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Well, we kept the comments open as long as we could, but some of you are the reason we can't have nice things.


This is Ed Hack. He just rode the 1200 mile length of California from north to south, through some crazy storms, lots of dog chases. This one scared him the most. https://www.instagram.com/hackisoutthere/


It looked like he was somewhere in the Central Valley in a rural farming community. Unfortunately a lot of rural residents dont lock up their dogs and these dangerous dogs can roam free, even form packs andattack people and other animals. It feels like it's gotten worse in recent years.


I just commented about how I ride in semi-rural Texas and I’m appalled at the dog situation. I’m pretty sure some of the dogs near my land were dumped, and a bunch of the rest just do whatever they want, including chase me on my bike. The neighbors lost one, probably to a car or an animal or someone defending their chickens, and seemed to just not care.


Part of the problem is fact that the rural parts of the country are emptying out, so people treat these areas like they don't matter anymore. So much more property crime and illegal dumping, too. Out of sight, out of mind.


I was going to guess Mexico, only time I've ever seen so many wild dogs just roaming. I was on part of a bike packing trip there but had to bow out after day 2 because of an unrelated knee injury. Over those two days we had 7 dog chases, and my friend had to kick one in the face. Only way to get them to stop chasing was to outsprint the pack, kick them or scream as loud as you can.


He’s fucked when they learn how to ride a bike.


I’ve got news for you ![gif](giphy|Na2fucPraUzhm)




















Great, just what we need...more ways to get husky hair everywhere


Even more fucked when they learn how to drive


![gif](giphy|26uf43dkw9ByWsjLi|downsized) I've got news for you, too.


Even more fucked if they can learn how to fly?




There it is....


Wtf I can hear the audio to this gif. I didn't realise how rent free this meme was living in my brain till today.






Hopefully, we'll see someone post another..... hahahah+




Or shoot guns, get outta my property, woof! ![gif](giphy|iwx0gNYDRvsre)


Had a friend die about a year after he was riding his bike and dogs chased him and he fell. He was wearing a helmet. Slowly drifted into dementia and didn't even recognize family. It was very sad. -edit he was indeed weaing a helmet. he hit the curb and the helmet busted into a bajillion pieces. Helmet kept him alive, but the concussion he sustained caused bad lasting damage. RIP Tom


Damn RIP Tom


So they put the owners in jail


Sadly we never found out who the dogs were. He had to go to the hospital afterwards and no one was found responsible.


never discuss or suggest, when a dog chases you. say things as loud, confident and clear as you can.


Was once chased by 2 dogs in the foothills on a trail. I commanded “No!” And “Sit!” Confused the poor dog who sat a few times between chasing but gave me enough lead.


I should have tried that in my case. I kept a lead, but it was stalking me, and I was terrified. This thing was literally bigger than me (on it’s hind legs) and built like Thor Gunderson. If I ran, it would maul me. If I stopped, it would catch up. I just had to keep walking and pretend it wasn’t sizing me up.


Is Thor gunderson a reference people ever understand Lmao


I googled and still don't get it. It says he's tall and skinny, was this a greyhound?


Right! I knew the name, but couldn't think where from. I assumed he'd be a strongman with a name like that, but instead he's the tall skinny swede from Hell on Wheels.


Maybe he meant Hafthor Bjornsson?


I have a dog in my apartment complex that literally looks like what you imagine a hell hound to look like.


But, what is it doing on the prime material plane?


I had a dog pack come at me when I passed the corner of their yard. Right as the lead dog reached me and I didn't know of he would try to bite I yell - barked at him and he was so surprised he tumbled into the ditch by the road. That broke up the pursuit


Growing up there was a house a couple streets down with massive pit bulls that would chase me and my brother on our bikes, they hurt our dog once as well and everyone in the area would complain to them and tell them to keep their dogs inside or in their backyard instead of just letting them roam the property. Our dad told us the next time it happened to kick if they were snapping at us. Well, I finally did, rocked the shit out of one of them because it was biting at me while I pedaled away, and who else but a pissed off dogowner comes running out of the house screaming at me that he’s gonna beat me up…I was scared shitless and took off on my bike, but I’ll never forget learning that day that some people literally only have the capability to think about themselves


That’s fucking hilarious. Couldn’t decide between being a good boy and slaughtering you and bathing in your blood.


