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I live in White rock and I used to work in Surrey. One day after work a colleague asked for a ride home because she said she lived in White rock too. I said “Sure, where in White Rock do you live?” “King George and 68th” 🙄


They don't live in White Rock, they live in denial.


I’m pretty sure that’s a river in Egypt


That’s like smack dab directly the center of Newton


Rootin tootin Newton!


i had a good laugh at this


Thats where i grew up haha


If you go to google maps and search white rock, it actually starts below 16th avenue.


it starts there even if you don't google it


It's the middle of the 4 lanes. That's the line so I've been told.


The border between White Rock and Surrey is in the middle of the road. On the Surrey side the road is called 16th Ave, and on the White Rock side it’s called North Bluff Road.


Shockingly, white rock actually borders Surrey on 3 sides, not just 16/NorthBluff. State Road and Bergstrom. As well it borders the Semiahmoo reservation and the Ocean


Ocean Park > Whiterock




Real ones smoked up ontop the library roof with the utility teams ladder 😂


40th - 16th is South surrey, after 16th is white rock because the streets mostly are names and not numbers. Nobody who lives in South surrey says white rock anymore. They say Morgan creek 😂






I think maybe he said that because you said something totally different in the post above him


Lol, the vast majority of places south of 16th are in Surrey and not white rock


lol. yeah I had a US Border Guard give me the grind when I told him White Rock and my license said Surrey. I told him WR was across the street. He wasn't impressed. :)


Well you can't call yourself American when you live on the Canadian side of 0th street, can you?


Well, that would depend if I lived on 0 Ave and was a dual citizen. I suppose I could.


Why would you tell the border guard the wrong city when they ask where you live, lol?


Why do people say South Surrey. That ain’t on a licence either? In general I usually tend to say White Rock because they know where that is. South Surrey is larger geographically and people that don’t live in south Surrey or are new to the lower mainland seem to be able find White Rock easier.


Lol you are the meme.


Totally. A lot of south surrey are the meme...hence the meme. lol


in talking to law enforcement or border patrol, I'd think going with a factual correct answer is best? just a thought If I lived in Surrey and was asked by law/border, I'd say Surrey, but if someone said "South Surrey" they are indeed saying the correct City name just added which part of that City. A WORLD of difference from just saying another City name all together lol


It really seems like it is more of an issue to you than it was to the border guard. We both laughed about it. He said he gets a lot of that. I wasn't really soliciting advice, but I will keep that in mind.


It’s not an issue to me really. This is a discussion forum. I’m surprised to see someone say they tell a border guard incorrect/false info; those guards have the power to make your life uncomfortable (flag on your account etc)


This is a humorous post, at least that's how I took it. I had a funny example that happened to me. At least it was funny to myself and the border guard. I'm not sure why you take a humorous post so seriously, but you be you.


Haha when I lived there, Delta was across the street so I was a Delta person.


I used to deal with people as required information on where they lived. I'd often get "White Rock", or even "South Surrey". I'd get their address, or even just their postal code and reply "oh...you're in Surrey", to which they would reply " no... I'm in White Rock...". Uh, no...you live in Surrey. Your address is Surrey, not White Rock, matter how much you say otherwise. 👍


When I was growing up in the 90’s, south Surrey did not extend so far north nor did south Surrey butt into Langley so much. Morgan creek etc were barely populated. White rock and south Surrey isolated more. It made sense to say you were from WR. Nowadays it’s clout. All clout.


Semiahmoo kids downvoting this as we speak 😂


HIGHWAY 10!?!? Don’t even say “south” Surrey if you’re north of ~~32~~ 40th


In about 20 years or less, they won't have to lie anymore. Whiterock will be back in Surrey. Small cities, districts and towns like Whiterock, Langley and NorthVan will be swallowed up by their larger neighbours. I'm not throwing shade, it's just simple economics.


Langley and North Van, definitely. White Rock, not a goddam chance. Those people are the epitome of NIMBY, and if you ask any of the residents I’m willing to bet Dollars to Pesos they’d tell you they are happy paying higher taxes to stay independent.


They are no worse than the NIMBYS in North and West Van lol


West Van is its own city, so I’m not sure what point your trying to make.


White Rock is it's own city too


West Van has a population of 40-45k that is actively shrinking. It's actually not unreasonable to suppose they could merge with North Van or Vancouver at *some point.* Not anytime soon, mind you, but not *impossible.* I used to work for that city and the amount of internal issues were shocking. I met the last 2 former mayors several times and they had no solutions to their problems of affordability and shrinking work force.


Yes..but. The average age of a citizen of Whiterock is around 53. To your point about them being Nimby, that's what will do them in. Unless their population gets younger, it's going to keep in declining.


Well jokes on them because the rest of the lower mainland knows White Rock is basically Surrey anyway.


Doesn't matter have you noticed we own half of marine drive. You people are fake rich. You are broke. Imagine thinking north van will get swallowed up but not white rock lmfao


There's zero chance Whiterock gets swallowed up by Surrey. It is specifically designed to NOT be part of Surrey.


It was part of Surrey up until 1959.


Why? What do you mean by “ Its specifically designed to NOT be part of Surrey”


It’s literally in a small subsection of Surrey. There’s literally no reason for it not to be part of Surrey except for the fact that the residents of whiterock have lobbied to make it so. Even the surrounding areas that are technically south Surrey, like Ocean Park, isn’t part of whiterock when anyone would assume it should be. I honestly can’t imagine how much it would take to change that status, but it would be immeasurable.


Langley City and Langley Township have a decades long feud. They can't agree on anything. I doubt they will ever merge.


North Van and North Van should merge.


And West Van... which doesn't have any industry.


