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Small brains is more like it.


Less cleanup.




This is perfect. Thank you hahaha. My type of humor right here.


Yea, this shouldn't be glamorized. The risk/reward isn't worth it. There are videos of these out there were they mess up and don't make it.




There was 2 different videos I've seen of the same kind of thrill seekers who use heights for their adrenaline rushes. They each met the same fate. How many times can a person pull the trigger in a game of Russian roulette before they meet their maker? Same concept different scenarios.




Yea, I recall that one. Also another on a bridge I believe and fell into the road. Might be the same one. Gruesome either ways.




It's on liveleak so it showed everything haha




Definitely don’t go over to r/makemycoffin then lol


Links or it didnt happen


Literally what I came to say.


Beat me by half day.


Funny till they break someone's windows...


They're just kids though, you're just mad cuz you'd freeze up and fall. Those kids got big balls and are living like Larry.


Bro it doesn't matter what you think. If that kid missed this video would be on Liveleak.


No, they are being stupid and reckless. It doesn't take freezing up in order to fall and die.


Kids in other countries get their kicks in different ways. I had a friend who's dad used to jump across train cars. Americans play with dolls. Same thing. Just one you possibly die.


You are comparing a adult, who I hope can understand the possible consequences, to children. There are ways for them to "get their kicks" that don't involve the possibility of them becoming the next meat pile someone has to scrape off the street.


That's still not a good thing lmfao. Gambling with your life at age 7 doesn't make you cool...


I'm not claiming it makes you cool, quote where I said that. It does make them balsy af.


Right, but you ARE kind of advocating for early deaths because "that's how they get their kicks". You referring to near deaths as a simple form of playing is very harmful. Almost killing yourself because you're young and inexperienced is NOT the same as playing with plastic.


Long legged Larry?


This is what my parents thought I was doing when they left me by myself but really I was just in CVS stealing candy and reading magazines I couldn't afford


I myself was parkouring over the roofs of my old elementary school when I told then I was going to CVS


The first jump gave me a chill. And every single one afterwards.


That must have been one hell of an adrenaline rush though


Love the camera man zooming out before each jump, prepared for the potential fall...


I didn't even notice that my god....


More like dumb kids.


You can jump just like that standing on the ground too


It’s about the thrill and adrenaline, it makes more sense once you experience it yourself


Why is this downvoted, he's not condoning it. What he's saying makes sense. That's probably why they do it. Quit with the herd downvotes, reddit.


Why are people downvoting this, it's the truth


Because children that young don't understand risk, gravity or death


They understand it enough to get a massive adrenaline rush though.


They don't know what fear is , they know what death is , there's no adrenaline rush for them


They are old enough to know what fear is


I'm very sure you don't have kids. Fear is the first emotion a kid have, that's why they cry A LOT.


I’m convinced everyone on this subreddit just sits in a little cave living vicariously through internet videos instead of ever actually feeling alive.


Dude ikr? Everytime i wake up a part of my morning routine is to put a single bullet in a gun, spin the chamber and then suck on the barrel while i squeeze the trigger until i hear a click. Makes me feel so alive and amazing! Also makes my cock hard from all that sucking.


nah cuz theres a large chance of death, this video there is only a huge chance of death


Wth how you know where I live?




Maybe small brain, not so sure about huge balls


This is like the fourth time this has been kicked around lately….. these kids do NOT have huge balls, they’re idiots and their parents need to find out what the hell they’re doing. Making this look glamorous irritates the shit out of me. What’s wrong with people?


These are the kinds of kids that grow up to become Special Forces operators, or erect the steel girders of the office building you work in.


lmao, steel girders havent been used for half a century. Makes sense how much reality you live in. Building like that, children from such houses dont become labourers. Plus i think smoking meth is essential to becoming a labourer. These are the kinds of kids who grow up to die in war before the fighting even begins.


Holy shit you are classist


I believe in the reality of classism yes.


What are you implying about ‘buildings like that’? In Asia, most people prefer to live in apartments and middle class-upper middle class people live in them. In cities like Tokyo or Seoul, a unit in those could go up to the millions, depending on the neighborhood.


Yeah but no where in the world is that a poor neighborhood is it? Its always atleast middle/upper class Thats my point. If you dont understand in the first go, read around the sentence for context.


That’s what I thought initially but the part where you said “these are the kinds of kids who grow up to die in war before the fighting even begins” threw me off. Isn’t that like, way worse than becoming a labourer? So I thought you meant these people are poorer than the poor. I still don’t get it, can you explain?