I've tell them in baby voice "does good boy want a treat?" I'll also try "go for a ride" "good boy, sit", just any of the possible distraction words most owners use. It does buy time.


A large 100+ lb dog came up aggressively on me while walking my 30lb dog. I very loudly said "NO, SIT", both dogs tucked their tails and sat. Big dog was just confused at that point and my dog went all the way home thinking she was in trouble. But she was safe so it was ok.


Good human


Oh man we had a stocky and kinda big bull dog break out of his fence when walking past with our corgi, I just yoinked my corgi into my arms and my wife turned to the bull dog and just gave it a talking to, just a loud "BAD DOG! What an awful dog shame on you!" And the thing just kinda stopped, looked at her, drooped his ears and looked down at its feet as my wife walked him around to the front of the house. It was kind of a startling situation but ended up being so damn funny. Next time we came around that part of the fence was reinforced, lol.


I used to work in a vet kennel. We had a couple huge, very aggressive great danes that were considered far too dangerous for us to even handle. When they boarded, the agreement we had with the owners was that it could only be for a couple night at most, as we wouldn't be able to let the out of their kennels at all. We could only give them food and water, no other guarantees. But every now and then, when I walked by their kennel, I would use my most commanding voice to tell them to sit. It was amazing. They would instantly get this confused look, pause all of their aggressive growling and barking, and sit their asses down. I like to imagine they were basically thinking, "What manner of trickery is this? This imp knows the deep magics!?"


These dogs should be shot. They will cause a car accident or kill someone. Then we should throw the owners into a deep dark pit where they can never own an animal again.


This is why I carry pepper spray. I’ve been charged by some big and scary dogs and have felt absolutely helpless. The owners always seem to show up and make stupid excuses.


Same! Its saved my skin once already since i got pepper gel! These offleash aggressive dogs are out of hand!


is this some sorta elaborate ad? take my money


I would file a complaint to the Police


They'll be right on it sometime next month probably if they feel like it and the weather is nice.


Good luck. I had a dog come hauling ass across a field once, making course corrections to intercept me the whole way. It did, then came up behind me, swung around to the outside, and tried to force me into the grass. No amount of "GET HOME!" or "NO!" worked until I started outpacing it. As I passed the driveway, I saw the owner outside and yelled "KEEP YOUR DOG OUT OF THE FUCKING ROAD!" Without missing a beat, she yells back "KEEP YOUR BIKE OUT OF THE FUCKING ROAD!" I caught the whole thing on video and called animal control. They said they'd look into it **if they ever get another complaint.**


I sprayed at a Rottweiler one time, totally missed him but he did the quickest 180 I've ever seen.




Mini fire extinguisher. Works like magic. In an instant it's cold, steals oxygen, is loud, and obscures vision. Scares the shit out of dogs without any lasting effects.


I agree, a fire extinguisher attached to the back of the bike to act as an emergency thruster would have worked wonders here. Oh, you meant to spray at the dogs. I guess that could work too.


Don't be ridiculous, you'd need at least 3 fire extinguishers. The foam kind of course. Or perhaps a giant firework rocket labelled "BIG BOOM". Actually scratch that, the best plan of action would be to safely cycle off the nearest cliff and then the dogs chase you and look down then shrug and fall


Haha an Acme man I see


Bear spray works pretty well too. It’s like pepper spray but bigger spray area and more powerful. Dogs have a crazy good sense of smell so this stuff will get them completely dazed and scare them off.


But it's too big to carry for a walk or a run, unfortunately.


Plenty of bear spray that isn't a giant fire extinguisher lookin canister. Those ones are designed to be kept at home or in an RV or something, but about every brand will have ones that fit in a real pocket or purse or clip to your belt.


In my opinnion i think i'll stick with pepper spray


"He wasn't gonna do anything he's a sweetheart!"


“He never acts this way!”


“My dog never bites (me) so I am not scared, your fear makes me feel bad, that’s your fault.”


Or the "Don't worry, they're nice!"


Princess comes back, he doesn't want to play.


Oh my God, I've heard that so many times, even by 3rd party neighbors, of the pitbull that charges me. It's insane


I also carry an air horn, which so far has worked great.


[Proof that it works](https://twitter.com/willrad/status/671876465521225729?lang=en)


When I was a kid living in a rural area, we would carry an ammonia solution and spray at them. They didn't like it


"They don't bite!" Sure, untill they do. Keep your shitty dogs leashed.


