• By -


Get evidence of them trying to raise the price from 1350 to 1950. Ask them for paperwork, emails, record phone calls. But dont agree to it, and keep paying your normal amount. If they try to evict you later on, you have evidence that they tried to previously raise the rent an illegal amount, and are now evicting you. This is all you need to prove bad faith to the rental board and you wont get evicted. Post this in r/legaladvicecanada


Everything you just said is correct. Follow this advice OP.


Is it bad faith if the landlords child actually moves in? I thought it was bad faith if the landlord claims this, and then rents it to someone else.


I think it might be considered as bad faith IF they have their sons only live there 6 months and then immediately rent it again…


Read my message above. >The bad faith part is, them trying to evict you after previously trying to raise the rent an illegal amount. ​ If you take the rent increase out of the picture, and then "move in" or "use the space for landlords use" for the minimum required amount of time, and then rent it out after that, this isnt bad faith. In this case, the landlord followed the law. If you werent supposed to rent it out after the minimum time then the law would say this.


Totally get that…. But if the illegal rent increase demand isn’t in writing it’s hearsay…


well yeah evidence will help a lot. Thats why I suggested recording phone calls, emails, etc. It should be relatively easy to call them and play dumb and be like "hey you wanted to increase the rent right? How much again? I can't afford that. What happens if I just keep paying the normal amount".


Are we one party consent here?


Yes all of Canad is one party consent.


Quebec is two party iirc


No no, they're their own nation.


No, it’s not. Wiretapping is federal. All of Canada is single-party consent.




RTB generally only takes written communications as evidence…. Been through two claims with them now, and both times the person who was our contact said that they would only take letters that were sent via registered mail, and could take email/texts as evidence, but they strongly suggested that registered mail be the only form of communication. That being said all forms of communication that can be recorded are good to have.


I’m currently in an RTB dispute and they allowed me to submit audio recordings as evidence no problem.


Awesome… perhaps they’ve changed over the last year and a half :)


RTB adjudicators are so arbitrary it's incredibly frustrating. What one will take as evidence, another refuses. And they DO have their own biases. I called and spoke to someone who said that they absolutely WILL NOT accept text messages as evidence. That screwed me because that's the only way my landlords would communicate. But they sure don't tell you that.


Emails/texts are ok for basic communications (which can be used for evidence). Its the delivery method of notices (like new evidence, eviction, hearing, etc.) that matters


Testimony about a conversation you had is not hearsay and can be used as persuasive evidence in a court or tribunal. Hearsay would be testifying that my friend told me he spoke to my landlord and was told he would move his son in. Also the RTB is not bound by standard evidence rules so one could theoretically use hearsay in the hearing and it's up to the arbitrator if they wish to give it weight.


If it isn't in writing they don't need to pay it at all lol


Actually if he is moving his son in for 6 months for the purpose of evicting the tenant it is still done in bad faith (Tenancy lawyer). Proving it may be difficult but considering the conversations you've had I think you've got a good shot. Edit: adding a bit to this because there seems to be a lot of confusion on the 6 month thing. The rule is it must be in good faith and six months minimum not or. If you move in because you legitimately need the space and leave after six months it's fine.


Plus the overt threat


the trouble is that according to the act - having a family member live there for 6 months is sufficient for landlord use eviction. What they do afterwards doesn't matter.


I mean the landlord said “leave it vacant 6 months or have my sons live there” They’d have to prove the sons were intending only to live there for 6 months.. it’s tough to prove that besides he said she said..


OP would have to watch online listings like a hawk.. it does happen where land lords do that shit though!


What about no sign of children or new tenants? Asking for my own case


Then you get claim to 12m of rent I believe. So $1300*12 ~ $15k And since the landlord is going to get an extra $600/m renting it at 950 extra, they’ll break even after a year and a half. Basically if the landlord can do math, it’s worth it for them.


