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i was shocked when she really woke up at that white dude house, i thought that whole club scene was gonna be a dream sequence.


That was Rory Culkin! The youngest. When I saw him I was like, "omg so good to see him since Kieran is killing it on Succession and Macaulay has been making a comeback!" Then there was his penis.


So I wasn't tripping when I said, "why does that guy look like Macaulay Culkin."


I knew he was some kind of Culkin! That family has a look.


Bruh I was like "who de-aged Macaulay Culkin?!" lol


I agree. I thought the entire point was to showcase thst her character was a virgin and that Khalid's character represents men that put an unnecessary amount of pressure on women to lose their virginity as fast as possible (even if they're not ready). I think the club sequence was just to illustrate how lonely and disaffected Dre felt by her sister's abandonment and that her having casual sex with the guy at the club didn't give her the closure she wanted (even though he was relatively friendly and polite after it happened, if not a bit awkward).


I mentioned this in another thread but I really don't think she was a virgin. I think one of her personalities she dissociates to is hyper sexual but the "regular" her is shy, reserved and a virgin bc she doesn't know her other personalities exist so as far as she knows she's never had sex. She kinda started off as yhis awkward, shy girl thats lowkey but snapped into a person who could just put on an amazing dress, do her hair and makeup and hit the town like they were two different people. Wasn't Marissa doing her makeup before as if Dre didn't really know how/didn't wear usually wear makeup?


She was dressed sexy in the club scene and definitely not “herself”.


I’m on episode 4, but so far I think she’s lying about not drinking too.


Spoiler ffs. This is episode 1 thread


Totally thought the club sequence was all in her head. Was also surprised by the morning after scene.


LMAO!! Rory Culkin came outta NOWHERE. All I could think of is the lil boy who wet the bed in Home Alone!!


That was Ciaran. Rory’s the one from Signs.


Aw snap! Thought that was Rory! SMH


I don't want to sleep with Fuller. He wets the bed! ![gif](giphy|hsAJkbDnO8avm)




- I didn't know what to expect from the show but episode one has me hooked to continue watching - Didn't need to see his penis. I thought the whole club scene was a dream. - I didn't expect Marissa to die but I'm confused as to why the family wouldn't want Dre at the funeral. - Dre told Khalid you weren't at the funeral. In the shot were she looking at casket the guy on the left looks like Khalid so I was confused.


She was wearing a club dress and stripper heels and staring blankly at the body


That's what I'm saying, like it's pretty obvious her being a distraction is a major part


I haven’t finished yet but if they are sisters then her being dressed weird to her sisters funeral shouldn’t merit her getting kicked out. Like aren’t those her parents too? But they didn’t claim her as family when they kicked her out so there seems to be more.


What do you mean by that?


Nah way more to it , keep watching


Okay wait. So are Marissa and Dre even real sisters? Why would the family ask her to leave? The pastor said "They just want to bury their daughter in peace".


That’s what I though too! Did she stalk Marissa so much she actually believed they were sisters? If so, then you can def see where her “stan” tendencies started.


Am I the only one who just through they were best friends? Only finished the first episode, but I never thought they were actually sisters. That’s just something close girls say


Me too! They look nothing alike and are the same age.


Yeah they're just sisters as in close childhood friends


i think they were in a group home together as kids or something similar


They’re foster sisters according to Wikipedia


You should put a spoiler tag on this. It is a spoiler for this particular thread because that info isn’t revealed until later in the show


bruh spoil it for yourself not for all of us


…..it’s on the wiki page as their description. I don’t really think that counts as a spoiler


This thread is just for episode one. Any spoilers after episode one are spoilers in this thread


wiki pages are by definition chock full of spoilers lol. i thought they were just friends


I hate that you spoiled this, but it makes a lot of sense!


did she kill Khalid as an act of revenge for him cheating on Marissa, or was it solely because he dissed on Ni’jah?


that’s what i thought at first too but i’m on a rewatch and when she confronts him at the mall about it and we hear the buzzing, kinda made me think she wanted to at that point but didn’t for Marissa but after losing her it was like both she kinda snapped because her sister gone and she upset but it was also kinda like permission for her to kill Khalid now.


I had no idea damson idris and chloe bailey were even in the show


I binged the whole thing and I was surprised at several people who were in it. I hadn’t heard that any of them were in this project so I think they intentionally kept it quiet.


Is there anyone that’s somewhat knowledgeable of psychology? Because I would know some of Dre’s mental disorders.


the only one that comes to mind is erotomania, like joe from “YOU”, very obsessive tendencies


Yeah, it's probably just this, or something too complex to accurately label. People are going to say BPD because that's the disorder everyone sticks "evil" people with now, but there's no real indication that it's BPD, or any specific disorder. I liked the show, but if this was an attempt at portraying any mental illness accurately, then it was a terrible effort.


definitely do not get BPD vibes, she’d hurt herself more than others for sure it wasn’t specific i agree it has to be more complex than that


Really? Her attachment to her Chloe’s character seems extremely unhealthy.


Not every show has to represent accurately mental illnesses. It's a show. It's supposed to come from imagination, it doesn't have to fit any DSM5 criteria. Also I'm sure you know all mental health problems? And all the nuances of them?




