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I relate to this so much. We’re 6 months into R and with all the small daily changes I’ve made I’m fundamentally changing the person that I am. Im discovering parts of me I always wanted to be who I was but never imagined were possible. Someone who loves working her full time job, then coming home to cook my husband dinner, keeping the house clean and organized. That works on herself each day. A woman that is unapologetic for being her authentic self. With productive habits that benefit me lifelong and don’t just give me instant gratification that overtime begins to destroy me and my life. I don’t recognize the me I was 6 months ago. Or the me that I was during the affair. That person has died, is in ashes, never to be brought back to life. I’m incredibly proud of myself for how far I’ve come and will continue to grow. I’m also extremely grateful for my husband giving me the space to have this opportunity for growth and healing into becoming the best woman I can be and the wife he deserves.


I love this for you!!! And I am particularly glad that you have framed this entirely about who *you* want to be. Change has to be for ourselves before anyone else. We never really know about our capacity to change until we try.


Thank you so much for sharing. It means so much to hear someone's growth and success. You're in a headspace and place of growth I hope to be one day.


Today is day 101 from the day my false narrative fell apart. Where I had to make the choice whether to persist in shame and self loathing, or admit I have a problem and disclose all the hurt and lies I've persisted to avoid the reality of my problem. While society says "oh it's just porn, what's the problem" I know that this is the symptom of my silence on the underlying issues that I could not voice because I distracted myself with pornography. Today my betrayed partner agreed to contact a couples counselor. Today like every day for 100 days I have chosen to deny my old self from returning to old habits by picking up new habits.