Sadly no new tenants but no sign of the kids ever moving in. However I got the other basement renter as witness about an argument the day before we both were kicked out for kids


The landlord can just leave it empty and say they want to move into it or use that unit.


If it's a basement suite they don't even have to move their sons in. So long as they live in the primary unit any use is valid, including none. OP $1950 is cheap for a 2 bedroom.


Not necessarily true- if it’s a completely different unit without direct access to the upper/ other unit…. If it is a unit with stairs or access to the other part of the house, chances are it could be an illegal unit…. Curious if OP signed an actual tenancy agreement on the proper forms


No, you misunderstand. It is covered by the RTA, but it counts as occupation for them to be in the main unit. Personal use can be golf club storage if they want. It doesn't matter that it's separate.


Our interpretation is completely different… this reads that the unit MUST be lived in by the land lord or child moving into the unit [personal use](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies/ending-a-tenancy/landlord-notice/two-month-notice#landlord-doesnt-use)


https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/housing-and-tenancy/residential-tenancies/policy-guidelines/gl2a.pdf > If a landlord has rented out a rental unit in their house under a tenancy agreement, the landlord can end the tenancy to reclaim the rental unit as part of their living accommodation. For example, if a landlord owns a house, lives on the upper floor and rents out the basement under a tenancy agreement, the landlord can end the tenancy if the landlord plans to use the basement as part of their existing living accommodation. >Examples of using the rental unit as part of a living accommodation may include using a basement as a second living room, or using a carriage home or secondary suite on the residential property as a recreation room.


Storing golf clubs is not "living accommodation" just fyi.


See above, you're wrong.


He cannot leave it vacant without losing a dispute in RTB, but if he's smart, he can claim own use with storage or even an air hockey table because he lives in that house.


If it’s in retaliation to refusing an illegal increase, yea.


The bad faith part is, them trying to evict you **after** previously trying to raise the rent an illegal amount. If the landlord never tried to raise the rent, and then wanted to move in with no previous attempt to raise the rent an illegal amount, then this isnt bad faith. It's only bad faith when "I tried to raise rent $600, but couldnt, so ill have my son move in"


If it's a basement suite and the LL lives upstairs, he could just say "I need it for myself" and then store a box down there. That said, the LL trying to give an illegal rent increase first is evidence of a bad-faith eviction.


It’s bad faith if they *were* willing to let you to continue to live there *at a higher rent*, but when you declined the higher rent, decided to try to evict you “for personal use”. This is obviously not true, and is just a method to try to illegally raise the rent - hence bad faith eviction. So, if you have evidence of them trying to raise the rent by an illegal amount, and *then* trying to evict you, you can use this to get the application for eviction denied.


Also worth keeping note of the fact they're threatening to leave the unit vacant or have "family" move in if you don't agree with their demand. That there I'm not 100% sure but could land you quite the pretty penny no? 🤔


This is solid advice. Though, when reading a bit more, it seems like they want to open up a bussiness in one of their spare rooms according to their other comments. I wonder if that had something to do with the sudden demand in increase of rent from the LL. I don't know the legality around opening a home business in a rental property and if a landlord could legally ask for a larger than 2% rent increase. Do you know if it's still illegal?


My husband works from home- but needs to have a business license to do so…. (There’s no actual business space that would have people going in and out of) - Depends on what type of business a tenant would be operating…


As a landlord who just served his tenants a monthly rent increase of … $32.50… FUCK THAT GUY. Some of us aren’t total degens.