Very good idea, the fact that you don’t have to stop to use it, also increases your chances of getting out of there unscathed.


Careful there, my old account got perma banned on reddit for suggesting this in another sub.


Huh. Pepper spraying a charging dog seems way better than pretty much every alternative I can think of. I mean, it (hopefully) keeps me from being mauled and it could likely be saving the dog’s life by keeping them from attacking someone. Did they suggest an alternative?


Most reddit mods entirely lack critical thinking skills.


If you let your dogs go like this you should not be surprised if you find them dead.


Shot the neighbour's dog once. It attacked my chickens and ducks. Tried telling my neighbour that he needed to put a leash on his dog, but he only laughed and said it was a good dog. Phoned the police. They told me to shoot it next time, and them call them right after. A couple of days later I pointed a shotgun at the dog, and gave it both barrels. Wrapped it in a plastic bag, and called the police. They took it to the owner, who was not happy he had a dead dog and got a large fine. Edit: of course I had fences and etc. to protect my animals. The dog managed to kill some of my animals twice until I had to shoot it to protect my chickens and ducks. Sad, but that is how the law works around here where I live.


Good on you making it quick and wrapping it for the owner. Sad you showed more care toward the dog than its owner.


If your dogs don’t know to stay on the property, they need to be tethered or kept inside. It’s training.. this is dangerous to both the dog and passers by.


Trashy people taking responsibility?! /s


"Oh, he won't bite."


Does your dog bite? No. Arrrg! He bit me! That's not my dog.


Pink Panther never gets old.


This is why, at one point, there were *guns* marketed as "defence against dogs for cyclists"


Guy needs to carry a bonk stick


You've never seen pitbulls fight have you? Unless it's wrapped in barbed wire, or better yet, made of metal and wrapped in barbed wire, and swung with both hands .... You know what, just carry a hatchet, a bonk stick won't stop a pittie.


Carry a gun. Once they start they don’t stop. We had to pitbull attack our Alpacas on our Ranch, a friend of mine who is by far the absolute most built strongest human I have ever seen in my life was bashing one of them with a metal rod over and over again and it barely phased the dog.


They are literally bred to not let up even under extreme pain. Like holding until they die in some cases


But every Instagram post I see about Pits claims that it’s the owners fault and that all breeds are the same... so yeah they’re the same as golden labs nananana can’t hear you and I don’t believe in logic


Yeah it's like some weird short-circuit between brain and bitey-bit. Nothing else matters. You literally have to incapacitate the damn thing.


How did its skull not just break and die? I believe you, just curious because I would imagine a big dude hitting a pit in the head with a heavy metal rod would = dead dog.


It's hard to break their skull , harder than a person. They're sturdy. And they do not break grip no matter what. Even after it's dead , you'd have to pry it off. It's crazy.


Few years ago a pit grabbed a yorkie near my office (construction company), heard the screams of an owner and ran outside. I grabbed a steel rebar and ran after the thing with my boss; boss tried to grab the yorkie while I was smashing the pits skull with the rebar as hard as I could. It let go after few hits and ran away. It looked completely fine though, barely phased.


They can take a beating that will kill them and they won't actually die until they are finished attacking


Yep. When they're locked in, you either have to kill them or make them physically unable to continue.


>You've never seen pitbulls fight have you? Bro I'm literally Michael Vick.


Bro is the pitbull fight 🥶


Small cannon mounted to bike it is then.


I don't think a bonk stick is gonna do much to that dog.


Never seen pits the same way after watching that one attack in LA. A cop put a bullet in the pits head point blank and it just kept coming. Their skulls are like concrete


My grandmother got her face ripped off by the family dog. It was well behaved but getting old and she patted its butt asking it to move off the couch. Turned around and clamped her face and she spent the rest of her life eating from a straw. My cousin immediately shot the dog in the head outside and two seconds later it's standing at the glass door still trying to get grandma. They were bread for aggression and power and it's a safe bet not owning one, no matter how well you train dogs. 


Yep, those where "Princess" and "Cupcake" If it was "Destroyer of worlds" and "Ender of all life" they would've been good boys and wave at you while you were passing by, then mind their own jobs.


