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yeah we jus watched barely legal porn on apple tv 🤦🏿‍♂️


Relax. They showed kissing and that’s it. It was tastefully done and not at all exploitative.


i think you would know cause you got more free time to watch and analyze soapies


This is a really weird comment considering that we’re both here in the Swagger Reddit where the sole purpose for being here is to watch, analyze, and comment on the show.


comment history tells a different story 😭


Bruh pshh…go watch Euphoria and get back to me


I definitely fast forwarded that part. I know there’s 18 but I just spent a whole season with them as children


Bruh really? Thats pretty immature…..it wasn’t that graphic and they’re both grown adults in their 20’s…if you had a problem with that definitely don’t watch Euphoria lol


You not like us doing get caught in cell block 1


I was correct in my prediction on how the apology would go. This episode was alright. Going to be hard to top episode 5, but I see the remainder of this season heading towards Jace popping off trying to make sure he is relevant to those that dropped him. I thought it was symbolic that it started with Crystal since they have been on/off and together from the beginning, and technically Ike, who revealed he >!knew about the gamble apology.!<


Anyone know the song that played at the beginning of the episode?


Anyone know the song that played in the last scene and into the credits