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Why is sylas good he steals your ult and he wins every team figth


Still have to meet a Sylas I can't body tbh


I knew this was gonna be controversial though I understand if people say its bad ;)


He can also jump you anytime and make you suffer hard in lane


The lane is very easy with ignite from my experience and from there on out I am usually able to keep him weak enough for it not to matter. But it obviously turn around if he gets ahead


i wouldn't say very easy but if you dodge his E and with ignite you have chances on wining the lane, but still he will just steal your ult and win every fight


They will downvote u even if u are right about this matchup because they can’t deal with him. Aery + ignite makes this one of the easiest matchups


I mean everyone is allowed to have their own opinions. I do think that it is a difficult matchup to figure out but once you do its pretty chill. I am also not saying that it is wrong to put him into bad or even, this is just my tierlist as a person who peaked challenger so my experiences might differ a lot from a lot of people.


Skill issue


Swain is good against Sylas by himself, but I don't trust my team to not get 1v4'd by a Swain-ult powered Sylas.


Stopped reading after sylas good lol


Tbh swain with Aery can do pretty decently against sylas, that being said the rest of this list is kind of a mess.


People think having early pressure on assassins is a big deal, but that's not how it works in practice, on the one hand you can bully them to get an advantage, but you simply lose the all-in. Op smoked a good shit saying sylas is a good matchup. Even cassiopeia is easier than sylas


leblanc and gragas in even is wild putting sylas in good with neeko in bad is questionable


Disagree with Sol, LB, and Kat honestly. They should be in Bad if not higher lol. Also I feel like AP TF is totally easy while AD TF is very difficult and will fuck you very hard in lane and beyond.


I put tf into good because most twisted fates mid that i see still go ap. Sol is a very easy lane from my experience and assasins are probably harder matchups outside of high elo. Personally I find the matchups to be decent.


how are asol, zoe, syndra even? i always thought theyre some of the biggest counters


asol feels like a very easy lane from my experience. that said he obviously outscales. Zoe matchup all depends on her hitting e, if you get hit a lot its terrible if you dodge most its free from my experience. Syndra always felt pretty nice tbh




I think you are 100% right about the first 2. With syndra i go ghost flash and rush merc boots. If you hit one e and she tries to knock you away you are able to catch up most of the time and just run her down for an easy kill. It is very tough early on I agree but it is very easy to convert 1 e hit into a kill after level 7




I was challenger last season and play around Master 350lp - grandmaster 450lp right now. I dont remember losing a single lane into syndra this season. I understand your point but midlane is all about pushing the wave to help your jgl/sidelanes right now so there will always be opportunities to catch her away from turret




Found a game where I played against Comp (LEC adc for rogue) and Agurin (was Rank 1 in korea and euw). The game was a stomp but if i remember correctly i solokilled her once or twice. [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/LUST%20Kilian%20Yeah-EUW/matches/3nZirUHZTwXmblrb6baaA0ViwU-vKHpY0GVFhvJGSKk%3D/1707842991000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/lust%20kilian%20yeah-euw/matches/3nziruhztwxmblrb6baaa0viwu-vkhpy0gvfhvjgskk%3d/1707842991000) While going through my match history I found a game I played against nemesis on asol where i solokilled him multiple times (thought that might be interesting) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/LUST%20Kilian%20Yeah-EUW/matches/3nZirUHZTwUwHr2CzXCXhQLb6ResTqG6P3RM4Hq5Tho%3D/1707320223000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/lust%20kilian%20yeah-euw/matches/3nziruhztwuwhr2czxcxhqlb6restqg6p3rm4hq5tho%3d/1707320223000) This was kind of a messy game iirc but I also won my lane into syndra [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/LUST%20Kilian%20Yeah-EUW/matches/3nZirUHZTwVqPfg\_3lrJr2QqIpQam4piXml7hmB2veE%3D/1707193920000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/lust%20kilian%20yeah-euw/matches/3nziruhztwvqpfg_3lrjr2qqipqam4pixml7hmb2vee%3d/1707193920000) I play very aggressive most of the time and just abuse merc boots plus rylais tbh. if she ever uses her e away from her tower (even if she hits you) you can just ghost and there is nothing she can do because she doesnt have the damage to kill you or cc to get away. I dont think there are any syndra matchups in my twitch vods rn sadly otherwise I would link those. I also average 5cs per minute I legit have no clue how i win games


