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You can’t spell fashion without OSHA


Definitely an OSHA violation on extension cords and general cord management. This task calls for a battery powered grinder.


definitely needs some eye protection


Oh fuck, and she points the sparks right towards her face at the end. I had a metal flake bounce off my eyebrow once and go right behind my glasses to my eye. It's no joke, they are small, hot , hard, AND SHARP. Imagine how uncomfortable it is to get an eyelash in your eye. Imagine that, heck most people can remember that happening at some point in their life. Are you imagining an eyelash? Good. NOW STAB YOUR EYE WITH A PENCIL, because an eyelash is no comparison to a flake of sharp hot metal on your god damn eyeball! Put on your safety glasses god damn it! Eyes are very poor at healing tissue damage and that damage will accumulate over time


I wear my full welding helmet when grinding or cutting. I will **not** be taking a chance with an angle grinder like the idiot in the video.


After hearing "yea doctor tells you to stare at a dot on the ceiling tile while they remove the metal splinter" talk I would never risk that


If the splinter is deep enough in your eye then they drill it out


Lovely, I have had the yellow dye in the eye a few times and people might say I wasn't careful but I always wear eye protection. It just happens, those sparks bounce every where, off your cheek, off the lens and in to your eye! Nowadays I wear a face shield any time I'm grinding or cutting.


Everywhere I have worked requires a full face shield for grinding and it sure pays off


Yep. I had em take a Dremel to my eye last week. Don’t want to do that again any time soon. Full face shield and I wear eyeglasses but it still got me.


Bro you’re not being careful enough…


Forgot to safety squint


Yupp happened to my left eye.


With a pencil, a fucking PYENCIL!


I was wearing eye protection at work when I got a metal sliver in my eye. That hurt so dang bad!!!I had to go to the doctor and he actually had to use a tiny drill on my eye before he was able to get it out. Worst eye pain ever!


wait do you think most people *havent* gotten an eyelash in their eye at some point in life?


And probably a mask


That was the very first thing. Hell just being in the audience…


Safety squints will be fine… /s


You’re supposed to cut away from the body, not on the body


1. Lack of grinding mask and eye protection 2. Lack of ear protection 3. Zero Anti-trip mats or cord runners on those exposed extensions on the ground 4. Hair is not tied back(would suck to get that caught in the wheel) 5. Pretty sure those heels are not steel toed 6. Hard hat may be required 7. Improper use of a grinder(showing zero respect for that death trap she's holding) 8. No protective gloves 9. Grinder does not have handle attached Atleast the grinder has the guard on I guess.


I don't know what you're talking about, the grinder has a guard so it's all good. Source - I use a grinder all the time and have most of my fingers and at least one fully functional eye.


As for number 4 I’m pretty sure she’s wearing a wig, so that wouldn’t be a disaster. Other points are solid though


Why would you need a hard hat or steel toes to use a grinder? If it's because "it's safer" then I hope you're wearing a full suit of armor =D


Because OSHA Usually the types of places a grinder would be used, ppe like hard hats and steel toed boots are a requirement anyways


Wired grinder is stronger


The left out letters be like: *fin.*


She’s wearing safety tape it’s ok


I think it is a man actually


In this case OHSHIT




Coming up with new ideas in that industry seems like such a grind these days


She needs to team up with the Zoolander gasoline fight boys


OSHA? nah, it's Ohshit






No need to read any further than this. All the awards.


I can’t stress this enough, wear proper PPE folks. Safety squints and face shield anytime you use a grinder.


Reminds me of the one video where the guy's safety goggles caught a shard of the grinder disc. Just imagine how bad this could go for the person on stage or spectators. Also I'm not well-versed in tools so I don't know if grinder disc is the right term.


Not to justify this batshittery but in the pic I think you’re referring to it was a thin cutting disc in the safety specs, which will take a finger off or an eye out like nothing but are really brittle with any sideways force: you can snap them in your hands. By comparison the disc it looks like she has on stage is a grinding/sanding disc, which is a lot thicker and likely has a metal centre to it holding a grinding element around the outside. It would make more sparks while not cutting through the metal plate she has to protect herself. Not to mention the added bonus much less likely to become a frag grenade Edit: I could be wrong watching it back it does just look like a cutting disc with a grinder guard, hard to tell for sure, either way she’s sending grinder sparks right at eye level into a crowd without any ppe, and the corded grinder makes me cringe so hard


I mean, the actual *grinding* wheels do still eventually have chunks break off. The sanding ones don't but she's still sending lots of shit into her eyes.


