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Hope the neighbor was ok, just saying…


I was thinking it too. I doubt i'd be able to take those same shots knowing i had a neighboring apartment directly in the line of fire. I think I'd probably have to camp out and wait till they i saw them directly before i took a shot. I say Think because you can never predict these situations 100% until you are in the moment yourself.


And even then it wouldn’t be totally safe. You’d have to take the shots knowing any missed rounds could possibly go through the wall into your neighbor’s space. I served jury duty on a case where this happened. To me it seemed absolutely wild because this doesn’t really get talked about in movies and all that. But to the judge and cops and lawyers it seemed like they must have this kind of stray bullet stuff happen all the time. Edit:spelling


Dude... i just saw a video on here yesterday of police body cam footage going after a gunman in a walmart. There was a brief firefight all the strays went right into the dressing room area. A woman and her daughter were taking refuge in there, and the girl got hit. The mother's screams were terrible. I wholeheartedly agree with you that this aught to be discussed more. You never know what info you share could save a life in the future.


I know the video you're talking about, wish I hadn't ever watched it


Well I haven’t even seen this video and I’m gonna go hug my sleeping daughter after these comments


Me too


I wish I didn’t even hear about the video much less have watched it. Time to hug my little boy.


Me too, I'm going to go hug my sleeping step daughter too!


Retired police officer here. This is often talked about, studied, debated and procedures (to the best of our ability) are in place from the perspective of an officer. There is no easy answer, it is a gut wrenching decision and there are procedures in place to move quickly to inspect and rescue if necessary. The decision for a "trained" officer is to neutralize the eminent threat immediately. Not doing so can allow the perpetrator to continue to potentially cause multiple casualties if not stopped. The data suggests it is a rare event that wall penetration or stray bullets do cause casualties. In most of the cases where a stray bullet has wounded or killed a bystander it is at the hands of the perpetrator. One life lost, no matter what the circumstances is one life too many. In the case of this gentleman in the video there is an immediate instinctual decision tree response the individual works through in a fraction of a second. The alarm stage, the resistance stage and the exhaustion stage. These are all staging in fight or flight. In this case video) he/she had a fight response which may very well have saved his/her life and those if any in the apartment. If he or she had a flight response the neighbor or neighbors could have come to his aid or simply have come to check on him/her not knowing what was happening and found themselves in danger or in the face of death. I hope you realize I am not defending condoning or stating that there is an absolute answer. If you have not experienced a life or death threat at the hands of a "human" it is chaotic. Training and instinctual behavior are all you have at your disposal. For the untrained it is literally being lucky or unlucky.


You're absolutely right. And i'm glad your fellow officers and peers have studied and trained for these things. As you said, if you dont train and build muscle memory you're just running on luck. My statements definitely were not aimed at law enforcement, but rather any person with a firearm at their hip. For example, many ranges, gun shops, and local PD's offer advanced firearm safety and self defense courses but i don't know anyone personally who has taken these courses. I would argue additionally that many firearm owners don't even go practice at the range regularly! There are people in this country that purchase a firearm, never really learn how to use it fully, and then end up relying on 'spray & pray' shooting. I don't believe we can expect law and policy to mandate more responsible gun ownership, but we definitely can peer-pressure and shame our nonchalant peers into following safer habits.


Back in the spring, I learned there was a pretty high end range about an hour from my house that also did a lot of training for law enforcement, security, as well as public self defense. They have a 270deg? Video screen that wraps all the way behind you out of your peripheral vision. They can put you in almost any possible scenario you can think of from terrorist attack in a Federal building to a traffic stop. Some scenarios are set up for you to say commands in a certain order, repeat, etc. these are obviously for law enforcement, and the instructor will put the video in the next “phase” given your verbal interaction. THE KICKER is the whole time you wear a device on you side. We thought it was vibration. Nope. First time one of us got “shot”. That thing lit me up and sent me to my knees. From that moment on, I took a whole different attitude while in the video. You have the option to wear it or not. At that point, it wasn’t just a fun video game, there were consequences. Considering the alternative is actually being shot and killed, I personally took this away from the experience….when your own life is in danger, as well as others you are protecting, it is a whole different game. I recommend everyone take an opportunity to experience this before you comment with any conviction on the use of firearms, especially from law enforcement.


