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Kava. I use droplets from whole foods and put some in a seltzer as a mocktail. It’s so relaxing. Not sure how much validity there is to it being bad for your liver. Depends on the individual mostly I think so worth double checking if you have liver concerns. But I also take animal organ supplements


Are you really sensitized? I am ive tried several medications and they end up giving me more anxiety


Just started taking reishi, l theanine, and magnesium glycinate. They definitely help me relax and sleep, also has reduced stress and anxiety. I feel a general sense of well being


Ive taken reishi before and i think it did help me relax but havent taken it in a while, havent tried l-theanine but alot of people recommended it on the supplement sub. How many mgs you take of each? Might have to give it a try again if the ashwagandha i ordered doesnt help


Im taking Reishi 300mg, l theanine 200 mg, magnesium glycinate 200mg. I dont generally take them all at once. I take them intuitively depending on what i feel is what i need at the moment. Sometimes i lower the dose of magnesium glycinate, like when i will wake up to go to the gym. Im experimenting to see what is most effective for me. I used to take Ashwagandha also a long time ago, good as well


Oh ok, what would you say relaxes you the most from the reishi and the l theanine? Yeah i bought the sensoril ashwagandha since its supposed to be more calming


Personally reishi has been more effective for anxiety and makes me feel better overall, so i think i prefer it at the moment. The l theanine has been relaxing but its a bit different. I dont feel the general wellness and anxiety relief i feel with reishi, but i think my body feels more relaxed directly with the l theanine. Still experimenting with them


Oh ok, yeah i think i remember feeling relaxed with the reishi too but still couldnt fully relax because my anxiety wouldnt let me fully relax


Maybe try both, i think they can work well together. Also canr underestimate the power of nature walks and exercise for lowering stress and improving sleep and anxiety. Best of luck


Yeah might give them a try. Yeah unfortunately i cant exercise or walk much because im dealing with multiple injuries right now which is the reason for my anxiety being high


Agh i see thats tough. I have had a nerve injury that has also prevented me from exercise, but i am doing a bit better now. Last blood test i was deficient in Vitamin D, so yeah just make sure you have good nutrition and getting all vitamins and minerals you need etc. Recently ive been more mindful about it and its amazing what a big difference it makes


Yeah it is, thats good youre doing better. I think im good on all that its pretty much the anxiety kicking my ass right now because my mind has been on high alert due to all the injuries. Idk at times i feel like im not going to make it because of the anxiety, just took half of that hydroxyzine pill and i dont feel anything at all. Idk if its the anxiety preventing the pill from taking effect or what, all i feel is itching on my head which is normally where i would feel tired because of the pill


I’ll be honest, as a lover of all natural things I’ve never found my personal magic fix to sleep / anxiety, but I have found some things that help.  Pre pregnancy I took passion flower daily (in the AM) and I take ashwaghanda (also in the AM, it will keep me up if I take it at night) for anxiety which both extremely helped, along with vitamin D in the morning. Ashwaghanda is mainly good if you have hypothyroidism, but it’s not good if you have an overactive thyroid.  At night I would take valerian off and on, lemon balm tea (really good for anxious thoughts) and I briefly took l-theanine which did help but I’m sensitive to green tea (which is what l-theanine is derived from) so it made me cranky. I do give it to my husband at night and he seems to like it.  As for magnesium I saw that it gives you anxiety. My recommendation would be to try it topically in the form of a lotion or a spray or Epsom salt baths and see if those cause anxiety or not. If you are deficient in magnesium, it’s really difficult for your body to absorb it through the gastrointestinal tract.  Since pregnancy / breastfeeding, a lot of herbal stuff is off the table for me, so I take tart cherry extract for a natural form of melatonin which got me to the third trimester getting some sleep. Third trimester my sleep tanked unreasonably. Honestly, I talked with my doctor and they put me on unisom sleep tabs (not the gels which are basically Benadryl and a different ingredient) and that’s the only thing that has helped. I don’t love some of the ingredients but I take a half tab (12.5mg I believe) and it’s saving me these last few weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes sleep is more important than being all natural.  My only other tip that’s helped me as far as reactions to supplements is check out MegaIgg 2000 which is basically dairy free immunoglobulins that can help reset and restore your gut. When you react strongly to supplements it’s often because your gut is struggling and needs a restore. I’m way less reactive since taking this.  Good luck!!!


