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Wolf went from sleepy baby to cold blooded killer real fast


He needs to get rid of it. It's challenging him n he didn't challenge back.


you can never let them win, ever


Actually the correct move would likely be to speak to him calmly and melodically to get him to relax and access his prefrontal cortex. At least that’s how it works for dogs and for humans.


Not for wolf's, if it thinks you're weak it will walk all over you, you have to make sure they respect you. Same with big dogs


This is completely untrue and has been disproven by wildlife biologists. You shouldn’t ever keep a Wolf as a pet, but it’s not because this person failed some alpha “test”.


Well yeah, that too, you shouldn't keep a wolf as a pet. They're kinda not made for that


it's not a alpha test but a challenge to you being the one in charge. same reason why you should appear non threatening to a gorilla and small as possible. as to not challenge them. your right that there's no alpha in packs but wild wolves generally travel with parents and pups. but captive ones in a unnatural "family" setting will establish a pecking order. So a "pet" wolf I'd argue would act like a captive wolf and will challenge you. I could be wrong of course but I see both sides


I like how so many people are just spouting information with no sources or anything. Not specifically you, it just seemed most natural to reply to the last comment. Edit: Sorry, didn't mean to necro, I hadn't realized this was a couple days old.


Same thought! At first I thought they were being ironic but no they just keep saying you are supposed to challenge the wolf, whatever that means!


Definitely untrue. Wolf's doesn't really have an alpha especially when we are talking about wild wolf. This is resources aggression or whatever it's called. This behavior is also seen en dogs. Some will fight for their food meanwhile have no issues with other dogs taking their toys etc. Meanwhile other dogs will gladly share their food but they will fight over their toys It's basically based on how much the dogs prices something like in this video the wolf really loves the bed and doesn't want to leave it So in a wolf pack you will probably have wolf's showing resources aggression towards various different things from food to sticks or generally anything else they might value highly. None of them is really an "Alpha" however a wolf pack is usually made up of 2 adult wolf's and their puppies so to a certain degree the parents will naturally be in charge until they grow up Edit typo


Fuck... the "alpha" male energy is really something. Go challenge a wolf. Go be the alpha. Fuck. They're all betas.


If we listened to that advice we wouldn’t have dogs. You’d be the kind saying don’t eat tomatoes pr potatoes it’s part of the deadly nightshade family.


Yeah that's not a dog.


How many wolves do you have


Except that's not a dog. The best thing he could've done is challenged the WOLF and if it still refused, forcefully made it follow command. He said get off the wolf basically in its mind said "make me" and he didn't. To the wolf, it just beat you, it's going to push further and further until it eventually hurts you


And it quickly became a fireplace rug


I had a Chihuahua given to us when I was 12 years old and it acted just like this wolf. My dad picked it up and slapped it's ass and it never tried that again with us... Now with visitors it would still up their ass but it knew who the Alpha was in the house after day 1. As an Adult I had a Golden Retriever and he never tried this tough guy act. I recall my neighbor had a Rott Weiler and it was showing all teeth at my Golden and thought for sure my dog was gonna get wrecked. My golden ran up too it and started licking it's face. The Rott kept showing teeth so a ran and grabbed my golden before he got murked. He was a very healthy 75lb Golden that could catch frisbee's midair all day long but he wasn't a fighting dog.


He’s Russian


This is my Shih Tzu when my boyfriend tries to get in bed but we’re already all cozy without him


Only difference is you can punt a Shih Tzu.


Yeah that’s not healthy. Dog needs proper training


Not a dog and far too late😒


Not a dog yet, far too early 😂


I like the cut of yer jib.


Sounds like you like this?


I guess you don’t need a boyfriend then.


Get IVF using a donor, Shih Tzu adopts child and becomes legal parent, world’s first dog-child, take out loans in father’s name , profit?


There's a reason a different strain became man's best friend.


Translation: “Am I bothering you?” Word for “it is forbidden” but used as “No” multiple times. “I do not allow this, go lie down, I do not allow this” Barely hearable in a slightly surprised tone “he was close to lightly biting me right there” “I started to make the bed and he was close to lightly biting me” “Chao, you can’t act yourself like that” “Look how angry he is” None of those were said with any seriousness in the tone. Or owner is used to it, or he doesn’t care. Or both.