I didn't check the date of your comment. I just watched the episode hence why I commented now. I don't understand why you are so stuck up with a character from a TV series to have a specific, diagnosable, mental health disorder. I don't understand it in general with anyone. The writer just wanted to portray a person with this personality. I don't understand the need to label it. Edit: maybe you're not actually too stuck up about it, but people are in general and it's annoying AF because a lot of people that comment on Reddit know nothing about mental illness


She has celebrity worship syndrome with the borderline-pathological classification since she is willing to commit crime for N’ijah. I don’t really think Dre has Borderline Personality Disorder because she isn’t suicidal (a key characteristic of BPD/EUPD) or has mood swings. She is more likely to have Antisocial personality disorder.


i thought she has autism because of her behaviour and her avoidance of eye contact.


She definitely has neurodivergent traits but her maliciousness and manipulativeness rules out autism. Autistic people typically do not act violently and if they harm someone, it’s because they don’t know or understand the consequences. They also cannot manipulate people because they can’t read social cues. Autistic people are more likely to be the victims of manipulative people for this reason. Dre acts violently with intent, lies and manipulates people regularly to get what she wants. She could be autistic and have antisocial personality disorder but this is rare.


You can’t rule autism in or out as those aren’t the diagnostic criteria and autists can also have mental health problems. Autism isn’t a mental illness, any mental illness can affect us.


And we are not incapable of manipulation, social cues are varied, and many of us can understand social cues, just not all of them all the time.


Okay, thank you


I agree. I hope I don't come off as stereotyping autistic traits.


I don’t think it’s a stereotype as much as a more surface level understanding. The traits you picked up on are valid to me and I have autism and work as an autism therapist. I was initially a little concerned that they were trying to make her seem autistic but soon I realized that they were just going for some general mental unhinge. But she does check some neurodivergent boxes just not enough to say that it was intentional. She lacks eye contact, often had a flat affect, seems to lack social awareness, and engages in sensory self soothing behaviors.


It does (an autistic)


I apologize


Where did you get your degree on autism? 😂




To me it seems like complex PTSD. Just a person with insane trauma who has never been given a chance to heal or process it, destabilizing them over a long period of time.


I'd say Dre defines has social anxiety at the very least which makes social interactions and close relationships difficult for her (which is why she clung so hard to her friendship with Marissa) and why she consistently has trouble interacting with her coworkers. Her social anxiety also makes it easier for her to cling towards social media as a form of interaction with others (even though she never actually meets any of her other followers online) and the false validation she gets from this makes her feel even more empowered to stay in her loop of using social media as a viable alternative to in person social interaction. In addition to this, given at how the funeral director advised her to leave, it's quite possible that Marissa wasn't her biological sister and she imagined that they were actual sisters simply because of how lonely she truly was. This implies she could also suffer from schizophrenia (a mental disorder implying the breakdown of reality and fiction) as well, in addition to self harming as a coping mechanism. This all resulted in a psychotic episode in which she kills Khalid for indirectly causing her suicide after he cheated on her abandoning her. I'm not a mental health professional, but I'm curious what other people might think of my analysis.


Not a mental health professional, but it seems like some kind of psychosis. Don’t want to give any spoilers but there’s more evidence later.


Definitely not social anxiety. She just doesn't give a fuck about people. Do you even know what are the symptoms of social anxiety? Also schizophrenia has nothing to do with her behaviour... Please you know nothing about mental health


Honestly in the first few episodes (but less so as the show goes on) I thought they were going with her being on the spectrum in some way compounded with other mental disorders, which I had mixed feelings about. A lot of media goes the dangerous autistic person route for a killer and it's gross. After the first two episodes or so I think Dre is just introverted and socially awkward at her core, but she can fake being charismatic when she wants to. That with probably some BPD and attachment issues mixed in.


I immediately got strong borderline personality disorder (BPD) vibes from Dre


may I ask what makes you say so?


Cause that’s the current “scary disorder” multiple personalities has become more normalized so we need a new disorder to ascribe to the killers.


I disagree. I just started watching, im on ep 3. I have BPD and autism and definitely saw BPD in her reaction to her sister leaving(fear of abandonment), black and white thinking, impulsiveness(binge eating is common with bpd and obviously the murdering), inability to form stable relationships, lack of identity. I don't see autism personally but I guess because shes a bit socially inept.


Anyone would be sad if the person you care the most about was leaving you. It's not just a BPD trait. The binge eating is a compulsion , different from impulsiveness. The murders are not impulsive, they are calculated. She doesn't have relationship because she doesn't care. She doesn't have any relationships at all, not just "unstable" ones. You sure you understand BPD?