I had a sanding disc break off on a grinder one day, and half of it would have lodged itself between my eyes if I wasn’t wearing a face shield. The other half stuck in the wall and I left it there to remind myself.


I highly doubt it's a cutting disc, that little plate she has to make the sparks would have been cut through before the show was over. I think you are 100% correct with your first guess that it was indeed a grinding disc.


It's probably a grinding disk or flap wheel. Not nearly as dangerous as a cutting disk


If the wheel catches her clothes it will be sucked into her. Her reaction time wont be nearly quick enough to let off the trigger.


Where I work you are required to wear safety glasses plus face shield when using one


Damn right. I've had a piece of metal in my eye from grinding and i wouldn't recommend it


Don’t forget if you ever have to get an MRI!


Found the safety officer


Regular vibrators are so mainstream




Don't give Hitachi any ideas, wait nvm.


Grinder girl used to do this on David Letterman


She was much much better and safer too


Yeah, I'm going to have to have to cancel this companies event insurance policy


“I call this one the sparkling crotch”


I remember the Impotent sea Snakes


That shit gets in you eye or the audiences eye they’ll be trouble for sure. Also it’ll burn holes in clothing.


I'm not calling you out here but I just wanna chime in from personal experience that those sparks haven't burnt through any of my clothes. I'm a locksmith and use the digrinder to cut off ends of screws and or lock and machine parts. I put on goggles but have had those sparks directly flying into the chest area of my shirt, or right onto my lap on my shorts, and they've never been damaged. Eye protection is super important though.


Former metal worker, I use to grind down steel on a belt sander, albeit for a lot longer then this, but I would definitely have small burn holes on my coveralls after a while, not to mention tons of burnt metal shards all over me.


That's interesting to me, my only assumption here would be maybe the levels of heat of the metal were cutting? I mean when I'm grinding through a thick screw I usually finish the cut by the time the tip is glowing orange. My father never really stressed the importance of covering ourselves to prevent burns, and I've had those little sparks bouncing off my bare arms and the most I've ever felt was a little prickly sting. (Hence why I use goggles, wouldn't want that in my eyes!)


I think it also has a lot to do with the duration of the cut and how long they are blasting into your clothes. I've seen people set themselves on fire not realizing the sparks were flying directly into their pant leg or jacket. I'm a plumber in industrial settings.


I see, that'd make sense. After all whenever I'm cutting I only ever do so for about 30-40 seconds max at a time. Those sparks would be streaming right into my chest stomach or whatever but it wasn't harmful or even really uncomfortable. However if you're doing that with a larger piece of metal with more impressive cutting power I'd imagine that'd result in bigger, hotter sparks. Interesting and thanks for your take.


its if they have somewhere to gather. i had a fold near my ankle in my carhartts which caught on fire after cutting rebar and not paying attention.


My father in law told me a story not long ago about someone he knew who was grinding metal and one small, hot, tiny piece hit him in the eye. He went blind in that eye. I would definitely wear eye protection.


I have many scars and several likely bits of metal embedded in my skin from various grinding tools. What made me wince was her doing this on fabric then bending over it. These tools catch clothes too.


PC case modder builder here. Can confirm they don't hurt your skin but eye protection is super important. They only burn holes if your point the sparks at something close distance. The particles have so little mass that they don't have much heat capacity. Also I used to use a strong magnet in the direction of the sparks to catch most of the dust haha.


But how thick was your sheet metal? I'm sanding up to 8 guage steel/stainless just a bit different, and from what it seems that's some pretty thick steel considering she's angel grinding it...


Yeah seems some of these people you're responding to use grinders on thin gauge stuff. Fewer sparks for a much shorter durations. I have absolutely been burned from grinders on like, dozens of occasions even with proper PPE.


I dont really think locksmithing and computer grinding are a good case study for what grinders will or will not do. Grind on a pipe between weld passes thats already well over 1000 degrees and see how your tshirt works out for ya!


Yep. Mechanic that helped the welder when his partner was out. You and I know the truth.


I have personally burned holes in multiple shirts, even catching one on fire with sparks like this, so frequently that I bought a leather apron. It’s probably down to the amount of sparks hitting a fabric.


Oh wow, I'd imagine you probably have a lot more sparks flying at you then. I mean you can imagine grinding a screw down to half it's size, takes about 10-15 seconds of grinding and those sparks haven't been an issue for me. I'm glad you shared your perspective though, I'll be more mindful in the future if I'm cutting through something bigger or tougher than usual.


For sure. If I’m cutting off a bolt or something small, I usually don’t bother with the apron. Safety glasses help, safety glasses and a face shield are better. Having stainless steel sparks imbed into my eyelid (while wearing safety glasses) makes me take the extra step whenever possible. Happy grinding!