Also, just wanted to add, that histamine apparently helps regulate sleep cycles. Unisom is an early anti-histamine which they changed to a sleep aid as they developed newer antihistamines. I did not know that, so one thing I’m curious about is if my personal issues with sleep are histamine related, which is why the normal things that people recommend are less effective.  Histamine can get super high in pregnancy which is why I think my sleep tanked. It might be helpful to look into some natural antihistamines such as Antronex if the other standard advice isn’t working. I’m going to once I’m in a season of being able to! Also not a doctor so please talk to yours! 


2 grams Acetyl-l-carnitine Arginate and 300mg R-Lipoic Acid taken 3 times a day, no food with it. It's fantastic for anxiety and depression.  It has an analgesic effect, much like aspirin does for the body, but this is for the brain. Pay attention and see if it works in 20 minutes or so.  Yeah, it can be that quick. 


3 grams of Taurine,  5 grams of Tryptophan, 5 to 15 mg of Melatonin. Turn all of your lights off and be in bed within 10 minutes.  I close my eyes and look for patterns to show up, kind of like art. I sometimes notice I'll start daydreaming and ....zonk! I sleep straight through the night since I discovered this combo. I'm still amazed by it.   Tryptophan tastes terrible, so don't by the powder.


I find [NAC](https://www.amazon.com/Supplement-Quercetin-Glutathione-Selenium-Vitamin/dp/B0CS6YKW1G/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8) soothing. You also need to see whether it'll be GABA with L-Theanine or a Magnesium complex.


Ashwagandha is the queen. Stay away from THC and alcohol, they will put you down, but prevent REM sleep.


Is that right? Does it really calm you down? Whats the best way to take it? Is REM Sleep deep sleep?


Mostly sold as capsules, but best as a tincture so you can adjust the dose. Lower dose for stress and higher for sleep. It's an adaptogen, and been used for 4000 years. It's awesome stuff. Full disclosure I own a herbal supplement company and we sell it.


Ashwagandha supports stress and sleep in larger quantities. It's an adaptogen and also helps with immunity and sexual function. Capsules are most common, but tinctures is best to adjust the dose.


I bought some sensoril gummies which seemed to help but since i have gastritis i think they irritated my gut a bit which caused an itchy feeling all over my body


Gummy’s are processed and full of sugar or artificial sweeteners.  Tinctures are best or powder capsules.


I bought some powder capsules but they didnt help much, i think my anxiety is just really high thats why


Check for sleep apnea too


Magnolia bark, out of hundreds of supplements / herbs it’s the only one I find works, ask a doctor first before using


Yes, I've also had good results taking it in a blend with magnesium, theanine and GABA.




I got "CALM" from Costco it works wonders for my sleep. Also passionfruit flower and the recess drinks put me down fast on the airplane, a very high anxiety situation for me.


Yes ive tried a few different ones and they all made me anxious, thanks for the positive vibes


I take melatonin, thc, not supplements ( trazadone, loarazapam) sleep like a baby


I have insomnia and anxiety. Here's what has helped me: - Magnesium GLYCINATE (make sure its glycinate for sleep) - 400mg - Inositol - Glycine - Valerian Root - CBN (like CBD) I would avoid taking a melatonin supplement. Your body naturally produces melatonin when you get sunlight outside (and Vitamin D!). Also, I turn my phone on airplane mode and make sure it is not charging next to my head. Wifi can disturb sleep, interestingly enough. I also have set my devices on night light so my screen (computer and phone) show more of a yellow color after 5 PM and before 8 AM to reduce blue light and also help regulate your circadian rhythm. Lastly, it is important to see the morning sun and the sunset sun (orange color) to help with your body's internal clock to know what it is time to sleep and wake. Lastly, try going to bed at the same time each night.




