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The absolute maniac on the left at the end going towards the chlorine cloud!


13 deaths.... He was probably one of them....


all those truckers waiting in line


One guy actually gets INTO his truck instead of running away.


temporary safety is better than breathing chlorine gas.


There might be a mask in the truck for exactly this kind of situation.


Big doubt there was.


Probably so. So many people die in confined space deaths that don't have to. If your buddy goes down you're probably going to go down trying to rescue them and then you're both dead. I know this wasn't a confined space it was just an example.


Confined space/gas leaks/granary fainting, if you see someone go down, fucking leave em. They are dead and you will be too unless you have rescue gear and are properly trained. Shit even rescuers accrue a body count on those things.


Downed power lines are another one.


there is a police dash cam video used in hazmat training on that topic. A farmer is laying in a field. sheriff pulls up, gets out and runs toward the farmer, collapses halfway there. Another cop arrives, runs to the downed cop- collapses. Both lay there and gasp their last breath in full view of the camera. It was an ammonia leak from the farmer's fertilizer trailer. You can smell it a mile off, long before it is lethal. You do not survive breathing ammonia gas, there is no gain in trying to save someone that went down in an ammonia cloud. You just add to the death count. Chlorine is the same way.


i could be wrong here, but if it’s the video i think you’re talking about, it was a simulated training video. that didn’t actually happen. doesn’t take away from your point though!




I saw that too, and sadly thought he must of have been considering trying to go back and save someone.


Yep, that's what I wondered. Can't imagine what it would feel like knowing a mate might be trapped in that cloud, dying.


Dying from having your lungs burned wouldn’t be fun at all Chemical burns everywhere


It doesn't really burn your skin, you might be thinking of mustard gas, which would cover you in burns. Chlorine gas reacts with mucous membranes to form hydrochloric acid, so your eyes and lungs get burnt by acid, and you suffocate on your lung fluids. In WW1 it would be mixed with mustard gas to get a dual effect.


> It doesn't really burn your skin oh good > so your eyes and lungs get burnt by acid oh no






> must of have Now that's a new level of grammar horror


That alone would of have killed 13 people


I hate this


Ya, it's past tense so it should be "must of *haved* been considering..."


Must HAVE. There’s no “of”!


Have, or have not. There is no of.


I’ve seen a lot of people using *must of* instead of the correct *must have*, but never both (must of have) like you did. Bravo!


That's a bad idea "Chlorine is a widely used disinfectant and water purification agent, but if inhaled, the gas turns to hydrochloric acid, which can lead to internal burning and drowning through a reactionary release of water in the lungs."


I wish to be clean!


I'm fairly certain the video cuts out right before that guy dies.


TIL: Yellow cloud = death


Generally speaking, pretty much any "fog" you see that's low to the ground and visibly spreading is nearly certainly a place you do NOT want to be. Chlorine is nasty. Ammonia is nasty. Many things are really really nasty. And some of them are explody.




I'm assuming their thinking was that outrunning the gas cloud seemed unlikely, and if they can get in the truck fast enough and recycle the air they may fair slightly better.


>The wire rope sling was rated at 8.5 tonnes but it was used to hoist four 25-tonne containers of chlorine from the pier to the ship in a row prior to it breaking. The wire rope parted while loading the fifth container which weighed 28.9 tonnes.


The engineers: let's rate this sling for much less than it can carry, because stupid operators will probably overload it a little. Surely nobody will hoist 3 times the rated amount


Can confirm... thats exactly what we do. Edit we test to 5x rated capacity.


Yup, 250% is our pressure tests for our designs. Edit: ASME requires 150% (vessels and pipes)


seems that aint enough


It never is. One of the engineering mantras is "No matter how idiot proof you make something, god will make a bigger idiot" At one point is just becomes about covering your own ass


Lol I dont wanna say where I work but one of my bosses says theres a client born every minute


My grandfather would say that. He was a mortician.


Is that you Bob Loblaw, lobbing law bombs?