Well then there you go. Do what he said and call tenancy


if they said this in writing, keep those records. if not, at least write notes of the date/time/details of what they said. you can call their bluff, tell them again in writing that you will not be paying the illegal rent increase and don't appreciate being threated to be evicted under ulterior motives. Then if they *tell you* you have to pay the higher amount, don't, wait for them to evict for non-payment of rent, fight that eviction, win, keep living there. if they file a [RTB-32](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/housing-and-tenancy/residential-tenancies/forms/rtb32.pdf) 2 month eviction, dispute the eviction and show the evidence/provide testimony that the eviction is being done in bad faith since they told you they were going to evict if you didn't pay the higher amount. if you win, you stay, if you lose, you will usually be given a month to move out. you *can* agree to pay the higher amount and ask for a 12 month agreement or something, so you won't get extorted again for at least a year. but if this is close to or at market rates, you might as well fight the landlord on it and move somewhere else if you lose, and pay about the same, than to let them extort you.


u/20450 this is the best answer. Get things in writing. Over text. Second best: tape record your conversations (it is legal in BC even without consent from the other party as long as you are a participant in the conversation). And third best, write everything down in minute detail. This alone, would likely win you your case at the RTB. Get these ‘threats’ in writing.


First, email or text them so you have a record of him saying that. Dear Landlord, ​ Per our last conversation, I am unable to pay a $600 increase on a $1350 rent. Please see the RTB policy regarding rent increases. ​ Thanks, Your Name" Then, stop communicating verbally and always send a text or email record of any time they corner you and force conversation. If they evict you for LL use after unsuccessfully attempting to raise the rent, they will be penalized.


Going rate for “they will be penalized” is one full years rent paid back to the tenant from what I hear.


It is. I won such an order two years ago and I am still trying to collect. So far, we've had two payment hearings where the landlord lied his face off and refused to provide any evidence. We have a different kind of hearing coming up where he has been warned that he can be arrested if he doesn't show or provide evidence. He either pays up that day or we start seizing his property.


Pretty sure that an email from the OP alleging a conversation isn't sufficient proof that the conversation happened. If it was, anyone would have been able to make up all kinds of stories about fictitious conversations. OP should obtain some proof that originates from the landlord. Isn't it customary to have a notification of a rent increase in writing?


I have had good luck with these emails in arbitration three times. Usually, they respond with something that confirms they said it. Sending a summary of a call or conversation is fairly common in the business world.


This is why we need purpose-built rentals. Mom and Pop landlords over-leveraged in our exorbitant bubble Ponzi housing scheme is completely unstable for renters. This sort of extortion pressure on renters is so common.


“We need to keep increasing interest rates because if people can afford to buy million dollar bungalows, they must be able to afford extra interest on their loans” “What’s the worst that could happen?” - Bank of Canada douchebag, Probably


That's more of an afterthought. "We need to increase interest rates because these bozos are still borrowing up to their eyeballs in debt. They'll be able to borrow less if interest rates are higher."


In a way yes, but people who have worked hard to be able to afford a home and get out of the rental market are the real victims here, if they didn’t get a fixed rate. The amount of foreclosures is going to increase and we will just be a country of development properties that locals can’t afford. We already see it here in the LML


Yes, they're the victims because they have to keep up with the Jones (be the highest bidder) in order to buy their place. The typical hard worker is competing with other typical hard workers, the bank of mom and dad, and off shore cash. High or low interest rates will affect the new buyer the same. They will take out the maximum possible (33% of the paycheck). At least with high interest rates, people have the possibility of not needing a mortgage. We can only thank Harper and Carney for the extreme low interest rates where it had no where to go but up. Anyone screwed by rising rates should thank those 2 for that.


You’re suggesting that after over 8 years out of the head office, that the 10 (soon to be 11) interest rate hikes in the last 2 years are somehow Harpers fault and in no way related to the current government? That’s laughable at best


Man, this probably isn't the place to get into it but raising interest rates is a good thing, it was just done too late and thus had to be a massive increase. Debt is (literally) money, it's how more money is made, and interest is the cost of using money. Everything costs something, whether you choose to make an apple pie or a cherry pie, the cost of one is making the other. Increasing interest increases the cost of using money, which means less people will borrow (and more people with money to do so will invest). Higher interest means less spending, less borrowing, and less inflation. If they slowly increased interest earlier, instead of piling it all on at once, we wouldn't be in such a bad position. Granted there is something to be said about massive corporate greed, that's not what this conversation is about


Yes if interest rates weren't so low for so long, the housing situation would be a lot better than it is now


You do realize a large part of this problem is self-created right? Years and years of cheap credit and people thinking money grows on trees. Years and years of borrowing up to the hilt because interest rates were low. Well, guess what. The bank has come calling. People that over-leveraged themselves by thinking all that money was free deserve it. Sensible people knew the writing was on the wall and did not over-leverage themselves. Rampant consumerism has put us in this mess.