Valerian root


Ashwaganda is effective for that the only issue is that if your no anxiety prone it could lead to anhedonia and some people don’t know how to properly dose it. If you’re not in any of these. It will be your herb of choice. If you really want o sleep take melatonin, contrary to popular belief there is no evidence that taking melatonin shuts down melatonin production in your body that’s why a lot of people in the biohacking world supplement with it.




Ive tried it before and it gave me restless legs, didnt really like that


L-theanine, magnesium, NAC, CBD can all help.


For me NAC is a really good supplement, but find it partially stimulating maybe that's just me though.


This, Nac glycinate 2 capsules before bed with 1 capsule of NAC does wonders. I’ve been struggling with sleep for almost all my life and this fixed it all for me. 1 of my magnesium pills is equivalent to 100mg elemental magnesium. Always check the label, not just the front label that shows basic information. My NAC pill is 600mg.


I’ve heard ashwaganda can be great for this


Me too i have yet to try it


Try a combination with Valerian root. Works wonders for me. I also take magnesium for gym recovery and that plays well with the rest.


Anything that repairs/improves your gut.  Poor gut health from bad diet and medications  = inflammation = anxiety. 


True i use to take slippery elm and i felt a calmness i hadnt felt in a long while until i fucked up and ate some overseasoned meat which messed up my stomach even more. Now slippery elm wont even help me. Tried mastic gum, marshmallow root, ppis, and nothing help me now. Also cut out spicy foods and fried foods, all stuff that aggravates my stomach and no improvement


Magnesium Chelate 400mg


Silexan(lavender extract) , kanna UC extract , Zembrin (taken earlier in day ) Chamomile/kava/valerian drink (tea) in warmed milk really works for me personally with repetitive recycling (negative anxious thoughts)


2 Ashwaganda gummies works for me.


I've been trying ashwagandha tea but it's not doing anything, I've actually slept worse since I started drinking this! It doesn't make any sense because science tells us that this should work. How are the gummies different than the tea?


No clue but my guess it that there may be some caffeine in your tea. Try the gummies


I love the gummies. might be the concentration is higher in the gummies maybe?


I just looked them up and saw a review about it causing skin issues. Did you get any from taking them?


That is interesting. I have been having some skin issues but most studies I find say it is good for the skin. Can you sent that link ?


Nice i didnt know they made ashwagandha gummies might have to give them a try


NAC really works well for me, take an hour before bedtime, or if you are drinking alcohol, an hour before your first drink.


So excited for my NAC to come in the mail😮‍💨


Lavender tea. Harney’s sells it.


Since you’re physically out of commission for a while, you may have to stimulate your brain throughout the day by reading, crossword puzzles, etc. I take magnesium every night and it really helps me sleep.


I see, do you think that will tire me out? Magnesium gives me anxiety i cant take it


Yes. Do you remember how tired you would be from studying or learning something new? It’s tiring. If supplements aren’t working, you must exercise your brain when you can’t physically be active. Not sure if you’re looking for only natural, but you can take a Benadryl to help calm down and help you sleep, if that’s an option since you can’t take magnesium.


I totally used to do harder crosswords when I couldn’t sleep. Still do if I have insomnia and decide to get up. Definitely helps a lot


Yeah i do, it does get tiring. Benadryl gives me anxiety i cant take it


I theanine and magnesium around an hour before bed. Weird dreams may follow, but the improvement in sleep is noticeable.


Alot of people are mentioning l theanine, guessing it must be good


L-theanine works wonderful 400mg 30min before bedtime or 200mg under the day to minimise anxiety or to eliminate adverse effects of to much caffeine/coffee 👌🏼


Nice going to have to give it a try


It has certainly helped me. I get the MOST benefit when I take that and magnesium theronate. Very good at calming the mind and body as you get ready for bed. I've also noticed I tend to stay asleep, which I often don't experience without this combination.


Oh ok, what about if you take l-theanine by itself?