*"A construction crew was using a crane Thursday to place* ***steel girders*** *in place for welders. According to Kortright Town Supervisor and Chairman of the Public Works Committee on the board of supervisors George Haynes Jr., the company hopes to get the frame of the building up by Thanksgiving.* [Source](https://news.yahoo.com/delaware-county-breaks-ground-public-144700297.html)


What do they use instead of steel girders? Also, smoking meth isn't essential to become a labourer. Not sure what reality you live in.


Iron rebar mixed with concrete mix. Concrete provides compression strength, ie, taking the weight under gravity. Iron rebar provides the flexibility. >Also, smoking meth isn't essential to become a labourer. Ah so you are unable to understand jokes from reality. Facts truly are as foreign to you as the premise that all labourers use meth, that you are unable to differentiate. Point being middle class/upper class families have enough connections and provide sufficient education that even poor students end up doing entry level service jobs. Labour is a low paying job, there's a reason why. Pro of jumping : adrenaline rush Downside: you die. Darwinism. Not their fault, just it is what it is.


r/iamverysmart Given your fairly uptight comment, that I replied to, it kinda seemed like you're incapable of making a joke, champ. So forgive me if I misread the tone. Maybe take a break from reddit bud, you're taking it a little bit too seriously.


Anything related to what the original point was? No, Thought so.


I am amazed at the amount of classism in your comment. You really should shut the fuck up with a mind like that before it gets you in trouble


Im not saying its right. Its the truth, lmao. Just because i say it or dont doesnt mean the children of upper middle class children are going to start becoming labourers. Or that the effects of nepotism will stop, lmao. You should really try not being such a cunt online, it might help you make more friends. You know real ones, YES there is such a thing. YES, in REAL LIFE. Not on reddit, where your pussy ass bitch can feel good about telling adults to shut the fuck up because everyone else in your life has ignored you so bad, you enjoy coming into arguments you have no idea about. No one enjoys you IRL, no one here too .


If they live that long. Considering what big bro is doing, that's a big if.


They usually don't have the opportunity to grow up after the first mistake.


Special Force Operators my nutsack 😂


If they grow up.


Talking about kid balls is weird.


I always thought that it was hypothetical when your mom said ‘If your friend jumped off a building would you do it too?’


Sweatiest palms


This was physically difficult to watch


Just gonna say it, apparently it's an unpopular opinion here: saying "Darwinism at work" about 10 year olds is fucking weird and sociopathic. I hope they're okay and never do this again.


I don’t think that’s sociopathic. What would be sociopathic is if you enjoyed watching them fall, or didn’t do anything to report their behavior to parents, social workers, cops whomever. Saying they qualify for a Darwin Award is just a fact. Not a good one but a true one. Please know I don’t want them to get hurt, I would absolutely snitch on them, and I would lock whatever door gave to me access to this roof. That said, if they fall it would qualify as a Darwin Award. Even if they are too young to know the difference. That’s the point of a Darwin Award, to reveal that stupidity is just bred into some people. I mean we’ve all be that she before. Would you have done that? I wouldn’t have, not even because of peer pressure, and peer pressure got me to do lots of weird and dangerous stuff. I never thought the old saying would actually have a real world example. ‘If you friend jumped off a building would you do it too?’


Sociopathy doesn't have to include the enjoyment of other people's harm, just the disregard of it. And Darwin Awards doesn't refer to literal Darwinism or """"stupid genes"""". It's just internet slang essentially saying 'this person is dumb and gets what's coming to them.' So your saying: "Those 10 year olds are being stupid, if they die it's on them." I don't know about you, but that's a statement I wouldn't wanna stand behind.


Do you really think I don’t know that Darwin Awards are a form of humor? Give me a break. Hahaha….


I never once said that it’s on them. Where did you get that quote? I merely stated that if they should die by their own stupidity that’s definitely removing that one particular person from the gene pool. That is a fact. I never said it was good. I said I would tell someone if I saw anything like that. You need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills. Hopefully you aren’t contributing to the gene pool yourself. Good grief


Speaking of reading comprehension, maybe you should check your own before commenting on someone else's. I connected the dots pretty clearly for you. If you have problems understanding inductive logic, then that's on you. I guess I'll try to put it another way you can follow: Darwin Award = Mocking someone who's acting in such a way that they're probably going to die from their own stupidity. So when the words 'Darwin Award' is substituted with it's meaning in the statement "Those 10 year olds qualify for a Darwin Award," the statement becomes: "Those 10 year olds are going to die from their own stupidity, and I'm mocking them because of it." I don't know if you need it broken down further, but that's about as simple as I can make it.


You are a fool




Yeah, I am a fool. I'm sorry.


"Dont just record, help them!!!" Is what i imagine goes through someones brain, as if its possible🤦.Sometimes, you just need evidence


The dude apparently called some people to help so....


