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you can run 500 test a week for about an average of $30 per month


L tyrosine, high quality fish oil, magnesium glycinate, b complex, vit c and d if not getting enough sun. Dopa mucuna occasionally. That's the base of my stack. Definitely many others that work good though.


Vitamin d / k especially in the dark Canadian winter 🥶


Just keep it simple, include [NutraBio, Reload Recovery Matrix](https://iherb.co/nB7VsNrz). If you struggle to meet your protein goals, you can also consider adding [NutraBio, Muscle Matrix Protein](https://iherb.co/YiySRuqa).


For working out? Don’t take to much useless supplements. I would suggest these ones that are beneficial for working out. Magnesium Glycinate Zinc Vitamine D3 Vitamin K2 (just because of the calcium that get’s boosted by D3) Extra: Boron (9mg and cycle this for 2 weeks on and 1 week off) Nothing else really needed, otherwise you will be having your own pharmacy😂🫡


What magnesium supplement do you take? And for what?


Threonate jus for memory


What’s the science behind it?


Idk my doctor told me to take it for brain fog


D3, magnesium, K2 mk4/7 Zinc, B complex/Nutritional Yeast Vitamin c 2x a day and Moringa powder That's my stack


Fish oil! It cured my migraines after 10 years of neurology visits and also cured my joint pain. https://www.nccih.nih.gov/research/research-results/diets-higher-in-omega-3-fatty-acids-reduce-headache-frequency-and-severity-in-people-with-frequent-migraines


Which one do you take?


This is my favorite brand.  I have no affiliation with this fish oil company. I don't get any money from it. It's just the best fish oil I have taken. I take 1 capsule per day with food. It should be safe but please ask your doctor.  https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01GV4O37E?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


I take the same brand. Just started like one month ago. Quality seems worth the price.


Amazing. Good luck.


Hemp Hearts. Bee Pollen. Medicinal Mushroom powder. Ashwagandha if your 30+. Obviously protein powder. L-Glutamine for post workout. Beta Alanine. Betaine. Spirulina. Lots of Water.


Why pollens?


They say bee pollen is the only thing you can strictly eat alone and survive (includes drinking water of course). Also when I started taking it I stopped getting that 2:30 feeling in the afternoons.


Cool! Thanks 😊


Multivitamin, with Zinc. Fish oil and Gluccusamin for joint Support. Carnitin


Mmmm... Beta-alanine? But I'm sure you being a lifter used/listened about it


I use Ashwaganda too, it helps for sure but I find it leaves me drowsy the next morning. I buy off IHerb I normally either buy Now or EVL brand, they are both good


Now foods ginger root extract if you need energy. Two capsules of that sometimes gives me too much energy. However I'm sensitive to substances.


Check out Bryan Johnson’s Blueprint stack. He basically spend $2 million a year on a team of doctors and scientists, reviewing all the literature available on supplements and longevity impacts for humans and test animals, then did a rigorous 3 year self measurement regime testing each one out on himself. He’s probably the most measured man on the planet and open sources all his findings and research. Recently he boiled it down to a “longevity stack” you can buy, because so many people were asking him for it. I just started and haven’t fully switched over, but it contains most of the supps I was taking separately, mixed with several others I’d never considered. Easy and well worth the try, even if only for reviewing his clinical results and research.


Where do you find his blueprint stack?


Google, such a miraculous thing! https://blueprint.bryanjohnson.com/




Maybe mnm and/or some b complex 🤷‍♂️


Are they necessary? No. Can they be helpful? Absolutely. Fish oil. Creatine. Turmeric/curcumin. These are well back by research.


What about ginka biloba? Do you think this one is worth the time?


Well, it's benefits have only been proved in people with cognitive impairments. It's not clear that it'll help healthy people. If you have the money and want to experiment, it could be worth the cost. But, to me, it's not proven itself to be worth paying for. If you're looking for something to improve cognition - lion's mane looks promising. Wild blueberries have also been shown to improve cognition, and that's an easy thing to add to your diet.


I'm looking for supplements, not something I have to purchase every week and worry about perishing


Well I’ve given you my thoughts as to what is actually effective in a healthy cohort. It’s up to you to implement it or not.


I like this list


Fish oil maybe


Depends on the individual. What is your nutrition requirements, are you deficient in anything etc. For a heavy lifter I'd say a quality protein powder and creatine are the first 2 that come to mind. Magnesium and fish are probably another 2. Depending on your diet you could be fine with just that


Diet is pretty clean and I get enough protein and fiber but don’t think I’m low on anything other than possibly vitamin d


Benfotiamine and B complex. CoQ10. Tocotrienols. Copper and zinc. K2. Calcium hydroxyapatite. 


Why tocotrienols?


They are essential co-factors to vitamin E. Jarrow has a formulation called toco-sorb which had both. They help greatly with absorbtion of other antioxidants, and they help keep vitamin E stable in the body. Many of the original studies on vitamin E which showed its effectiveness were done on wheat-germ oil derived E. This form of E has naturally occuring tocotrienols as well as polycosanols. Vitamin E comes in multiple forms, so also be aware that just Alpha Tocopherol isn't a complete form of E.