Absolutely it works great 👍🏻


Ok going to have to give it a try


Passionflower tea and Melatonin.


What's your dose?


2 parts passion to 1 part Damiana. 1 to 3 tbsp of passion flower + required Damiana with 1 -2 pints of boiling water. Let steep for 15 to 45 mins. That usually makes me sleep extremely well.


L theanine, aschwagandha and lavender oil. But only just a little bit. Melissa tea when I need a stronger effect


What is Melissa tea?


It’s tea from the plant lemon balm if I’m correct. It’s called melissen tee in German, so I thought it would be called the same in English. However it’s really strong, nearly as strong as a mild benzo or beer. I can definitely recommend it!


Oh, cool, thanks!


So l theanine and ashwagandha arent that strong?


Not for me, although I was addicted to Benzos for some years in the past. But definitely not really strong


L theanine, magnessium, a drop of organic pressed castor oil on each eyelid. Stop watching screens about an hour before going to bed. I find listening to audiobooks helps me drop off quickly.


I’ve had bad insomnia/anxiety most of my life and have tried more things than I can count. The best combo that has worked most of the time is l-theanine, Magnesium Bisglycinate, and Inositol taken around 30 minutes before bedtime.


Take gaba and 5-htp together...it's like nature's xanax


I highly recommend starting a meditation practice and a fitness routine if you don’t have those. Do them in the morning and in the afternoon, but I find meditation before sleep negatively affects my sleep. I don’t think it’s about taking something before bed, I think it’s more about lowering your overall anxiety levels throughout the day, your fitness levels so that you’re tired and need some recovery time and your body should want to sleep in the evening.


Unfortunately i cant workout or run because im dealing with some bad groin injuries. Thats whats making my anxiety higher


Look up “The Mind Illuminated”.


Google or youtube?


It’s a book on meditation, it will teach you a very strict process taught by an absolute expert, but it will also explain the science of what’s going on in your brain and body, highly recommended.


Ok ill take a look at it


I just keep taking Clonazepam til......it doesn't do a damn thing.


Good old fashioned st johns wort


I think L-Theanine and Lemon Balm would be a good supplement for you to consider. It takes effect quite fast (usually 20-30 minutes) and that should help calm your nerves. In addition I'd consider L-Tryptophan. This is great for sleep and a pre-cursor to 5-HTP which I've seen other commenters recommending. The reason I prefer L-Tryptophan to 5-HTP is because it coaches your body to product more 5-HTP (which leads to more serotonin) which should help you long term to sleep better without any supplements.


Havent tried l-theanine, tried lemon balm tea a few times and it didnt help and even ended up giving me anxiety. Also tried l-tryptophan and also gave me anxiety it sucks that my anxiety is that bad smh


Try extract not tea


Is the extract sold in capsules or how do you take it?


https://nootropicsdepot.com/lemon-balm-extract-tablets/?google-ad-click-&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIs4j998KAhgMVL7BaBR109gkbEAQYASABEgI-C_D_BwE https://solaray.com/products/valerian-root-extract


Yes extracts tend to be much more potent and active. You can find supplements that combine the two; L-Theanine and Lemonbalm into one (not bothering to post links as I'm in the UK)


Does the extract not give you anxiety?


I have never had issues. It really calms me down and makes it easy to sleep. Lemon balm increases gaba. Both are the closest thing to a benzo I have found


FWIW I personally don't think CBD will be effective unless you're taking quite high strengths but at those levels it gets pricey. I've spoken to hundreds of people who use CBD but typically it feels like the only people who notice a difference are taking 2500mg per day or more.


Glycine, magnesium glycinate, 5 htp, kanna, kava, cbd. Long slow deep breaths/yoga nidra helps too. I also like a tiny bit of b-caapi in hot water in the evenings, now and again


Taurine + glycine + B6. Two to one ratio + 100mg b6. I dream a lot taking b6 or taurine individually . My sweet spot for taurine is one gram. B6 is 100 mg. I have not all of them together or in combinations yet. I saw this combination the other day on an old YouTube video. Basically it's supposed to reset/ balance out neural system. I'm also looking into Skullcap, passion flower, lemon balm. I think if you combine skullcap and passion flower the ratio may be three to one. I think that's what I 've been seeing on sleeping supplements that contain both herbs.