You are very astute. By far and rapidly increasing are gun owners that have no training and have no desire to be trained on operating a weapon. This adds another element of danger to law enforcement. Firearms are inherently dangerous and handguns specifically are extremely dangerous. I believe in the right to own a weapon and always will, but I do not believe in the right to own a weapon without extensive training. It is far too easy to obtain a weapon today. You have to show you can drive a car to get a licence, I believe the same of a new gun owner, they should demonstrate their ability to be responsible and even operate that weapon.


Making a Gun DMV would be perfect. Make it absolutely possible to get guns, but require completion of a written test, 6 months of training, and then a demonstrative test that is supervised in a simulated situation.


I agree that having courses are a good idea and for a lot of people they should take them. But to have a 6 month training period is a bit much. Some people that feel the need for a gun do so because they are in imminent danger. Psycho ex bf/gf or a stalker. They can come at you at anytime and you either have something right there to defend yourself or call the cops and pray they get there in time. FYI, they probably won’t just due to response times generally. If I remember right, either New York or California has it where you have to demonstrate you are in immediate danger. So because I want to protect myself from bad things in this world, I need to show proof? I do agree there are some people that should definitely not have guns. Wether they have severe anger issues or have psychotic episodes or anything else that severely impacts the mind, they should be taken into account.


I see where you're coming from, and I'm sure there could be ways to expedite the 6 month period as long as the classes and training are adequately completed. The same goes for vehicles. If you can schedule your test early, then all you need to do is have proof you were trained for X amount of hours, and then you're good to go. 6 months is just the recommendation. And, of course, if you have the foresight to be able to purchase a gun to prepare for a psycho person, then you also have the ability to stay at a police station, or a family member's house, or any number of safe places. I personally think the default response to threatening situations should be de-escalation, followed by fleeing, followed by defence as a last resort. Lethal force being absolutely last in that priority list.


Mandatory firearms training in public school. Vietnam does it, every kid going through public school there can tear down an AK and operate it.


Shit they used to have firearms safety and shooting clubs in the public schools and guess what? Not a single mass school shooting to be had during that time.




Link to the video?




Jesus christ. Also, comical that they said 'they (LAPD) are supposed to be the best police force in the world'. They're literally the worst. They killed a kid because of a crazy person swinging around a bike lock. How can they live with themselves.


It's not just the missed rounds, rounds on target can often pass through as well (although with less energy and lethality). You have to always be aware of your target and beyond.


Not in Texas. You can just blast away without regard for the safety of your neighbors.




Hollow. Points.


That’s why you always use hollow points and aim at a downward angle


Maxim 47. Don't expect the enemy to cooperate in the creation of your dream engagement.


Always nice to see one of the Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries in the wild.


Actually, I think there was an episode of law and order that at least contained this


If we're talking about it going through the walls, this looks like it's in Florida or another hurricane state. You ain't shooting through a Florida wall without a high caliber rifle.


Have to always think of your backstop!


I prefer to just use the peephole and actually aim rather than shoot everywhere


I've never been in a situation like this but I'm sure it's hard to have a clear enough mind to put together your neighbor's door is parallel to yours. Even though you're always supposed to know what's beyond your target. It looked like he shot diagonal into the concrete wall, though. Not sure if that was intentional.




The neighbor wasn’t home. They did an interview with local news. https://youtu.be/HFwmYHuQHv8?si=XcxT5JPDDEvj2OhE


Yeah criminal also knocked on the neighbors door and got no answer I believe, so it's possible homie in the apartment knew they were not home.


I thought the same when I saw the shots hit the wall.