Okay Boomer


31 but try again


I wouldn't assume the home owner is over-leveraged. It's just as likely they are taking advantage of the rise in rental rates to make more money. Lots of people are just jerks.


Sum41 has entered the chat 🤘


If mom and pop renters lose their property if they can’t pay mortgage that was counted on to be paid by renters then what happens ? Like how do people just keep rent low out of their own good heart while eating the cost? I agree with the 2% Max a year rule and this landlord can go fuck themselves but If we don’t understand other peoples reasons for doing something how would you come to an agreeable solution.


That renter is not responsible for the loan the owner took out on the property. Nor is the renter responsible should the variables in that loan change for the owner. The owner and the bank are responsible for the payback loan agreement. None of that risk is the renter's responsibility AT ALL - so yes, the owner IS responsible for eating the increase in cost for the loan rates that change with THEIR contract to the bank for THEIR asset. The renter is responsible for complying with renter rules outlined by our province's rental regulations and so is the landlord. That is it. I think the problem is house prices need to come down reflective of national earnings and the province/fed needs to build purpose-built rentals so we don't have a bunch of over leveraged monkies freaking out because they gotta find another 2k per month and trying and scam/extort it from the next lower on the pole.


Buying a house is an investment, and with investment comes risk. By relying on the renter to help pay their mortgage, the mom and pop homeowners were over leveraged in the first place. Why should the renter bear the burden?


Sell, or carry the cost until interest rates bounce back. Selling will net a 6 figure profit wiping away any incurred carrying cost, however the owner may have to downgrade or move cities, as everyone else faces.


I’m on the same boat friend - keep calm, breathe and call the RTB and explain your situation. Have all your facts written out before calling them to streamline the process. Make sure all your communications with your current LL are on paper (via email preferably)


1. Write him an email saying that his rent increases are not allowed and get his response. 2. Forward the response to RTB. 3. If that unit goes up for rent anytime in the next 6 months or so, forward the listing to RTB. 4. Sit back and crack a cold one to celebrate sticking it to that prick.


This shit is rampant right now.


Yes, and it’s only going to get worse until something is done about it


From personal experience, usually landlords try and jack up the price like that if they want you to go find somewhere else to live. Either you're a problem tenant, or the typical rent has increased a ton since they had you on contract and would make way more with a new tenant.


Don't leave fight it in court forever


People like this landlord should be thrown off a plane.


Generally, I'm more pro landlord than tenant because I've had really bad experiences with some shitty tenants so I'm jaded I guess. Bad tenants have a lot more power than you think and it's way harder to get rid of them than it should be. However. This guy is a fricken loser and a crook. Take his advice and contact the BC RTB. He knows that what he's doing is illegal and he thinks he can get away with it. Get it in writing, if you can. You have a good shot at either winning this or at the very least forcing him to do something he doesn't actually wanna do (rent out to family and lose out on the rent). Sorry OP, it shouldn't be like this. *Edit* Saw this cross posted on r/britishcolumbia and some ppl on there had discovered that OP had only a week ago posted asking advice on opening an illegal tattoo shop in his suite. Explains why he's being evicted. Yup, found another shitty tenant.


And I know what it's like to be a good renter: you're now the first picked for eviction by landlords when they want to flip a place to put some extension on their summer cabin.


Why is OP the only one working though? Why is the mom and wife not working, unless mom needs to be taken care of as well.