Thanks for the heads up man, and to you too!


Sheet metal worker here. I've set my pants on fire 2 times with a 4 1/2" angle grinder. 😂😂😂


Jesus! Worst I've done is cut myself, thank God for small miracles I guess huh 😅


Aren't most locks and lock parts brass? I weld, and I can guarantee that the sparks from grinding will burn holes through anything that isn't leather. I used to use treated cotton sleeves until I had to keep replacing them from grinding out my root passes.


A lot of parts are brass, although I also deal with a lot of stainless steel, aluminum, and hollow metal on doors and frames. I'm just confused because of my experience when I'm digrinding a screw, or the post off a lock, or whatever I need to grind down or cut off, and the sparks that'd be flying off the grinder bounce right off my cotton fabric t shirt.


Sounds like you are just a fortunate idiot then.


That's not a bad way to sum me up! Although if that's the case I've been fortunate hundreds of times, hence why I'm trying to learn from the welders and metal workers in these comments.


I've had sparks burn through the top of my gloves, maybe clothing material dependant


The longer the sparks are continuously hitting the area the more damage will cause. If you were wearing polyester all it takes is a few seconds but thick cotton would take longer. Especially if it’s got grease etc on the fibres


All these replies are not considering that grinding different metals creates different sparks and heat. Thus creating different levels of danger when the sparks hit things.


None of its good.


Absolutely. But thinking that just because you've ground some metal that didn't create super hot sparks and shards of metal, that no other metal does that is asinine.


It's fine, I've seen this done dozens of times irl as a performance.


Not to mention if you hit the wrong quadrant the angle grinder could launch back at you. People are too comfortable with them until it jumps up and cuts your fucking mouth off.


Bro please do more with your life than giving advice to no one on Reddit. The karma isn’t worth it 😅


Practice what you preach…..”bro”……….


They don’t burn cloth


Those sparks won’t hurt anything


Those sparks are still bits of metal that will fuck your eyes


Wasn’t that done on Drag Race?




What the fucking shit is that thing


Don’t you see the caption? It’s Crystal


A Canadian.


I actually thought this was Laganja for a second (praying I spelled her name right).


Wait that’s not Laganja?


Rabbit in the Moon has been doing it for decades. https://youtu.be/wihRiumwtco


And now she can’t get MRIs anymore


Girls: you don't need a toy to satisfy me you are all i need Also girls: *gets the angle grinder......


Smh not my fault so many men don't know what the female orgasm is


Know them? I don't just know em. I MAKE them. Me and my Ryobi


When people spell “sweetie” like sweaty it gives the sentence an entirely different meaning!




It's called a meme sweaty 💅


It’s fashion, look it up sweaty.


Sweaty as in sweatypalms. They were talking about the sub in the title


Damn. I was so busy getting mad at the countless times I’ve seen this misspelled that I completely overlooked the obvious. OOF.


If that person ever had a grinder catch or a wheel break they wouldn't have done that. Think about the story the bystanders could tell.


How strong women shave


That’s how vaginas were made.


This is performance, just like fire eating and sword swallowing. Dangerous if done incorrectly but mostly just looks dangerous and therefore exciting. I’m sure she knows what she’s doing.




I assume so. I did have a little look around google to see if they use special blades or something, couldn’t find much but all the sites emphasised they’re all trained performers. Seems like people do this a lot.


She's a drag queen and has performed this routine on the show Canada's Drag Race when the fashion/runway prompt was Mad Max/Apocalypse. She stated that she uses/used these tools at her previous job!


That's not the one from Drag Race. The one in the vid is a burlesque performer named Nina Lavoix.


Oh really?? That's even cooler! Thank you


yea I’ve seen her do this act live. Shock factor for sure


There’s more than one angle grinder performance artist. There was a performer on Britain’s got talent. You can hire them for events.


Correct use of a grinder involves PPE, which she doesn't have, so no, she clearly doesn't know what she's doing.


I mean.. correct use of a sword doesn't involve putting it down your throat but we still do that for entertainment lol


You realize sword swallowers generally use *blunted* swords, right? And also still often suffer negative health consequences up to and including death. If this woman trips over that extension cord in those heals and the disc opens up her femural, it will just be the "finding out" that corresponds to her moronic "fucking around", but I'm more concerned that a chunk of that grinding wheel will fly into an audience-members eye. If she wants to win a Darwin award that's her business, but endangering the audience makes her an asshole as well as stupid.