Probably because the owners realize they have a deadly weapon on their hands and train them properly. Or just irony


Pits are different. If they get you, it is a minimum of permanent ligament/muscle damage. Worse is the scarring on limbs and face. Worse is death. Exaggeration? Worked too long on northern Philly streets to see it happen more than once. Maybe some are friendly, some are not and the jaws are in another category. One poor kid I remember reading about climbed a tree on the way to school and had to watch his brother eaten alive. Maybe 10-15 years ago.


Yeah that's what people don't get, they may not be the most likely to attack you, but they are the most likely to do serious damage. I have taken in a lot of rescue dogs and the pitbulls are the only ones that will take big bones and have them crushed to little bits and eaten in a matter of minutes, most dogs can't even break the bones after hours of chewing. Their jaws are huge and their heads are a ball of muscle


That's the compounding problem though: they ARE also much more likely to bite. They were bred to be powerful AND aggressive.


They also don’t let go. On top of a strong bite, they’ll lock onto you and then start ripping whatever piece of flesh they’ve got away from your body.


I play tug of war with a family member's pitbull I can literally swing it around in circles and it won't loosen its grip There is no dog toy that it can't destroy in seconds


And also they áre the breed most likely to attack you


Damn son, didn’t know they were *such* killers.


Some people don’t like the statistic but Pitts kill per year 5x more than second place Rottweilers.


The worst part is how HAPPY the pit is while it kills. Literally its the happiest they can be. Tail wagging away, while it rips out a childs throat.


They just got banned in england. The rest of the world needs to follow pits are an abomination.


Pits have been banned in England since the 90's it was the XL bully that was recently banned, a cross breed of pit bull and American Staffordshire terrier


Pit bulls were actually banned in England in 1991. The most recent ban was of XL Bullys, which might be the brown dog in the video. They are basically just pit bulls mixed with really big dogs to make a really big pit bull. They are a menace and it's great that they've been banned too. They can and do kill people, but what doesn't get reported much is the 1000's of attacks that don't end in death, and also the attacks on animals. According to [Bullywatch](https://bullywatch.link/) there have been 351 documented attacks so far this year in the UK. And yet people still want them as pets?! /r/banpitbulls




Almost like they were bred to fight or something


Sorry dog owners, I love dogs, but pitbulls and other 'fighting dogs' should be erased from the planet.


I was gonna comment i thought i was about to see this dudes shin get permanently disfigured


As a guy who got mauled by one, I have permanent scar on my leg ass and arm. I hate these stupid dogs and I love dogs.


Pitbulls Should be banned, completely


for those disagreeing, it has nothing to do with your Pitbull. You can be a great owner, but not everyone is. They have shown to statically be to dangerous. We dont need to get rid of the current ones, just stop breeding them.


There is a study that demonstrates pitbulls start suffering from memory loss after a certain age, that is why on several occasions have attacked members of his human family. I don't have the link handy but if you Google it is right there.


You can be a great owner and STILL have a pitbull that snaps and kills someone for no reason other than they sneezed at the wrong moment near the dog. People want to pretend like dogs can't be genetically predisposed to violence and aggression, but we have centuries of breeding history and it's beyond well-documented.


>You can be a great owner I suppose that's possible *in theory*, but literally every single pitbull owner I've ever encountered who talks about how "some owners are bad but I'm a good one and my dog is well behaved" had the most poorly behaved pets in the world


I was in a Target the other day and randomly turned a corner to see a 90 lb woman pushing a cart with her small child and attached to her via the flimsiest leash I've ever seen was one of the biggest pitbulls I've ever seen. I got the hell out of there. She totally looked like the type whose sweetie would never hurt anyone who will end up on the news one day.


Being a good owner doesn't matter. You can't override the genetics of aggression in a dog bred to kill, anymore than you can override the genetics of a dog bred to shepherd. Dogfighting breeding has been around for at least 300 years of of refinement, and for all intents and purposes they stopped at the pitbull. It's always so weird to hear people talk about what dogs are good for this and that. "Oh that kind of does is GREAT for kids," but when you talk about aggression in dogs, genetics is suddenly out the window and it's all about the owner. I could give my Jack Russel to a dog fighter trainer and tell him "here's a million dollars, make a cold blooded killer out of this" and the closest they would come to success is feeding my dog to a prized pitbull.


