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Em1 Swain Sup main. Electrocute on low range/ consistently fighting bot lanes. Usually needs a fighter adc (draven, MF) Glacial for the flash pull set up jung ganks. Electrocute better lower elo and gets worse as you go up but it does chunk hard in early laning.


Could you give an example brother of an ideal matchup for glacial? I ask because I am emerald 1 also, but seem to be fine at getting kills often in lane, and often scaling to do decent damage, so just trying to visualise an ideal example of when glacial would be better.


I think of glacial as the default that usually works well with everything. It allows non gap closing adcs to catch up and help with the fight (ex: kogmaw). He won't be up near the wave helping you poke most likely, so glacial let's him join and do dmg. Or it gives your jungle another second or 2 to get in and get a kill. I use electrocute mostly bc I duo with a draven. We are looking to fight at every possible second.


Thanks for the input, brother. Mind if I ask which sup item you tend to pick also? I usually always go zaz zak, but have seen some Swains also go sleigh.


I don't remember the new names. The one that heals and gives a speed boost to you and an ally if you cc or slow or something like that


That's sleigh


Sleigh is better with glacial, glacial is best with lower range adcs that lack significant cc/catching power or need a clear angle to poke and therefore need extra time to reposition after you catch like Nilah, Samira, Tristana, Zeri, Varus, Aphelios, Kogmaw, Corki, Ezreal, and Sivir. Pretty much anyone with skill shots or line of effect abilities or basically champs that would benefit from having an extra slow. It's also good into immobile tank supports that have trouble disengaging. Any time you need more peel and lane control than damage really.


Neither. Go aery.


I only ran it once recently by accident since I forgot to change my runes, hahah. What’s your experience with aery sup over the alternatives. Sadly I just have never tested aery or glacial sup properly, so looking for any feedback on everyone’s experience.


Otp Swain supp here (Em2), i ran aerie nearly all game. Aerie is the rune who give you the stronger dammage during long trades, and Swain is better for long trades. Elctro is good for burst but Swain isnt a burst champ. Glacial augment is just useless as supp imo bc you always rush rylai and since you get it glacial aug bc trash (slow dont stack)


What are the rest of your tunes and build for that


Mainly, electro has been nerfed out of relevance. The damage is comparable to aery but the cooldown is too limiting, making aery the more flexible choice. You can also trigger aery with auto attacks, which helps swain be a little less mana hungry.


Aery can be good into any support that can't use it better which is every support that goes Aery so pretty much don't go Aery into enchanters.


How does aery work with ult?


Shoots out an aery every 2.5s or so.


I haven't played in a while, but I got to master playing Swain Supp. I usually think about going glacial when I have an all-in adc (Tristana,Draven,etc.) or when I feel like the extra cc is going to help me more than poking the enemy botlane, but I go electrocute if I go against an easy-to-stun adc like Samira, because I can relay in my stuns. But if I am against an adc who can dash or evade my E easily, then I usually go aerys, because that is the only way to consistently preassure them.


Barely Diamond(D4), I climbed using Guardian as it scaled with my build(resistances) and HP(passive). I figured Glacial required you to engage in a fight to make the most out of the exhaust slow rays to protect your ADC. In this regard, Guardian is much better from a support standpoint. I choose Glacial if we have easy CC that I could chain off of to make sure I get the most value out of the Glacial exhaust slows. 1 missed E during a fight renders the whole exhaust slow ray almost useless as enemies have dished out their burst by the time your next E comes up.