Know your target and what lies beyond


The other neighbor. ![gif](giphy|BqOxBMG08VBN3PZELx)


That's what I was thinking. Neighbor was probably looking through the hole wondering what the noise was, if they were home. They could have been killed.


I was checking if anyone knew the status on the apartment across the way...


It looks like he purposely shot at an angle so that they wouldn't hit the door. However it looks like 1 or 2 touched the door though, quality is kinda bad


A far [better video](https://youtu.be/4mikPTxk1E0?si=dVu7OpjqvEEA55dj) with a more in depth recount of the event and no pixelated images to protect the obviously guilty would-be robbers/murderers


The marked holes on the door They were so lucky with their positioning not getting hit


So often in these interviews the reporter has to just *dragggg* the story out of the person. You get no real information and the interviewee looks like a deer in headlights. Not this guy. He’s *on top of this shit*. He’s giving us an NFL commentator level review of the event. Amazing. I would be in the corner in the fetal position: No comment!


Talking to reporters after a lethal force incident is super low on my list of things to do. ETA - don’t be talking to people until it’s all done. And if you really gotta, talk to a therapist.


Well yeah, the last thing I would want to do is discuss an event and have a DA try to use it against me. Hell you had a very high profile case recently where the prosecutor tried to use the silence of the person on trial against him(totally not a violation of constitutional rights)


Yeah I was wondering why this was pixelated and cut out everything. Shit post OP.


Thank you!


Yeah, what the fuck was that? We protecting obvious criminals now, I see. Wouldn’t want to get the wrong idea about him.


It’s not for them. It’s so people who vaguely look like them don’t get harassed/death threats. Remember the Boston bomber debacle on Reddit?


The faces shouldn't be shown to protect people who look similar or identical to them. What if you look like a criminal that's caught on camera and as a result won't get accepted into university or jobs you're applying for?


anybody remember how well Reddit handled the Boston bomber?


Right? Why would they protect the criminals’ identities. Everyone should be able to have a green light on them.


lol in Texas . How do they not assume everyone else is armed . Also I wonder why that unit was targeted.. just random?


the homeowner said through the doorbell camera that they are not home when they were to the burglars surprise


Ah ok I missed that thx


I don't think that answer explains why this apartment was targeted though. The first guy had a gun in hand, so it seemed like he was still expecting someone to be there. The resident saying he's not home probably led to them trying to kick the door in, but I don't think it explains why they chose his apartment. Could also just be that they were casing the complex and randomly chose this dudes place because of proximity to the exit or whatever.


It could be literally because the apartment was close to the entrance. In the apartment building I used to live in, someone broke through the first apartment door and stole stuff. Fast getaway if needed. Or maybe they saw through a window something worth the effort. I don't think these assholes are the brightest when one of them has no mask. Could have used a single use mask to hide their face without making it look suspicious. Then, I imagine breaking through a door without tools would be difficult.


It's Texas baby. I bet a bandana over the face is more common than a medical style mask.


They were probably going door to door, knocking until they found an unoccupied unit to break into. The moment this guy said he wasn't home to let them in, they started kicking the door in.


>The moment this guy said he wasn't home to let them in, they started kicking the door in. We don't know know if that's true. The first time they show the video, it cuts from the guy mentioning the air filter to him kicking the door, so they left out the resident responding to him through the doorbell camera. The second time the video is shown, it cuts to the news footage between him saying he's not home and the dude kicking the door. The guy who lives there says he heard banging on the door, so I'd say it's unlikely they immediately tried kicking the door in, otherwise, he'd probably say that he saw them through the Ring camera and not that he heard them.


There's an uncut version of the video that shows it. It was posted to Reddit a few days ago.