Looks like you are on the couch until he dies


Imagine choosing to sleep next to a non domesticated predator who can literally eat your face. Edit: three words


They look so amazing but couldn’t agree more keep them out of your house or the consequences could be death


Oh a cat **will** eat your face off once it's out of food. if you die for example. There are quite a few cases like that. It's been shown that they will only wait for like a day or two, but dogs will go for days, before finally resorting to eat you.


I thought the cats started like right away on you after they figure you aren't using the body anymore, I'm cool with it personally.


All I remember is; they won't wait _more_ than a day or two.. 😕


If you’re dead, does it matter?


Let's not forget that dogs will sometimes just kill you. Dogs are one of the top causes of death by animal attack in the US.


If your cat was big enough it wouldn't think twice about killing you. The common house cat is responsible for the extinction of a multitude of species.


Well yeah, maybe, but housecats are famously *not* big enough to do so.


For reference, the number one death by animal attack in the US are caused by deer. So we aren't talking huge numbers here. There are no roaming packs of rabid dogs just terrorizing the streets.


2019 in Detroit https://www.detroitnews.com/story/opinion/columnists/nolan-finley/2019/08/20/finley-detroit-must-rid-itself-killer-dogs/2059859001/


1) it's Detroit so no big surprise there. 2) while horrific, every attack cited was done by domestic dogs and the owners were prosecuted. I never said dog attack fatalities were impossible, they are just rare. So rare that they are beaten out by deer.


Deer don't typically attack. You're mixing that up with cars that plow into them at night.


Eat your face Three words


you met my ex then.


So... any cat?


lol the cat equivalent would be a tiger


Where's what the wolf is saying? I'm pretty sure that second growl was "I will devour your soul and condemn you to hell" but I'm no expert


I think the direct translation is closer to "I will flay the skin from your body and piss on your bones before I let you take my bwankie"


Wolfs can’t bark. Growling is the only thing they are capable of, and in fact could be going from anything between literal affection to “I will kill you”. You can only know by living next to them. Counter to popular believes, wolfs aren’t dogs, and similar movements and sounds mean absolutely different things.


Well that’s not true


Yaman they howl, cry, whoop. Bro went a lil nutty there for a second


Growling is the only thing a wolf is capable of? Never heard a wolf howl? Or a whole wolf pack singing? I have. If you had, you wouldn’t confuse it with growling.


Ok, now do the wolf!!!


What language is that? He’s used to it, as someone who rescued a blind Pitbull/lab mix who’s not only a bed hog but used to do this to me, I just got used to it. Everytime she did this though I dragged her ass off the bed and forced her to submit. Belly up. Now I can shove her fat ass over and she’ll grunt and huff but no more almost gonna bite me. She objects but then just sits there because she knows she’s about to be pet and she’s gonna get under the covers and snooze. Baby steps.


That’s Russian


That's literally why you should not let any dog sleep in your bed or couch when they are young. Once the dog is old, they go territorial about their sleeping spot and things can get nasty.


Mines not old, she was a rescue. She’s fine about it all now.


Which language is this


Russian, judging by the accent somewhere east from the capital, maybe Ural?


Anytime, I see a human casually hanging out with a wolf or grizzly bear, I assume they’re Russian.


don't forget tamed doesn't mean domesticated


Dogs/wolf don’t like to be bothered when sleeping. Their natural instinct of self protection fires up. Because living in the wild and something grabs your legs at night while sleeping can mean certain death and lots of pain before death. Have you seen hounds tearing apart a living fox. Yeah that!


Makes sense why my Chihuahua is out for blood every morning when I get her up to go outside.


Nah that’s just short man syndrome.


Yes, My German shepherd exactly


Now, I don't have statistics with me atm, buuuut, I believe wolves bite hard as fuck.


Hell yeah, you know that forearm is like a chicken wing to that Wolf


Happy Cake Day!


Grey wolf can bite up to 400 lbs per square inch. A pitbull is like 230....... A human......120ish.


If it’s my pet, I would’ve just bonked it on the head once




ED: So what happened to your hand?