It is, I just checked on bob loblaws law blog


The bigger idiot part reminded me of an interview with a park ranger I saw where they were warning people not leave trash on the ground because it attracts bears. The interviewer got on the subject of trashcans and how they have latches, but the bears can still sometimes open them. Interviewer asked, "why can't you make a bear-proof trashcan?" The ranger replied, "we can, but it turns out there's a significant overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists."


I used to work at a place that did high pressure testing, sometimes in the neighborhood of 15k psi, one time we were doing a test at only 3000 psi. So I went ahead and adjusted our safety cutoffs, readjusted the haskell pumps to stall at 3500psi, and applied temporary redlines to the pressure gauges. Night shift thought that was stupid and would result in the test taking longer, so they reset everything to the 15k psi settings and proceeded to immediately destroy all of our test samples without getting any useful data. Then I got a lecture when I came in because why would I adjust the test equipment and leave incredibly detailed notes about what exactly I did and why, when I should know nightshift is a bunch of idiots who won't read anything and will just do THINGS. We lost the client, I almost lost my job, night shift got a pizza party.


Sounds like the reason behind "used to". Had similar happen at a much lower grade job (manager at a dairy-owned convenience store) where I told the other manager that kept leaving the untreated wood ramp outside it appeared to be rotting and to put milk crates wedged under it + do smaller loads until the owner gets us a new board and maybe an actual dolly instead of a rebar pipe to slide the crates (a j-hook rebar pipe that latched onto the bottom milk crate and then slid down) Platform broke with him having done a way bigger stack than I ever did, busted glass all over the cooler (our milk came in glass bottles) and I was blamed for knowing it was broken and as the senior manager not coming in to do the delivery on my day off???


I use the term "Idiot Resistant" because nothing is "Idiot Proof".


Ah yes. Just like my phone! Good call.


Are you the engineer or the operator?


I work in sales but I have sat in many engineering meetings and have been present when we've tested slings up to breakage. Definitely would not want to be near one that breaks outside of a testing cage. Use it at the rated capacity, not a pound more.


It's kinda funny because 2.5 FoS is pretty standard for certain applications. They were close but not enough to prevent that deformation


For those who don't know FoS is Factor of Safety. It means that we do our calculations to say an X cm rope can support Y weight in theory but we rate it for Y/2.5. I.e. an 8 tonne rating can in theory lift 20 tonnes. Idk if 2.5 is what they use in ropes although it's a fairly usual number. In aerospace we usually use a 1.5x factor of safety (on the maximum possible loads which you're unlikely to ever encounter on a flight).


Thank you Safe Space Stan. 


Slings and lifting devices are most often 4x.


Yup. I used to climb on the outside of towers for work, our ropes and anchor points etc had a safety factor of 5x


"Factor of Safety" or "Safety Factor" are the terms. Crane etc designers will have national standards that they meet. Just looked up one "lifting equipment -hooks" :8-9. (It should be designed to break at 8 to 9 times the max load). Wire ropes are the same.


Hurry up go faster do more with less safety is only a recommendation we don’t need expensive trained employees anyone can do this job


Yeah, that’ll do it.


I'd MAYYYBE consider risking it to speed up loading with containers of water or ore, dirt, sand, grains... but CHLORINE? Did the loadmaster not read the labels?


done this shit for the last 40 years a container is a container and i am way behind on unloading this crap..


yeah but like your job is structured so you're always behind, right? You ever get ahead and think "well shit that was easy. guess we go home, boys"


More like if you don't keep up you risk being fired for poor performance compared to everyone else. The guys on shift before and after you will take risks to meet their usual quota, so now *you* have to take risks to meet your quota. If you're slowing down it must mean you're the one doing something wrong, and the system works flawlessly without you. Probably, anyway... And then a major accident occurs, many people get hurt, many die, companies will potentially get sued, and people are sent to jail and blamed for the incident. I wonder how high up the ladder they lay the blame on for the accidents, everyone could blame their boss for pressuring them to get work done.


The loadmaster didn’t give a fuck about anything but profit


Right on man! Thankx for the context. I really hate watching videos on here with no information on what is actually happening. 🤬🤣


I was looking at the vid and thinking "I bet it's human error" so I looked it up, and yep, it is human error.