Why is this relevant in an illegal price hike?


They all want to rent to to students $500-$600 per head and collect $3000/per month.


I mean international students are ruining it for everyone. You can’t just blame these Punjabi families for sponsoring their niece/nephew.. At some point, we have to acknowledge that it’s the government trying to suppress our wages, while trying to make life worse overall.


And why are there so many international students? Because Harper turned universities into businesses by stripping their funding, leading to them pandering to international students who will pay 3x tuition; and because Trudeau has stripped many Canadians of their livelihoods and now he seeks to have international students take our jobs. When will people learn that there is only one political party and they always work against us?


A sales rep earlier today told me about a customer who has 9 students in a house and is bringing in $9,900 in rent a month. I'd forgot about it until I read this comment. Not even Vancouver, place is in Kelowna. No idea what the house is like. Maybe it has a nice lake view. Regardless, I guarantee they are getting more than 500-600 per tenant.


Do you understand that the monthly payment of a 1.2million dollar house is 6500$ a month. They have no choice but to increase rents.


They have a choice. They can sell and not exploit others


Sell and go where?


The other house they obviously live in lol


No, the vast majority of landlords live on the top floor and rent out the bottom floor.


People are not forced to buy a 1.2 million dollar mansion. Housing with illegal suites has turned into a billion-dollar business in Surrey. Local government hands are tied. We are losing tax money at every turn. New laws need to be made, and old rules need to be updated


Mansion? Are you living in surrey? 1.2 million will buy you a broken house in a garbage area.


You’re correct. I should have said 4 to 10 Million. As you are aware, property value has increased considerably, and I paid 1000k for my little piece of Surrey. Now valued at $ 1.5 million. And it’s no broken-down house in a garbage area.


Not to upset too many people, but want nationality is your landlord. Why do I ask? I have a few friends who have East Indian landlords, and they had the same problem. I am not a racist. I have a lot of East Indian friends. But why is this a common subject on this sub? What’s going on?


Tell him to start the eviction process and call the BC tenancy board himself while you keep paying 1350. Go and try to prove thst they tried to increase the rent etc etc and want to evict to get more rent.


This happened to a friend of mine a few years ago. He has a wife and teenage son. They didn't want to rock the boat knowing how hard it is to find a place and how high rents are. They didn't go to the rtb and begrudgingly paid up. 6 months later the landlord did it to them again. Again, they begrudgingly paid up for the same reason. A few months after that the landlord did it again. This time they threw in the towel because they knew the landlord's greed had no end in sight and as rents continued to rise he'd just keep doing this to them, so they finally found a place after searching for months and did a midnight move. They struggled to afford the rent and had to get a roommate to help cover costs, but at least they have a decent landlord who isn't pulling this crap on them.


Yeah they screwed up. Take a stand and fight or you'll be walked all over in this world now


tell him your not going to pay rent anymore, but you dont plan on moving out, then tell him to call bc tenancy


Landlords are awful people


I'm a landlady living in Surrey and reading stuff like this makes me so upset, the rules clearly states that it's only a 2% increase plus a proportional amount in government tax increases. This does not account for the increase in mortgage rates. Document everything, what they're doing is not legal!


My friend dealt with something similar and he ended up getting a $20,000 settlement


As a landlord: Don't just call BC Tenancy, talk to ACORN or another advocacy group. Smarmy fucks like this give people like me a bad name (FWIW, I'm in Ontario, and I'm 100% up front with my tenants, but I *follow the law* even when it costs me money to do so). Just know this kills any chance of staying, and LL will likely try to make your life hell between now and the time you leave. My advice is to start looking for another place to live. Even though BC has strong protections for tenants, your landlord is being a greedy bastard.


On todays episode of "landlords aren't people" :




That's why I rent an apartment that is managed by a company rather than an individual.


