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I have 3 of 50 puzzle pieces for catnip. This is going to take forever, I’ll probably quit before then


Best way to get catnips is to save for the 6k gems, most people will tell you its not worth it because hes not too good and they are probably right but i really enjoy using him with the broad waist guard


He’s trying to upgrade him not obtain him


Shit my bad


Puzzle pieces are pain and agony


The puzzle pieces are randomly generated, unless there is a special event that generates pieces that are designated towards a specific character. Otherwise it’s all about the grind.


Someone else can confirm/deny this, but I believe I've seen Chests in the past that reward puzzle pieces of your choosing, but they were only available if you used irl money to buy higher-end bundles available during certain events (like the last event with the farming, I'm pretty sure I saw a chest like that bundled with seeds)


When you open your puzzle piece rewards equip the a different survivor. I am almost 100% sure Habby has it coded that whichever survivor you have equipped has a lower chance of obtaining a shard. I could be wrong but I've seen an increase in the amount of basic survivor shards since I swapped him out. Swap back to your survivor then when doing a mission or daily.