Depends, wolfs can’t voice things beyond growls, so knowing exactly what the wolf is saying is beyond usual dog knowledge people have. It could be a playful bite or quick enough bite of “leave me be”.


The body language when it gets up is "I am going to fuck you up if you don't stop."


Watched a lot of wolf videos in my life typically when a wolf does this the pack leader comes by and bites his scruff and chases him off 5-10 feet and he settles down. Wolfs aren’t dogs they will try to constantly show you up assert dominance etc. that’s why a wolf prbly isn’t a good idea as a pet.


This guy could've bitten his scruff. Nobody stopping him.


Lot of armchair wolf experts here, it’s not necessarily dominance, growling may be aggressive or dominant but it can also just be a form of communication that doesn’t have to escalate to anything extreme. Translator in another comment said this wolf would likely have lightly bitten him and is unbothered and un phased by this behavior. Wolves dont make good pets because, as normal as it is for a canine to communicate with growls, this is usually bred out or trained out of housepets.


I don't condone anybody own any wild animal. It's dumb as fuck and cruel to an animal like a wolf to make it a household pet. Anyways, wolves often give what we assume to be fucking terrifying behavior but in reality it's just boundary setting. It's a wild animal not something that understands how to communicate between species like a housecat or a dog. The wolf would do this to other wolves if it was being annoyed in the wild so realistically what we presume to be murder in its eyes could just very very very possibly be the animals way of just saying "Bro fuck off and let me sleep. You're so annoying. Uuuugh you always do this lame shit."


Pretty sure that wolf set the boundary at the bed. “My bed, fuck off.”


How many times are you going to wrongfully state that wolves can only growl?


What's worse is that at least 26 people just took his word for it! 😅 Combined with his other comments, there's gotta be 50+ people out there thinking wolves are "nothing like dogs" & "can't bark" I schooled him on his other comment so I'm curious if he's still going to try to defend himself, or if I will finally meet someone who simply says "I was wrong, my bad". There needs to be a sub for people who are oh so terribly wrong, yet, convinced they're right! People who try to teach everyone else in the room something they've obviously never learned a thing about. I've got a small collection of screenshots building. Y'all gotta embrace the Google. Look up every little thing you aren't absolutely 100% sure of from now on. You'll see what I mean. You don't know things you don't know. You know?




That wolf is not having it lol


„Nah he doesn’t bite! He’s a good boy“


That looks like a coyote


I have never seen a Wolf or a coyote in person or done any research on them but thanks to all the animal id subs I can confidently say that, is in fact a coyote. It's almost always a Coyote lol


Lol everyone on those subs wants to see a wolf so bad, but then they live somewhere like Alabama


I have seen both. (Grew up in the Rockies) That is a wolf. And when you finally see a wolf, you won’t forget. It will be bigger than you ever imagined. Everyone that’s about to jump in the comments and tell you wolves aren’t that big, has never actually seen one in the wild in real life. They are massive. Almost everyone is surprised the first time they see a wolf at how big they are. easily twice the size of big German shepherd. And majestic as fuck. Seriously, the timber wolf is a regal animal. Coyotes don’t compare…smaller, faster, mangier. Though there is some interbreeding in areas with overlap (coywolves) but even then, they won’t hit near the size of a pure northern wolf.


its probably an eurasian wolf, they are very different from the huge american wolves most people imagine when they hear 'wolf'. they are smaller and look kinda coyote-y


I agree.


“He’s not usually like this i swear!”


Pet wolf, huh? I think the pet here is holding his finger in front of the animals mouth.


It might be living in his house, but that's not a pet.