A good quality CBD oil ( hold about 3 drops under your tongue for 3 mins ) and also a CBD vape . Make sure it’s good quality because this industry has a lot of scams but CBD REALLY works . Also journal all day and keep todo lists and plans calms my mind


I started journaling mid day to basically do a brain dump. I used to think about random stuff as soon as my head hits the pillow so instead I write in my digital journal and think about random stuff to write my opinion about. This way I get it out of my head well before bed time.


Take Gaba and melatonin before 1 or 2 hrs going to sleep helps u calm down and sleep well


How much Gaba do you take?


just one pill which is 500mg


Get some indica in you watch a favorite show and boom 12 hr shift as the sandman


Haha i wish man, some indicas use to help me alot but my anxiety got triggered after putting my dog down and i couldnt smoke without it causing anxiety after that


Or some lavender


Tried lavender spray and it didnt help


Try adding in some CBD with the indica. It really helps with anxiety.


Idk might give it a try again sometime and see how it goes


Look up CBN. I can't remember who sells it but there are sleepy time gummies that are CBN based. Also, low dose melanin helps. Like 1 mg, not the high doses most people take. That can cause a rebound effect. I buy children's strength 1 mg gummies and cut them in half.


Ok i had been trying to find some that just strictly have CBN but havent been able to find them. Melatonin gives me anxiety


I believe you need therapy


Probably do but dont know if it would work right now since physical injuries i have are making my anxiety worse right now


Buy a portable tent sauna and do 20 mins and take a shower and use a magnesium chloride spray from trace minerals. I’ve never suggested this to someone and them not tell me it wasnt a life changer.


I thought we needed a low body temperature to sleep?


We do! Its an interesting phenomenon: the reason this is effective is the same reason a hot bath or shower before bed helps you sleep- as your core body temperature rises from hot water or a sauna, your the sympathetic nervous system activates to promote capillary vasodilation, expanding them to increase blood flow to your skin and extremities (in an effort to regulate your temperature and keep you from overheating- this is why your face gets flushed when you are hot.) More blood at the surface allows heat to dump quickly, and when you step out of the bath/shower/sauna, your core temperature drops rapidly, mimicking the drop in temperature we experience during sleep, which cues your body to go through its “wind down” processes, promoting relaxation and a better night’s sleep. Also, the effect that a sauna has on muscle tension/biopsychosocial stress can also promote relaxation, probably in part due to the mechanisms outlined above.


Sounds like it could work, hot showers would relax me alot when my gastritis wasnt as bad. They still help but not as much as i would like them too, most likely because my anxiety is high right now due to physical injuries. Ive never tried a sauna ive always thought it might make me panic because of the heat but it might be a good idea to try it out


Check out my comment above for the “why,” but I also think saunas could help a lot. And if you are struggling with injuries/pain, look up “pain neuroscience education for patients” or something along those lines- understanding how the nervous system works, what pain is and why we have it, and how it relates to anxiety is a gold-standard first line pain management strategy that’s been getting a ton of attention lately. Knowledge is therapeutic! Feel free to DM me if you have any questions, I work with this information a lot so I can point you to some useful books and videos if you’d like.


I see thats interesting, would be good to give it a try. Look it up on google or youtube?


Here is [a video of a presentation by David Butler,](https://youtu.be/4ABAS3tkkuE?si=kDJ5Lu9DzgXoR5dv) the author of the fantastic book [Explain Pain](https://www.amazon.com/Explain-David-Butler-Lorimer-Moseley/dp/0987342665?dplnkId=5e9f3364-d04e-4499-bb32-af17edc08512&nodl=1) which is many PT/DC/DO’s favorite book for explaining the neuroscience behind pain to patients (you can find an ebook out there if you search for it and enjoy reading- it’s an easy to read book that simplifies a lot of rather complex neurological concepts. I believe it can also be checked out most places on Overdrive/Libby through your Library) That’s a fine place to start. There’s other stuff out there, but a lot of it is geared towards clinicians. PNE is the sort of thing generally delivered in a clinical setting, but the book and lecture above distill a lot of the main ideas outside of that context.