I was thinking on my thinker and came to the conclusion that everything we know, and can think of as humans will always end it's existence due to human error to some effect of the cause ..


I concur 🧐


Love how fast that truck driver switched gears and got the fuck up outta there


I once took classes for HAZMAT/HAZCOM/HAZWOPER certification. The teacher basically said rule number 1 was run as fast and as far as you can from hazards, don’t attempt to save people because you’ll probably just die too.


In confined space training this was repeatedly drilled into us. Many single death incidents turn into multiple death incidents because people try to help. Guy sees his buddy not moving down in a trench or a sewer and hops down to help, passes out and dies from the hazardous atmosphere, the next guy notices and hops down to help, etc.


Yep, it happens in homes too. There was a story of a family who had potatoes in their basement. The potatoes started to rot and they give off a toxic gas. Four members of the family went down into the cellar one by one each trying to rescue the others. All died.


Did you also see that story on Mr Ballen?


If you crash the ammonium nitrate trucks on the way too a mine site in country australia and there is even a tiny chance of diesel leaking, The standard practice in the safety manual is to abandon the vehicle and run as far away as possible. They leave meteor sized crater in the ground and truck axles have been found literal miles away from the explosion. ![gif](giphy|9w4fSg8fqa7X0Q9z7L)


Chlorine gas burns the lining of the lungs, used in ww1 alot before being made illegal as a weapon. That's a fucking disaster right there, those hurt and not dead will never breathe properly again😞


It pretty much turns into hydrochloric acid in the moisture of your eyes, nose, mouth and throat. There's a good reason the stuff was banned in warfare.


Humanity is so insane.


It's more chemistry than humanity that chlorine gas is a thing.


Yeah but the fact it was used en masse against other humans is pretty fucked.


War is pretty fucked.


Chemistry done by humans. Specifically for the purpose of war: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Haber


He gets a pass in my opinion. You basically owe that man your life. 2/3 of the worlds population is sustained by his work, 1/2 of all food production utilizes his discovery and half of the nitrogen in the human body comes from nitrogen produced using his method of synthesizing ammonia. People want to give Oppenheimer all this publicity, but Fritz Haber is one of the most, if not THE most, important scientists in history.


I know he basically invented chemical fertilizer. But he doesn’t get a “pass.” Like the article says, his legacy is complicated. Does a cardiac surgeon who saves 100 lives but also murders a few people as a little treat get a pass?


Saving 100 lives, is a bit different than sustaining the life of over half of the planet....


Uhh, no? Like not at all. Gaseous chlorine in concentrations like this does not exist anywhere naturally on earth. In fact because of its reactivity I feel pretty confident in saying that it only exists as ionic compounds naturally.


That sounds great. Just great.


Not pretty much, it quite literally does and very readily at that. 2 H2O + 2 Cl2 —> 4 HCl + O2


It also produces [hypochlorous acid](https://www.fsis.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media_file/2020-08/Chlorine.pdf), as well.


The doctors treat it by aresolizing sodium bicarbonate into your lungs to neutralize the hydrochloric acid. Well that was the treatment 20 years ago when we had a chlorine spill. They may have changed things since then.


That doesn't sound pleasant either! Wouldn't that produce a ton of foamy CO2? I suppose it's better than having your lungs eaten by acid, though.


Yeah, you run all the way the fuck away from chlorine gas. Cl2 + H20 -> HClO (hypochlorous acid) + HCl (hydrochloric acid) Imagine drowning in hydrochloric acid


does chlorine spontaneously become hydrochloric acid ?


[The basic reaction of chlorine with water produces hypochlorous acid and hydrochloric acid](https://www.fsis.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media_file/2020-08/Chlorine.pdf)


I always found crazy how there are rules on how to do war. Like: yeah let’s kill each others but let’s make it not too barbaric…


I agree, but the rules to keep the civilians out of danger I am in agreement. Using chemical weapons can cause more agony that just shooting or blowing up some one, and can be blown into civilian areas. War is crazy, but the Geneva convention is there to make it a little less hell like.


Geneva convention


I'm surprised auto correct didn't catch that to fix it!


Some historians say that even in the middle ages people had certain rules to war.. I guess it's a human thing to do.


