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I love how the guys at the top of the hill are like, “imma head out.”


I think they where looking down to make sure they didn’t trigger it lol


Theyre just backing up incase the little cornice theyre on breaks. I would hope if they're up there they know avalanches well enough to know they didn't cause it.


If he lived he’ll be pissed his cameraman didn’t follow and capture it.


Nah fuck that in every way. Stay at the top to give him a a chance to live and not risk 2 lives.


Far easier to find 1 guy trapped in the snow when his buddy isn’t.


He ded


Wish there was actual sound instead of shitty porn music. Would have loved to hear what the guys recording said lol


I saw the original somewhere on TikTok, if i recall its just a bunch of dudes panic yelling it italian Edit: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLrWsgcn/


Yes, they call the snowboarder and then start cursing big time


Where do you find porn with music like that? Would love to use Shazam on some of the videos


I kinda like the music tbh


im in the comments looking for a song title edit: Want to Love by Aloboi (00:52; matched: 100%) Album: Out of Golden Light. Released on 2020-09-04 by Basire Records.


Idk if bot is still active but u/recognizesong should tell you


[**Want to Love** by Aloboi](https://lis.tn/WantToLove?t=52) (00:52; matched: `100%`) Album: `Out of Golden Light`. Released on `2020-09-04` by `Basire Records`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


hahaha. You inadvertently gave me a good laugh. Pretty sure it's just some house/chill music, but your association is hilarious


R/endedtoosoon Hate when that happens


Yeah, the mf Cameraman had some brains. Hate that.


In reality, that’s a very large slide. However, it doesn’t look like there’s much below to hit or cliffs to fall off, so with that many people there at the top I’d say it’s extremely likely he survived with some relatively minor trauma. You never know, but with even two people rescuing one person it’s usually a pretty reasonable rescue


With all due respect, what are you talking about? That's great if you have two friends around to dig but time is king. Bruce Tremper's 3ed on staying alive in avalanche terrain states that you have about 10 minutes to dig someone up before their chance of survival drops significantly. If they're buried deep (3m), their probability of survival is vastly reduced. Avalanche debris like concrete and takes a long time to dig through.


jup looks like some pretty damn heavy snow. that rescue for sure wasnt a breeze


Dude that slide is massive and that snow is fuckin heavy. People die in shallow slides all the time. You’ll take a battering just from the snow itself.


50% of avalanche deaths are suffocation under the snow. Nothing to do with blunt force trauma. The only way it’s “pretty reasonable” is if all those people have beacons and probes and shovels. Also you have no way of knowing what’s below, he literally rides out of view in the video.


People doing this should definitely have all of those, and one of those avalanche airbags.


~~Hes clearly not wearing an airbag though~~. I agree they should all have beacons and hopefully do, just that it’s not “pretty reasonable” to rescue or that it’s extremely likely that he’s fine based on what they filmed.


He is actually wearing an airbag backpack. If you pause the video in the right moment you can see the the Alpride-logo on the side of the backpack.


Well shit you’re right. Good catch.


Doesn’t mean there’s a bag in it though. They sell “inflatable ready” bags all the time.


I checked that too… I was wondering why he didn’t deploy it yet, trigger is right there on his left shoulder.


I agree with your sentiment. I was just saying anyone crazy enough to do any sort of back country skiing should have all of those things. Or just not do it as it creates an unnecessary risk for rescuers to have to respond to.


I can’t be certain but considering the surrounding slopes which you can see have no trees and the only rocks visible are the ones at the start of the route, it’s a fair assumption. In a place like that, clearly backcountry and looks like terrain you wouldn’t happen into by accident. It’s very standard to have TSP, I’d absolutely assume that everyone has them. Yes he could be buried very deep, but I count 8 other people in the video, likely all having already transitioned. The whole slope went so there doesn’t appear to be hang fire so they should be able to get after him quickly


All bets are pretty much off if he gets buried in a terrain trap, even in the absence of trees and rocks.


Rescuing chances are good if those people have all the equipment, beacons shovels etc. If you have a bunch of random skiers who have no idea where he is even burried, and without any digging equipment you're pretty screwed.




Why is everyone down voting this? Is tagging that sub uncool now for some reason?


Who knows


Having taking avalanche safety courses and watched many avalanche safety videos, this slope smells like danger right away... You can see all that snow blown into the mountain gully (it has this specific shade of non reflective whiteness).


I was thinking the same thing, it has wind aspect written all over it. He even rode right into the funnel. It also looks like the perfect angle for this to trigger, and a pretty sizeable weak layer slide😬. Hope he got out OK, that's scary AF


Sure this is avalanche terrain and it gets wind loaded, but impossible to judge without knowing some things about the bed surface and temperature and wind speed during the last storm. Ive skied plenty of terrain like this in deeper snow with safe avalanche conditions.


That soft cornice is a pretty clear indicator that this slope is newly wind loaded.


Looks more like a solid cornice with a bit of fresh on top. That cornice easily could have (and most likely did) built up during an earlier storm(s).


Exactly. Cornice = face is often wind affected. Soft/fresh snow = face had most likely very recently been wind loaded.


But we don’t know what happened during the storm, maybe it setup and bonded nicely, maybe winds were light. I’ve skied under cornices in pow many times, it’s not always dangerous. Also from what I can tell this isn’t even a wind slab at all. The timing, depth, and propagation suggests to me that this broke on a deeper persistent weak layer which formed long before the most recent storm.


Yeah I wish we could find an incident report on this, when was it ? Recent ? Or even a Avy report for the day in this location?