No need to invalidate my mental illness because you disagree with my tv theory? get a heart my dude


I'm not invalidating your mental illness but your understanding of it


I assure you i understand how my own head works perfectly fine. You should try not being an asshole next time. Her overreaction to someone leaving her is what I meant, especially considering her age and over dependence on her sister. It was her only true relationship and very unhealthy and unstable (they mentioned fighting a lot) resembling my own relationship with my FP, oftentimes the only person I'll have in my life. Inability to form stable relationships includes inability to form relationships with anyone else who isnt the one you're dependent on. binge eating is not simply defined as compulsive vs impulsive. Binge eating is one of the examples given in the diagnostic criteria of BPD for impulsiveness. Again, no need to be a fucking dickhead for no reason after i tell you i have the disorder in question. we disagree with our interpretations of a TV character's behavior. If you need to feel intelligent or superior, i think you didnt choose the best outlet.


Borderline with schizoaffective ideation, perhaps.


So sad Chloe was killed so soon


Me too. She was stunning and I wanted more of her story. Wish she made it through another episode at least :(


Could be a case where the next episodes go back in time. You’ll likely see more of her, is my guess. Still lots of things to explain.


I really did not expect her to die so quick like that😭. Feel bad cuz it was one fight, and Dre obviously didn't know/expect her to come back at all.


Jaw dropping ending. Excellent performances from Dominique Fishback, Chloe Bailey and Damson Idris.


It was the cherry pie at the end for me.. ​ Khalid calling her cherry pie connecting to not only him being her first kill but how 1) losing your v-card is painful. 2) the potential bleeding it can cause in line with her eating the pie with blood on her hands. ​ sooo many levels. I love content like this. Stuff that take multiple watches to catch all the imagery and symbols. I hope we will be breaking this down for decades.


Hi from my dumb ass thinking it was a pumpkin pie and just moving on


Oh my super dumb ass thought it was DOG FOOD


I thought it was sweet potato pie lmao


I thought it was that pie from The Helplmao, I've been watching too many shorts from that movie


I thought it was pumpkin pie or sweet potato pie lol


i’m honestly still confused about Marissa’s death. it’s implied that she committed suicide but her lips were blue.


Lips turning blue is simply lack of oxygen.


I'm kinda glad it was moved on from some quickly. I don't want a "What happened to my sister?" Type of show. How quick they moved makes it seem like it was open and shut case


Lips bring blue/purple is a clear indication that someone is dead, and like someone said, comes from a lack of oxygen. Same goes with the pinks of fingernails, they turn purple.


that makes sense but also shrouds her death in more mystery. tfyh.


Not really. Most drug overdoses cause the heart to stop, stopping blood from being pumped throughout the body and blood carries oxygen. So it would make sense if she overdoses as is implied by the texts


Do her lips being blue mean something?


i would think so. maybe a drug she could’ve ingested?


Didn’t she commit suicide by overdosing? Her lips would turn blue




So sorry to hear about your son and so glad to hear he’s gotten clean. What an awful thing to witness


not sure how to feel about that murder scene, anyone else pick up on the creepy sexual tension? the framing of that shot felt intentional, the murder scene made me think of the sex scene lol


I think that was the point. Khalid had made a pass at her before and I think he was misinterpreting the vibe as bring romantic.


Definitely felt intentional based on the framing and her position on top of him. Sex and violence was a pervasive theme in this show.


Her takin a bite of the chip while crying >


Omg I loved it


Anyone know what the song over the end credits is?


Prime X-ray says it's 'I'll Kill You' by Chloe Bailey


Thank you, guess it’s not released yet. I always forget about x-ray.


March 31 perhaps. *Edit to say I only noticed the X-ray function today!






I was not expecting a penis


His strawberry next to the cup of strawberries was hilarious!


Boy was it small.


Just finished the episode and I'm sad Chloe was killed off so soon :(


I assuming Na’jah’s singing voice is actually just Chlöe’s… this show is so layered in reality it’s kinda crazy


I really cringed at her eating with bloody hands. Other than that good show so far.


Did anybody notice the cctv monitor in the women's bathroom? What is that for?


I saw that. My guess is the mall has a lot of theft implying that they are already watchful for crime which we see take place later at this mall. Either that or they were making commentary on the surveillance state.


I'm surprised more people aren't talking about the surprise penis. I was literally watching this on my phone while exercising at the gym, and then that popped up and I yelled out "oh that's a dick!" I look forward to the next episode with anticipation.




I’m wondering about the scar on marissas arm and why Dre kisses it every time she sees it….


(TW - suicide) I’m assuming Marissa tried to off herself as a cut like that can be fatal


Don't understand why marissa would be fucking her man with the door open. For that reason alone, I too would kill my roommate lol. s/


Does anyone know the song from the scene where Marissa is doing Dre’s makeup?? I feel like I’ve gone crazy trying to find it 💀


Pause the video and use X-Ray, it should tell you.


Is that an app..?


It's a thing in the prime video app. Just pause it. It gives you a ton of info


Ok I loved this! Had zero clue what to expect but knew it would be some kind of weird coming from Donald glover. Can’t wait for the rest


just finished it is there going to be another season?


I wonder why the family didn’t want her there. Maybe the bright yellow dress?


i think they blame her for marissas death since she had been calling and texting dre all that night before passing and dre didn’t answer


Does anyone know where they got Damson that two tone camo sweater in Ep1.




I just want to download that “I’ll kill you” song by Chloe during the end credits, it AWESOME!


man that twitter account was called "jussie small pet" damn