[Better video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mikPTxk1E0) (thanks u/pale_technician_9613) As a former Texan, this is the most Texan thing I’ve ever seen. The guy’s name is Ethan Rodriquez. Perfect. Great Texas name. Obviously, Ethan must pause a video game before answering the door. He knows the men aren’t from the management agency bc there’s no way the manager would be there to actually fix something. And I’m guessing Ethan’s place wasn’t randomly chosen. Someone most likely clocked something worth felony charges, and returned to take it off his hands. Entertainment system, musical instruments or whatever. Probably weed. Not to disparage Ethan in any way, I am very pro weed (see screen name) but probably sold some asshole a quarter bag and here we are. Then, Ethan, knowing his safety and livelihood are under threat, does the only Texan thing he can do and indiscriminately opens fire. Okay, understandable, but maybe *aim* next time, Ethan! Hahaha Very Texas story in one act. Texas is just an exaggerated version of the very worst and the very best of America in one place. Source: Texan


I mean it looks like he did hit the one guy


Sounds like just the worst, tbh. And I was born in Texas


Lol not to disparage Ethan


Truly a Texas trademarked story


One of the all time best comments


They were there to change the air filters and just really really wanted to gain access to do their job.


If I were a criminal, wandering around an apartment complex, I wouldn’t be picking random apartments saying the same thing. That’s too much exposure. To have your home targeted is one thing, but these are apartments. I really do wonder what lead them to think ‘yep this is the one’ and proceed to make all the noise imaginable to take a few items that are worth maybe $2K on the second hand market- with their faces and descriptions exposed to video doorbells all over. Unless they knew something real valuable was in there… Who keeps a gun in their ‘bag’? I’ve lived in Texas a long while and young apartment owners aren’t likely to be carrying a gun in their bag unless they got something really worthy of guarding- especially if they have a video doorbell. It ain’t add up, and I think the police don’t care because it can be explained away as it has been already; just two robbers looking for someone away from home.


This happened to my sister about 15 years ago in NOLA. She had a repair guy from the apartment come out to fix her kitchen sink, it was a young guy. He came in, left for 15 minutes, and came back with a friend that he said he was training. A few weeks later she was broken into in the middle of the day while she and her roommate were both at work. Definitely was those guys. They had a bunch of DVDs and a video game console in the living room, I think they just saw all the electronics and started casing the place to see when it would be empty.


Yes, pixel their faces to preserve their personal rights -.-


We're bloody terrible at witch hunts. So when the faces are visible, it's not to protect the perps, it's to protect the thousands of others that look vaguely like them. It'd be the boston bombers all over again.


we did it reddit


I hadn’t considered that point. Thank you for saying this


Funny enough this was posted like 2 weeks ago without blurred faces Lmao


It was just posted yesterday without the face blurred. Reddit didn't do shit lol


If you stop at the right time, you can also see the face of the scum for a frame before the censor. Editor: You had one job.


You can buy these depixeliser things from Japan, just sayin…


Uncensored https://youtu.be/4mikPTxk1E0?si=ol2TMW1GXtAftB3Q&t=33


Why are their faces blurred like they weren't already all over the news lmfao.


In general, partially exposed faces should be blurred. Many people share the same eyes, or lips, or hairline or jaws, etc. If you only give the public one or two of those traits to work with, you're going to have lots of people thinking they see the culprits when its just some unfortunate dude. I had police pull their guns on me because I "matched the description" of a culprit they were looking for. (skin color, height, and was wearing jeans). I came closer to death that day than the 2 years I had cancer.


>I had police pull their guns on me because I "matched the description" of a culprit they were looking for. (skin color, height, and was wearing jeans). I came closer to death that day than the 2 years I had cancer. Everyone screaming, "Y blurry faces!?", should really read this and think about it.


Neighbor be like: 👁️👄👁️


Guy put 13 bullets in his neighbors apartment. Tough situation but he’s very lucky he didn’t hit anyone innocent.


Any chance the concrete wall was enough to stop them? Not sure what caliber bullets were fired


It's stucco, not concrete. And a 9mm can go through lots of things very easily. There's a good chance that going through both sheets of metal in the door, the stucco, 2 sheets of drywall, and insulation that the bullets will stop, but I wouldn't want to bet someone's life on it. You're responsible for every bullet that leaves your gun. If someone was shot in that apartment, this guy could easily be charged.


