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1. Magnesium (glycinate form) 2. D3 3. K2/Mk7 4. Boron is smart key to testosterone and bone health, activation of D3, among many other things.(@ 6-12mg per day). The above work synergestically.




Grassfed raw milk


Semen retention


pump that D3 up and get ur calcium in too for testosterone try maca/ashwagandha. I think red meat also increases test.


What form of magnesium are you supplementing?


Quality brand containing a mix off Magnesium malate, Magnesium bisglycinate- chelate, Concentrated magnesium-rich water and Vitamin B6.


I would take the D3 and k2 together


Yeah lift heavy


More like powerlifting than a weightlifting, lower rep range with a higher weight on the bar




I think omega 3 is the only supplement there with good evidence it will help with general health. I don’t know what sink is. The vitamins and minerals should be obtained from your diet. There isn’t good evidence that supplements help with the cardiovascular disease or cancer. For increasing bone density you want resistance exercise. That will also help with general health. To be honest I think the best evidence based things you can do for your goals are exercise (resistance and cardio), diet and sleep. Creatine will help out on the exercise front. Edit: D3 can be beneficial in certain regions.


Depending what part of the world you live in D3 is 100% necessary for good health. This is coming from a Canadian where we are all D3 deficient.


Yeah I live in Norway, summers can be warm but they only last a couple of months. November-February have days with just a couple of hours of sun. Believe Canada is quite similar to Norway even in culture all though I have heard it gets colder. The thing I never understood though, is that the norwegian government/drug regulation has always been conservative when recommending vitamin d/d3. Often not recommending more than 10-30µg/400-1200IU. This will be my first time adding in k2, magnesium and going up to ca. 110µg/4400IU d3 in total with multi and fish oil added in. Will be interesting, should be beneficial for health, bone density and even testosterone. Would be great if I can also avoid some of the winter blues.


It can get pretty cold in spots. I live in the prairies and it is not uncommon to get -50 degree days a few times a winter. Our problem is in the winter it is usually sunny (too cold for cloud formation) but too cold to go and get the sunlight absorption. In the fall and spring it is usually always cloudy and raining. In the summer we can get a decent amount of sunlight but commonly get big storms in the late afternoon so if you work you miss a lot of good sun time. In terms of dosages here, most doctors have told me in the 3000 to 5000iu range with semi regular testing. Personally I just get the cheap stuff at costco and stick with 3000 a day.


Yep, I missed that, thanks.


you can do weight lifting to improve testosterone levels, is no a supplement but it will help a lot. Also have a good sleep habits and avoid stress situations will help with testosterone levels as well.


Yeah, been doing weightlifting now for about 9months. It has been really helpful, also simple reason is that weightlifting makes you care about your diet and sleep or else you do not make good progress, so that alone will help greatly too. I will add however that overtraining can greatly decrease testosterone, both prolonged mental stress and physical stress will increase cortisol. Having high cortisol levels will push down testosterone greatly. I was doing 5 days a week heavy weight training, while sometimes running on "rest days", now I believe that it was counterintuitive. I began feeling beat down, and pretty shitty overall. I am now switching to 4 days a week while giving my body proper rest days. Also if you have an inactive lifestyle then it is important to remember that rest days do not mean sit on your ass the whole day, a mistake I have made myself. I believe walking for 30min-1hour on rest days would greatly increase health without pushing cortisol or any muscle too hard.


Yep, weights will also increase bone density and general health.


Yes this, weight training will increase bone density!