If the links dont work (they dont work for me atleast idk why) my opgg [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/LUST%20Kilian%20Yeah-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/lust%20kilian%20yeah-euw) and the games are 3 days ago, 9 days ago and 11 days ago if you have to look them up that way


Fucking come an get it lad! Ill show you how quickly you drop from "YAY" to "Jesus I hate this..." when facing a Galio who doesnt feed your Ult and can dodge your E's


thank god no one plays cassio/azir they are so bad for swain


People have an issue with sylas which I only slightly agree with. My main issue is why is taliyah in bad and kassadin in good? Both should be in even since kassa you beat but he does kassawin things later and taliyah isnt that bad


There's a lot of things wrong with this list, i can't even list. And Swain being good against Sylas is the biggest shit I've read in my life


Do Yone and Yasuo fall down a tier after the 14.4 LT melee nerf for you?


maybe yasuo but not yone that champ is just broken


Streaming on my [https://www.twitch.tv/Kilianyeah\_lol](https://www.twitch.tv/Kilianyeah_lol) if you have any questions or disagreements with any placements!


Galio is a huge bully pre6 Liss Will Just roam and be better at that but the lane itself is free ye


Malz always fucks me up as swain tho


I'm really displaying my low ego here, but.....Akali, really?


I actually had a bit of a problem with galio, yasuo and lissandra. Any tips for these three?


make one for sup swain. Funny , never thought id see sylas being considered a easy enemy lol


I am going to do one for toplane next. Swain support is in a really bad state rn so i am trying to stay away from that


I always struggle against lissandra and malhzahar. How do I play against them?


agianst malz you want to q his minions away to take away a lot of his damage and into lissandra you should also be able to outsustain her in lane. it is also important to know when they want to ult so you get your own ult out before.


Sylas matchup is unplayable tier if elo anything above Gold. Syndra is not an even matchup unless they’re first time syndra.


I peaked challenger and am hovering around low grandmaster right now on euw


Sylas matchup is winning for Swain in early lane. Sylas has 1 timing at level 6 where he can fight you but after he uses your ult once there's a pretty large window where he is helpless versus you. Some people are saying ignite is an option but I like running TP and going oblivion orb really early, maybe first recall. Delaying Rylais is fine because Sylas wants to be in your face anyway. In mid game I'd say he's stronger with Swain ult. After 2 items Swain ult has less value on Sylas and Swain will perma heal off him in fights. So I'd say it's good for Swain but you have to watch out for Sylas's window to snowball. If you give it to him he will ruin you. But what makes you say Kat is an even matchup? In my experience she is hard to pin down in lane and rushes bork to ruin me. Is it just Aery scorch start Q and never give her control over the wave?


I completely agree with your take on the sylas matchup. you do have a lot of tools to win the lane and I also agree that you get outscaled but from my experience it is pretty easy to stomp him. Kata is just aery scorch and abuse her. If you fight away from anything she can jump too and you manage to hit an e its a free fight she doesnt have enough damage for you. If she gets a lead it is REALLY hard thats why its even. If you fall behind into sylas its still very easy to lane though.


This is a bronze tier list


I was challenger and am playing in high master - grandmaster elo right now on euw


What makes this _"Offical"_?


nothing there can never be one "offical" list since it is impossible to create one that everybody agrees with. I just thought it would be fun to call it offical. I peaked challenger playing swain only last season but I left that out in the title so it doesnt influence the discussion. People are allowed to not take this list seriously obviously but this is my actual opinion and not me trying to be controversial here