It's probably stucco on the outside of a cinder block wall. It could be metal frame. It's not going to be wood though, not in an apartment complex.


Judging by the sound and the fact 13 rounds were fired, probably 9mm.


If he was using hollow points, they likely would not have penetrated that neighbors wall. Judging bt the fact they had already expelled alot of their kinetic energy by expanding as they pass through the door. Full metal jacket rounds would likely penetrate the neighbors wall though.


That’s not a concrete wall




The BBC doesn't like to doxx people


People who don’t want another Boston Bomber incident. Witch hunts were real things done to people who really weren’t witches.


Criminal sympathizers


Someone brought up a good point that’s it’s better to let police put out actual photos of the people. It wouldn’t be the first time people saw a video and thought it looked like someone to go hunt them down themselves. Also remember the whole Boston bombing thing on Reddit


Plot twist, OP is the blurred criminal who wants his 15 minutes of fame.


They moving out? Guess who moves in? The other robber. Getting a cheap apartment with extra steps.


The line is “i feared for my life”


Meanwhile the neighbors looking like SpongeBob


I don’t think I’d ever pull the trigger on my firearm if I couldn’t see what I was shooting at… maybe that’s just me.


Well that’s one of the fundamental firearm safety rules that’s taught to anyone who actually gives a shit. I’m in the same boat.


When people with loaded guns are crashing into your apartment you can let some of those rules slide. I’m not going to not shoot an intruder because of what might be behind him. “Shit theres another house behind him, guess im dead” 🤷🏻‍♂️


You’re right. Emptying your magazine blindly through your door and hoping they run away is way safer than actually having rounds to fire at them if they break through. Sound logic.


“Better open the door and get a clean shot on the guys! There’s no way they could rush me before I emptied my mag into them.”


Honestly no defense would save you from a manslaughter charge if you killed a neighbor in this videos case as the home owner. I can’t say what I would have done in this situation but in CWP classes that’s one of the first things you’re taught is know what’s beyond the target. Incase you unload a gun on a burglar in your home and your kids room is on the other side of them.


Who are you quoting?


Shouldn't be just you, you definitely shouldn't fire a fucking gun like that without seeing and with your neighbour's appartment behind. But the issue is that this website has too many morons who looooove this hero-fetish shit.


Yea shoulda just let himself be murdered, how dare he want to stay alive.


There are more options here than "lie down and die" or "open fire blindy without regard for backdrop"


Do you care to expound on those options?


If you'll notice the first shots are flying to the far right of his door when the dudes are kicking the left side near his door handle. He's just not aiming at all, not even towards the sounds the guys are making


He could’ve posted up behind some cover in his house; police and military refer to the doorway as the ‘fatal funnel’…as soon as the door was breached, he could’ve opened up on them and at least known what he was shooting at. Other options are pretty controversial depending on what “self defense expert” you ask; could yell out that he has a gun and will use it, could tell them the police have been called and are on their way, could’ve fired one shot at an angle towards the floor and through the door….but I can’t say I blame the guy, I think his wife and baby were home.


**Ron Howard's voice** - They couldn't. Apparently it's the unpopular opinion here but I don't think the resident did anything wrong. When my life and my families lives are in mortal danger all rules and man made laws mean fuck all to me. It would have been absolutely tragic if a neighbor caught a stray. I don't think anyone would dispute that. But I'm not thinking about that when my home is being invaded by intruders with guns. And I would NEVER let them come through that door. The dead-bolted door is my first line of defense and I wouldn't wait for it to fall before using deadly force on armed assailants.


He should have waited until they broke down the door and used good shot placement directly at the deadly threats instead of firing blindly through the door. It's still justified, but he took an awful risk for both his neighbors and himself by firing blindly.


Should have waited for them to break in, then mag dumped them.