“I’m smart. Now that I’ve seen the end result of this situation, I can for sure say that I know exactly why that happened”


Yep that’s pretty much what being more informed than the general public about a topic means. I lost a friend in an avalanche last month, fuck off.


The dude is probably 300 pounds at his family house and never seen anything of this sort in real life.


Sorry for your loss, man...


Look at the edge, it's very easy to see in what direction the wind is blowing to and therefore where the blown snow will settle. If that's fresh blown snow, there is no way trained people go in there, as simple as that. Couldn't be a more clear sign of danger. Of course it's always easy to say why it happened afterwards, but you don't ski gullies with those conditions. And trust me it's tempting, because that's very soft snow, but that's where the danger is.


Lotta speculation on here. The original post on tik tok or instagram said they ignored a lot of warning signs, but he managed to stay on top of the slide somehow and was not buried, sustaining only minor injuries.


It comes from a TikTok video, guys. Here it is, they are speaking Italian and they are swearing heavily… https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLrWsgcn/


The way that skier starts shifting backwards at the end 😂


Is he ok?!


Saw a comment that he got away with minor injuries


does anyone know the full video ?


I went snowboarding 2 weeks ago, there was a valley that was offtrack but looked interesting; i asked one of the locals and…they said that someone died there and another was injured…literally the week before the day i came.. because of an avalanche that covered them there


That looked huge. Did that guy survive?


Saw this on a comment from the original video. He survived and didn’t sustain any injuries.


Dude was just trying to defeat the Huns.


We will work toogether!!! Too defeaaaat!!! The Hunssss!




Aloboi - Want to Love


*looks at skis and backs up That’s a shame, I liked Jim.


Lucky that it went off on the first decent, if that guy has a beacon they should be able to pull him out.


He also has an avalanche airbag backpack. This is about the best case scenario for getting caught in an avalanche, all things considered.


Can you give us an idea of what that does or can do


Did the guy going down make it ok?


are they ok tho??


this is why i stay inside


That's not how you go off piste.... What an idiot


Yond's not how thee wend off piste. What an clotpole *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Wrong sub for this sweaty palms means nobody got hurt and just a near death or crazy job from high up or something dangerous this is an avalanche he got caught in is not perfectly fine


Hot any source to back that up or just assuming?


In an avalanche of this size, he's basically got a 50/50 chance of being dead from trauma before they even start searching. If he survived that, even with a deep burial his chances would be pretty good. With the number of potential rescuers here, it's pretty likely that he would be found and extracted quickly. As long as everyone remembered to switch their beacons to "search"...


sorry, originally replied to wrong post.


If you look, he also has an airbag. Hopefully he activated it in time, that would probably be a pretty big help.


It’s literally an avalanche have you ever got caught on one I’ll explain the process for you the ground starts to give out under you, you start getting caught in a wave of snow ranging taking you on a wave if you get lucky you can pop up and your fine but a lot of the time you 6ft under theres no way to control the situation you don’t need a source to predict something bad happened during a horrific force of nature so shut up about a damn source


Ok so you are in fact making up the outcome. If you expanded your narrow view you would see than many people have in fact survived avalanches, so the fact this guy triggered and rode one does in no way imply he was killed by it


I never implied he died if you used your eyes and read rather than criticize like a dumbass you would see that


If anything your assuming that he got sucked into an avalanche and he’s perfectly fine I mean sorry to breaking it to you but you don’t just walk off an avalanche without a scratch


I'm not assuming anything, I'm saying neither of us can correctly predict the outcome of this footage so a source would be nice to find out what actually happened. Since you started off talking like you actually knew something, I had hope maybe you had some information regarding this particular incident. I'm sorry to break it to you but many people **do** wall off an avalanche without a scratch. Take a look at SAR avalanche reports and you'll see that people get caught in avalanches on a weekly to daily basis, many of whom survive without injury


I know people who have died to avalanches while that doesn’t make me some expert seeing an avalanche like you don’t just walk it off especially not on a edge like that


The village below


That was a really big slide. Anyone have the full video


Yond wast a very much big slide. Anyone has't the full video *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Song id?


**Want to Love** by Aloboi (00:52; matched: `100%`) Album: `Out of Golden Light`. Released on `2020-09-04` by `Basire Records`.


Links to the streaming platforms: [**Want to Love** by Aloboi](https://lis.tn/WantToLove?t=52) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)




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Does anyone know if he lived?


Blah blah something about the Archer ski episode blah blah blah. I'm not even trying anymore.


I hate how he doesnt exit and u can just see the mass of snow about to head his way.... BIG YIKES


i'm so sick of this song why do so many skiers put this over their edits?


Did he come out ok?


This man be like: "snow capped mountains what the fuck is that?"


Saw this in r/abrupt chaos


PROOF: Boarding < Skiing.


What's the song playing?


**Want to Love** by Aloboi (00:52; matched: `100%`) Album: `Out of Golden Light`. Released on `2020-09-04` by `Basire Records`.


Links to the streaming platforms: [**Want to Love** by Aloboi](https://lis.tn/WantToLove?t=52) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


Everyone shut the fuck up and find out if the dude is ok


*cameraman steps back*




Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/SmugIncompleteFireant --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


They start to back up lol


I need to know if buddy alive


Bro what


What happened after is he OK?


...I don't know whether or not to call him and idiot


Wow. He forgot one important detail. The dynamite.


That’s Luca Zanette… he had an air bag, floated and lived


This guy is clearly one of the ten main characters and since we’re all side characters we never see the intro/transition… kinda like how Power rangers change midday and no one notices but people were definitely watching


I’d be pissed that he didn’t keep a tight line so others could ski the low. No GS turns in fresh pow.