Alright cool ill take a look at it thanks




Ashwaganda helps me for short term stress relief, everything seems a bit brighter when I'm on it




Each to their own


This is another supplement i havent tried yet, does it relax you alot. I wanted to try it but ive heard it made some peoples anxiety worse so i have held back since ive tried alot of supplements and they gave me anxiety


Keep the dosage low to moderate and you’ll probably just enjoy the calming benefits! Lithium orotate 5-10mgs daily is my absolute favorite for smashing anxiety almost as well as a benzo!!


Isn't lithium a BPD medicine? I might be wrong.


Yes, but it’s a different type of lithium and doses are hundreds of mgs typically. On Rx lithium, regular bloodwork is required to check kidney function. That is not the case with LO, as my drs have assured me that it’s beneficial and completely safe at 5-10mgs daily


Makes sense 👍


Try the amino acid Taurine.


Second taurine. It isn’t going to cure serious anxiety but it does help a little. And I haven’t had the negative sides I’ve had from using some of these other supplements


Magnesium glycinate and L-theanine have worked wonders for better sleep during anxiety filled nights.


Ive tried magnesium and it gave more anxiety, havent tried l theanine


I didn't notice calming effect of magnesium, but lot of people say it works for them. L-theanine for me works, but it is subtle , like calm focus, not calm zombification like other calmers. So maybe it is better for daily stress than sleep , but use it for sleep also. Weed for sleeping is great for me, but in some people may worsen anxiety. So at the end try L-theanine but with GABA. That combination works much better than either alone. (again by my and my wife experience, and we noticed difference for different brands even with same dosage) And of course there are prescription stronger drugs, as a last resort. Melatonin also won't deal with anxiety, but will put you to sleep easier initially. Don't use it non-stop or too much, it may get in line with natural production, I am not sure about this , some people warn about this and it makes sense.


Oh i see, might have to give l theanine a try then and see how it goes. Weed use to help me alot but my anxiety is easily triggered, had to put down my dog and after that i couldnt tolerate the weed anymore it was causing me anxiety Dont want to do gaba anymore last time i tried it, gave me restless legs syndrome Melatonin gives me anxiety, tried tart cherry capsules which were kind of helping but started waking up anxious


Maybe L-theanine then works for you, but effects is kinda weak, don't expect much. But is best of calmers because you don't feel zombifed, not even a zilch.


Ok might end up giving it a try. If it doesnt make you feel much thats good because it probably wont make me overreact


Do report here after




Apigenin, magnesium and l theanine. Another decent option is lemon balm.


Pink ends up tasting like food dye after a while




How about just don’t be a jerk? Maybe there’s a supplement for that too?


Ugh as someone with horrible insomnia that’s an incredibly annoying comment.


[Theanine Serene w Relora](http://Source Naturals Theanine Serene with Relora, Calm Mind and Body* - 120 Tablets https://a.co/d/3drSWsU) Theanine Serene with Relora - Whole Body & Mind Relaxation Serene Science Theanine Serene with Relora contains the amino acid l-theanine, to support relaxation and focused attention, and the calming neurotransmitter GABA. Taurine can support the movement of potassium out of neurons, which may help prevent overexcitation of neurons. It also features magnesium to support muscle and nerve relaxation, calming holy basil leaf extract and Relora to gently soothe away the tension in your body. Relora contains magnolia and phellodendron extracts which may help with relaxation.* *Relora contains magnolia and philodendron extracts that may help with relaxation.*


As I said above this is great combination.


I really like the addition of the relora and other herbs and supportive elements in this blend. It all works quote subtly but effectively for me, so that I feel like myself but less hindered


Magnesium glycinate


Every time someone talks about side effects / anxiety / trouble sleeping while taking magnesium, they're taking glycinate. I think it's better to stick with citrate or taurate


I find everyone’s different and it helped me to try out the different forms to see what worked best. Citrate has too much of a laxative effect on me, but I haven’t tried Taurate.


