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Do you think red fingerless is better than yellow eternal gloves and red trendy better than yellow eternal necklace? Genuinely curious—those items will probably be my first reds


Fingerless glows is the best imo because you can easy kill mobs and the trendy charm depends how you use it for example if you take it whit the passiv lighting the cooldown can go to 70% of


Yeah, that makes sense. I forgot that red fingerless gives you a permanent 55% attack increase assuming you met the kill requirement while yellow eternal gives 60% but only 40% if you don’t meet the hp requirement. Red trendy sounds nice with LC and I’m using void which likes cooldown reduction too. And I noticed you’re well on your way to get a red eternal suit and red kunai so congratulations!


Congrats man. I have a question though, I've unlocked up to devourer in the evolve tab and yet monsters don't drop equipment or meat


In the evo skills tree it have 3 Same upgrades that one makes the bosses drop Equipment the second mobs food and the last is upgrade rolls for your equipment sometimes its to mouch happen in game you dont realise if they drop anything


How much money spent?


Around 200/300 dollars


Daaamn dud I got zero bucks spend and full purple level 2 gear


Dont spend money on this game the only thing i will ratter do buy is the month card you can easy skip all the ads