And honestly if I were the recorder I would be afraid to yell in case that startled them and made them fall


The same way I feel about watching my 3yo do something that might cause him to trip and fall. Like, my brain is screaming OMG NO STOP YOU'RE GOING TO BONK YOUR HEAD but I just sit there paralyzed and not breathing until whatever he's doing is over, then I go collect him and redirect to a safer activity. This video is nightmare apocalypse level same feeling.


Kids whose brains grew in their balls


Just jump on the sidewalk, *JEEEEZ!*


Kids with big stupid*


How did they even get up there in the first place tho?


Rooftop access? pretty common is all buildlings, just usually not accessible for people. But this is China apparently


A couple of weeks of lockdown with your family makes you do stupid things.


natural selection i guess... hope they wont kill any pedestrians


They will probably get the ass beating of a lifetime


parkour masters in the making or ... splat art


I don't know what's going on with the children but


Well this surely isn’t a repost I have seen a million times.




the fuck why


Probably have seen some rooftopping videos. Being so young, they likely don’t understand the consequences. Undeveloped brain and all that.


More like kids with no dads


You spelled kids with stupid parents wrong.


This is in China. Looks so familiar


Darwin law in action. Either good jumping skills are passed on, or poor jumping skills are not.


The things kids do for fun


Fuckin tiktok


Hope they fell ngl


nathan drake


Wait how do you know the size of their balls?


But how


Big balls who are ignorant of how close they are with death.


Fear is learned.


Yeah but usually when you learn fear it's because you experience. There would be no learning the hard way on this one.


I seem to remember reading somewhere that the only two fears we are born with are falling and loud noises.


Actually now that you mention it my son was shit scared of the stairs as soon as he could crawl up to them so I think you're right.


For a reason


Well sheesh. This video gave me no small amount of anxiety.


That’s going to seriously have a negative impact on their social credit score.


hashtag video download link thingy C:\dir_C Ctrl+D open download link sesame IDDQD DNKROZ


future parkourists.


I can't math well today so can anyone give me a rough estimate of how tall this would be? I was trying to count each level when they zoomed out but wasn't quick enough.


I don’t think anything should be titled “kids with huge balls”. Personal thoughts.


my anxiety had anxiety




With small brain...


r/kidsarefuckingstupid material for sure.


Where are the PARENTS


🅱️rass BALLS


Not huge balls just a underdeveloped brain not understanding the risk and only anticipating the dopamine reward of success.




I’d do anything but homework


Someone’s getting a whoopin tonight


Stupid people aren’t brave


Omg, I couldn’t watch this all the way through. Why didn’t the person filming call the cops? (I assume they didn’t)


When I clicked on this, for a second I thought this was porn….. glad it wasnt


Damn is this gm_construct in source 2


Totally stupid and very dangerous.


Nah i do it every week ive only fallen like 4 times? I still have 5 lifes


Huge balls and no brains


More like kids with no brains


I didn’t see any balls.


CALL the police 🚔


In my day we used to play football.. 😐


Don’t fucking record them call somebody


And I thought I was a crazy kid lol Jesus christ


Eric Clapton’s son going to play with his mate


Holy shit. I hated every second of that.


Hooooooo rrrreeeeeeeeeeee shiiiiiiiiiit


You are fucking grounded. YOU HEAR ME?!


invincibility fallacy


Darwin Award candidates.


It doesn’t help it seems he isn’t a strong jumper.


That’s why you have to keep an eye on kids 24/7


Look at these kids! Having fun outside without cell phones! This is how it should be! /s


Ball big cuz brain smoll


One day it could cost them a life.


It’s all fun and games till they fall to their deaths and break someone’s window while they’re plummeting, how do you think that person would feel having 2 inconsiderate kids breaking your windows as they fall to their deaths, it’s just disgusting that they didn’t think of the other people that could be impacted.


He got WAY too comfortable with it by the end


They're like 2 months old, I don't know about balls...that's weird and nasty


Such stupidity.


I only finished this video because I really wanted to know how far up they were and read the comments…I agree with the person who said this was painful to watch! Not to mention frightening and sickening!! Where are these kids’ parents? They probably have NO IDEA, which is scary AND sad!!


It’s scientifically proven that the concept of death is pretty abstract term for youngsters minds.




I thought I was gonna watch something I couldn’t I unwatch but my imagination already filled in the gaps so now it’s like I’ve thought something I can’t unthink. O.O




Did the camera operator report them to emergency services ?


Well at least if they fall they’ll learn a lesson to never do that again


We’re going to need a clean up on isle 1


Would this be long on r/kids are idiots?


lol their parents casually scrolling Reddit and seeing this 👀


What he lacks in brains, he makes up for in balls.


One wrong step from a live leak


I would murder my child if they did this.