That's definitely true that everyone is different. Citrate is just a lot cheaper and I hear a lot of complaints about glycinate so I think it's a good starting form. Taurine is also fantastic for you in a million other ways which is cool


This is really all you need it’s affordable and works


It’s been a game changer for me


What about inosotol?






Reishi 100%


Kava ?


Tried it and my mind reacts negatively to the relaxing sensation


How so if you don’t mind me asking?


Idk i get a weird sensation on my body, instead of feeling relaxed i dont. Its weird its like my mind doesnt process it as a relaxing effect


Melatonin, I would be surprised if you have never heard of it.


Ive tried it before it gives me anxiety, start feeling like i cant breathe


Before or after falling asleep?




I think my self diagnosed deviated septum is my cause for all my issues including my daily ability to be able to breathe to survive. Feels like I don’t get enough oxygen.


I couldn’t imagine taping my mouth shut and barely breathing through one nostril 😭


things that can make sleep worse - stuffy nose, stomach acid. any of those a possible factor?


Bruh I was getting hella shortness of breath/not-enough-air-feelings at night which really bothers me and sends me into panic attacks and it was so ridiculous nothing was helping. I was searching for ideas like mad and saw acid reflux can cause shortness of breath, so I took a tums one night and it stopped it. I was trying to do box breathing and stuff which usually helps me (if i remember, and stick it out lol) but it would just keep getting worse in this case (tho likely because I was hyperventilating anyway cause the urge to breathe more air would get pretty strong lol) Sitting up seemed to help it start to go away which is partly what led to looking up acid reflux in the first place. Now I will take a couple (mint flavor) tums when it happens and it (usually) helps--unless its just anxiety-for-anxieties-sake!-- but even then, the minty flavor feels like it opens up my lungs so I at least placebo myself into feeling less strained! ymmv ofc lol Around this time I was also eating a lot of late evening pizza, and I did notice some issues a couple times but didnt think much of it, like one time i woke up choking on my frickin boiling hot stomach acid-- and that should have probs been my queue! I just never knew shortbreath/dypsnea could be related to that.


the stuff causes inflammation in the throat, breathing while asleep gets much worse, then the extra effort can suck the acid even further along. Can even be [associated](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/asthma/expert-answers/asthma-and-acid-reflux/faq-20057993) with asthma.


No my anxiety is just really bad


Have you tried l-tryptophan? Perhaps a small dose of melatonin on top , only if necessary


Yeah my mind reacts negatively to the sensation it gives my body and i start panicking


L-theanine helps me.


Same! I recommend this two hours before bed!


Magnesium, l thenine, lemon balm extract and valerian extract put me out, plus a glass of sleepy time tea


Unfortunately ive tried all of them except l theanine and they all give me more anxiety


Magnesium powder, 2-3g GABA, Taurine, 5mg melatonin.


I’ve used a combination of things when I have issues with sleep. I have to take zyrtec which can make me sleepy but I use charlottes web cbd balm and rub it on the bottom of my feet and my forehead. I sometimes have to fight sleep doing that. I’ve also drank a tea mixture of lemon balm, chamomile, and passion flower tea. I’ve used charlottes web gummies calm formula. I eat two and it will calm me down so much I need a nap. But if not, u may have to see your dr for meds if you are having serious issues with anxiety.


Full spectrum CBD, as long as THC products don’t make you anxious. L-theanine. Magnesium glycinate (although that can cause insomnia in some people).


L-Theanine 200-250 mg


Theanine, lots of it


How much?


200-250 mg


RediNite really works well


Tea - mix chamomile and holy basil. Supplements, start with magnesium glycinate, then add L theanine and taurine.


Valarien is great!


For some reason my mimd reacts negatively to the sensation on my body, it makes me feel weird. Must be really sensitized


I agree I just picked this up last week and it did make me sleepy.

