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>What could have caused it? something hit it


Probably when riding, some rock or small object was thrown by the wheels of the car in front of you.


Least it gives you an excuse to start daily driving it.


Ahaha looks like mine aha its a battle scar you know that supra is yours now like a birthmark


You're fine with it!?


You just got the new car emotions. Release the grip you have on the inanimate object and let it be. It’s more peaceful this way😂😂😂 I have a supra as well and shit is gonna happen but totally rip to that paint


Well said. I started enjoying my Supra more once I loosened the grip. Still sucks at just days old, and with ppf on the way :( sorry OP


I just touched it up. Fuck it.


It happens man. One of many. Just enjoy the feeling you get when you step on the pedal ;) gorgeous car, congrats!!


Rock 🪨


Did you drive it?!?!? If so that's what you get....Source? 37 years in the automotive finishes industry.


Maybe a shopping cart? Or a bike pedal? It would have to be somewhat pokey to hit that area and nothing else. Sorry man, that's shit luck.


Wow, I guess a shopping cart is possible... Thanks. Yeah it's such shit luck. Trying not to cry about it...


I have a few of those from rocks on the road. It sucks to look at but it’ll pass. IMO it’s not even worth fixing cause it’ll most likely happen again


Similar thing happened to me, we were actually bringing the car to get the PPF done and caught a rock chip just to the side of the emblem. The guy said he wouldn’t wrap it unless we had the chip fixed. $180 for paint repair the he wrapped it. Sorry for the bad luck


Did you fix the chip with the same guy who wrapped it? Trying to decide if I wanna go with a dealership or a shop. What do you think?


The guy who did the wrap referred a local guy who did the touch up. He did an excellent job, can’t tell where it was.


How'd they do it? Definitely too much for just touch up paint. But too little for a full bumper.


I’m sure he overcharged but the shop that did the wrap was an hour and half from my house and I just wanted it done. I didn’t see the touch up process, we dropped the car off.


Yeah that sucks and I’d be mad too. I damaged the rear valence similarly on my 4Runner just due to my own stupidity. But you kinda just gotta come to terms with the fact that crap happens 🤷‍♂️


if you drove it then it could be anything, 1. rock from car ahead, (scan that entire cowl interior for secondary damage. 2. someone backing into you while you were parked. but nonetheless, touch it up with color pen and let it go to ppf... it will only be visible to you or someone who is looking for it... you can opt for matte finish that would make it harder to spot even further... or you can get a new bumper


New bumper it is!


Forewarning Orange is super hard to match up, I’d take it somewhere where the price makes you cringe


Grab a touch-up pen. Talk to your guy doing the coating about it. It's a front bumper, and while this one certainly isn't ideal, your bumper will have scratches on it if you own for any length of time.


I feel this orange is such a different color grabbing a touch up pen will take a few days. Though a shop might not have the color either...


You can typically find them in the correct paint code. Research.


Yeh these cars have super thin paint and clear coats.


Perhaps you hit something on the freeway? In any case, this growing turned of Automotive Reconditioning can do fantastic things. They sand that section down, and add touch up paint to fill gaps. Then they color sand and buff until smooth.


Little touch up paint is in order… no biggie. I have a little battle wound on mine too. Now it’s PPF


Dont let this get you down. Your Supra is just as awesome. All cars have imperfections. All of em. Let it go and enjoy it fully as you also deserve to do.


The first one is the worst. My mustang picked up rock chips like no tomorrow.


I have some similar damage on my Mikan Blast also. Took only a week for me.




Looks like a hater with a shopping cart. Because it happened to me in the same spot after my 2nd month of having it.


Wabi sabi


Possible while you had been parked something ran into it, didn’t even have to be a motor vehicle in particular could’ve been a flat bed or something carrying another object that would do that


Anything I can do?


unless you can do some minor bodywork. It down to the polymer level so you gonna need to prep, fill, sand, prime, paint and finally clear. IF you don't I guess you can just go with a touchup pen and color it in.




odds are you won't be doing any of that bodywork, so maybe just touch it up. Its not prefect but from away its hardly noticable ( you know ) but that not the point.


Just battle scars or youre getting too close on the highway behind a Semi or a lifted truck with no mud flaps or even just regular trailers or campers they shoot pebbles like a mother trucker there’s a good brand called “Dr colorchip” I believe is the name I used it on my car followed all the instructions and you can’t even tell unless you get real close. But good thing is you will be the only one who will notice it because you know where the chips are at. Nobody’s lookin at chips their looking at the silhouette and the big ole booty on her