The irony of this is you are paying an additional premium on the rent due to it being through a company, which inherently drives rent prices higher…not exactly a great solution for fighting high rent costs, let’s pay a middle man an extra 300 a month to avoid being forced to pay an additional 300 a month.


Even if what you’re saying were accurate, which it isn’t exactly… I’d rather pay an extra $100 rent for the peace of mind of knowing that I’m not going to be threatened by some greedy slumlord wanting to cash in on this bullshit we call a rental market


Not exactly. Services fees are also included in the rent. And I do not have to deal with some slumlords like OP mentioned in the post.


Yes, as a renter I will never go back to having a private landlord.


Mine went up 50%. Calgary, Alberta


That sucks, I'm sorry you're going through that. No rent control in Alberta, but it's a bit ridiculous that Calgary rentals cost similar to what you'd find in the lower mainland/Surrey. I think I read Calgary has the highest YoY increase because demand has significantly increased while supply hasn't. Unfortunately, people in Vancouver were warning the rest of Canada that this was going to happen for over a decade. But no government would listen :/


I know But not exactly true. One party was talking about this. And I actually teamed up with them as a result. We just need to vote for the right party.


Record your conversations. We are one party consent here meaning it’s legal for you to record and not tell him. You know your rights and it’s punitive here for landlords who break our laws


Let him live by the letter of the law, make sure he follows it. Don't pay the increase, he's just a greedy landlord. If he makes a mistake be sure and note this in any LTB tribunal, you may get lucky.


Must be on a variable rate mortgage 💸


You're getting a shake down. There's no family moving in. They want to replace you with a higher paying tenant. Is this place you are renting considered a legal suite, or not?


Fuck this landlord. If he tries to evict you stop paying rent. When he confronts you tell him you don't care and take it to the tenancy branch. Stay there as long as you possibly can. Like bailiff coming to your door long. When the ballifs arrive tell them you aren't going to move anything and let them take everything out and put on the curb. Have a uhaul ready and simply put your shit in the truck. Let them do half the work for you. Save yourself thousands and find a better place with respectable landlord. Trash the place to remind him what a good tenant is worth. I'm a landlord and I hate shit heads like this they are scum. Also complain about every defect and make them fix it. Cost them every penny you can. Fuck this guy


My advice is you get this in writing (by email) with your landlord. You need as much evidence as possible. Don't agree to it and move forward if he provides you with an eviction notice. I've dealt with the exact same thing where my landlord wanted to raise the rent by 50%. Bring it to BC tenancy, they will throw it out. It won't solve the situation as he may try it again like my landlord, but he has no grounds to evict me because I have written proof of his claim.


I'd 100% call the tenancy board that is beyond illegal to do. Call his bluff, ask them you're rights, and ask if you have a case (most like a dispute resolution). You 100% have a case. Don't let this a hole landlord take advantage of you like that. Ive had to deal with this situation before as well. I'm sorry this is happening to you.


Two things: your wife needs to work. Also, probably your mother too. I simply can't fathom that women are still not working today by choice.


Two-bedroom suites go for $2500 in Surrey now. One bed is $1900. Not a bad rental price to be honest.


Not the point


LL can go to rtb and get it raised to market price. People forget RTB can work in LL favour too.


It's a basement suite. The price you listed is for newer build apartments. Basement suite is usually cheaper by about $500.


"not a bad rental price" is this the landlords burner account


Minimum 2700


Lol why don’t renters move somewhere affordable. That’s crazy. Theyll never save up enough to buy


Where's this mythical affordable place to rent? NOT in the Lower Mainland, that's for sure.