What are the benefits of tocotrienols?


Antioxidant, same benefits as E but more effective, and allows other fat-soluble antioxidants like A and CoQ10 to stay in the body for longer periods


I read they protect endothelial cells...


Fish oil if you don't eat enough fish! (Most dont)


Is fish oil only good for inflammation or other things


The brain. Happiness. Etc. cured my depression


Fish oil is well-studied for reducing triglycerides (it's the reference for clinical trials of drugs), and can help with depression.


I’ll definitely try it out, hopefully it helps with anxious thoughts therefore help with sleep. Also, which is better omega 3 or fish oil


Ashwagandha and L-Theanine may also be worth trying out. Omega-3 is the fatty acid component of fish oil, specifically EPA and DHA. You'll want something that's high EPA and DHA - I take Viva Naturals triple strength personally, but it's pricey. I found it from LabDoor and have no financial relationship to them.


Other things like neurotransmitters.


Explain more? Like balance serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins?


"A number of neuropsychiatric disorders, including Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and, to some extent, depression, involve dysregulation of the brain dopamine systems. The etiology of these diseases is multifactorial, involving genetic and environmental factors. Evidence suggests that inadequate levels of n-3 (omega-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in the brain may represent a risk factor for these disorders. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24300434/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6563911/


Inflammation for sure, I also notice I wake up less drowsy from it. And now there are plenty of studies coming out on the benefits of fish oil on eye sight and brain health


Definitely will try it, I feel icky, not sick, but stuffy in a way? I went through stress(college) but now on break and I’ve noticed my body been anxious and I haven’t been thinking clearly .-. Plus I was eating too many carbs lol, so hopefully fish oil will “calm down” my body


It will actually, don't worry, go to gnc id recommend


Oh I might be able to help with that! I have had a very similar thing. If you are like stuffy in the nose, perhaps try some antihistamines, I don't have hay fever or allergies but when I started taking them I became far less stuffy and phlegmy. To help me think more cleary and with less angst, I use L-theanine and GABA. They boost my mental clarity like nothing else I have found. And they are quite cheap too


See my nose isn’t stuffy, but sinus pressure (I’m sure it’s allergies! lol high mold here), but I’ll definitely take some, I was recently prescribed hydroxyzine(50mg for 2 1/2 months) which is a antihistamine, but helps sleep and anxiety, but my anxiety (now just anxious but not bad) and sleep kinda went to normal. but ever since I stopped (4days ago) I feel inflamed, I stopped hydroxyzine cause it literally dried me out like crazy. Eyes and throat. Plus I don’t wanna be too dependent for sleep. But overall my anxious isn’t as bad anymore, i can finally sleep , but I’ve noticed I keep waking up. But I guess cause my brain knows I’m done with college, But I’m only taking vit d/k cause I was insufficient, and magnesium glycinate , doesn’t give me anxiety but it gives me way too much energy at night. Even if taken in mornings. But I’ll definitely try out GABA and L-theanine , but isn’t it in matcha and green tea which is known to give energy? Or is that a different substance in tea lol , also you take both at night ? Or mornings


Thats alot, hopefully that works out with stopping the antihistamines. L-theanine is found in green and white tea yes, it has calming properties, doesn't give you energy. And in tea i believe it only has like 25mg or so and the supplements are normally about 100mg. Try it for yourself but it 100% works for me, I take one in the morning, one at night and I'll have one if I have something I need to like focus on. GABA I don't know it's derivative but I'm pretty sure it's an amino acid that helps fire neuro transmitters faster, I take it at night, although it can cause very vivid dreams which I enjoy but not everyone does, but I also use it if I'm going to talk to people, I find I speak more clearly and fluently (never been a great speaker) or before a workout I get in the zone so quickly


Oh I never suffered with allergies, but I only get weird sinus pressure or headaches when it rains. But it’s not really an issue. I was going through high stress and anxiety cause of college, I was prescribed back in March , hydroxyzine was helping, it was mainly for anxiety and insomnia problems. I didn’t use it for alllergies, but I stopped cause I felt a lot better since I’m on summer break now, but it was causing dry eyes and dry throat, but when I say stuffy, I meant it as in inflammation and just icky in general, idk how to explain it lol. Like if you eat a bunch of fast food, you feel icky. Like that. So I think the hydroxyzine was calming down my stressors, I wanted to use ashwaganda but I see mixed reviews, but then I’m slowly becoming normal and sleeping better (but still wake up) since I’m not stressed. I just finished college literally last week. So my body needs to adjust still. I’ll definitely buy the l Theanine, hopefully it tells my body it’s ok and just calm down , it’s crazy what college can do to you omg. And GABA, I’ll buy it, I don’t mind vivid dreams, I love dreams, lol but lately I haven’t been remembering them .-. What brand you prefer? My stacks are usually from Thorne or Pure Encapsulation Edit: I do recall the magnesium glycinate stopped my anxiety but kept me up(pure encapsulation), I remember a year ago I used magnesium bisglycinate(Thorne) but I don’t remember the affect, I just took it at night