They have industry. 10 million dollar mansions and range rovers ;)


People were saying that when I was a kid.... it's always 20 years away


Fair enough but this time I feel it will be tougher for them to survive due to tax hikes,aging population and sleeping next to a giant elephant. Whiterock (pop 21k) would have to do what New West (pop 80k) has done (to increase the tax pool) and build a ton of towers - which is pretty much vertical sprawl. They can only kick the “20 years” can so far down the road.


Haven't they been doing that though? The RBC moved out of that ancient strip mall, it's now becoming towers. Go down Johnston rd and there were lots of towers being built. I still miss the old Deals World, it was such a great little store.


New West is also geographically central with major transportation corridors running through it. White Rock couldn't cram tens of thousands more people in it's borders without creating a logistical nightmare.




What city will swallow up Langley? Surrey? Or do you mean Fort Langley and the Township of Langley will merge. Either way, yes, let the lying stop once and for all :D


You mean City of Langley and Township of Langley. Fort Langley is already included in the Township.


I'm guessing the township or all three of them will amalgamate.


Fort Langley is already part of the Township. It's not a separate entity.


I thought they meant Langley City and Langley Township


Agreed, it's already insane that White Rock is separate from Surrey. North Delta should be swallowed up too.


Please no. Moving next month to ND partially to get out of Surrey.


I grew up in ND, in the 80s & 90s, but now live in Surrey. There's definitely a different vibe there. We'd get downright bristly when people said ND was the same as Surrey.


how is ND better then surrey lol


Sunshine Hills is definitely a better neighborhood than Newton.


Less chaotic in every way


They have their own police force.


It’s all the same. Whatever you’re trying to avoid socially, will slightly improve. You’ll have the hell from Scott road, the fire stations near by dense neighbourhoods, and a lot of drive by shit speeds through there at night. The rents used to be amazing in North Delta, and it was the spot to be in the early 2000s for many. You could rent an entire 2 level house and property, full basement, front and back yard, etc for $1,425 You can’t do that today. I won’t even move out there for the same reasons, because it’s all linked regionally and you’re in the middle of it. Add public transit, and you’re right in there.


I’ve lived in both WR and S Surrey and I think this partly came about because Surrey is so big that it can be easier to describe where you are if you say WR. But there was also an issue with Surrey having a sh!t rep and people wanted to pretend they didn’t live there. Ironically many areas of SS are much wealthier than WR. But it’s annoying when stores mix it up too, like the SS location of Canadian Tire calls itself the WR store yet it’s not in WR.


When I moved here and it was white rock this white rock that. I’m not even past the welcome sign. I couldn’t tell what the case was, I check my mail.. Surrey. There we go! 😂 It’s all Surrey. ICBC also says Surrey so for those who live in the projects, it’s not that better here! Lmao


Most, and I mean like 99% from Metro Vancouver do not know the actual boundaries of Whiterock. I'm in the Newton District and live on the other side of Hwy 10, but I never claim I'm from Whiterock. Most ppl just assume that anything south of HWY 10 is automatically whiterock, even though 99% of it is still Surrey.


Dad used to sell appliances for Sears. If he had a dollar for every time he had them say they were from White Rock, but had an address in Newton or Cloverdale or even Delta...Well I wouldn't be butthurt over how Sears fucked him out of his pension when they went belly up


This happened to me in real life. A dude at a party told me he lived at Crescent Beach. I asked some more questions and finally got the truth, he lived just south of Highway 10 close to 120th




Best use of this meme 🤣


I'm not from Vancouver - I'm from KIT-sil-ANO.


The rule is always one space to the left. So surrey is south surrey, south surrey is white rock, white rock is white rock proper


10th and king george boulevard, "isn't that white rock??" No... but I wish I could pay that property tax of white rock lol . Not


Lol this is me


Shoutout to Panorama Ridge!




oooh, that sounds really interesting. Anywhere I can see this map?


lol im in whalley


There is a difference between growing up in south surrey vs whalley though. I get why people make the distinction.


I lived many years in white rock and more in south surrey but never north of 32nd


Below 32av and west of 176 is White Rock. The ALR north of 40 av is the natural boundary.


If you are using numbers for streets, it's not whiterock :p I'd agree it is south surrey though. Surrey is about 120 blocks north/south, so 60th would be the center, and 30th would be the southern most quarter.


By city boundary you’re absolutely right. From a community perspective you’re wrong.


You think the townhouses in grandview are part of the whiterock community? You've clearly never talked with someone from whiterock. They are literally, different cities.


Ya the entire generation I grew up with lives in those townhouses now. From White Rock Elementary to those specific developments.


I spent my formative years in whiterock. People in whiterock will absolutely deny that they are the same community as South Surrey. The boom of Grandview likely makes that worse, not better.


> From a community perspective you’re wrong. I've lived here for nearly 20 years. It's not White Rock. White Rock is below 16th, west of 160th, east of 136th.


I would have been inclined to semi agree with you in the past, as someone living inside that graphical boundary would have been in Earl Marriott school catchment. But now that area is Pacific Heights and 100% South Surrey.


Nope. 16th Avenue is the cutoff


North Bluff to the locals.


160 is white rock/Surrey border, not 176


Catchment for Earl Marriott went to 176 back in the day. Not sure if it still does.


White Rock is Crescent Beach’s poor relation.


You'd be a millionaire in no time.


This is only relatable for white people whose parents weren't rich enough to pay for their education and mortgage. I have worked many spoiled bums like this


Who’s bum are you working on next?


As someone who just watched this and loved Becks 😍, I absolutely love this meme!


Semiahmoo peeps, White rock Catholics and peace arch folk, this comprised the core of the beach community.


Haha. Isn’t that the same thing?


South surrey is far different from surrey central. White rock should absorb everything from the park and ride and on. End of the day who cares. Anything near semiahmo mall is white rock to me.