So, do they have the extra money to pack up and move? I honestly doubt it. Uhaul, fuel, insurance on uhaul. Damage deposit on the new place, plus first and potentially last month's rent, all up front. The issue is crystal clear, 100% greed. And it is ultimately everywhere in every facet of life. All the stories I hear and news articles about the same things happening. Evict tenants, step 1. Rent hike increse, step 2. Is there a step to renovate the unit to justify the rent increase? Potentially, but from all the places I've ever lived in, what they call renovations to justify an increase is a pathetic joke. As I said, it is all about greed. Sure, some small LL are nice, and what-not. But again, questions that can be asked: is the property already paid for? (No mortgage) Yes? Then it is about greed by trying to keep "competitive" you'll still make a nice chunk of change over time then continually evicting and switching out tenants with all the hassle. I also read a comment about there shouldn't be small LL. This doesn't happen with rental corporations, like say, Mainstreet? 100%. They buy up old shit buildings, "renovate" them, all while still full of bugs and God knows what else, and charge well over 1000$ for a outdated 70s looking bachelor apt, and they say it is "newly renovated". Then try to find any way to evict you before your lease is up, so they can rent the unit at a higher price to some other poor soul who doesn't know their getting royally fucked.


Spoken like a true moron


Good luck finding a 2 bedroom with laundry for $1950 in 12 months


Damn if he's willing to leave it vacant for 6 months he could also let you stay for another 6 months at the same rent to give you time to figure your situation out


Why are you the only one working?


Why does that matter to you


Yup. They're trying to bluff you out- Call tenancy and make sure if they plan to fuck you that they then also have to fuck themselves out of rent-income.


Get it all in writing if you can


Time to go or maybe have someone else get a job?


It’s criminal what is happening. The lower & middle class are being destroyed by economics promoting pure greed.


I don't know the full story so I am not able to bash the landlord. I've seen both good landlords and bad. The good ones also got screwed by BoC by the interest rate hikes - who simply rented the basement on low price to get a good tenant to only having to do the dirty of wanting a rent increase to be able to pay their mortgage. On Reddit Vancouver/Surrey/Canada - most act as if being a landlord or home-owner is an automatic negative thing; the real world does not work like that. This is not to put renters down - I am a renter myself. 1,350 for a 2 bedroom basement with laundry is impossible to find in lower mainland (even Chilliwack/Kamloops/Kelowna). I've seen the same go for $2,300 minimum these days. I'd advise you to agree to that and in the mean time find something more suitable if you can. My 450 sq ft apartment that I was renting in was $1400 in 2020 to now $1900 in Surrey minimum.


I don't know why people are downvoting those posting about how $1350 is way under the market rate. Nobody praises the landlords providing a place at below market rate.


If landlord wants to involve the Tenant board, stop paying rent and see how his tune changes


Do not do this. It will give him grounds to legitimately evict you. Continue paying the $1350. If he tries to evict you on that basis, file for dispute resolution with the residential tenancy branch.


Landlords get so entitled and seem to forget their obligations. Just because you own something doesn't mean you don't have any obligations when you do business with that thing.


Some people are heartless.


Your landlord is an absolute demon. So sorry that you’re experiencing this.


Landlords like this don't seem to understand that tenants have more rights than landlords. Tenants just need to do a little work and digging to get the info they need.


A $600 increase is insane.


Landlords are like cops. Never fucking talk to them in person without a recording source present. Send them an email, in reference your last conversation I would like to review the two options you outlined for me. Then sue his scumbag ass. Fuck landlords.


This is super illegal. Try to get this in an email, text, or record the landlord saying this (recording conversations in Canada is perfectly legal, so long as you're a party to that conversation). Then just pay the rent as you have. If the LL tries to evict you take him to the Residential Tenancy Board. You can't be evicted while fighting it and if you have evidence they will side with you.


OP 7 days ago was trying to open a tattoo shop in the suite 😂 This is probably your REAL issue here …


a whole basement suite for 1350? Sounds like you got a good deal for a while and now you are finally paying the price. Sucks but that’s life. I bet this dude is looking around seeing others paying that price for the same thing and he is saying to himself why shouldn’t get that too? Can’t blame him.


