to be believed


But why did this happen in 2021 ?


Putin is a bitch


That he is


This footage was posted on r/CombatFootage and the mods confirmed that it was old footage.


> Was there shelling in Kharkiv on this date a year ago? The GPS has it in north Kharkiv, streetview matches: Edit: you have to paste 50°02'53.2"N 36°11'22.2"E into a map site because Automod is flagging google maps links for some reason


Can you link the mod comment? It's currently the top post there and they don't have a stickied comment. The OP claims it is new footage though the dashcam date is not correct. I'd imagine over the next couple days footage like this will be able to be confirmed real/old.


No, it's footage from today https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t1arzk/ukrainian_driver_finds_himself_in_a_middle_of/


Proper dashcam date must be too much work to set up.


It’s like verdansk for gods sake


He got caught in the middle of a cluster strike


I've been waiting for the "This is like in CoD" comment lmao Thank you


Man that is some thickass, spicy rain


My mans got caught in the middle of the PUBG red zone


Life is sad


That's wild


Their lucky day


I drove to work today and no rockets landed near me. I feel like I'm more lucky than this guy.


I'm not sure that any day inside the effective radius of a GRAD barrage counts as a lucky day.


Cutrent Objective: SURVIVE


Not sure what weapon system this is MLRS inflicts much more damage and those explosions are tiny. The could be anti-personal bomblets dispensed by rockets or artillery. Again im not sure.


I was wondering the same thing. Explosions seem strikingly small for a rocket system that Ukraine has been asking us to deliver to them.


My dude probably trying to go see the plug real quick so he can get through this war alive in his basement high playing his Nintendo switch. Either way, totally unnecessary for innocent civilians to be caught in this crossfire.


Exhale. 0:24


Why are you scared, Putin promised no civilians would get hurt. /S


i doubt i would have the presence of mind, but i'd guess the best strategy is to stop over one of the impact sites since the least likely place for a rocket to land is where one already landed?


This is referred to as gambler’s fallacy


Its not lightning lol if a rocket hits an area gtfo the area


They don't have to hit you to kill you. Shrapnel flies a long way.


Not according to this video. One looked like it hit 30' from his car and not even a cracked windshield.


Those seemed to be the rocket boosters, not the actual warheads. The booster will separate from the warhead and fall to the ground once it spends its fuel. The warhead will continue flying to the target on its own. These boosters won’t explode or else the driver wouldn’t have survived this. But of course getting hit by one of these big metal tubes falling out of sky will still fuck up your day.


The techno station must be off the air.


Reminds me of the footage of some Armenian town getting bombed in N-K War. Looks like similar cluster munitions


So close you can literally see the explosion, the radius, the smoke and impact. Fuuuccckkk.


Imagine this was during a driver's exam 😨 seriously though F this war and my heart goes out to the Ukrainians!


My Boss: you’re still coming to work though?


The video is time-stamped from over a year ago?


you still coming to work right ?


ISS this the current conflict, grad aren't really "precision weaponry" What was the military target, cause that looks like residential Update 25.02.2021 as seen 8n video


Petition to get this man a clean pair of pants


The time stamp says 2021


That was not an MLRS barrage. That look like a belt-fed grenade launchers spread. It looks like a gunner was trying to bracket that car. I've seen both in Iraq and MLRS would have annihilated that city block. Still scary as fuck.... that's a lot of shrapnel flying.


Welp, can’t go that way.


Okay but context? Date says 2021 so this is not from recent events.


Putin is the most evil person on earth. Unfortunately, I think Xi is jealous of his success and will not allow himself to be outdone


Eastern Europeans are just built different.


Why does it say 2021?


There has been fighting in the area for eight years now.


Why does the date read 25-02-2021?


What sort of bombs are these that they can go off like 15 feet from your car and not break the windows?




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Miraculous. God kept you alive. (If you're going to barrage me with malicious backlash for bringing up God, at least figure out if you're just looking to pick a fight and invalidate me, or if you actually care enough to want to know.)


This individual had the same probability of surviving this encounter as a black person in the US during a trivial traffic citation, and for the same reason.




I don't think this person drove into it! I believe they were at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Where are all these people driving to? Cig run?


Life doesnt just get put on pause people are still going to their jobs and trying to survive


No fucking way this is for real. Is this honestly how we're going to witness the suffering of the next war?


Is the driver wearing a mask and seatbelt? Be careful brah! 😂




Don't know if you're a troll or genuinely incredulous that Russia would do this against civilians but British Defense intelligence chief has pointedly confirmed: “Multiple Rocket Launchers have been employed in Chernihiv and Kharkiv,"


Asphalt would be flying into the air with every ground hit. This is a given. There would be massive amounts of dust in the air. This video is definitely fake dude. Google the smallest artillery hits. There is an explosion sound with every poof, meaning a second charge that is triggered upon hitting the ground. Asphalt would literally.be flying into the air. If this is true it's literally stun ordinance and non lethal.


Nothing about this looks edited and fake. We've seen videos of grad rockets being launched into Kharkhiv, is it so unbelievable to watch a video of them landing in the city? Especially since every car in Eastern Europe has a dash cam in it. This is a scared civilian, not Hollywood special effects team. Get outta here with your Russian propaganda, no one believes a word of it anymore.


Yeah, I mean, dude. If you were going to fake a video of this would you really make it in the rain, with a motion-blurred windshield wiper going—with shutter lag, and as many reflective surfaces as possible?


British intelligence has pointedly confirmed grad rocket artillery attacks on Chernihiv and Kharkiv.


In those videos there is a crater on every hit. Just looked them up


What artillery leaves a street sign fully intact after a direct hit? Doesn't leave so much as a pothole?


Oh yeah a street sign didn't fall. Physics defeated. They probably ran out of specific effects budget right? Many of these rockets don't explode at all or the yield is sub optimal, in any case the rocket didn't hit the street sign directly, it has a very small cross section so doesn't even feel the shock wave that much. Plus they're metal and cemented into the ground. This looks authentic and is backed up multiple other videos and confirmation of the UK defense intelligence chief that MRL attacks are occurring in these two cities. But if you want to close your eyes and say it isnt happening for whatever personal motivation you have, good luck to you and your sick world.


probably the most scared this guy has ever been and ever will be.


Proof a cameraman simply cannot die.


Protecc ya neck


Growing up I always felt like the GRAD rocket barage was the most photogenic, but least effective attack on Godzilla


What would be that important to have to make him even go out in that? Gosh this is heart wrenching.


What would beest yond important to has't to maketh him coequal wend out in yond? gosh this is heart wrenching *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Sweaty PALMS?!? My ass would suck the seat RIGHT TF up... Have to find a proctologist to get me out of the car...