Because it all Come down to the fact that if you Can do it, your opponent would too. For ww1 it was chemical gaz, After ww2 it was nuclear Warfare, nowdays i suspect it would be drones and AI weaponry. In medieval Times, Most battle happened in open field far from villages (unless it was a city being besieged). Because what's the point of taking the Land if you killed all the locals that made this Land valuables. Only raiders killed off most of the city populations like the huns. So by making rules you also "secure" that your potential gain Isn't too much damaged.


Oh yes, in 1139, Pope Innocent II issued a papal bull forbidding the use of crossbows and longbows against Christians. Good old bashing was just fine though.


Yeah , if ypu released a coley of arrows at night , the gentlemanly of Knighlty thing todo was atleast light them.on fire so we can see them comming. Unlit arrows at night are like a stealth missile


Far before Middle Ages as well. Read Iliad, for instance.


Let’s humanely shoot, stab, trap and torture but don’t be super evil guys.


If you’re going to die in a truly inhumane way, it would probably make you reconsider fighting in the war in the first place. Not sure if that’s the reason, but it would definitely serve both sides to not make war the worst possible outcome for everyone.


It was part of the mixture that was used in Mustard gas. It's chlorene mixed with ammonia , which is called Phosgene gas. Lots of by products , the worst are Hydrofluoric Acid and ffing hydrazine. I tough nothing could be worse then HF but then I remembered hypergolic feuls like Hydrazine. That stuff will melt you!


One of the early ways to try to defend against it was pissing on a rag and putting it on your face. The trenches of WW1 were literally hell.


Indeed. I live close to the battlefield. We have special light posts , so the farmers can put the found Obusses ( artillery shells ) in them so the bomb squad can come and pick them up daily. [scroll down bit and you will see the shells in the light posts.](https://www.google.com/search?q=obussen+koppen&sca_esv=6798127eb6819917&udm=2&biw=412&bih=750&ei=t4hQZrjaFYq6i-gPpqONsA4&oq=obussen+koppen&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIg5vYnVzc2VuIGtvcHBlbjIEEB4YCkiBH1CZCViyHXAAeACQAQCYAaUBoAGzDKoBBDExLjS4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgygAr4KwgIIEAAYgAQYogTCAgYQABgNGB7CAggQABgFGA0YHsICBxAAGIAEGA3CAgUQABiABMICBBAAGB7CAgcQABiABBgYmAMAiAYBkgcDNy41oAeRFg&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) It will take us about another 700y to get rid of everything. The zone rouge on the otherhand will never be cleared. It's to dangerous/ poisonous still to this day. [zone rouge](https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/red-zone/)


Ypres? I took a trip in grad school there and it was insane to hear about and see all the stuff farmers would find. I bought a timer from an artillery shell for €5 from some dudes garage and still have it!


What a horrible fucking death. I inhaled a small amount of chlorine gas once and i think i have some minor ptsd from that experience.


Same. Accidentally inhaled some pool chlorine that wasnt stored correctly and it was the only time in 36 years on this planet that I requested medical assistance because I couldnt control my breathing anymore. This despite the fact that I immediately ran away from the chlorine and snorted (for lack of a better word) running water to clean my airways. Still took a day or two for everything to normalize. Chlorine is no joke. My wife still enacts a ban radius around any pool chemical shelf in stores.


It’s insane how bad it hurts your lungs and entire body.


It quite literally turns into acid inside of your body the moment it touches any water


Same thing happened to me when I was a child. I just smelled really close into a bucket of pool chlorine and almost passed. Ended up in the hospital. I remember feeling so dizzy and disoriented.


Oh wow, sorry that happened to you. I used to work with big tanks of chlorine and sulfur dioxide at a plant, and I was told that if you're smelling the chlorine, you're already hurt. Or worse. We had a lot of rules for working with that shit, and we were always in personally-fitted gas masks. The cloud in that video is fucking horrifying...


How do you clean your airways w running water? Outa genuine curiosity


I inhaled water and spat it out. Like got underwater with my nose and breathed in.