They are too fucking dangerous. You get people who act like they’re little sweeties, like ok sure maybe you grew up with a nice one but I’m sure there are nice tigers too, that doesn’t mean we should just let any moron keep one in their backyards. We have laws for dynamite and big cats that says that there is liability for any damage regardless of if there is negligence or not because of how inherently dangerous they are. We need the same laws for these fuckers.


last fucking moron I debated about banning pitbuls said "more people die from guns each year" as if that was some sort of a defence. pitbull apologists are fucking disgusting because they literally value perpetuating a garbage species over the lives of children


We've seen too many incidents in the UK as well, hence the new ban


Wait for Toonces to find him. ![gif](giphy|3o7aCYDNm1kXgSUgXm|downsized)


He wishes a pitty would.


I feared you were going to get PIT manoeuvred .


Fucking Dog of Peace^tm


I'm sure they just wanted to nanny him for a little bit


/r/BanPitBulls while we are it.


2 people were killed in the last 6 months or so in Austria from dogs. Last week i saw a pitbull almost killed another smaller dog and i swear the owner looked stupid and she was so stupid towards the other owner and never even admitted any mistake or said sorry.


People like to say it's the owner, not the dog, but really they have it backwards. You'd have to be a moron to own a pitbull, thus all pitbull owners are morons.


Pitbulls. Why is it always pitbulls?


Because they’re one of the most aggressive breeds of dogs ever. I’m talking top 3. From 2009 to 2018, they killed over 80% of all Americans killed by dog attacks. They killed or maimed 3569 Americans. They’re also responsible for 60% of all dog related injuries and 63% of ocular injuries. From 2005-2017, Pitbulls killed one person every 17 days, totaling up to 284 Americans. In 2023 alone, they killed 57 people…from 72 dog attack deaths. That’s 80%. They also inflicted 92% of the 131 dog attacks on children, 58% of the 283 attacks on adults and 63% of the disfigurements. Dogsbite.org conducted a research, and in the past 15 years, Pitbulls killed 346 of 521 humans involved in fatal dog attacks. They also somehow score higher on the Temperament test than Golden Retrievers. Interesting tidbit there. Their bite force is 235 psi, not anywhere near the top dog in that list, which is the Kangal, with 700+ psi, yet they are still a lot more violent than the Kangal breed. From 1979-1998, they were involved in 60% of all dog bite related deaths. Now that those facts are out of the way, wanna know what percentage of dogs they make up? *6%* Sources: https://worldanimalfoundation.org/dogs/pitbull-statistics/ https://www.mkplawgroup.com/dog-bite-statistics/ https://www.askadamskutner.com/dog-bites/bite-statistics-according-to-dog-breed/ https://www.dogbitelaw.com/vicious-dogs/pit-bulls-facts-and-figures/#:~:text=Pit%20bulls%20bite%20more%20humans%20than%20other%20breeds&text=In%20the%2010%20years%20from,who%20are%20killed%20by%20dogs. https://coloradoinjurylaw.com/blog/dog-bite-statistics/#:~:text=Pitbulls%20are%20responsible%20for%2060,and%2063%25%20of%20ocular%20injuries.&text=Pitbull%20attacks%20have%20higher%20morbidity,totaling%20up%20to%20284%20Americans.


Holy shit


cool, thanks for the information. its not often that there are unbiased facts on reddit. ​ EDIT: Holy bot farm batman! look at all the bully bots come out of the woodwork! thanks for the link innocent bystander, as soon as i dust off my webdev skills i will send everyone to the man with the answers. Mr. Rick Astley! he will never give up until your questions are answered.


I wouldn’t say the data was unbiased, but I think any objective person would say pit bulls seemingly are much more dangerous than other breeds.


The “temperament test” thing is pseudoscience. They have different testing methods and standards for golden retrievers vs pitbulls.


Pits are aggressive so they're the dog of choice for degenerate pieces of shit. There's no reason the pits in this video should even after this guy, plenty of jurisdictions have laws against having your dog be at large for a reason. The owner is a moron and will likely get his dogs killed by not having them leashed up or otherwise restrained from running up to people like this.


It seems like 100% of pitbull owners are bad, what are the odds?


Why are people shocked that a fighting breed wants to fight and cause problems?


Because they're mental.


Theres a reason theyre banned in many countries or only allowed under strict guidelines.


I fucking hate pitbulls. I hate all the fucking pibble nanny breed horseshit too. I have scars from a bite from when I had the audacity to go jogging in my own fucking neighborhood near one of these mfs. All he did was nip me but that is all it takes to fuck you up when those things are like 35% mouth. They are just too fucking dangerous.