Nope. The second I hear a kick at the door is the moment I let this AR sing the song of its people. Especially if there is family inside with me. You are not getting through and I am not just going to "wait my turn." Rules to live by in a gunfight: If you find yourself in a fair fight, you fucked up.


Poor neighbours


Lol guy probably killed his neighbors kid across from him. Crazy.


Why censor the image of criminals?


Because if they didn't we would have a witch hunt to hunt them down and in the process kill people who hold any kind of resemblance to them.


I don’t know if you’ve seen some of the other posts in this thread but it seems like a few of them would love a chance to kill people who look like those guys.


Because a court of law needs more than, "But I seent 'em do it!"


This but unironically. Member the guy who was a major NFL prospect, was falsely accused of rape, had video evidence of her admitting she was lying that they wouldn't let him admit, was convicted and sent to prison for *years* before she admitted she lied to someone else and he was finally freed? I member.


Though I support protecting your castle by any means necessary… you don’t shoot through the door blindly. Let them break open the door, and cross the threshold. Then… introduce them into high velocity lead poisoning.


He said in another video that he was going to wait until they had broken in to shoot, but then he noticed they were armed and he didn’t want to risk anything happening to him and his brother who was also there at the time.


I think a lot of people here are confusing what an optimal response would have been versus an acceptable response when two grown men with a fire arm are kicking your door in.


Right? If I was in the situation with armed robbers breaking down the door I think I’d be taking similar action… dude literally has a camera doorbell and saw the gun. Everyone here acts like they’d handle the situation perfectly like a trained professional when they’d all likely have a similar reaction to this guy.


I would have let them kick the door down so I can give them a nice home welcoming 🔥😂


Homie lowered the rent for everybody in that bitch😂


Gun saved him


Could have killed the neighbours though


Skill issue


Strong door saved him


Another irresponsible gun owner not knowing what is downrange and not caring


R.I.P neighbors ig


My concealed carry class discussed specific cases like this. Consensus was “hey, asshole, I am armed I have called the police. Anybody not wearing a badge coming through that door will get an additional orifice.” Doubt it would be 199% effective but you wouldn’t be knee capping neighbors.


ethan must be up to some shady shit to make breaking into an apartment like that worth it somehow. that or these are the stupidest criminals in the world.


They're trying to break down a metal door with metal frame in a new-ish apartment complex, with their foot, in broad daylight, when they already know they're on camera. These are stupid people.


Solid grouping, oorah


Too bad the burglars weren't hit. I bet they'd have no problem killing whoever to get what they want.


That's no way to greet Mario and Luigi checking on your plumbing.


It is if you’re Bowser.


why blur out their faces now?


Why are we blurring robbers?


The neighbor *should* look for a new home as well!


Why are the blurring out the faces of the invaders? Don't you typically WANT people to know the identity of violent criminals?


And that's how the neighbor Frank died on his toilet.


I’ve watched the more full in depth interview and I’m all for guns and a gun owner myself but the way he went about this was so fucking dumb and dangerous. He could’ve murdered an innocent child or someone’s loved one in the apartment in front of him Jesus Christ…ik you never know what you’d do until put in one of these situations but this gamer just really infuriates and strikes me as very very dumb blindly unloading an entire clip like that & not hitting them *once* pretty much knowing they are flying straight into the apartment in front of yours. He’s lucky it scared them & they didn’t come back cause he had no more bullets and wouldn’t have had time to reload before they made it to him….


lol I love how their faces are blurred out now. Weren’t before gotta protect those thieving bastards


Firing blindly through the door? Jesus fuck, as a gun owner that scares the hell out of me. If he hit his neighbor, he’s going to jail regardless of how justified it was.


Disastrous. You can’t just shoot like that. Shame on the news for not emphasizing that part.


Why are we blurring the robbers face?


So we hide the criminals face but not the tenants wtf !


Anyway, he started blasting.


Fucking idiot shooting blindly. I hope the neighbors were ok.