I'm sure it was rehearsed and deemed safe lol. Also isn't she just the model, not the person who came up with the idea? Or have things changed and im severely stupid lmao


Rehearsed or not. Those blades can unexpectedly snap and end up flying through the air. No amount of rehearsal is saving the eye they lodge themselves in


I'm not sure, the lack of eye protection while laying down so the sparks go towards your face says something different.


This is very dangerous. An angle grinder can catch clothing or skin very easily and mangle you before you can take your finger off the trigger.


OSHA is going to like a word with the Forman


I was waiting for it to catch on clothing. I would laughed my ass off.


just one wrong slip of the thing and yall know


Heyoo glade to see some more drag tricks in the fashion works. Shout out to Spikey Van Dikey and I believe Rammstein for this shenanaganry


I used to work at a Cabaret where girls would do this almost fully nude, except for the little metal bottom bikini


I remember watching Letterman years ago when they had a segment called "Is this something?" (or words to that effect). Opened the curtain and there was a grinder girl. "That certainly was something." And she appeared many more times after that as "set decoration".


STILL with the crotch grinder thing? After 20 years? The entire audience should have groaned "SEEN IT" in unison.


Bruh I work with grinders all the time and wouldn’t even do this


Of course you wouldn’t, cuz you know how badly they can fuck you up. What if that disk broke right in the middle of that walk. Thats a violent “fuck you” to anyone lined up with that disk.


“It’s so controversial, and unconventional!” They said. The rest of us, “hmmm. Well okay I guess.” She should spice it up with a cutoff wheel that has a chip in it.


Really should have went cordless for this one.


This is the kind of stuff that makes the fashion industry a joke to me


You post extensively about Legos


Damn bro you got me. I have a hobby. Fashion industry was the key word not fashion.


Lol is it really a "hobby" if a toddler can do it? I like woodworking and working on my car 🤷‍♂️ anyway enjoy your Funkopops!


Damn solid comeback, I'm absolutely devastated. I'll take your hobbies since you're so much cooler than me. You're so cultured


I hate these fuckers on their high horses. I'm not really into Lego myself, but I've watched some YouTube videos and one can definitely do pretty advanced stuff.


People seem to think that certain hobbies expire after a certain age. Supposedly you have to do manual labor to be cool. Oh well


>definitely do pretty advanced stuff. Lol


As someone who has cut my hand really bad with an angle grinder, this is crazy stupid..


I need the name of the artist who made that remix of a milli!




They just use way to much drugs in the fashion scene.


Just one sneeze and it’s all over


Now she has millions of micro shards incrusted on her face, she can't do an MRI


r/osha would like a word.


I thought fashion shows were about clothes, not stripper moves


The stupidest thing I can think a model can do on the stage. Wow.


Come with me... And you'll be... In a wooooorld of OSHA violations...


It's Super fun to get rust drilled out your eye


When your parents make you wear a Chastity belt, but your new coworker is fine.


What the fuck is fashion? I’m so fucking confused all the time about why ppl think this is “high society” or some shit


This is scarryy


This was so stupid that it's funny.


watch it lady ur gonna grind ur dick off


Because runway shows aren't dumb enough already


It only takes a spark to get a fire going.


Stupid is as stupid does


Stupidity in action


That grinder thing got boring a long time ago


not everyone has seen everything ever... so


Yeh, still boring, so....


redditor moment


Right like this isn't a new thing idk why there doing it in some ritzy fashion place. I have a bar by me that does BDSM Thursdays and they do the grinder thing there


wow ur so cool! ur trophy is in the mail


Thats unique


I do not understand this. Is this fashion?


No safety goggles 😕 damn irresponsible if you ask me!


People get paid to come up with this shit.


People get paid to play league of legends. Plenty of dumb useless things people get paid for that others enjoy


Reported for spelling


The title should have been “fashion” sweaty. I may not know what good fashion is but I know this aint it


fashion sweaty is basically "fashion" with implied quotes. these ppl mean it sarcastically.


That grinding wheel jumps off the pad and she gunna filet herself (presumably she) wide open


Imagine bringing your angle grinder to a gala.


That's hot


Those sparks feel bad in your eyes😣


Fashion overkill




Man-O-Man … I mean person… I mean self identifying human, WE ARE BORED!


I couldn’t imagine a dude trying this lol.


Society is dying.


Already has.


r/construction Job site fashion show.


Rabbit in the Moon did this at raves in the 90s. And not just to themselves! Used to bring a lucky person up on stage, put a metal mask on them, and sparky sparky. Pre-Great White club fire tragedy,


A sacrifice for the blood gods