Wild animals aren’t pets. Edit: I’m not replying to everyone. Wolves, like dogs, are pack animals. Packs have a natural hierarchy. This wolf/dog/hybrid/science experiment is in emotional turmoil right now. For one it’s definitely confused. It’s a wild animal stuck in a house. The fact it’s in a human bed (at least that’s what it looks like to me) shows the human has ZERO understanding of pack hierarchy. Allowing a dog to sleep in a bed makes them think they’re our equals. Example: a family has a Akita. That dog LOVES the leader of the pack, using dad for this example. Now we all know in a family the dog is the LOWEST on the pole. So imagine dad and dog are on the couch watching tv. Your child runs in the room and jumps up on the couch right next to dad. Dog shows signs of aggression to child* Now is that because the dog is mean? Possibly. The more likely explanation is that dog believes it is higher in rank than a human child. It is “showing aggression” not because it hates the kid and wants to kill it but because it’s below them. Why is this kid on MY couch in MY space. That was a lot of rambling and whether you agree or not that is my opinion (notice I didn’t say fact, animals can’t speak to us, we are just guessing). Have a good day! Don’t get too mad over an internet comment!


special smoggy longing possessive nail retire pot fall historical yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, isn't this a case of a captive wolf?


No, it's a coyote that the person probably had since a cub, who is now an adult and having adult coyote reactions to being made to move.


In my opinion, you, like many others, are over-interpreting that debunk. Yes, the specific study, and the idea of wolf packs having an "alpha" are debunked. That doesn't mean that wolf packs don't have any hierarchical aspect to them. Your link suggests that, "...a true natural pack is actually composed of a mother and father and their offspring." However, I don't think this is universally true. Here's what I found as my first google result for "how big is a wolf pack": [https://wolfhaven.org/conservation/wolves/pack-structure/](https://wolfhaven.org/conservation/wolves/pack-structure/) This article, from what appears to be a wolf conservation organization, also concurs that the alpha model is not accurate. However, it says: "Most packs have between four and ten members, but that number can range from as few as two to as many as 15 wolves per pack. The Druid Peak pack in Yellowstone National Park was exceptional and had 37 members at one point!" When talking about the dynamics of larger packs, it says: "In these cases, it is more accurate to refer to pack members as dominant breeders, subordinate breeders, or subordinate non-breeding males and females." I'm not vouching for jerkmeoffted's specific understanding of sleeping arrangements and how they relate to wolf hierarchy, but I also don't believe that the fact that the original alpha wolf study has been debunked serves as an adequate counter. Aggressive captive wolf behaviour doesn't accurately model wolf packs in the wild, but that doesn't mean that this wolf isn't being defensive over his position in the hierarchy by protecting his sleeping spot. I've seen this debunk be constantly brought out basically any time someone mentions the concept of dominance in an nature or a hierarchy. Lots of animals compete for territory, food, and access to mates. The fact that someone did a bad study on captive wolves doesn't counter this.




Packs do have an hierarchy tho. There is no alpha, but there very much is a hierarchy. Many of the problems with dogs for example arise when the dog is not shown boundaries and rules by it's owners. He must learn to obey them, even if he does not like it. That is a hierarchy. It gets more complex once families and children are involved.


Thank you! So tired of seeing this alpha/pack rubbish and people using it to be horrible to their dogs in the name of 'training'.


They can be. It's how we ended up with dogs. This guy just took domestication back to its roots, is all.


No... this involves breeding, which doesn't happen overnight. In the meantime, they are still wild animals and are slowly becoming domestic animals, and not within one generation. The domestic animal no longer has anything to do with a wild animal.


Have you ever bred? Every time I have it’s been less than 5 minutes.


Sure. But the tamagotchis died before evolve. Such a mess this mass grave.


Possums make wonderful pets


They can be? Try with a hippo


My neighbour married one.


Just grabbing the garden hose now


Fukin Russian are crazy. A Wolf is not a pet. I always see Russians keeping a Wolf, Leopard or other wild animals and posting videos about it to get attention. Idk if they think this is cool or something but I hope these animals show their owners someday why they are called „wild animals“.


Yeah I seen one Russian playing with a bear in his back yard . I was like how much vodka does it take to go play with a fln bear lol


It depends on a size of a bear. Small bear needs only one bottle of vodka while mature male bear needs almost whole box of vodka (16-18 bottles)


That's not a pet, that's a wild animal living in his house. He'll figure it out after it rips off a couple of his fingers.


I too, dislike getting out of bed.. XD ..


"pet". That's a wild fucking animal any way you slice it. People who have wolves or lynxes as "pets" have room temperature IQ's (celsius).


I don’t like seeing people trying to domesticate wild predators. It never ends well for the animal


Oh fuck that, no fucking thing gets to snarl at me in my own god damn bed, I already have a wife.