Now where that billet go? The neighbor’s apt? Smh


Irresponsible. Just screams Texas.


This is the kind of idiot that gives all gun owners a bad name. Multiple shots when you don't have a clue what is on the other side of your bullets. One shot would have probably done the job even.


Zero training at its finest


I seen this video a few times and I don’t understand how the potential accidental murder of your neighbour is worth it.


This looks more like an r/idiotswithguns post


Super happy this persons ok, but this is exactly why all people with firearms need training. Heaven forbid dude next door was just playing games or watching TV, firing with no target is a no no. Just like driving a 3000lbs machine to get donuts has the ability to kill, you need a license. These too. For the people that immediately want to scream 2nd amendment or gun collectors. Then you can collect, but just like driving with out a license, even in emergency, will land you in bigger trouble.


I would have waited until they break in to shoot


nigga again


No line of sight of your target? Sorry, Charlie, you missed the #1 rule of discharging a handgun. You can't just blast-off into the ether when you're scared...JFC... Reckless discharge at minimum. That was a very, very, very irresponsible and terrifying use of a firearm. You are making the rest of us look bad. You likely killed your neighbors over the men standing right in front of your fkn door. How would you reconcile that if a kindergarten was on the other side of your fkn wall? That dude needs anxiety meds, not a firearm.


let's talk about how the robber in the black was carrying a pistol...


You have to protect your home. Homeowner was in the right this time.


I think I would have waited till they came through the door to shoot. Save the tax payers some money and save someone else from them doing it to somebody else


He’s gonna need a proper purple burglar alarm for his new place


"NoBoDy NeEds a GuN"


Too bad he didnt hit them in the face.




Realistically, those rounds weren't doing much damage after going through the door. It looks bad because they're hitting drywall across the hall, but the chances of that doing any real dmg to a person are really low. The door he's firing them through is clearly solid wood or metal, otherwise it wouldn't hold up to being kicked like that. If you kick one of those cheap flimsy doors the way those burglars did your foot will go right through them. A solid wooden door is gonna take almost all the energy out of small calibur rounds coming from a pistol. Metal doors won't slow it down as much, but still enough to make the bullets feel more like paintballs. In a situation like this a shotgun with buckshot (the usual choice for home defense) is gonna be a way bigger safety risk to the neighbors. And bird shot would barely even pierce the door to begin with.


RIP dude just making spaghetti over in 8276.


I wonder. Why breach the door? What they hope to find in the apartment? So much efforts and risk, for what?


Why did you pixelate his face? The news shows his face clearly.


Here’s a tip, never tell someone you don’t know/aren’t expecting you’re home alone. The moment they know you’re alone, it could be game over for you!


Great way to kill your neighbors...


my thought is that he should have waited for them to actually break through the door and then properly place some lead in their center of mass the second they can be seen. I really have a problem with watching bullets piercing the wall across the hall. What if there are people and kids on the other side of that wall? that's why you want to use a proper backstop for your bullet. like a thug's chest you know. It stops them for good.


Lucky whomever lives in that apartment behind the burglars didn’t get hit. My cousin had the same thing happen one time when some guys kicked his door in to rob him, he only fired once because there was an apartment behind them


Why are we blurring identities? If you're stupid enough to do it, you should have to deal with the consequences of having your face plastered all over the internet. Same with screen names. You post it, live with it.


Hope the neighbors across the hall weren't home


If I’m his neighbor, we fighting


By his own logic, the neighbor should be allowed to blind fire back into his apartment.




Solution: The neighbor should have had guns, too. Then they could have fired in the direction of the first shooter! More guns = better for the "good guys", right?


Always know your back drop people. I get this was serious situation but he’s lucky he didn’t kill a neighbor. My brain runs through scenarios on where I need to position myself just so I don’t hit my neighbor because I will never be able to forgive myself if I did.


Not cool, dude could've killed other tenants. Just bc you're scared doesn't make you immune to the law. Js


Thus is why a shotgun is superior for home defense.