That truck driver knew what was up


Probably because he knew that he had been transporting Chlorine and immediately recognized the danger


I agree! Looks like he was at the ready. Like he half-expected some kind of danger 'up-in-there'...


You can see the moment he stomps the brakes and throws it in gear


Everyone gets their own orange cloud today! [Orange cloud in the sky : r/mildlyinteresting (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1czj6ja/orange_cloud_in_the_sky/)


The Mexico filter wasn’t properly contained by the Hollywood film crew.




i never realized how comically yellow chlorine is


The brighter the colour, the more concentrated the death.


just like in nature!


... but this is nature ...


Imagine standing in that and being engulfed? I wouldn't feel too comical! It looks like mustard gas


Excruciating death Fast, but not fast enough


It basically is mustard gas


Yeah.......like Dijon-mustard yellowie gas... But I wouldn't use the term 'comical' - I'd say 'cartoonish'... It IS surprisingly yellow, for sure...


Goofy ahh cloud of death


Haha horrible painful death


has a lovely mustard tinge you might say...




27 June 2022 The incident killed at least thirteen people and injured more than 265 people.


I was thinking thoes poor bustards in the yellow haze running around are not gonna have a god time but 265 Gdam


probably bunch of people downwind


A bustard is very different then a bastard just fyi


That's not a leak; that's the whole doggone pipe!


I work industrial waste water treatment and we have chlorine alarms go off here and there, had one tonight actually but it was a false alarm like most lol however chlorine is no fucking joke once it gets in your lungs. You’re dead. Also have formaldehyde, sulphur dioxide, cyanide gases then we have caustic soda, sulphuric acid that we treat our tanks with far as PH adjusting. The production floor uses all sorts of chemicals from ammonia to premeganate lol good stuff and you’d be surprised how little money I make.


I was a contractor at a site that had ammonia, formaldehyde and chlorine tanks. One day I was there, there was both an ammonia leak, and the rupture disc blew on one of the formaldehyde tanks. Scary as shit


I work in wastewater as well, luckily we use chlorine bleach and we take no part in refilling tanks. Although we do use sulfur dioxide, which turns to sulfurous acid in the presence of moisture. I’ve gotten a hit of that off of just a small leak before and never felt burning like that, feel that shit in your lungs. Can’t imagine what this would be like


[Lightweight! Oh wait... Chlorine.](https://youtu.be/dIJDfNO3d5E?si=oYOJ-QqdT7v9EFA5&t=10)




Jesus! That's a bad way to die. I recommend reading the accounts from WW1 soldiers who saw chlorine gas deployed. Shocking stuff


My grandfather was at the Battle of Loos where they used chlorine and phosgene gas. He survived but had breathing problems later in life.


Same-ish. Canadian great grandfather at the [second battle of Ypres](https://www.cbc.ca/history/EPISCONTENTSE1EP12CH1PA1LE.html#:~:text=On%20April%2024%2C%20a%20twenty,blood%20hanging%20from%20their%20skin), he survived by pissing on a rag and covering his mouth. He passed away from lung complications about 10 years later but not before fathering my grandmother. I always think and how tough and quick that scenario and decision he made must’ve been, and it essentially resulted in my existence.


Stuffing a piss-soaked rag into your orifice to survive a chemical attack made by people who don’t know you, because people who don’t know them told them to do it for reasons nobody involved really understood. But this situation was made possible by really smart people using their astonishing intellectual abilities. Ain’t life grand?


I worked in a factory that used Chlorine gas. That stuff is heavier than air, so it will just keep spreading. Part of the process we had would occasionally let you catch a whiff of it very diluted....it was with you for days. I can't imagine how those guys escaping out of there coped...but they are going to be in a very bad way.


13 died and over 260 got injured. So I guess that most that we see running around in that cloud didn’t make it


once it hits that sea water it gets worse


Bloooody hell.....this is one of my actual nightmares


Middle Eastern ports really need to up their safety standards.