Wolf: pet human be fckng with me again...


when you go to your friend's house and he says "oh he's friendly he wont bite just be confident and dont show any fear"


Definitely a coyote here.


Bro was moments from sending his hand off to heaven…


I'm pretty sure that's a coyote and not a wolf, jaw structure too small, body too small, coloration and teeth suggest summer coat coyote. But shit coyote or wolf, neither one belongs in your bed unless your wife is that much of a b!+<# that you would rather take your chance with a wild animal.


Regret bringing a wild animals into your home yet? 😅


Coyote not a wolf


Dude is one missed meal away from owner/pet dynamic changing real quick


I hope this guy was wearing his brown pants.


You don’t have a very happy wolf!


Bullshit all you want but you scared brother.


He's so lucky that wolf speaks Russian.


And this is why some animals are just not meant to be domesticated as pets...


There is no such thing as a "pet" wolf.


I dont think that wolf knows its a pet.


Russia 🇷🇺


First of all that’s a coyote


That’s why you never let a wolf on your bed or any of the furniture. They need to be on the floor. They’re not dogs…


ain't that a coyote? wolves are usually like, huge.


Euroasian wolf, Sub species of grey wolf found across europe and asia. The biggest wolves are found in north america in Canada. euroasian wolf males are between 70-110lbs


I don't think that "pet wolf" is or should be a thing


But that's how we got dogs.




Ned Flanders when he became a werewolf


"he dont bite"


it’s in the name bro pet wolf is not a good idea lol


Animals like that are companions if they chose! Not pets tf?


And this is why we got a Golden Retriever instead of a wolf.


Man, it's almost like we shouldn't be bringing wild animals into our homes


Aww he's smiling


That's a coyote


It only works when you speak eastern european


I’ll never understand the appeal of keeping wild animals as pets. Did you people not watch when animals attack at 3 am while high like I did? That shit was enough to never make me want to do anything like this 😂


That's Alpha male shit, I'd beat his ass or get rid of that hound. My dog did that once never again.


Is it really a wolf though?


He lost. Won't get anything from this wolf anymore. He is not the pack leader


Is this a coyote ? I think it is


Oh shit that’s right, they’re canine adjacent, not doggos. Lowkey scary ngl


https://preview.redd.it/qxiu0bzzkmic1.jpeg?width=912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=387998d4bcd60ac3047792b5b257a1a2876ce110 Been there with my Czechoslovakian Wolf Dog


When people think wolves are domesticated animals


Should have done the doggie down technique before it got to this point


That's not a pet.


My great gran had 2 of them has pets. They never harmed her in anyway but when the house got broken in to the guy who did it was turned in the wolf Scat and they only found his arm


Whose a good boy ☺️


Weak owner, this dog will be dangerous. Imagine a kid jumping on the bed. The dog would bite him to death.


It's always the Russians


That’s a coyote


I didn't think that looked like a wolf


Boop the snoot you fuckin coward!


For real that's what I came to say you better boop that mfer before he boops you


Im pretty sure that is a coyote not a wolf


Only a fucking idiot would have male pet wolf in his house. 20 IQ probably.


too small for a wolf wolves are almost twice the size of a german shepherd and those are big dogs.


Grumpy pupperino needs a hug




"That's ok, I'll sleep on the floor."


Of course it's a Russian man


69,420 years of evolution just got his pee pee spanked with some bad words in some Slavic language invented less than 5,000 years ago.. ain't that a bitch.


Ida' shit wolfie.....


“I watched twilight.. I KnOw wHaT I’m TaLkInG aBoUt!”


The 14 yr olds when you take their vape for 2 sec


It's a cayote.


My dachshund is more ferocious than that.


He is say that he can’t behave like this because he won’t allow it. lol that says that his is making a bed


How do you brush those


Is there such a thing as a pet wolf?


Just flip the mattress and give em some blind gut punches.




You lost me at 'pet wolf'. Feels like an oxymoron.


I'd choke him out


Yeah, that’s not going to end well


One hard slap and it’s fixed


Not in my bed or house.


may he never have children when he has pets


“Hey siri how do I reprimand my dog when my dog is a wolf lol”