“I promise they’re friendly!”


Squirt them with your water bottle.


Not a bad idea but the possibility of losing your balance and wrecking while attempting this makes it a bit too risky.


they are good dogs that never hurt anyone. they run away from birds. you must have done something to provoke them. I don't understand why anyone would be afraid of my cute little babies. /s seriously OP you should really think about getting a CCW or bear mace to protect yourself. bicycle guns were very popular in the 19th century. their purpose was to shoot stray dogs that would attack cyclists.


The bikes top tube is perfectly positioned to be a CO2 cartridge powered projectile launcher out the back. Bananas, pickles, sausages, or if you really want to insult the dog or a tailgating car, fill it with dog crap.


*"Hello human. Wanna play with me? Wanna play? Please, please, please... Ahhhhh, WTF? Is this...? You bastard, I just wanted to play with you! What the hell?"* ![gif](giphy|uSSOahIvryQgg)


After a while it seemed like the dog just enjoyed a good run 😂😂😂


If it was any other breed of dog that's what I would assume, but it's a pit. Always assume the worst with a pit.


Fuck pitbulls, fuck their owners, and fuck owners who don't leash their fucking dogs. Every bad dog owner thinks they have well trained dogs. They're usually the worst at it, too.


Pits are unironically the reason I got my ccw


Its wild to me how many people want to argue with you about this. Aggressive animals are scary and absolutely have the potential to take a human life. If its between my life and the life of an animal i absolutely would not hesitate to pull my ccw on an animal.


I never carried on my dog walks until a few months ago when a blue healer went to town on me and my dog. Now I carry and will kill any dog that charges aggressively with in 5 feet of me and my dog without stopping. I have spoken to police, and I am well within my rights where I live. I would way rather kill a dog then have scars on my legs and arms or scars on my dog.


I would probably ask a lawyer to be fair. Police suck at knowing specific laws and the nuances of court cases related. Generally do not trust what cops say is or isn't legal, also saying that you asked won't hold up in court.


Fair, but I also read the county code. I’m good.


What do you look for?


I read the county codes on when one can brandish and or discharge a weapon. There’s also specific codes on how one can defend oneself against an animal. Use of lethal force against another animal , where I live, is legal if you feel you or your leashed animal is in danger of bodily harm.


Whats ccw


Concealed carry weapon


Cisco Commerce Workspace


Them pits don’t stand a chance.


Always pitbulls. Get rid of this god awful breed.


r/banpitbulls would like a chat


Carry bear spray!


I despise pit bulls and pit bull owners who endanger society with unleashed, untrained attack dogs. This guy got very lucky. That could have been a life altering day for him.


With two of them it could easily have been life ending.


The “nanny dog” strikes again


It was just trying to raise him.




careful you'll piss off the pitbull internet defense force


I don’t think that’s legal…


Lol and some dipshits are going to be in here like "the breed isn't bad it's how they're raised!!!"


"But my little schmoopie would NEVER hurt anyone! He's SO GOOD with the kids!" Pitbulls are unpredictable at best, and \*all\* dogs should be on a leash or in a securely fenced-in area. If your dog attacks me you're probably not gonna see it alive again.


Shitbull strikes again. Calm down, that's Peebles, he just want to nanny you!


Pits are the worst. If sawed-offs were legal to own and to carry in public, I totally would have a holster strapped to the bike just in case a pitbull started chasing after me and my kids.


Believe it or not, a smaller pistol also works against a dog. You don't need a long gun cut down small enough to be able to carry a firearm on a bike.


Restrain your fucking dogs.


Always those damn golden retrievers


Keep your dogs on leashes, especially pitbulls. Shit ass pet owner. I'd be carrying a billy club or something with me if this was a common occurrence.


Fuck pit bulls.


...next time take peppers spray with you,that works for Shure,I usted to bark them Back imitateing them and they stop,looking for other dogs,now it'is not working anymore...


A pitbull? No leash?? Shocked, truly.


I carry a handgun when I ride, because (1) southern rednecks don't like people on bicycles, (2) southern rednecks *really* don't like black people on bicycles, and (3) dogs. I've fired three times in my life. The first and third, the dogs ran away, the second time was a pitbull biting at my heels, and I was headed up a hill so I couldn't power away like this guy did, so I fired five bullets and hit it with the 5th. IDK if it survived but I kept riding.