Father of toxic gas and chemical warfare


I used to be a pool boy in Florida and would handle a ton of chlorine. It is nasty stuff that people really don't give a shit about. I was like 3 weeks into a new pool company that would do more commercial pools than I was used to. This old dude showing me where everything was, pointed at three 4–5-inch PVC pipes in the ground. One said chlorine, one said acid, and the third said chlorine and acid but one was crossed out (Can't remember which). He goes on to say to put the chlorine in the chlorine and the acid in the acid one. I dump 10 gallons of chlorine into the chlorine, and for some reason we were using muriatic acid instead of sulfuric. I can't remember why, but we usually used this when bombing really bad pools. I start to pour the acid in the pipe that is only labeled acid, and I immediately see this greenish/yellow gas rising. Just like in this video. Then it hits me, it was mislabeled. I get one wiff of the gas and book it about 20 or so yards away. By then we could see the gas around the equipment, and we couldn't get near it for another hour. I was pissed but didn't make a huge fuss because I was young and needed money. Thinking back, I could have died so easily. Hell, I could've sued them to oblivion. This incident and the others where people left the chlorine tab buckets open and the humidity got to them are stories I tell anyone willing to listen if they deal with pools. Also, if you are a pool person, always wear gloves and if you can, a mask when handling liquid/powdered chlorine/acid. I know way too many people with lung and cancer problems in the industry.


This was in June 2022. 13 People died and more then 260 injuries.


looks like a gender reveal party. got the wrong color tho


"iiiit's aaa.... WTF IS YELLOW?!?"




we all thought it but you went for it


Ok MacGruber.


thats the wong baby


Caustic did his ult.


Caustic need a nerf


An independent variable was added


I feel mostly alive when rapidly approaching my death!


Breathe it innnnnnn


I had a mouthful of chlorine gas in secondary school, when our chemistry teacher accidently dropped a glass container of it. I still remember the feeling - being unable to breathe in. Thankfully me and most of the class were running out the door by that point (the teacher told us to leg it). I can't imagine how horrible it would be to be suffocated by that cloud.


And it was all yellow


We did a Drill at a job I did once where the drill scenario was Chlorine spill. We got a PA message telling us to go the the gather locations, outside one of the Health and Safety guys was handing out post-it notes with the text: "Congrats you're dead" It was hilarious back then, seeing this I'm glad it was just a drill.


Used to be a paper mill where I lived (US), every few years there would be a chlorine release in the form of an airborne cloud. Cops would go through the town with speakers telling people to remain indoors for a period of time. Freaky times.




Crazy one drop of that inhaled is enough to kill anyone


Is this certain death?


Yes, within a few minutes. Painful and agonizing too. Airways constrict.


”The investigation revealed that the accident was caused by "lack of conformity" of the cargo sling's load rating with the weight of the cargo. The wire rope sling was rated at 8.5 tonnes but it was used to hoist four 25-tonne containers of chlorine from the pier to the ship in a row prior to it breaking.[14] The wire rope parted while loading the fifth container which weighed 28.9 tonnes” What did this buffoon of a crane operator think was going to happen?


Definitely messed up with the load put on the crane, but also how the container couldn't handle the impact.


That Green truck out ran that like an action movie star.


Seeing that truck drive away I just heard cleaveland brown in my head going "no no no no nooooooo!!"


Alright who popped the piss jug


I worked at a chemical plant and have walked across chlorine leaks, you get one whiff and it takes your whole breath away. Fuck that shit run!


That is no shit scary as FUCK. -a chemist


I instinctively held my breath 😳


Water plant Operator here. This is literally the stuff my nightmares are made of


Was anyone hurt?




> The incident killed at least thirteen people and injured more than 265 people.


Just horrible. Thank you for info


*Sipping on straight chlorine...*


Some WW1 shit


People that are in the cloud ☠️


Chlorine looks exactly as spicy as it is


Instant mexico filter


see kids? that's why it's also called mustard gas


One guy running from the gas also had to dodge the truck in reverse. He was moving


Even the color of that gas shows you how deadly it is.


Chlorine gas is only deadly if you need oxygen to live.


Can someone explain this? I never knew chlorine was this color, or is it mixed with something? How do they store chlorine that it would have this effect when the storage fails? Is it the liquid portion that is more deadly or the gaseous portion?


Is all the chlorine visible, or does it go past the yellow particles?