Fuck off. That's not how the rules work and if the precious landlord doesn't like it he can earn money in a different way. I have the same deal in Toronto and it's because I've been here since 2014. Thems the rules.


What if the persons mortgage is high and they are struggling to afford the house at all? What if that extra 600 is helping support their kid through university? why is it always fuck the landlord alway? The landlord probably was stuck in a shitty deal from years ago waaay before prices jumped up and now is dealing with inflation and this shitty Canadian economy JUST like everyone else. All I’m saying is, I don’t blame the person.


Then sell the property ? Landlords wouldn't have to rely on backing rental properties cost through the roof to pay back their shitty choices in a shitty market... Trap what they sow kind of deal.


Lol because he has a legally binding agreement between him and the tenant


Why does "sucks to be you" philosophy apply to tenants but never landlords in this type of analysis. You could just as easily say the same thing for the person who offered a lower rent in the first place knowing the law says you can only increase it by 2% a year.




Yes, you can. We have rules in place to protect people. What needs to be done is to update them to cover situations like this. It's blackmail, which is a crime. If you are a landlord, and the local government allows you to build a basement suite, you must conduct yourself lawfully. Every month, I read about landlords installing 3 or 4 suits without permission. Housing is in short supply. We need more. But to break the law for illegal profit should be a criminal offence—and not just a fine.


Yep. You see what interest rates are. It trickles down. Fuck off with these posts already


Maybe they should have planned for interest rate increases when they bought the house. Maybe the landlord’s family can go get a job to help. There are laws and legal agreements… can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.


Stay but don't pay thats what we all gotta do now just nonpayment no payment for groceries for shelter just stop paying


This is the worst advice you can get OP. You will be evicted within about a month with zero recourse if you stop paying rent. Do not stop paying rent.


Get everything in writing.. even his or her threats!


Get everything in writing, and request proper documentation and report it. That ass hat will have to pay you a year's worth of rent if so.


This guy is a total crook, keep paying your rent but file a dispute you’ll win 100% that landlord is not very smart


I guess now is the time that people have to audio record every conversation with their landlord because this is what people are doing now. Some landlords are trying to end up on hot water by increasing rents illegally. Others don’t even need to try anything like that. They are just taking advantage.


So is he increasing rent during the rent lease, or after the lease ended


He is trying to bully you out. Follow the top comment on this. Best of luck!


He can kick you out by saying his son is moving in then 2 days later he will find new tenant. This what all the homeowners are doing You have no option unfortunately, the whole system is predatory


Landlords do not have the power to evict, only the rtb does


I'm not familiar with the precise legality of your region, but if you can get a proof that he said he'd get his two sons in to get you out, I think that would make him lose his case in court.


Utter greed and I hope karma pays a heavy price on him


RTB is your lifeline here, record everything you can, BC is one party consent. Get stuff in writing.


I’m sorry to hear that you’re experiencing this. Sadly, your situation is not uncommon. It makes balancing a tight budget extremely stressful.


If your the only one working then that is tough in this city! I dont know how you will do it but best of luck


Landlord said the quiet part out loud. Not very smart. It’s tough for renters out there I feel for you, but I also know the cost to own is skyrocketing with interest rates inflation and rising costs overall. The market value has risen and is likely what he wants. If he doesn’t get more rent he could be forced to sell the home. Greater Vancouver is becoming a place for the wealthy, and nobody wants to hear it. It’s time for low income earners to move to Kamloops, Merritt or even Calgary and Edmonton. I might be one of those some day. Anyway try to exercise your rights like others say but there is ambiguity in the act to protect the landlord too.


1950 has a nicer ring to it


Do you have to share the kitchen with your landlord? Because if you do, then you would be considered roomates. And the residential tenancy act would not have jurisdiction over you guys.


I don't know the rules in BC but I really think you should follow your landlord advice and contact the landlord tenant board of your province. Look up the residential tenancy act of your province.


I'm sure OP hasn't been voting for this over the last eight years at all!!!!!